nlE GUAAIlWI, Mond.)! Marth '9, lOll
I Dyo, workers feud
Minister bans mol or racing, power bikes in Abuja
over wage
Fro- T.tIItnba DIU, AbuP ry1 IE ~I Capitol' ltnitcry l Admml5tndon (FeTA) hitS
b.mned <10 romu of moear fAC' In, <100 ~ d pown-btkes In 1M fedtnl CapitOl] T~rnlcry
The FCT MinlJlrr. 8.lM Abdulkildir MoNmmed. L!.id tht' twin on moIOf r.tClng .nd uw 01 pown--blkrs In II", l~"" tory M brconw ~ry In onkrlOmsu~OpClm.lllW(l 11ry. itS wdl U proeM 1iW's.-ld
propnty 0( the reskknu.
Moh.JlTtfm'd. In a Slillo!nl<m signed by his Chief Pn-ss S«T'!1.1f)t MobiImnud HL:..III
Suit.•, the ~ dlrt'C'ttd srcuri[)'.Ind bw mrOW'lTK nI .nts 10 Oirrest .rod proSKl .It I~ who rm 10 comply \II; Lh
In Octobt'r 2009. It t I a oluthonlles OInnouncrd the I'lSlnction of .III KtIWrs of rommnmJ tnCXorcyck opt I'J tors. ~pulutv known .' 'Ofmdd InlheFl'rto ththoolD 016.00 • .m. lol.oo p.m. d.J''Y In j.1ml.1ry lOll. lilt minure outl.Jwrd the oprr.IIUoru of tTl C)'C~
(KtU NAPEP) .IW~ IIfWUthoriJed .~.lS 01 tIM' 10 ,lIOd rHtnct~ thelT iKtMlle
10 dw s.nrlhtt loYt'OS 0Ifl{1 odIC'
deslgn.Jled districts.
INEe clears air on Anambra-Soulh senalorial polls IE Indtpe'ndrnl N.llio no.1 T,ataor.d Commission(WE<)
., die Io\ftkmd Llid to I'lSl th COfIlrtMfly on the ISSUt of & t ~
Drmocnlk Pmy (1'01')
Rddmg [WO andkWtn b tt t rr-run of the AnoiImbr"XUlh
$t'Il,uorl.1 tiKI ton, Ing Itwl II r«ogniSd Srn.IIOf ,.ocy
lJ>.1:S the a.v.ful SLlnd.rd-l:tir·
"ordeftd The" (oon of Appt'.I1 !lid Itwl fmh poIb be" .. ducttd In
~-o ,Ofle
IOIkJwtng .a pttlUon by tho- III Progrnslve Gr.lnd Alii". t (APGA) andld.rt. Ch. fl'.1 Nzmbt, .Il1tgJng mmt' .Ir orr .Ibn in 1M Wsl tl«tkln MJ'1I')'
""'In.a qolltmml, INK !!did r tt t should bt no conll"Olltrsy
()Y 'f
who tM .uthtntK C.lTllIkl.i ft JC thC' IUP ~ Slnct II Is just J It-
run or .an tlectlon. wluch die Coon or "JJptoil Ofdnotd b ISI~
on •
ptUlIOfl by Ollt 01 Iht ~andld.alnlnlho lise
INK yid I, could nut. In II ntW undid.ltl$ for • IItsr Jlt-d dKUon.u the ,",w \Q!i cit. r 111"1 Ih..
