THEGUARDIAN, hlonday,Octoile.r I7,20n
Traders presclibe antidote to food insecurity ByRo:s-elrleOMrn ,\TIONAI. 1\s501 iiHiOIl of Nigeriall Tr.ul er ' (NANTSI has ca lled a ll th .. Federa GOI:em rnenl Lo add ress pe rtlnent Issucs. \\ hich ' ·ontn bute to food Insecurity in the cou n-
lhe ,lSSociatloll ",100 food insccurity challe .... ges that nceth~\' urgen t iltt 'nti on to includro d cscrtifiCltinn in the Northern p..lIt of the coll ntry, b nd degr.uMtion in the Niger Delld, Floodi ng in Lagos and it).lda rl ;'Indl~nd gra' lbing and rel ated pract lccs_ . llle associat ion r"'1de th ese suggestions III a m~d iil state-me nt sigm!c.I by the Programme aUice r, Ag ric & livelihooc.ls,Awbilrro N\\'okoye, to mark this year's World r'OOd IJ.:Il~ which co mes I'P on tJle October 16, 2011. Accord ing to NI\NI5, govem· ment should urgently address the problem d d e§('nifiGition in Nonhem Nigeria hil.'i taken a bout 150,noo hp:tares of arable bnd pe r yeal; .vlrich hilS contribUled to foed insecurity in the country. . They added that each yea r, the desert adl'ances a mdler GOO rnet~ funher sout". forcing le ns o f thousands r f f~nllcrs ;Jlld thei r film ' lies IC mOV!' off I;md \h..11 has become ooffi'n. llle glOlI l' ~['ded I h~1 deforesration has <I1'iO COSI thc colln· Iryo\-'er60 pel cent (,fits ori g ~ /,',
n>tl fort's! cOI'Cr. with the GO pt'r celli of tJl e remai n ing forest cover. domiciled in Cross R.i\'er St.lle ill risk. ,
NI\NTSdisdosed:"L.a,rldd cgradation is a daily occu rrence in the Nig-:r Dcll ~, as a result o f oil spilbge. ,\nd as if Ihal isnot enough, Ihe rem.linlng a rable land 111 Ogo ni land, Riven State. Is at risk o f being grablJetl by the govc rnment under t he guise of fureig n inn·snncm. wilhout COll5l.d er;'Ilion of effectS on thro 1I~'C Ii hood of members of the com .. mllnitlcs in question. "n ooding ill Ligas and lbada n and other South·west states. \\'hlch has succeeded in killing hundreds of people, d cstroying propert ies \'o'Orth billions, rendering thousands homeless ilnd d es troying crops an d farm lands.. "land gr;rbbillg ~nd related practices, is fil.'it beco ming a menaCt', and ifleft unchecked, it wilt pose serious cm~ron m ema l and food secu rity problems in Nigeriil~. . To curb these cha llenges, NANl S the refore ap proaled to the govt'mmenl toensure that fa rnl ers receive cmlil from bank!! a t a ffordab le interest ratcs. lhey also Ulg ed thro gDl'C rnment to irrl'r:=tigate ponfnlin farmers who have sabo tage tJl e c\'"lu nny's .1griCschemes so astoemuTe lhal the rea l fann· ers are empowered ,;t...
The group added: "There should be provision of farm Infrast ru cture il nd simple medlani zed farm ~ lI ip" rnelllS, tJlt'St' would go a long way in Increasing tJle efficiency a nd productivity of NI~er1a l1
f~ nne~
We W;lIlt ane nt ion to be foclls o n organic farming, whkh is cco-me ndly and 1\~11 not co ntribllle to cli m ate cha nge.. Agrlc poliCies shou ld take the llUge numbe r o f women, who bear the brunt of povt' rty and who are involved III agncu lture. as wcll as the yo uths.. in order to co me lip wllh projects that wou ld attend (0 th e spt'd fic nl't'ds o f the people~_ 1lley also want govenuncnllo look .11 hannoni l.ing already existing ilgric programmes in Ni~eria, soil5to lea nJ from the failu ~ of already e!listing Inlt1atlvt'S, and 10 r,1"CVent multi· pliC;Jlion of du t e.s.. , "\o\'e want gO\'t'rnment to aLo;o focus on tree pbnting eJlercise and r"O~t !"roteclion, to culb the encroac h ment o f the desen on ar.lble lands. leadin~ to dlspiace rncllt of rural dw'Cllers ami fanners. "The Nationa l all Spill Detection ilrllt Respo nsro I\gency {NOSDRAj and other reICl"ar11 age nci es, should wolk [owanis ensuri llg that oil spills alc promptly cleaned up, soas to mi tigate the destructi on of fanru alld wa ler rl'SOUrt:es in
the Niger Delta.. It Is e.:'l.pedlent that Ihe government takes
r'quit}'on access to 1~r1d by the poor and vu lnro r.rble fann ers.
