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Assodation lists challenges of manufacturers ,y _

mmt ~ to tht counuy's nI'I'Dl"f priYatl'smor," be mtfti. The Exec\Jtlvt SKrtbI)' of r food, !ltY!ra&t mI "bbacm AFlJTE. Mr. Adtrrml _ (AfBle! " ' _ Me ~inhis~s.tid, By 8__ AdI".. 1


a"Itw.~ tba "\leI}' we ~ balbniztd d.. INI~ sr:ar:n ann. budon to dlt Dorne5dc our InstitutIOns and dJvIdtd (tams of Vilrious m1nlstties for _GIlP) ...... _ - pdty f6S0ns. In sp{tt tht dIVIntRd~wdtmldduttol1lgsions and OWl)' dupl.lGtions, Ion I most of these a~des ~ lit Yid manul tq:w:ing sector contJ1butM 7.98 centohht soun::eol' ~ Ir1 ourt'Concountry's GDP h 10, iKkiing omlt ~ haYe been no rault 10 show ro.- thdr number.. It Is Uw. siner [ben I secmr's aD- for this rNSOn WI _ btllrYe UibuOOn to nJ n.1Il Income h;u bttn on t 1 downward that the exfsttnce or the Consuml.'f ProtKtlon Council



(ere) and Standards ~rmWllst _ dulletlge5 I Include: Orga.nlsadon oC NIgft1a(SON)tn the amt mlntst!)' Is a manifG. Inadrqurt suI Y of 1000ily sournd filW It a emU. wralt Gldon or WilStrlul and poor pubinfnstructural / Idllties. unfilir lic .Miminlstnlion in NlxmacomptUtioc1 fl1,m mluggbed.. ~CJ'Cshoukfbt~ chuper fO~1 jlrodua. tht roued from r!gU~lory rrsponsIhiRh cost fuJI d and product billt)t Then therr should be aaultrradori am lfI,8othm.. "if W chalJm~ es confrondng the rNnufacru sectOf arr to


bt Glcldtd

anothtr regulato!)' agency duplkad'"41: JI'J05dy Iht roles 0( Standards OrpnlSiltlon of NIgeria and N.1tlonill "&trey for Food md Drug Admlnislnlion and eono-ol (NAFDAC)." Tht Q7.oemor of lap Satt'., Babatunde Rajl FIShofl, who spokl' through the Commisslonrr for Comrnr:r« and Ind~ Mrs.. OIusoia Oworn, said goYmlmtm hands wrre on dKk to suppon tM Indumy hence the I'StabUsb-

mtnt of tht lddd Ffft TrD 7..ont' (lfTZ) through conalxntlon betwetn Fflknl GoYI.'rnment, Lilgos SUtt GoYI.'mmtnl. consortium of Chlnrse Investol'S and othl.'f stilkeholdm, In line With tht vision of making the wne a malor hub of sodo-«onomk: prosperity and InflOlSDlXUJrr lkvdoptmnt In Nlgma.

Cocoa fanners get training in Cross River From AnIIdI ~ CalabIr 'N~dbtlDboaslox:m.pocU:-


rrung mJ cwn:II d State


Cross RMI" bmI ttaintd m

-~......-.. fht thrt'Nla,f training pro-

grammr hlngftI on tht thrme. "CoaY In Etung loc:al GoYtm.mmt Area and Its OpponunltIe: fc:w ImproYftTlmt Involved srl«t persons trom Etung communities, the Communlty-Bued OrganlSiltlons (CBOs), Civil 50drry Organisations (oos/ and tht Etung Local Cound 8



lOpialiime, theSKmofSuctrss In Cocoa Fanning and Muketlng, Soli Fenl1lty and Fertility Managtmenl, Best Practkes rOl" Supt'rior CocN Results In Etung. Introductlon lO Crop ProdIXlIon ProductS, Tht lm~tivt of Women lmolmnent In C()('O;I Production, Fanner Organisation and Current




rus:sed It the R'J11irw.r. tht Dlrraor, Fanning Wori(I """"""""" on "" ........ and Rural Developmtnt InltiatMs In Enmg. Mr. HmIy Etta said. "as )'OlI can 5ft, the objectIYts Is ~ bKause first. lhe ~ Is for the: gate ktqJers. CBOs, the lawn coundl unions .md lht: £tung local council oCfidaIs.." To runhe:r sumgthm ~ production in Etung and the count!)' .lit large, Mr_ Ayo A.k:Inol.l In his paper tltkd "Rt:pllcatlng the German International Corporation (GIZ~ RMr ADP ltd F,mnf'f Busi\lCS!i SdwoI (FRS) EJ:periel1O!," SOlid tht Inlm'mdon proJIOImmt COYm !\bY, Cross ~. £do, Ondo and OslIn With 16 councils In the roum", 'II! SiIkl. In Cross Rtvft' alone, the FRS Iw; tr.llned (Mt l.SOO ~ fall1ll:l"S and tIM! GI~ I'oI-lhe SliItt WoI$ 5.000 farmers. HI' dKtitd the IUitude of

farmters.. s;yIng. "they;are I10llllJllling tt ~ busIne:s5. but £rom tht tratning prDgfiInutlt'., It Isexprrud that ~ Iiutners wiU begin to 0JCl and think Ultt ~

business men .net gd I:lturr


Ttam Itadet of Community

Management Unit of Micro J>ro;Kt I'nlgrammt.' In thr nine NIge" Dletc.