Mimiko gets Zik Leadership Awanl I"'\NOO Sc,lIt t.oYtrn ,.. \...Io«uscgun Mimlko .1 dIe" Wft'ktnd won 1M Zlk Lt-MltrshlP Aw.ard lor f ,otld """""OC~ Thuhoutof 1roIco. rnlttdUIC, Ir whtnht5.1Ul1ltffttlnlothe ftK (C'ntft, VictorL1 burld. l.lgus, Ymut thot noml 011 .... IU rd
t\'f1l,Ing. Gu~ts
on him
Upt SIIII Deputy GcMnw. MIL Adejokl fuI. . (1et1), Dodo SUII ~ ~ MlIIIi6!.: the Dqof Ak.... Dba Addoiyi A6esid~ the 0IV,00 01 Up, Dba ObaIJ!fll AUlnM'\IIIl end the A;obuol An4 ..... Obu, Dba Adettni "'del. al 1M 21)12 Zlk Award in la&os_aIIM wutlend PtlOTO: MAJ[EM RAH[[M
ACN berates goV\ over Bayelsa gas pipeline blast IE Fedtr-a! Gowmmtnl's T,twndhng or tilt ~ piptlinr tlCploskm off Ih~ B.lJ'C'1w COolSI In ,.nu.ry. ·tht tfJKt of whkh tws wontnrd thC' plight I~ .Irt.ldy ntgltcltd ptOfllt In 1M commulllty .and its mvlrons~, \as crilidwd.l' lilt ~bnd by Iht Actklll Congrt» of Nlgtrl. (ACN). In .I se.ltmtnl In uJilOS by its ru bllchy S«r~t.lry. Alh. jl LIt Molummtd, tht ykl "tilt kid gJoo.-es with whkh Iht govtmnlC'nl h.s the compJny rHpOOS" 1M for tilt dl5.1Jttr· Ottvron· mnl~ts slurply wilh tilt w.y 011 firms rnponsLbk for poilu-
.-:hJtwmmt.'li H JO'ftOOf
Tht mc:omlum r'"'Ptf .Int wflton 1M JC(M'ITIOf'w.tsc.aII"'CI 10
mount lfit rostrum fOl Ills -.aId ~tltion. Aftt r t"'lt rt.idmg of hl$ ~_ thI h.ill wml.axoa forthe goym'lOfl'5lJtCi.allyWhm hot WH mtnliooo'd 10
bt govtll'lOf' ~ng t hr hl~ '$I
minimum v,';Igt to v.lJfkti';.:Jr. h.W u~t wttk Mrmlko n1nounctdJY)mftltO(N.1t.O )() Mlmimum...,. for ~B In thot SLUt from IWld mooth. AlWnbn SWt GoYtmor Pt ft' Obl who \QS me,. f'f'{'lptml .1 lht.tWilrd cenrnony. commtldtd Mlmlko 1M\" ....Nt ht c.dtd the 1"'.1 rnmlorm.lkwI dut 0nd0 SUtt tw witJttS5td 'n lhe
..,. """''''''''
Qw\.TOII ps plprilnr dlYSler · v.fllch Iriggtrtd .I ptrpt1u.a1 flrt ttwl mYdoptd commun .. t~ wilh 10lUC smokt· Is • lfou. bltwlumm~ilndthtrnpon§C'
of tht govmllntnt tw ~ tltcd thfo JNins 0( ItIt rt'Sidmu illld
tht ftMS ttwt thry could £.K~.1 rept.l' of lilt t9SJ dlSollSltr wlptd off tht .a/'Kiml 1Coiu.a1TWl communily. "rrnidC'nl Goodluck jondllun h.u Vl1lltd tht ~u.a m.l community o nly onct slrKt tilt ineldert!. .. OO twn Ihtn • • 11 M did was to comrnmd Iht ptapie: lor dlC'ir 'pt.aafur rt'oKtion lotMdlwlt'rlh,1I h.ube"f.lllm
comm jll~.
Tlw: workers hmitd
.songs .It GcJo."tffiOf Ablo1.a Ajimobi (or rtntglng on his amJNI&" promlsr 10 ImproYC' IMir, brmg tM most poorly p.1id In lilt South-West. Thty I..lmmctd l~1 tilt govtr. nor fi.ld not only blitd to hanour hl$words.,bul h.Id also suc· ct'tdtd III d...wlng thtm rur· th('r b.ackw.ard .Imong Ihe" coml!)'oC \IIoOOfkm In tilt South-
Wnt I"tBIOn..
