mE GUAADlAN,Sunday; Febn.wy 19, 2012
NEWSHIGHLIGHTS How Abdulmutallab Is Fighting Life Sentence In US Prison From l.aotu AIundt., New Yoril
\...bombc:r. Umar f ...oukAbdulmutallab, Is n~htlng his lik SC'nU'nce- de- lvercod on ThursQy by ~ liS District Coon. Thus. ht: ~ flied iI nodce of i1pprill. chiIIlc:nging thC' JudgmC'nl, according l!) coon ~ pC'rs he pC"I"SOfliIUy slgried righlafia-tlw:.SC'nlence Indicadons lhilt Alldulmutdlab wantnilOil\IOld il ilfe- 5t"flo tl!nCC' C'ffiI!rged few dilys bdo~ tlw: smte-ndng. as hC' i1nd his SQl\d-bJ coulUd Staned filing5lrYl!!"tI petitions ~ntl~lIy chilllenging thr impconding IUe SC'nu~nce biI.sI!d on lhC' Inl!rllOfimdum thalth!! USilllOmt:JS hold nIed df!manding lhe~\te-nce CoUrt records ~al thaI betwrC'n Fdxu.iiry 10 i1nd 14, Abdulmmallab HI od thr~ motions, 0111 of which hC' signed in ink, sbo¥ ing clC'arty thaI It was not Just the Ida his SWldbycoufl$l-1. Anthony O\;tmbrrs; who hC' tw had occasion in thC' past t', condC'mn for bad advice ant lack of ~
s~thrffmotion , a~: oOne:tohokt l M nandatory IIfl": srnll'l'ICe SI.JWle o r tlw: unconstitutional, 100 harsh and cnJC'L among ochu con-
emu.. Thlsv.~ fll~lonFrida~
Fm 10.
o A Sl!t:ond one: 10 strike out
Dr. Simon hIT'/. l'lhleh concludC'd mal A&dulmutallab cannot possibly N- ~fonnC'd i1nd could I!Y tem.rtst born!> ing again U gi\~n thC' opportunll}!. This was Hied on l\J1!Sda)\ FC'b 1-1. n'o'O days to the- srmendng o And ~ third filing. dlsa&rC't!ing with dle condUlOn of the US" pl'OSl!C\Jton thaI heshould
a lire SC'nte-na' wililOut
UK- chance of a pii.roIe. ThiS was 0100 flkd twO days to thesmtendng hearing of last Thursday. According to the mpoflSC', AIxlulmutallab submltt«l that the coon shoukl impose a less than life ~tr:nce on him. The ~POIlSC' by his coullSC'i said, -in consideration of all drcu~ncesln thlscasr. illeluding the fact thedefendanl does not have a criminal history, his ilgC', hls upbringing i1nd the Jllcely possiblllty oT the defendant rdonnlng. a smtcnce m th.1n urC' would cmaln,>, promotC' re5pca for
INTERNATIONAl NlgC'ria in tbC' GlSC'. Iwt p~ dktcdlastweekthilt bvthos!! modoru,AIxlu lmutillub was already -prt'paring gn:Junds for his I!'mln.ial ilppeal should the Jud~ 1tI~ him mC' mandatoryUlesmtnnin accorda.naMmlhtsentendng guidclina· "You Mil rec:allthat he (Job. dulmutailab) has ail"C'ady p~ guUty to dtl!: charges i1nd his guilty plC'a WillS 10-
fol'1nl!'d and voIunGry; which may Iuvt altered his right to ilppC'i1L· he said O1adde said by filing iI ~ lion [0 hold Mandatory ure Statute unconstltutlona1;md requesting;ll variance. 0Job.. dulmutalub Is trying to fora thC'Mndowof appC'al sllghtfy .Jarsothat hC'C4ln h.lve~ thing to hold on to for the Coun of AppC'al's tn'iew In the- very likt:lyl!VC'nt that thC' ludgedenlr:slhe-modonand gives him thC' mandatory life-"
. .. ..
