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44 1 Sunday.November18,2DU

Business Equity Investors Lose NIOlb In Five Days ",Geoff_

Flour MlIIs PIc, Flour MiJls of Nigeria Pic, Nestle. Orie:nGli Horrl. Others are rerum on equity, dividend cover. net Th~ listed companies are nominated for asset rado. profit margin ratioand.share pri~ Gulnness among others prese.nled unaudiled each of the 11 senors of the marlcrt. For appreciation. Company with <M'J'Tiding performMunwhlle. fUrl Awards Nigeria h.u released market ~e1knce categOrie:s, th~ finns an~ across all indicators will be pickedas the are also nominated for each growth india- overall winner of the 20U awaro. ilI1d will be nomi~ formis yeats edition of the award. tor. induding turnover IUQWth. dMdend .mnouncat ilt 1M ga1a. which holds on November25 at 1M lagos yield. earnings yield and" dividend growth.

"1'1iE Nigerian node rn.JrXet depreciated by U9 stalements.. ~ percm[ wdo~al NS.40 Oinion last with equiry invesrors lOSIng NlOU3] billion of their CilpitaL The AlJ.Shar-t Index, which opened at 26,718..30 d~ OIt 26.400.94. d~mialing by 31736 points or U9 per cent. 1hr drop er.lSed 0.6 per

cem gain remrded thie pm'ious ~ A total orug3 billion sh.m:s vronh N9.4.14 billion exchanged hands In 1!Ul25 d~ in con-



1189 billion shares valued Oil NlL491 bll·

lion tldded the previous week. The financial services sector, on the basis of

£Ul'T1O\ONvolume, ltd the mdlng activit}t It accounted for 876.900 million sha.resvalued at N~ billion mded In JL4S4 deals while theoil and 011 [OUowM with 05.055 million ~ \'011ued at N186.919 milUon mdrd in U61 deals. The consumer goods sector came third wnh 92.782 million ShafHvaJuM at N3..t!9 billion UiKIed in 3.850 deals.


The top three sectors KCDUJltnl fOT.:M!r85 per cem of[hf: ma~ activities In tenns of volume, IJ"ading uos blllion shares valued at N8.634 bil· lion in 16.165 transactions.

Seeo Petroleum Produa Plc.a company listed

under the oil and gas SKlar, ....'aS the most active with a volume 0[105.09J million units.. It was followl'd by First Bank of Nigeria pic (In the banking) and Afromedia PIc (advt'ftismg~ ~ top-tr.Kling equities acrounted for a total volume of 27fi519 million shares. Zl..38 ~ cent of ~ rurnovt:r and 16.81 pa ~m of its value. Also oaded in the ~ were J50 unilS of NewGokf Exchan~ Traded Fund valued at N925.000 tr.Ided m four deals. Crusader Nigeria PIc Irredeemable Convertible Debenture alSo oaded 1000 units valued OIl Nl00.000. HOwt'Ye:r, there was no oanSilction in government bonds.. Further analysis Indicates that n equities gamed while 43 recorded price decline. Prices of 132 ~ ' [jes remained constant. Cad Nigeria PIc, NCR Nj~rIa PIc and ,.,..... E.!.npe.Africl.Io~Easr""""""~f1Del.-.Iv. (WI); ~"Wl. bwIIlId ...... ,..,.Worldwlodl.f,..~ ~PraIdenI. 6IIbII Ashaka enl Pic led the gamers while Nestle ~sw-I HaII!I:I IoResar1J. WaotdrMdB"SiInan t _ _ _ "'- ......... ....... Sbrto-' ..... IoResarD, . . . . . . &.Ao..-.. . . . . . ~.... ~u.-ID_ S'IIrIoaad". Nigeria PIc. GUIne$S Ni~ Pk and GLuo Smith .'-;=:::-=C":":--"C ·=::::T~_=".___-;;;;-_____________________---::;-_______--::-_ ___ Klme Consumer Nigena Pic led 1M losers. -:

,;';'~~~,~;~=~U~~=l'" NAMA Boss Tasks

Staff On Productivity ANAGING Director of the Nlgenan M Airspace Management Mazi Nnamdl Udoh. h.u advised workers of Agency { NAMA~

the a~ency to Stri~ for excellence in provid· mg ilIr tr.Iffic services. He made the charge during the sent-fonh ceremony organise<:! for the agency's former Director of Engineering/Safety Electronics.. lliIymond Pimguru. . Udoh SilJd the agency h.u won different awards recently because of Its improved air oaffic management. Awards were presented to outstandmg staff for their support to Badminton Tour J of France 2012, In a bnef remark. Director of FInance and Admmistration. Mrs. Ehzabeth Agom, SilJd NAMA would miss the exit Panguru.