In .a communiqUe' SlgTtcd 11\' rid
Nigeria to save $200mfrom cut in fertiliser import Fr. . KMorIn DIIri, Pon Hartoun . " IE MlllIJlt r of Agrkulture, l Aklllwuml M~Ln.I, tht v.ffk tnd Ntgtra,a would s.M" O\I'tr 1200 million this H Il lngtts 600,000 n~ric tonn~ dom~"II( pr0-
ductIOn of f~"IIJ~_ AdtSlIld h.s me"dllwhilt w.arntd Ihdl Iht co..muy's food J«Un!)' will bt.t Its popuLation tXpdnds. txcept .Ignrullurt Is trtdttd .IS .n IIlvt'5tllle"nt oInd noc dn"tlopmcnl progfilml~. Tltt mmlSI" stdlC'd Ihls du ro Ing .I f.aCIIiIY tour of tht Notore" ~rtilistr c:omp.ln~ Onnt, RJVC'rs whkh puns to liS produc· tkm 10 close" 10 rwo mIllion tons by lOIS. li t Yld govtf!lmtnl would tmplu~ the U~ of fntili~ by f.u1llC'l's, as PIn o f slr.u~gK pt.n 10 curb ddornl.llon r.ltt in Nlgni.1, whkh is pdnly r"ponslblt (or rerctivetl Incrt.lstd yitlds of food production. Ade;uu t"pwlIlt'd tholt Ihe"re is 1lO""' . p.1iJdlgm shift in lhe" S«t0l' .is 1M gO\'e'lTlmml no long" lr~oIlS .Igrkulturt .is dC'W:lopme"nt progrdmmr. but .n in~lInent Ut Solid
pourtd ftl(l)mUllS O\'n hIS I.udolhlt
tion .rro IrtoilM tlsewht'rt .iround tM W'Or1d. II 5.11d Lht gOYftTlIl"ltllt's poor h.indllng o f lilt whok IssUe', which tw wontllN lht ptO~'s ml~ ~nd h.irtbhlp. pot. lOotd dttir nwr ..nd rulonl tht'ir m.tin sourct ilYlthhood. (fishl ng~ shoI.wd l(ul of protKtion for Ihttn. whllC' 1M oil finn rl!'liporuib&t IStng.lglOg In lokenlsm in Iht rwme" 01 ftsponSt', In<ltoid of btrng nloldt to I»Y.I m.L5SLW' tint In .ddIIKJn 10 • lhorough droolnup of the" .ffKttd .lTt.l. ~ yid. 1'1lr • community !lUI Is .Irr.idy nqltctm. with no pot.lblt .....ilttr, r lt'Ctriclty, schools Of he~lh UlcilitlH, tM
frOll IyabllAwaI, ibldarl TNDl.JS11UALpe.KtIII OyoSUtt Jwu .II Iht ~ktnd Ihrr.ll· mtd .as goyttnffiml WOI"kto rtsOIvtd to btgin. stnkt lod.:ty 10 prOIl~Sl tht ublt relt~ bY tilt Alimobi .idmllliSCl'iltion for Impltmtnt.nion of lht ntw Describing tilt new minimum Wilgt '.Iblt rtle.lSt'd.iS Un.l(· Ctpt.abk,IIlt .ggmw<t WOfkm ~ktd tlltlr'rs .aoo hld U ' gurattd.l CoIl"tlilkC'f commllll:e 10 cham pion thtlr uuSt' Bul tM 5Qlt govnnmml., in. SWlfl rt.iCtJon, cundtmllt'd lilt pa.nntd smkt oInd d$:nbtd tht unknown 10 UW TIlt workrn Iwd SlOflnC!d tht Araodl Stcm.U~1 thC' NlgffW UOOur Congr~s (NLC) .nd .KCuwd thC' txtrullVtcounol of lilt Stillt NLC compromismg thttrinttft5t. TIlt'ysubstquently.lnnounctd lilt dissolution of 1M workm' councll .. nd Il.iIl1ltd .I Qrt'I.lktf