8UI hC'~ that th!! tnuJr:ipie IifC' SC'ntmces gMn Aboulm utallab WIthout parolC' werC' due- to thC' serious natu ~ of Uti!: offC'IlStS, including thC' C'motiorui sum i1nd lrauma thC' victims and lhc:ir loved ones had suffered;u a mult of his action. ()\a(kir-UId:-unforturutC'1): hC' ~ 01 sm.lght faa throughout the trial and did nothing to show that he- was sorry for his actIons. Even whm he iIdd~ the- COUrt befo~ thC' smtmcing. he- saJd
nothing othe-r than to ~Iter· ate his commionents to the mujahnlccll, Osama Bin LAde-n and Anwar al·I\w!akl that ll!portC'dly mined him and commissioned him 10 bombtheUSAirlina:Even .II the courtroom just befo~ he was smlenced Lut Thursda)\Abdulmutil.llabwas pr.aisinglhemu~Jus
tlMng killing in the- I\.iIme of A1fah and maintaining mat mujahC'd~n would eontlnuC' 10 kill until the Jews Wf!~ driven out of hlest.ine
""'low When on Thursday ludge Nancy(;. Edmundsdeniro motions i1nd proceed«l 10 Impose iI life sen[e~ on i\b. dulmULilliab. the ~-old Nigerian-bom man did not w.1ltllll the flCl[t!by to nIe a notiaof appeal. whkh ..galn. he signed In Ink. In tne notice of .1pptill, i\bdulmutallab. who had (r«ly pleaded guilty at thC' comme-nee-ment of the DUI last October,lndicatC'd tNt he W3S appealing against the SC'nuencing. ThC' notia: of appeal was dated Fmruary 16, thC' same- day when thr sml~CC' .....asd!!l~ WhilC' no date has ~n SC't for the appeal, legal ~rw:rs say i\lx!u(mutaILlb Is desperate to avoid a life SC'ntence, and he's using thC' US Coun sysrem to achl~ his aim. Co mmenting. 1JS..based Nige-nan la~r. KayodC' otade-k, said tM modaM by thto defendant's b~r -can
stop i\bdulmuullab from ~ cdYIng thC' mandatory IIfC' stntenee." OLtdele-, who Is rql~tlng
China To Partner Nigeria In Cutting N350b Rice Import
o Perspec toIves 0n 40 -percent Cassava Brea, d By Expe rt Economlc 'T() stemthe-tkleol incll'aslllg ~ annual nee import bill of NlSobn. O1ina would lend her expmiSIe In the alt'.l of ricr cuitMUoo, ~ j t hilexceUt:d
qtng.pkdgrddurtnll:acourmy visit to d\I!: Mlnism- of AgrIcuJ. tull' and Rur.aJ Deo'dopment. Dr Akinwunml i\cksina, spoke of his munoy's Il:adlness [0 ull'ngthen the bllalerai ties with iliecounuy !hI.u1l th min-
~na, who ~~d the m-
wry In his ofHa, tilll'd thal then wasOla to wm from the ChInese.. who prodllCl" t2 tonsol hybrid nce per hKtMt as
agidnst tWO tonS done 1oCil1l)t ~ OUrconsuml'fkl!l C4lp.Kltyof fIw million tons of rice ptt)'Nr will grow 10 35million bylO5O, hence WI! must pUi in plaa a ~em thaI Willgua.rant~OUr st.-Jf suffidmc)4.trid thr-Olinese mode-I is our ben optlon,w MC'Slrusald. In a simllard~lopmC'l1t, the Minister visltC'd tM CHMC, a comml!rcial COlSSaYol proces.:slng company. whe~ CilSSiI>r.t Is utillsC'd from the ~ to roots. I-k said thC'rt a~ pQns ro~!> hsh 18C4lS$M1 pnxessing plants tiw will pnxIucr LSmillion tons of C4l$S.Iva nourandotber allied products annually.
ThlsmNnslhiltNII6.J6,OUlof eo;oeryN:ZOO Pft" loot gors to the United States. while N6U (or AS the Mlnisoyof IUaicullUll' 31.4 per cent) spent on waler follows thl11llgh wilnilS Inina- goes [0 NlgeriiI; s.J: pC'f ant, or u~ on high rontmt of cassava NIO.47, on supr Is shand be-
whoI!!-wheal brI!ad,-a set of data ra:ently shared by iIlargMCak Indigenous bakrry Indlcales tN.t me- .sucass of the four-per ant GtSSiM flout bread would, CfN[eemp~nt, reducC'the cost ofbre"ad In theeountty and CUJtiliI dependence on Import. For I!X.1Imp~ wheal Houi conmoues 5IU: pr-t"ttnl of the COSt of a N200 1000f or 100 pn CC'nt
wtte:at fiour-basrd b~ad
tWffil Nigma and BmiI; 1.9 permit ror N5.3l) is SpI!Ilt on Imponlng ma~ril\l! from Malaysia and Indonr:sfa; N2.09.