'HowTo Influence Consumer Behaviour'

=-in -'

menund Ego. lnsisting thai companies need to apply soda! marketing ptindpJes. th~ Pro!essoTY,-amed thal-ckmogsubsidies - to influenre consuflll."[" rapflY is not enough 10 dere:rmine behaviour. the !X!fonnanre of the buying dt'CI}elf French. a social ma:rlceting sian of consumers.~ saying that priexpe:rt and a visiting professor at oritlsing and designing actions BrUneI UniYerstt}t who spea.rheaded could help ~ required balance in behavioural change. a high-profile me-eting. ~ According to him, "'SucnssfuIly AfriCan: Social Marlceting funun. in Lagos. advocated sunpler approadl addressmg most wicm:l. problems that \WUJd ~ produasand rtqulres aChievin~ SUSClined seMas. as well as impn:M' environ- change in behaviour: DaVk1 Boon. Group Dtrectorof """"In his address - Applving the hosting company; EXP BehavIoural Theory - FrerK:h listed International. an acovation iigetlC}; reoprodi)t COnuIUtmenl consisLen.- spoke on 'Experiential marketing, cy.sOdaI proofand nonnsas~ InsightS. Learnlngand Best Practices: He said: "From eJ;perioTtheways bywhich social beh.Jo.t. iour could be easily inOuencrd. ence,concepl of experiential mar· Othen, he saId, iooude aumority keting knoWledge does nO( change and IlIang. salierla' and priming. consumers InsI~hl We do illOI: of scamty and loss, as wdI as engagt'work across Af':r'lQ and hoM:- SoeeIl a


Cwamed against absolull." relia.nce:

on oadll:iOniI tools - k!gislation, sanctions, regWaoons, taxes and

~of ~tbecorridonol

energy; civic education, hooene

commurucadon and networking. sharing ideas iICJtlSS industries - all with the view to oying to help In leamlngfrom each other in mak· ing thefrdfol'tS moredf~" Ncortllng to him. "whether we are In commen:::ial rnari.rlingorScxial


Marketin~ Non Gowmme:lltal

and saniratlon which woified as a resull or the social rnaritedng mechanism fused into 1M pro-

RIchard Bums. Managmg Director. Exp Social Matktting Foundation, said he had been mle [0 developed sustainabibty sml~

Organisanon(NGO) field. we areaU gJeS [0 enhance reprod~ abOut behaviour change. He noted flulth Commodity serurity in that there are three Ifove:ls of kn0wl- l&JD's reproductM health caR' edge. which are shami undeJSland.. progr.unme in Ghana. . ing. comnutment and unity Mr.TertiusSU3uss.~1 Director, EXPWesiAfricil, noted 0'""",,Based on iliese:,Ms.Wlian that EXP had already hosted two !\chieng, Sodal Marketin Regional forums In Tanzania and Malawi. Coordinator, EXP, East ~ca, made: !\ccording to him. EXP's rucces:I reference to IDe sanl&nion prostory in Social marketing has been gramme In Tanzania and Ugh ring as a resultof Its propneauy Mrica Progr.mune in Kenya. while methodol3WhIch is baSed onan giving best practia'and insights undema. . ofhuman emotionfrom East Africa on se:xwJ and al behavi that niggen; using rqmxtuctfvr health, renewable its sixth-sense proprietuy tool.


CBN Wants Southeast To Focus On Agriculture zone 10 reJocus on long-term economic Strategies that aim OIl providing needed confi· l. (CBN) h.u urged the dence to create the right envi· Soulheast geopolitical zone to ronmenl thaI attractS Invesl' pay more anention to agricul· m~nts.. ture.lndustries, education He hoped governors of the and Glpadty building. if the region would adopt ide.u gen· region WilntS to ilnain ecoerated at the summit to 1xiOs"[ nomic development and pros- socio-«onomic d~lopme:nt. peri~ He disclosed thaI the ape:x Deputy GoYe:mor (Financial ~k is refocusing the bank· Sector 5ur"~illance)of the mg system on real S«tOr apex bank. Dr Kingsley funoing while urglng regIOn Mogh.a:lu. who gave the ch.arg~ [0 &1p from the Ministry of In Enugu OIl iI three-da.y sumAgrirultu~'s new polides for mil, asked m"keholders In the

From l.awn!nce Nioku. EnuCU

"J1{E Centr.LI Bank of NIgeria

the sector. which he said are aimed at addressing existing challenges in a manner that 'A'(lUld make agriculture a viable busine:ss. Moghalu lame:nted that the region seems to have no inter· est In commercial banking. n~ng thaI II ~ ~nl~ 164 mlcrofinance mstltuoons.. He said: -All known and d<x' ume:nted industrial ~Iu· lions were primarilv driven with prudent use of credit. II \01: h.u been achiewd so far but much more opponunJ·

ties abound 1+.5 ~u .are aware. the issues in the banking mdustry are being addressed.

and wirh Strong corporate governance and riSK man· agement suucrure.1 believe

adequate opponunides exist in the area of regional banks.-

Unity Bank Holds Promo's Grand Finale T 1N[IYBank Pkheld 1M grand finale oOtS

U AIm, 5avr & Win Promo' yesterday; ill Yar'Nlua Centn.Abuja. The proIDO has. for the: past SiX months, made three customers owners of liyundal \It:na carwitb IDiIny oow:n goin..& bOrne ....itb mruolatian prizes of Okada, refiige:ralors. gt:neradng SetS, lID releviSion, biCyCkS and teJe.

phones, The5e\'eJHllOnlh promotion, whIch mm-

menced in t.\ardl2012.apan from cars also

~ a\\"ily household eqwpmentat zonal and

national draws. The promo ....'aS p~ de:si1Ult'd to rt"""ilrd customen ofbank for their mnfJde:ra and patrOnage: oYIeI" the: ~ AT the 8!ilnd fin.1le, !:luff CUSlOme:n became owners of brand new Hyundai Vena: car with others going home Widi other varytng gift Items.

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