Ihe" rr Is nOWolSll'illegicxlIon pL1Il that will focus on fuung the"t"IlIl rt'~lue In ttlC' s«tor. Ht' ncMtd M.;II.wi, whICh was onct • rood de"nclt n.llion, lxame St'lfsuffKItfII dnd if IlC'l txpol1 tr of food wit hin . St'.son, Ihrough d n.1llo lldl slfilteglc pLln th.ll rlKour.l gtd Iht \1St' 01 ItnpriWtd st'td .Ind t(n. cit-Ill UK' of uli~r Ad"11U said gO\o"trnnlt1l t wou ld pWct .I lot of tmptw. SIS on \1M of fe"nilbt'r. Tht mm ls te r dtscrlbed .is lOIsIt.ld lng tht ugumtnl renil~ (.iUSC'S .I toe of e"nvl ron~ntdi d,lIluge" m AfrK.I, thtrtfort wh.ll NfK.I ntotds tJ low III pul or III !.Kt, no Input dl dll "lht re"oISOn t he yie"kls drt' low InMrIa Is not bK.aU5fOW(' oIrt mlsusillg ftrtiliSt'l', It Is __ .lrt not wing .all DriofnlilUon I'iItt InAfrlc.a 10000IS 100 pC'I'Ctfll of Ihe" globd l d" IUS' bec.iuK' __ .art not US1"!- fer· IUiK'r. So. most of tht t lds tod.ay comt o ut 0 t he elCp.andrng rultlv.lttd ue.s not for Iht In yldW by yieklolre".a~, ht' 5.1id. "Ole mintJte"r SlroStd Ih":l1
According to him, loe Ih(' coullIry to be" dblt 10 ft'td 11St'lr, 11 10 (unddmml.lIy cholngt thot Sftd. renjJis"oind W.ltn art usnl.
\loIOfk:rrs. Ak.Inde dlsclo:sC'd Ih.allht t.lbiC' prt'JloIrtd.and.urdt.utdbyt~
goytmmmt onlv ukn Glft' or woritm on Goot I.rwl DH>4, 1t~' Il8Iht' rtSl Wllh ridiculous IOOr J'«StIlI l.lkt-homt p.Jy. • dC'W:lopmtnl dtSCT1btd .IS Insulting to tilt SftlSlbihlit's of lhe~.
Htber.ctd tM~ltlVt Itl('tl\o btnof lht NL(..Is wt'1I .as Ih~
or TI'iIdt Union COlIgress (!Uq kif comlll'Onuslng lhot \loIOfkrrs wt'lf.are by lhen unlwlt'riIl dto 10 go .Iong With govtn'Immt In short<Nnglng lhml In lilt minimum w.lgt l.a'*.as
1ft OOItd Itwl Ihtrt W.lS .I SI.ndm3 ordtt" tilt congrns.
1t.Kttrs to .a81ft on oInythmg With tht' govtmmtlll WIthoUt bringing such to the" congress ofthewolicmlodtllber.ltt.l oo dt'Cldt Ase.attmtnl bylht St'crturyto the Stollt' GoYtmmtnt, Alh.ajl I\km OL1jkk. yid .as .I JP"tf"I\o mml th.It iIbkin bY. tilt !\lit oC a.~ I~ all for stnkt 1$ IIIt',ti1J oInd IIT~ponslbk TI'It' st.lttmmt In I»n, '"GoYemrnenl ails on .11 worken In tilt tmokrvmtnl 01 tilt SUit 10 bt' '\.awbldml by rtponlng (or work tOd.1y. Mond.lY, "'.Ireh t9, 2011. Tht gOftrnmtnl SI.lltS 1h.J1 .ny worker llul abstilms from work on 1M ordtr of 1M unknown group dots SO .1 Iht nsk of hl$/h"artn"
1 11 ;;1 \
, 1 .M
· .OIdIoom~n '_II1II _ _
, t, .,
----< ~..... •
~U:.I: ~~.~
WOf'ktrs resotwd tNt thtv would bt I"t5Umlll3.11 lhe Nlt ~rull'rom tod.lyuntll Lht gOftrnmtllt honours tht Nts,OOO minimum Wilg~.agrftmtflt Wlth.liIbk Itwt would be" btntflcl.ll 10 all Ultgory of
• 4bId towmouM .. 90. IIIIIIh JXIOI- 1lJI'I'I-.t ~ - -
__ eo
~0001 .5t.d~ro..e.
· ·t.d1UloJ~ ~0I
· 5beO....,~t-o-..."
• •011t.d I\IJIt6Vroed ",..".... _ ... _ -i 80.
UcCIonIId"*, _ _ • •CItbed~"'lrmeo.
I . • 14 \ . '
I b
., t ,