Ne lIS :RAP tasks U.S. :ency on eivil penalty oceeds ..... "
GROUP, Sodc>Economl< ts .lind AcCounl.lblhev .,a (SlRAP~ IYs u~ lhtmtd (u.s.) 'i«uriti~ d Comml.ssMlIi 'C) 10 ~nt<lbllsh ;i!n tft'lCitnt ~.Sl' proem for th,. ymml of SOI1lf' or .III o( us. ~ Corrupt Prxtim Act :rAJ civil ptrulty ;lind d~
~Ilt proc~ 10 or
r l1rndit of Iht ooJmlsal rtlgn g~mment .l8rncy thi' [Iturns oIl~ .dTtctni mgncounlry hlue Nigm..:
Tht ~niQtion 01150 Solid ~y groups in rooltlecoontl")torU5. Ilon· 0111 organISdUOI15 such .15
ii' ·clVil
t 8111 .md Mtlind.. WIt'S
,uncUllon dod Tht unrf l1Ut' StTVlng lholt Country.
• di8ltM 10 .ppIy lOt' \uch IKrtds olS Wl'1( Or instead,
rusr roc-,mbliclxntflt prOt
u· In tht .Jff«ud &')Itign Ilmlry. subtKt to "011<0"
"'lht...SEllAE> w'_",,"
r~~sl d,nrd .. reI! IS, lOU .. 00 ~rr1.Sfti Robnt KhUZdml,du«tOfllf ,f Enforctmtnt 01\1151011 of C. w.u rrudl: by SlRAJ1's )junt~ Coun5d 1«undf'f Stuck. who IS Allium.! 'OrHSO( .It tht' prestJs.IOta
-nnt'. WhtTt' ~ tt'oiKh~ • MJlYon IIIltll\il[1Of\iI1 ",hlt~ lIwrrnmt'.
1jEJVJ> $;lid tNt, -.. t the m)1ffll. I~cMlpnwlty;mddl.s
Ofgement JITI~ntt!i
.lgreor to poly to rr-
Jtvt us. faA inwsug,Juons rtff1.ln1t'd bytM U5.p;owm~nL"
IBA Foundatioo holds 'ee
prostate cancer
onJClOUSII('!i$ Of ibe drlJili .tmg distolse Ih., cr)lD' oonly .. rrecn ddull bl., k
"",,-, I'ht Found.UIOn. ",Iuch IS Ihe ~te soc~1 mponslbll ~.r be
ry .nn or UBA. ust
;.In • yt'olfly Qmpolfgn p'O-
,amme dt5lgned 10 enro"r ge ~ult bLack llules of IMr 10 ~.r5tO be SCrttned ftgu .rty signs of I he dlseulo.
Acrording 10 Ihe M.!lUtllng )lrraor of UBA rouod.ltlOn.
prrdkiunt H'I the rilet tholl. olncet unlike other ~ or olncn-. is cur.bIt If drt(,(11!d ! treoltedExpuining further, Chief :.tecuIlW Officer, Mnm. ~I(oll StJVices liMO, Dr_ JloI5rlndr Eltf.u. Solid il NitS n Ihe prost.lte, • wollnut· IS
Rud gfolnd round btlow the tJI,adMr in 111m. ,r II b 001
prosL'ue c.nul
lows • 1U1Ur.l1
IIIg.5 .tlny group of c.ncn
crib that OIn grow Into~ full · blown IlIlTIOur: U<;ing the putform 01 the
t.n'·' om"",,"'" "Iou,no 10 Bond- prognmme: liRA found.luon orpnised. clur ltv w.lldng. Joulllg olnd cy. eOng ellerclsr rnrough SOIlW strms of Surulere, l.1gos. • 1
s, au.:- lot"""" lind
Plans 18 flour plants,lo save N250b yearly
plannmg 10 the To Jlurchast' and IIIStolllallon 01
will be nlll by lhe pnvill~~'
R- . .... tE Fnkt"al (,oytml1lent b f,ICIIiYI~
I,; Iltgh qwh'l C.J5.Q\'ol nour rL-mt!i tlut ,,-,11 mill I.J mli lion metric lonn~ of the
rrodun.,..."",. MlIIlst~r
of Agriculture.lOO Furdl Development, Or .- klnwunll Ad~s inol , .11 Iht llunch of prO-\ltolmm A C.5S IV.. ViUlCUt5.1 the ~'ttktIxl .1 the Nduon.ll Root Cr~ I t5eolfch InsulUte (NR(R).
