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22 \BUSlNl5Si

THE GUARDIAN, Tuesda~ May 22, 2012

Govt transfers fertilizer distribution to R,rivate concerns

~E~~lIne1llhas ~Xe~n~h~~~~~ ~:::1t~ ne- ~~~~~i1=:=r~:~ I dl!contlnueddir1!Cldistribu- grammeorxanlsedlOri&rom[ post con- COUllU')l. It

r~I1'!n to farmers. p;tny's ckaim In! b:'~Sharptywhenbythto~ HerK.ill~thaltheformersys. who~1oo bttnlkprtYedof goymlment'uctionwoukblso ...... , was handIcd t'".ale tern of dlsuibutlon In which thrc:ssential ~nn tn ut. stem the tide oflopskkdnc:ss in mncems, whKh made !H IJef only a nrgligible number of Gowomment acti~n It wa.s fenlllU!r distribution In the ernt of t~ ~ 10 ~efit farmen: in the counny had

don of

_12 motlUri or 2DOO hotn guantea

• " 1100.. lui doy ""'" • Fun range rudy I " , parts Itocl!;

5-2000KVA. available

z • o ...;I z Iii


Il'.Imt 011 th e ~ kl'1_ wu almt'd ensuring !hat thr pnxtoa atgetS 10 the dJl~ end



users. ~ment to hands off thr: distnThe Nildonal Coordh\illOr of button, only u percent of thr O\annel~IopmenI.TakAgro farmen across the count~ and Chcmbls Umkrd. Gideon whose Inteml WiIS 10 be ~

Estate Organization, focused on

IIp,ovidi'lgaffol·dalbl. housing for low and medium , requires hardworking professional

IInn"kelor, fOf immediate employment SALES I MARKETING OFFICER



AroJrdinglohlm. rhlodmslOll

.'-_ :.1 - ' - ' - _ of .L. ~_I was lD allOw thr distribution or UI<: lla.DaJI. UII: ftlUII:1d 8D¥"

• A good degree/HND in Marketing or any

lhecommodigto passthrough prMle organ z.uions was pan oftht:a~lru.r.tIrd"orm.1tkJn

• Must have a fla ir for M arketing Send apph~tlon with resume and copies of certifIcate and credentials an or befa,e the end of the Month (31 May, 2012.'


joniIthm. "We a~ now CDflSOOI.H of thLo Itw.utheresullorthe~ ~ to get our products to the menlo according 10 Ncgedu. common man. we are conthat Inrormed thr: tTillnlngenG- crmed 00 how 10 bring fertlllzd«I: KnowItdge and et" ~ to the tarmm; ,lind to Handling for Incrnscd Crop iKhkYtlhls.wea.rt5ettingupl1 Production- for the dealers In depots across dtc country". he the company's ptoducu. ~ ~

Consolidated Breweries shareholders approve N32Sk dividend


the ye.f tndled rDKembcr 31. lOll. shareholders of Consolldatfed tJ)R

NUS kobo dividend. -niIo c0mpany had t'arIicr paid an imet"· IJRdlvldend 100 kobo. bring-


ing fina l dlYkicnd paid for the

pct"Iod 10 Nl.25 kobo.

Within the period under

review. according to a press statemefl! is:sucd ;11 the \\ftk· end. ConsolJd;ncd Brcwerlts PIc recorded turncwnofN27.9 biUkln, from NlA.S billion in 2010. oJnl~ofI4JlC"cmL

Sptaldng .11 the company's ~.a rly genenl m~ting 1n

L1gos, lhe pms statement quoted


Brewtri~ dloiIlrman, Pro[ Oyin OdutoJa.Oiurtn <lS saying profit

Want to study in the UK?

wrJllOr;r,:'umonoflhf'prOd,c'_1 tJCl, SOl fl8, SlIXl' U,", I<Ul:Jd ~mml Jrofi procumnmt or ltrtlllzer. ~ are now left to ma~t our producu on our

.lgm<b of Pn:sidmt GoodItrl: own.

Bfn'ItT1es PIc ~ appilJll'Kl

related course • Minimum of 3·5 years cognat e experience • Must be ha rdwo rking and ready to wor k independently


aftertax declined by 18 percent rrom N3..2 billIOn in 2010 to billion In ZOll She aurtbuted lhc decline In the compJlly's profit 10 increasing opel"lllional casts ocusioned by tnckmml opeor'

alillg environmtnt in the counuy during the period und« ....... Odutola<>lurin noted lhat the "..u.J .......J 01 ",b>k!y on hid In January- held rurther1l1CT1!aStd rom of' running the

~Irng to her: kty reforms ~ cxp«ttd In various 5«ton., "Including powtt and Infmuuctu~ thai Impact 011 our optr.Itlons.. She explained thai within the pcnod under Il!'kw. the COInpany acquired 85 per Ctnt share ho lding In Bcnue BrtWtty Umlttd. bl"t\olo'fiS of the Mort /..agt'r of beer

whilt Williams Doric ~ br.and

and Its associated business also joined Ihemmpa!ifsmble. Also, she said company has acquired majority 5ha~ holding In Champion



PIc., stressing thai

the results of the 57 JIC'I" cent be consolidilled Into the finand.ll Stittmerll5ofzOI2. ~isttion would

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