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Govt leads food production action plan, agric stakeholders strategise


might Ix furs of food short-

A S the rwUon nwrb the l"lWortd Food DIy olmkl the IWHplng Hood lhu tlH mgulfed sevn;al SUItes In m

unprKtdented deluge In re.n or food the Federoll Government Is wing the ocaslon to ,astun thole pI.1ns

ckOdes. ilnd shon~8es.

i1n undetw.ily to l«.1dc food production. AJl:rlcullure illRd Rurolll ~lopmenl Mlnlsur, Or Aldnwuml MainA mildt: thl! pl~gt: ;u he declJ,mi INllht I\iItion IJ re-(oollng 10 du l with lht ,-e... UIJes of dlnwte chimgt He Solid tNt lhoogh thert

Age ;u .II !'HUll of the Rood, ~

wu no Oftd to ~nk urging tht: buslnHs community to.JYOid speadollUon on food prias. He allM on the med~ not 10 go Into Pink news tNt would flII~


lbiJ is bcause., ~ h.Jve tht potenlY.! of cnatlng iI renne environment Ihilt would put ~ prusUIl! on food prices through p.tnic buytng. ~rding by food m«c:h.Jnts. sp«Ulatlve ricin g .and .artlflcWlly 'olck"8 up of prices of ood Items. For Syples. which hllppen 10 be of grtillHt


drnund. tht



Access Bank bags IFC's award A CCESS 80lnk Pk h;as I\r:mt'rKed the winner of this ye.u·s Intemukm.. 1 AlWlnce Corpondon's "Mosc ActM luulng Rank In subSafu,nn Moo" 1WiIIrd. under tu Gklbal nu Rrw-a ~ pamm<. thIS ~ announ«!d .t the yurfy IDlellWllioN.l RNf'lCe CorporatIOn's Globoll Tooe Rn.1oce ProgRmme &Ink P"nners' mffilnl held In Dubll. United ARb Emlnlte ..anti)< By lu emnxcnce H the win· ner of the ~rd. the blnk tw rdnform:l its aprKhy In tude services for the fifth yeu running. ru.vlng clinched Ille IFes a~rds "Innoyatlon In Tr4lde Structures" "nd kst GTfr Network &Ink at the l007 4lnd lOOIl meetings respcc-



blnlt's SUIUS H one of the few lNnkt to enjoy the ~tus 0( betng both .n issuIng bank In NIgeNI;and" confinnlng blnk In the United KIngdom It the


The blnk joined the GTfP In

lOO6 to fUnher o:tend lu nnwork of rNlIons.hlp with dcw:klpt.Knt fin.1nCt irutku-

lions ilnd suwgthrn lu tBde filWlnu QpKlly whlk ....cllluting dew:lo~~~ Int«TYlioN.IlRIk Nigeri.ln bwinesses 4lnd thilr coun~ In otMr pllU of me workl. Abo. the tNnk tw ckYdOpN a collabor;IlJve and bene6cUJ M'tWOrk of reia"""""'" _

" " - <Om-

I1M'rdal binb. ~t Rn4lnce Institutions 4lnd


Ing .. Unvtcw lRIk cmtRS


,""world. Under the prognmlM, IFe

orrers confinnlng blnks plr-

tLl! or Full glUnntH:S c~­ Ins plymmt nskon blnla In the emerging markeu for tr"de reLtted mn~ctlons. These glURnlH:S a~ tR nsoKlJolHpedfic .. nd nvy be cvldenccd by 4l yuiery of underlying Ins!fumenU such as leiters of (rcdlt, !f.. de-rel4ltcd promissory not!$, 4lCttpled draJts. bills of uctu.nge. gu...r.mtces, bid 01 nd pnfoIln.;Inu tXlflds and 4ldv4lnce pI)'1'M:nt gU4llOlln-

,The .... gu...r4lI1lH:S

~ anlwbic for "II priv,lle SKlor tOOt: tr.tJlYCtions that meet the InlematlOrul All4lnce Corpontion's elJ.glblllry cri-


the ground !taws no room

[or p.lDic." AMsINI ~Id.



programme, the

flood """"'" food tion Inlti.1tM. the """''''. "Fotdtr.lll Gowmmtnl will emtwrt on the ImlOedlolte distributkKl


01 -'II.... for wl'1T1tn to get ~ fOOlhcMd on unn production H soon the W<lter recedts ;Uld the elltent or d.m .. ge Is



The .ppllCiltlOn of biotechnology In food production, the miniSter s~ld would olSSume a grt4llerdlmenslon wllh the Incrt.tSIng ~g;IIrits of wc..ther .. nd burgeoning hUm.ln popuLilIOn tspteUlly In dMWp. Ing counlries like Nigerl.l.. The minister, who tw betn on tour of the ""Ies foe- onthe-spot ;assessment of some of the fiood-ollTKtcd ueu. uld ew:rythlng Is betng done to reduce fiIIrmers' lasso. distribute frH eulY-rNlul1ng pl.. ntlng DWltnt.lls and other Inpou

to reduce Impact 0( the disHIer. Of pecuU.u note howew:r. Is that the Sftdllng ~riet~ wouk! be ~bIt 10 resist flooding In f.nnLlncts. In the piS!: one w«1t. AdtsINl f'n'tJIled Out 0W1' lO.OOO MT of r1ce Sftd. enough to pwnl <400,000 hecum of rice fiIInru.nd In nood .... rr«ttd .reH have betn mobillsec1 from within .nd outside the country. This will allow the production or U million Mt of rice gnln. The ..ffmed bil'1Mf1 will receive flood-resisunt rke y;ar1ttiH obLllned from the Inlem4ltlonal Rice Rese.rch Centre In the rhlllppintsand The minister .usuiftt: -we styli not have .. food crtsis or f.mlne. We will ~ from the flood. And to midpte the kKsts. Ministry of Agriculture, under the Instruction of the presktmt, tw .bo stCUrtd 100 MT of SHd of atR-arty DWlturing nw1u, which INIUrtS In 60

d.lys. to pwnt 5.500 lUi farm






AdtslR.l ~kt that the Inler· ventlon wa.s ;alre.xiy Ulldng place .nd would be more Intense u soon H the flood recedes 4lnd the growing crops Is 10contJnuethrough the dry se.son. With dunglngwc"lherpit lems, the minister wid (1"" policies wouk! be dew:lopcd for protecting UI'1Mf1 from the of climate cholnge, tspccl.llly droughts .nd noods. lie added ilUit the wc"lher-lndex crop Insunlnce schemes for ("oners would be saled up. "Arca-bued flood Insur.nceschemesmust btput In pi4lct to eruuft dlwster ply" menu to ul'1T1tn and communities from floods and droughu th .. t occur over VolSt arus .nd well bqoond Indlvidu.1 r.rmt:rs," he


""'.... In Lagos, S.b.1tunde

Governor F",hol. Is

erKolu~ging the Iorm..lion of mort bnt'Kn' coopendws to In order 10 b..~ them work OUI. synerzy to help them fully Ulp Into the benefiu of the SUtt:'s fmn


Tht: Lagos SUte Commluloner of Agriculture. Mr. Gbol4lholln La~1 wid Wt the sute goyemor was emptwlslng on unn clusters In these e':SUtes In lkorodu. Ept.OO a.d.w'v divisions bcuusc rHOUrn Is beeter m.1INlgt:d Out way.OO capadly bu1kf. In8 In 4lft.s of COmpifolilM okInnUige Is ItYtraacdLaw.. 1 rtYt' .. led moll' two I1'lOfC Lmners' mart In ~j.. tion to the one In ALlUY, Ike'" would be opened In ~h 4lnd Surult:rt btfOft! the end of November. 1bt mans would rtdua the stress. he ~k! of consumers havina: to SO to unn ptes lOr fresh produce. which would be purc~ In comfon: mel .... compttltivt prices.






;:'·F·:· BANKING'ANNUAL, 2012. - .~':... :,THE GUARDIAN .

What do you want from your bank? Th. GUJrdlin EYnkin, Anno,l proWl" • conclsl.n.!yIh: of the Iwlkit, rdOtrmI$ ,compl<t.suld. to Ih.b,nkln,,,ctor .nd the porfoml,nc.oIlndMdwl b.nbln terrmot. • QuaYtyStnlko Dtnvot)'

• Product eh.kd l""""atIon


• Rtlatlorollfp M....

• V,I... s....t PrkInc The pubbUon will bruit down tht slltt of reforms in thl birti"l,SKtof on.

use--by·ase blSk lib nev!r done befofe, .nd In • m.nner IMt both the customers .nd the banks,

.YfJ It meani"" to

The GUirdl.n EYniinaAnooll will be acompendlum on JlJ(h Issues H :

• M.pBInkI • M'l'JenaAc.qubitlon.

• Product innov.tIon within the contdtofthe Clshless Nip'" ProfKt

• S.nksAP,ofrbbBity • Rankl",.fthebonks

To b.pi.GlishN on NcMrrk 11. 2011. tt alms to be • nvjof WOftof rMente for at


Ftx portldpatlon,lmttvlnn and profiles, pINs. contact: Bonibc.eO~onphone: OS03)07W6, t:mI":oputeb @Y!hoo .C9m ,

1W.oisturisi."9 Bod y I....odon &

l10d y Crea .....

PeterOWebeonpbone :

Adt Ogldln Oft"......: 08030650990, emlll:adeogldan2004@yahoo,

r7N GuonI... "'nIII"IlAnn ...f _. the mostcomprehensMI suide to ml! hlnkiOg sKlQlin Nil"t'la.

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