-our Prf';ldent
. f'Il ITED 8.1nk lor AfT!'. J (UBA) foundation hols moo !'ftSlfint III prostolte C.JOCt'f w.ueness C.Jmpollgn 10 r;ll~
'1..,. (rIFt) MIl othetotfloMl.fler me_Mlol
Govt launches three pro-Vitamin A cassava varieties
(Imudike. Abw St.lle, Solid
~w Mo. this
C '1' .".,.•• Pre$ldlnl. Aans.. Dull" . . (kh) , ..rttI a..lndllbo PmaMrIt 01 AfocM u.- (AU). BanI
"J Huds 01 SUI.IInd.....--' Ad hoc c-..IIH 1ft Cotonou. ~ lithe ........
h,ts W1 • clear direction. Wi!: must e.1I what \>'e produce, .md plOduc~ \.It.. 1 we eolL Mr Prt'Sldent loll!i Col5QV,) breold. OUr ( 0)5.....~ flour pohCYl!idllrardolt leplMlng somc of the ~heol{ IlOur In -bR-iKl, to SOIW' over 11250 bllhon yt',uly in wheal
""POns. ~
Ill.lrket op-
IIOItUIIIUt'S to r Col~\oIva I hrough lhe r XJMnsion of I'roct5smg Colp.lClly lor hIgh 'Iuallty C. ~Sd\{iI flour nle l~ef".1 ~rnmtnt is now 'yorking to bClIi~le the pul I luse .00 10000001L1Uon of 18 high qwlllY cu· ..IVa flour pl.lIIl1 tholt Will null .J mllllOl1 MT of high qUdUty .HSol\~
flour ptr
101 Ihry Will be fu lly opt'f,)·
liOlU1 wllhln 18 month~. all .Kross the Q5.QViiI growingar· t'ol!i of Nigeru. thIS olkmt' wIll Nigerl.J Iht' InK"1 proct'SSOr of Q!i.SolViil flour III lhe "','mldAclnlna s.aid the country's gOdI Is 10 oldd 17 million met ric 10nnt'S of caSYWI 10 Nig('flol's domrstiC food SUI'" pi)!. 1Je' Solid lhe Agrkultur~1 tnnsform.uon Aclion Pl.1n ATA) Itopn 10 crt.llt' 1-1 md· ion lobs ;Kross 1 hr C.lSSolVil Viilluech"ins. ""Bul producIIIg nlOR' food is not enough. \~ mu~t .. Iso ('11 sure that thtre I~ enh"ncnt food nUlrilion ,,"d huhh. Allhough Iremendous progr~~ Iw been nldde III mmlllg the wodd', rood <kJTlo)nd, many p.utS of Iltf' dr~Ioplllg W(H-l d sufftr frolll under nUlnlion; <kfl(;eocH'S III t'ne~ procem •• nd n.~n tul vil.mlns .. nd mlnt'rolis,Adcslll~ s.lId Acconfing to him. Nigelld b the u l g~ producer 0( assav. in thi!: world. prodlKtng over J.4 tlllllian metric 100llltS ~,)fl}t L.ts!i.1Vii1 used to br • subsfstrlKe crop. II 15 highly iKI.lpt"ble ~Ild ~II sUllrd for
addrming Ih(' dullenge of d i lll~lt cha nge, du~ 10 In high
10 drought. A
cmlllh.u allows you to makt sUICh, lugh qUolhly C.5'SolViil
flour. du«l chips lOt upon .nd Il\'nlock r~. and elll.1nol. Is not ol poor nldn's crop, bul • neh miln·s crop." th~ minister said. 'od.l~ I .. m dellghlt'tf that history or ~flrrKe is being rt'pt'ollnt h~re.1 the Ndtkmdl
Root ClOPS Raeolfch InSCIlUIt' Wllh Ihe fTkol5t or Ihe Ih,,:,c· pro-Vildmm A ~neun.. This IS thc fir11 tilDe 10 AfIlC.l whe.-rt pro-Vildmm A C.SS.lV~ varittles haW" Ixt'n d~1 opt'(!.lnd mt'.S«I Nlgt'I'" 15 wry proud lodol)!. Congr.llul.'lOIlSl Tht' DlrKtor Gcmer.1f of lirA. Or Nler.. nYiI S,mglllg..t. SolKI. ·Collsuinplion or pro-vil.lmin A CiiSSolV" cookl htlj) NigenJ rfiluce Konomie OS5n III Gross Domestic rroducl Ilul
Rq)rt5t'llliluVt'S fomorrow.