tilinC'd in Nlgrrta: NO.9) or OS ~ «,nt goes to Fnncr: iIIId Chiru 011 Importation of flavour. the ~ i1tnOUnt and pC'fttntilgC' gOleS 10 China, Fr.tnce i1nd thC' European Unionoo yust Importiltkln. Also. OJ per cent. or No.56.1s
spenl on preservatives from Germany and Ollna. -If we consider 40 JM'ra:nt cassava ~iId, then we will be redudng the 58.l perant that goes to the us: down to N69.12, while WI! spend the dlffemn (N4IiS4) In ONtlng business opportunity for Nigeria and Nigeriil, therC'by dCVl!Joplnl5 the- «ooomy in this coun~ the source said.. The- Indusuy source uid tM marxaril\l! used for bre.d making could be produmt bcall): ~udillX the n~ 10 import from M.ilap;1a and donC'SIa, which his traditionally b«ome the source of the
bulk m'"""~"",, In 'h' "'k"" ,nd ,on'""o~,,, I~ d""" Ihe p;tlm oiltrarufurmatlon team. under lhe Minister of
Agrlcultul"C"S lnltlilu~. hils an
opportunity to nsr- to the resCllC' or tlw: roun~ helping the rounDy to YW' blJrions of N.llr.a rrom being further frit1tR<i i1way in fOreign a change_ "ThI! probll!ffis ocasioned by Importiltlonof palmoilCiln be handled in an inlqr.uC'd 1T1.iIlner
lhrough OlIn
;unong the SGkdtoIden. Palm 011 prOducen Mtd ro know of the MTily of industrial users who USC' p;tlm on ur.aw matle-
rials{asln matprilV:lT1.ims~o the soun:e concluded.
Cash-lite Policy: Churches Move To Curtail Volume Of Bank-bound Cash 'T"O miuCl"thr-YOillmr-oi CiilSh
No 'Penalties' Until March 3D, Says CBN
organisations, inclUding churt:hr:s.mayhavtl!ffibaThd on a.smsltisalion progtolmmC' thaI would C'tlCoungC' mC'mbers fulfill thC'1r flnotriWl obllgarlons to God though means Other m.n ash. This is incompllana with the Celtral B;mkol NI~ (CBNjs Ush-lite policy alre.tdy being implmlmrm liIgos.mel m-
dally deposit and WIthdrawal bt:nchmark for corporate organLsaIJons, lnduding Churcha ~ policy also stipulates a new maJlimum dilliy deposit and WlthdraWolI llm1ts of N15O,OOO roc IndMduals. But theCBN ~yd~ datrd IlSI!lf &om banks all...,tlr. Implmtenting thedepos IfwithdraWollllmil3, reietradng Its earlier position that the 5llpulalnl pel1.illty ch';1f8e~ of NIOO for C'very Nmoo In C'XCe55 of the dilily benchmark. muse not be applied umil March 30.
~ coll«tions. 5Om.e ~Ugi0U5
~"""" The move is ~p«trd ro help theaffecRd ~lIgloworgimlst dons. espn:Ially those with
centralisediKUIWIling systl'm, iMlld ~perWty chargr:s R on funds In excess of thl! Nlm
NATION~ Mr_MohammC'd Abdullahl, spokesman or the- iIpI!X bank, notC'd that. although no cus-
being charged, an~ ban1r. 1mplemmting the policy before March 30, 2012 wOuld bedolng
,,~' II)<hasC'\ll!tJ"r ~
to or she cha~ by any bank. But WI! ha~ said thai this thing has bren suspended until March ]0; so. any bank doing thai Is datng It Ulegally,- Afidullahl us !.hat
told Th~ Guardldll
phone R.dlWOUS5OUrce5 sal' with the
Nlm I)eonchmark for corporate bodies. It h.u b«ome IIlCrUSIngly difficult to mnlt cash <J(aulng from tithes. offerinp. and otha" coll«tlons to designated bank iKCOUnts,.s some br.mches of banks a~ already applying penaltir:s to ckposilS and Withdrawals In ~CI!SS of 150,000 and NI million as the ta5Cmaybe. Th<y ""'''''tX'''<d """"'""" on tnC' penal!}' ~polied to the
~dtpOsit:s,.tSthefunds;m meant forthe U51eof thC'chwdL
Asourer hmll'd thal,asa WoIy out, lC'aders oC sornC' ollhf: rI!1Ig!"'" grou", '"'l' '" ~p""
log thC' possibili!}'o( acquiring POInt 01 Solie (J'US) machines for payment oC dmC'S and offerings. whllC' other! have
asked lOOr members 10 consldC'f" ma.king p.1IytnC'nts In cheques i1nd b.n1r.draft:s to rI!ducC' the YOIume of bank·
bound cash. sr.«ificaJly,a k2derlnaygGS dlUrth requested thai mC'mIxrs, who ha~ CUI1l!IIl ac· counwhould piI)' tithr:s with
"WC' will pmer Mana,er' Oll~que so that it 'NO"I easy for us to mar"
IeIdC'f" .nnounad afi:t:r 01 church smrk:e.. """""&h "",.,.. plio< prot eo. which start~M iln nuafJ twa-wJnd~ ofthll'e months, then bem whar many r~fer to as miscania~, by sornC' bank branches, of thC' Infonn.ttlon handed down bY their he:adquanm Il'liItin'hillimplemmtiltion posit and withdnl ..... t.hecash-lIle pt"" While-ttYthey a'" <he