anotJler look at the extant !..lnd Use Act. in order to bring about
' _ __ ..l_..:._•. _ _ _ _ -.....:. _
We lin: alemll Ull"epllttlil/e 1'1:11/ eslnh' deVI'/op mell t pn~fess ;mll1/s w i ll, access t(l fil/ol1cia/ rc:;'ollrcl'SJo/' property riepe/uF/l1elll ill/d nrc iI/teres/cd ill ;oilll veil/lire pl1r/lIl'rsllip:-. i....C keen 10 explo re in v e s tm e nt {lppurt\Jni li €'~ with {,wners of undevclopc-d or llilimp l'O\'C'd land who ].'o5.<;ess genuine
d ocu ments of lille . Ou r preference is in prope rlies occupy in g a minimum land "rea of 2,OOO rn! locillcd in the follOWing Me<1S:
i. L Ol g OS Is land - On; ru, Victoria Island, Bn.I.]d Streel elc. iL Lagos Mainl a nd - Gbilga da, O~ lL dt1 GRA, Eb ule f'd clta, Yaba, Ikei", M" ry l;:md , AlllilUny Villi'lge, Suru lcre, Ih.lpeju e t c . iii. T h e Federa l Capi tal Te rril o r}' - Wuse, Apo, (Vfabu::;hi, Garki, M"i t"ma, I\ sokoro, Jabi, Ka l.:tmpc de. COII/ocf li S Jiw II tfi5C1/S5ir lll (III /rnwy;m ll i llg
}I ll/II'
/IIlI d ill/ I! II
i'iobJ~' 0 '1111111'1"(;111 i ll l'l"..:; tllll! lI/ .
SAVANT INTEGRATED CONCEPTS LI MITED Uis;: 01- 4631336-7 o r 08023403534 Ta y o: 0 1 -2806636
or 08 053003651
J ane: 0] -2802015
or 0 8023685034
office®savantinteg rat edcOllcepts . com
Channel Oifl!cl0r, UIMiIY~ Ter:hrmlcgie$ Co. t~:geri. Umile"d Osila Akabuem (Jell): Managing Dire-clor. Termin<ll (W511'11'ric;). Jacky Lee and Managing Oim:llll' and Chiel &ecullve Olrom-, Telec, Tolu Ojo 31 a media briefing on PHllTo, stmQAy AXlNtlllU
Hml',vtI Teehnologie5 enl" inlo Nngeria·s IlKIbRe phone marht ill lirgosiasl ~
The Board of Director s b;. pleased to announce thl': comPilnY'S unaudited l!':Sults ror the hillf year !':Oded JUfll! ]0, 20 t I.
li orr Yeo, E"<led
Hep<ltlHs can affect the .,'
Liver disease is long and co ptlCated Getting tested is quick a simple
Direct Premium
Profit Before Taxation
lOth Ju"., :lOll _ Ha 'QOO
H.lrTeo , E _ lothJ"",,,2.010 a N. ' ODO
3 , 131,6 66
Taxation (estimaled)
Profit AfterTaxation
i 20)
, I
The Board of Directors is conl'ic/e!1t that bolrring unroreseen drcums\a!lCe'!i, this t/"l"nd would be Improved up(ll"1 ronslderllbly In the renalning period or the financia l year.
Dllted this 18th Day or J~Iy, 2011 . BY ORDER OF THE BOARD
~~ Bode SOjobi