Tht'drvdopmmt I!iCOl1u ng.u lhe Otrmor.(;t'nenl of the Secu nties .nd ElIc:lunge (ommisstoll (SEC). Arunnv Oteh. tkntrd uslTIg N850,OOO lOr. rnroll Me .. nwhi lt, Abt. State Govmlor Theodore 0rJ1
IYYe wadrd 11110 the reponl!d raa.otT betwttn Ol~h.oo lhe UouSt' QumniuC't on Uililill Minkel .nd f.ulling Ihe
p'nd's olllrged YmIIC1 on lhe
puking through S£Cs Communalions Adviser. W Admdll, O\t'h Slid: , he truth ofthe nl.ltlnlS lh.ut hecostof the ~. I In qut5tion w.u N 5,000 onl)!. nl(' circumSlilIK1!:5 surroundmg the biD .re olS foI1ows: the DG. III the COUll(' of prrionmng her off.. 0iI1dutit'!i ilOO lmng her" l)tfsonill goodwill .md globill ~xh." ttr.lCtl!d ol lealDof t"t'gU-
Tolr.. wall 'Mnglllgil com mended Ihe Nigemn govern mt'fll forl.kmglhekold in hlQfOlllflliltlOn WIth tht' rrie,,~ of Iht'Col <\d~ vant"{Jt51O r.UII'I~f"
ArffWa youth blame northem leaders for region's woes r,OIII s.... AktWnI. KMwwI T t:AOERS of
Art'wil '!'oulhs
(A\'F) h.:IW' r.u ltrd ilK Ifft'fll fllO'I( by some nonht'nI Ic.. del"!i 10 I'lCJrr~ 1 solutIOn 10 the
WOf"S('ning 'i«Unt)t Konom IC dlld poUliOIl probknlS In the ~, Solyillg Ihqt should be held rnponslblfo 10f" .11 Ihe Iroublt'S In Ihe 4Ife.l rht' )Ulths held 010 t'lnn· grney meellllg in KOIdunil wil h somr Muslim and ChnSCl.Jngroups in lhe North
tht dl~tlOn Nlgt'flolll 1'011 liel Vlould l.lke in order tonc.;aPt' lhe pltf.:lll of lilt' I).lSI Acrordlng to a Sl.lltmen l by
the t>Jt5idcnt of AYF. ~... Ilam Ibrahim G.lmboGulungu. lht'
YOUlhs bYfflt'd the lIIWt"unty III the Nonh on Iht' poor 1t'.KIt'rship <IUJhun ot
the.- nonl~m Ic~" p.lnKII larlr. Ihost' of I .em tlUI met n~(ently.-111
8.Jb.mgidil. Alxiuyl.llll' Abul> .nd AII"U Abubdk.u rr:garding the avoidable quagn me OUI Ie· gion_ is sh;undessly lI' II)f)l."ti Into. r.i nting. pICture 01 tllt'lr re Klon, Ihe IlOlthel n youlhs Solid; ~'t'.rt'.t Ihe bottom ot ewry Index ranglllg rwm he.lI t II, r.:luc-illlon 10 socidl .l1lell ili~ Worst 0 1 our woo
Oteh defends N85,OOO for meal, O~i faults verdict on SEC boss F,om Mo-. EbneIe (laps) lind GonI ~ (Umuallil) lE trutilule of GpIY! Milrkt't ~str.ll"1 olt the wrrkmd concluded pbm to preen! it!i I't'pOI1 on hOw 10 hft thr fortUIltS of the OIp".. kt'l to thr iloose of
15 t5(IIWtt'tf .1 .boul SIS bd lion. But more Ilwn K OIlOIIIK 5ol\'In(CS. It WIll illso ImptoW' the nUlmion of womrn and (hll drrn whoJr~ Ihe most yulner. ble: Repre\tntffl by Ihe Coordlnalor, l". s'Yv" Enterprl~e Dn'eiOlll1lt'nt 1"101('(\. 1Ir.... Or Gh.tnty
bun from .n oJdViiIncrd c• .,...