sates (MW 9} the

of tht worIcshop. Me. Pfter Ayo said,·~ In ENng h.u OYer tht ~rs Inm.ased IU rrputadon of a spedaI quality ~nd t1aYour duE: to privileged :wil derivlfl$: pmiy from \1015pOO5OI'S

Gnle iKlMtJeS and bKausr or fav!:lImbit dimatt"_ He iKIdrd th.lot "ills conlirTTlt'd by farml.'f organlsaOOns. coopmttYeSandtirmerassodations thai there Is a continuous mobillSiltlon for lCquirinl

more knowltdgt" htnce the

nttd for tht training progrvTlrTll'lootheFBSthatbrings In tht buslnes.s component With GIZI5 a deYelopmmt pan-



' ~ffi ~ gOV!!m-

tmnl must lallt dl'finlte TnC!as-



poIkiti tha(' WIi Id ~ul W counllYs Inimlnlcrurr whrrt m.l Oumcturu'S viII Itteo p.Kt wlIh IKhl1'llot .lcal ~vma­ ~ts In O1Irr 1. ~omptl:e Wlth OIhermu3'E IlheglobaUy: "Then! m !)r, Ot IO«OIlOm k andpoh - SQ Ji\ityto lnsp+~ tht cOfl~ ill Nlgrn.m sand non.Nigm..u: oiI"OUtlM fururr 01 the t'conbm,a Also, the busl065 riwirOnlTll 'n l should bt mort ,:onduc" e In ordrr to Inspin! lilt- 1II"Ign dirKI InvrstmtoLdu~ nl~lnm.:lk­ Ing crtelit ilnd tclulty Inwest-



I3shemita'1 now Rotary Disl dct 9140 go~mor

r ominee

HARJBJI> .. COODGIllt ard businessm;uJ Chid ~ 0yIb0 BitErtVGJr\ hasbml nom Irialtd ., the oIJij t aC tilt AacIry 1rn.mJai1mal1llsirlct9l"o~ nor b"thr RJtar\.' br: 2014-206. I.JsuaIl)I nomInti5 ~ surr to ~ thr olBa! thl!)' on 00I1Iinated ill" in aa;ofdi-ncr with tht unique ~1fI tr.IdItim d.



\Iv'hen lH' takes the: chair of Olstr1ct ~,r, Eshtmllan will ~ tilt RotaI)' clubs In the 11 SQtes South-South .nd SOUth-Eas of Nigeria namely. Edo. ['ella. B.1y.dsa., AbId. Imo. Ebony!. Anolmbra. Enugll. Akwa-IbOm and Cross Rfvtor, He had seJ\"ed iJS pmldent of RoGII)' dub of ;aurun. Delta Sene MId hrid s~raJ Dlstrict IrYeI positions. He will Sead professionals and businessptl"slln$ to fight iIIltenty. povt rty, hunger. poor he"a1tb, uHlr..althy nMmnment at the home ,md workplacr and dho peaa In


Striking. Impressive. Outstanding. The Mercedes-Benz E200 BlueEfficiency. Plus a complimentary BeoSound 8.

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Experience the ultimate in CI tmlOf' 8nd style. In addil, lO to a p.'oOierful. responsIlie eng,ne and class-beattng safety features. you Villi also find a hosl of technological advances (hat make every dnve a pleasure_ EnJOY a complimentary"upgrade 10 7G-Trorllc Plus Automatic Transmission. which boosts your fuel economy wh,le reducing CO2 emissions. rhis lalest offer IS topped up with the latest media interface. 6 CD Changer. and a complementary 8eo$ound 8 from Bang & Olufsen, an additional value lh<ll makes It cas,er thiln ever to stf!P into a Mcrc~dcs Bclll_


As pm of "" ",oonding t. assuming InfO offia. Eshemltan \..111 ltItnd sevt!r;!.l miut.~,'k!.IOIJI ·Ill&! in ~

For further enquiries, please call 0( visit our sho .... rooms_



11M' tid\. or nolh'n(.


M-B Automobile Services Ltd. 1II..! ,\If'n"l"!J( - Helll ('".mtt'r '''I~l6J", -... t. lrt* lftO«..I fIIn.old'" _ol ....... ,:d!o' .....'I.. ' ..

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TIlt HJh\1ul ~- K, cU,


t I\JZ1.l1lll7 ,,"',ll_ r ......1 ''''' ~'J', "-O'P'lia.tta


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