n IE QJAA()WI, V>\!dnesday. r.bruary 22, 2012
NACCIMA women group to inaugurate council
Co., Nig. Ltd.
TilE NACCIMA Women's
I Group has concluded pl.ns to Inauguratt the
fwrr.tlon nr Business women Emrrpl'l'nrurs In Nigrru.
Ch.urperson of tht group, 1)'iIIlodr Alahil l.Jwson, who disclOKd th(' pLln of the
.ssocLation n:cently. uid lhe Economic Community of We$( Arnon StattS
Entrepreneurs was established In luly 2009 In
Gh.1lna to ~n't as a com· mon pl,ufonn for women ctonomic operators In the Wt11 AlriGln sulHrgion. Sht .dd~ th.1t lht
tht' E(OWAS S«rrtu1.n dffrM<i II fit to provide a pl,uform for women in Iht
suborrgion to di.logue .nd promote entrepreneur· ship. By so doing. il \00111 ~ possible fotwomeo In the suI).
region to contribute their quot. to Iht Millennium [)noelopmrnt Go.ls; tht Konomits of memberstJlI~ ,lind also 5e1W u nl~lySl 10 IncruJing Iht' Arrlun and "",orld tr~dt' volumt' Sht' I~mt'mt'd IhJI wom~n t'nlnprt'nt'un r~. ~ ~ 101 of dimcullin Imd cholll~ng" whil~ dOing busint'ss, which could ~ntunct' Ih~lr rol~ In crtating "'t'allh for Iht' sub-re~ion and Improvemt'nt In Hltr~ Afrlc;1n oInd Intn contint'ntallr~d~.
Tht' sr«I~1 gut';1 of han our ~t tht' occ,.u ... n Will bt' Ihe wife of lagos Slalt' Govt'mor, .'blmbolol fuhola Olhl"r nOla bit' Nlgert;m women ~ntr~pre neun, bolh loc~1 and Inler· nallOlU1 will oIlso grace th~ occolSion.
.....:c.. Direclot·~ NahOllll NIl_1M c-d, AII*Iu JIll!
(I."); DlrKlot, ..... ~-'IJI Pr...llOn ao.d. ...... 111 ShIIJu: and PrnIden!.laiM SinID'l H!pm u..led. K. .
HonhIko. 111M SIntya II ............ In. in ..... ., w~
Nigeria's agrie sector not 'functional', says Japanese envoy ~"""MII-.,.~
1"p.1neu· l AmD.uSoIdor 10 Nigt'na, Rynlchl Sholl hols lamenled tll.l Ihe Nigerl,ln go\~rn Hl~nt is)'t't to fully rap mlo th~ fulT pot~ntlal of the agricullur.l sKtOr. Tht' .. mbassador. who
Mond~y durlnq 01 count'sy VUII to tht' Mmlsl~rorSt,J:(~
for AariCuhurr oInd Rural Dt'vrfopmt'nt, Dr Bukolr Tljani In Abuld, Solid Ihat governmt'nt net'ds to ~dopi n~w lechnologies to revillt' tht' st'ctor His words: -Agrlcullurr in
Nigeria is nOl fully func· 1I0n.I .nd tht'rt' ut' nsks, but It will pr~s~nt nt'w opport unities... nd II un br relnvigor.tt'd.~ ·Agncu lturt' Is ~ b~JiC Industry which suppose to conlr[bUI~ to nalion build ing ~nd Konomic develop-
Bell Oil to invest N30bn in drilling operations "........ n iueffort~ Ipl~b~dv"n· loIgt' of th~ klIAl cOnlt'nt
Sell Oil and Gao; Nfgtrta IImltt'd has concludtd pl"ns to Invest dtoUt Sloo million (NJOO billion) In drilling oper"tlons ~nd ~t'rvlct'!i wllhln tht' next III montM. Matl.lglng Dlrectorof tht' (ompany. Kayodr lhomas, Solid In loigos ii' Iht' w~k· tnd during lht' Oth)'f:oIf anl1lvers.aryo( rht'company Solid the In"t'Slmt'nt would comt' In :ht' form of "cquisition of !~mi-submt'rslble rig. a:Jding that tln!rt' w~s no Indlgt'nouJ 10mp.1ny thai providt's st'mr.submcrSI,le rig In the country. fit' Solid ~h~ady ~n ~gr~ mt'nl had bren t'ntered Into with a foreit:n lechn!Coil pannt'r .nd 1ig ownl":r 10 buy a rig off them, besldt' lht' agl'ttment on training. knO'Aledgt trans· ft'r "nd mamtenJnce .nd o~l<IlIon asr"'"'t'nl with them. According to him, -rtIty would br training our J>t'Opit' al ~I contract acqulsilion of Iht' Ilg. They would bt' helping Tn opt'r· oiling th~ rig. AIle owr tht' next few yt'~rs, wI" will
slowly mOYt' In to t~kt' full opt'r~tlon of lheopt'14I1;on 'h(' drilling mukt't ~s robuJI bt'C~uSt' crudt 011 pnct'!i ~rt' St't to [ncn.Jt> over th~ next fiv~ years. IU lung as crudt' oil prices go up. t'xplor~tion and pmdUCllon companies will pum p monty Into uplor.ulon And as long "s thty pum p mon~y mlo explo-ralion. the~ will requlrt' dnllln~St'rvlces~ Ue gld tht' company ~ working very c1oSt'ly WIth 011 and Gas Industry opera 10rs, .nd th~ Nig~n~n Contelll Board. "Wt' c~nnOl "fford to PUI SlOO million down tht' strt'~m. Wt' n~ Ih~m to help. 10 undt'rsund our pl~n, WI" h .. ve a commit mt'nt from Ihe rig ownt'n, com mitment from our bond: . Ht'. howl":vt'r, urgt'd Nlg~ri~n banks 10 suppon local companlt'!i to boost Indigt'nous panlclpation In oIbhort' and omhort' opc!ratlons In the 011 ~nd gas [ndunry. Thomu poim~ out th~t tht' bank's tfforts would com pl ~ment lh~ Nlgertan Contt'nt I>Ievt'lopment Act, ~Imt'd at stimulating Ihl": dtvelopml":nl of Indlgl"nous capabilities ~nd
incft'~St' tht' contribution of the 011 and g"s SKlor 10 Ih~ Gro~s Domt'suc Product(GI)P~
-WI" art' dedicated 10 IndiK~nous COlIl~nt dt'vd· opmt'nt.and providinglhe Nigt'mn 011 ~nd gas Indmtry With Iht tsSt'ntialllXal r.arllcip~tlon ~nd ncrt'~st'd local conttnt Ih~1 Itl~d3.
In tht SoImt' vt'in. Form~r Group Managing Director, Nlg~ri~n
Pt'troleum Corpo r~tlon (NNPC) FunJho Kupolokun. urgt'd Nigerl~n b.anks to ~SJISt indlgt'nous- 011 and g.s companies toslrive.
H~, howt'ftr, commt'nd· rd gm~mment's inilialillt' In Ihe Nigerian loc~1 Conttnt biU; ~dding that th[J wu Iht' only lit' girl th~t boJ:nks should tncour· agt' indigenous oil companT~J through grant of loan r~dlltlt'!i. 'ht'esJt'nctwhygoVt'm men! Inill.ued the loc~1 contt'nt bill is to promott' Indigenous compan[t'!i In tht'country. fie urgt'd banks to intmduce. spKlal funding p.lckagt' to suppon Iht' partlcip~lion of indige. nous compolnles in th~ 011 ~nd gaJ s«tor of tht' Nlg~rian economy.
melll It IS a powu(ul SK' lor Ihat can crt'.tt' employmt'nl, crut~ we~lth ~nd rt'duct' povt'ny.~ Ht' ho~r commt'nd~ Ihr mlnist~r for his initialive In transforming tht' s~ctor through tht' Agrlcullur,,1 Tr~nJform~tJon Agenda (ATA) ,rt'stating his go~rn ment ~ commitment towuds support In, Iht' ft'der~1 G<m!rnm~nl m dlf· rt'fent oIft'uof pannt'rshlp lit' Solid ,.paneSf' governm~nt un bt' of ImmenSt' asslstancf' In UI":U o( rlc~ post h~rwstlng ~nd markt'llng, ~dd[ng Ihal Ihe Gunt Msistanct' forundt'rprlvilegt'd farmt'rs (2KR) schemt' prt'St'ntw to tht' mlnlst~r would hdp to aid Nigtrl. lowards food ~um· dency The 2KR scheme IS iI suppon prOVldrd ror purchasing ~grlcultural equipmt'1ll such as machlnl":ry ~nd fertllht'r to help undt'r·privlll"g~d and small-scale (umt'n improvt" their st'lf·surn· c1ency r.llo of rood crops.
f:uiler. tht' MlnlSIN 01 Sl.le (or Agrlculturt' Solid th~1 wh~tevt'r supports rendt'rt'd by the .I~pilnesf' gOvt'mm~nl woul bt' adequ~ttly put 10 ust. HI" Solid governmt'nt is comml!ted In rNllslng Its promiSt's fOf Ni~t'rianS
Tllanl not~ Ih~1 Ihe min· iury wu looking forwolfd 10 ut'''~ of pnvalt' SKtor Involvt'mt'nl. putlculolrly In terms or ~lings ~nd ~qulpml"nlS 10 rully. .chleY!' success In Its vari· ous v~IUl"'<h~lns. According to him, goVt'rn m~nl was making plans to ensurt' Ih~1 Nigerian rice compe:lt'J wllh olht'r nallons oftht' world. Howt'v~r. Ihl": mlnlstt'f c.lled for mort' coll~bor~ I[on wilh tht' l~poInt'5t' gO\ ernmt'nt through It t'mbany In Nlgeri,J:, no')' Ing Ih~t workers of Ih !" embassy could support Ine miniStry In coordln~ti· It wh~t~r inlelVt'nlions I, t'mb~ssy w.s willing off~r 10 tht' dt'Vt'lopmt'nt 01 Iht' country's .gricultural sector.
NSm: p'u~sues emp loy~es' compensation scheme,
COmJIDSSlons Lagos oltice A MAIOR stt'p towards runsuring Iht' fullimple. of the m('nlalion Emp\o)fts' Com~nSolllon Scht'me (EO) Is bt':lng lakt'n with th~ commls· sionlng of tht' L1gos corporate ornce of tht' Nlgt'rI~ Social Insurancf' f rust Fund (NSITF), m~nagt'rs of tht'Kbeme. Th~ ct'rt'mony Is 10 br pu· formed by the Minister of L1bour ~nd Productivity, Chid Emek. Wogu, on
friday, at lhe new prt'mlses oftht' Fund o1tlkt'j~, Lagos. The EO Is a SUIf' regulalrd system lhat provides bt'ne. nu deslgnt'd to help thOSt" who sustain Inlurie:s In tht' course of work. those- who die In tht' courSt' of work and (host' who dt'velop work·rel .. led dlsus~s .. t wo' l<. In a It~(~mt'nl slgnt'd by NSITF's spokesman, Edw~rd OIobayo, -the scheme pre> vidn (or SUMVOrs' brnt'fiu
to f~mllit's of d«used offict's Ih~ boud plans to ~m plo)'ttS who su fft'f from ope:n natlonwidt'. anyof Ih~e contlngt'ndt's-rhe Soal a' tht't'nd of the -It Is In IInl": with brtnglng day Is 10 haVl": • central tht'St' brnt'fiu: to d~St'rvtng databaSt' that will "lIow for ~m l)lo)'ffS th~t Informt'd 24n c1~lms servict' In .11 Ihe cholct' of a btHttJng NSITF branch officf's. convtnl~nt corpofilte ornct' with Sytl"- . Providing t'mpIO}'t't'-frlt'ndly St'MCt'S of'lh~n f,,[lIhlt's .. nd full co mpl ~m~ nt o f SI~ff ~t Is our flXus. it Is Ind~ OJ lagos 10 t'nablt' NSITf nt'W dawn for the Nlgrrian bring [15 servict'$ ne~ft'r to ~mplo~s iIS the stagl": Is now .Jet for Ihl": fulllmpll"emplo~rs ~nd t'mpl~ for e~Jy .cct'Ss. this ls lust menullon of the schemt' ant' of the m~ny corporatl": natlonwlde.-