pLIl1lt't1 .t
~ I m.J1 ~ jurisdiCtion 10 rt'Ildertrdlllk:al a!iSlst.l0Ct' 10 lhe SOC Nigrru ill no cost to l~ Commission.Adindu.xldrd: -Ntt'f nledlng w\th the teolm. the DC of the SEC Niger... rtqut5trd llut Illt'fnbersoflheteilm who Iud brrn tRYt'liillg olnd were ooh tlrM . I'Id hungry to join ht'f
thegroupmlghl Pf""ll JISIl"
lOr. me..1 011 the Hilton lloed.
1M N35.OOO in qut5l1Ol1 w..s the biD 101 ilnd case of tlul 1U('.lL It not NSSO,OOO It w,uOllIyN85.000IA sourtt al the InstitUle 0( Cdpir.d M.uket RrgjSCr.ll1 9·
Vo'l'("kend 11\.11
tomorrow when Iht' jXlrt louse of Rtpresc.'nl.tlvt'S
Cocnmiurt' on ClplYI kct .nd other IIIstiluuons IrSUIht'!iSIlUng.
TIM:' ,ourceeq~ i nrd thalliit'
IIIslitule Iud subnllllt'd f7 copi~ or Its re,XlrlS olJ reo qllf'$tl!d by nlt'fubers of the
nit' Oltd" t>Jns S«1rt.ry 10
Gc:lYt"morOrji. Mr. Ugochukwu ErnrZllt', saollrd that his boss 1'-lIlalrt'.1dYGI IIed on both l);Ir' tks 10 fi nch common grouoo 10 moM thdrdl rren~ncrs.
h the lII'i«tlrlly r.w..ging Iht' NoIlh It IS olg.llll\t lhl~ b.kk ground II\.U IN(' rNdr thc tol ~III~
positIOn c~ilr. lh.:It.1I
nonhel"! leMIt"" who h.\,\" 1lt"ld St'V~Io" ~lIlOm. mdud IIIg G~nerif1s Ibl'dhull S.lungKiJ .Ixl h.lft gotlen the goidl;'"ll oppo.lUmtlt5 or turn'",
fOf"good bullhe.-.. ve ....e WilS Ihe Usc.'· N.contl1lg 10 GuillllgU. 11K fonnc. IWllthem lfoiKIt'f"'i WIWl PIf';idn;I <mr Ihe pohty .00 l"'tonomv of t~ rwtlOfl 011 dll 0\11 ff'gl()n
lerent 1I111t'S .Ild illI~n:lly jllungrd It IntO Ihe eurrt'nt PllklIM Slille should nn"t'f" be Il('dld w.lllting [0 proflruolu lIOn on wlut t~ llil~ rn:~l"Oyt'd. WUltir gomg round ollxl roUlld In seMCh or c~.r
unde~taOOll1g 01 «Xlr ....un 15 ru!it",.lxl coonttr-prodlKlM Kec.luw our IOOlgr1l1 1:K'OP1t5 "ft' not In ilny~yrnponslblt fOI our prrdlUrnrnt bUI lilt" ('hie. who. on ~r.ll tlrTln. Afl.Jh h.1s ",Uied leade .... hip
onheOltfJ .nd the world flt"rd tlIpUlIilllOll . s 10 wh.lII led Ihe Ncmh 10 Ihe nit It Is tod.) It WoU 1101 nwgtl: bul miln Il"\oldr .s • rnul! Of (i(' molnlpulollion of ~Iigion. self ennchmrnl 0100 perv.SI~'e
leoldt'f-s itdoplt'd to tilt' detn mt'llt of tilt' La ~r ptople of IheNonh: