Bllsiness Insurance P22
Business Interview P58
Strengthening customers support, loyalty for continuity
The potency of cash-less policy checking money lanudering
Nigeria's agric development gets N144bn boost from World Balll{
fnn Job AIcInM&. . . .
""J"1-IE World Bank ba::; L.Utm ~ ~ $tqJ Ii.uttEr lO htotp NI~ ~ ~ h. dt:padenc::e on on and gas tncomr. by iI ctqJdng [0 $uppon lh~ o Lntry's
Actlon Plan (ATAP), with iI wfloopIng sum oC S?oo million (a"boUt NI... blUlf:on). TlM' firundJl ilSSlsanc'! from theglobll fin.mdallnmtutloo Is mmlng into the COWltry for irrigation and to boo5tagncu1rur.i/ prodUl%, y,'hlch $ "xpco' ed to gulp s..OO mJlUcn and SSOO mIllIon respectJ •.oeJy.
The bank plilnll~ LO Stlppon
tht COURUY In the d( ~lop" ~nt of foucmalorcmps- Rice,
The financial assistance from the global financial institution is coming into the country for irrigation and boosting of ~culturaJ produce...
u....v...~= eoco.. Ills to spend part of the und to nansfonn Nlgman~tur!: Instinllt, In order to inakr It conform to global StillXwds. The Minister of AgricultuR ilnd Rural Ikvdopmwt, Dr. A1dnwuml Adesinil. who disclosed thiS during a moolil brie.nng In Abuja. over the Wttktnd. sUI. the sUP{lOrt was thcootcOtMof iI meet1ngwith the sen)or d1n:o:ors of World Bank ill the lun concludtd Nlgeriiln AgrIbwlnes:s
w..hIngton DC. DIsc~fc that tht. Worki Bank 0 would be In the counDy In two wffics dme to
befoR gnndhe said they would funher support the count)' In rht ~kJpmt:m o(
acag sttuadon ng tht. radll~
Slilple crop proces5lng zones. ~lIng
some orthe OUl· comtS the InvesUllt.nt forum, AdtSlna Solid an AmcriOl4.>ascd com\>any has IndlOited Inlt'RSt In nvetlng It RSOUrces to boost nee pro-
ducdon through the rultlvadOn of the samr on 25,000 heores of farmland in Sokoto, using RiJN lniplion scMme. In ~lion to this, he Silk! a major u.s. company. Urgill. ~ intm5t In buying one of the ~e, high qualltyc.assJYa pI"ulrs... Uimt'ntIng that of the 300,000 tnttoB D«dcd to e.nilble fanners practicl!S
mKhanlztd fanning. only
20,000 ~R! functional To Inc:ruse the numoo- of uac[01" In the counay. he saki the la~ tr.lCtOr manufacturer, ~ irnt'~
AGeO, has
up metar assembly
planu In Kadu~ State to serve the North. ilnd the
According to the m1nlsttt. the
Wadel Cocoa Foundation has shown Inttl'$ In the triIlnlng of coc:N farmers In fmn bus{.. n~ ilnd susalnable cocoa production. It would illso, among others. assist In the eslilbHshment of the cocoa Il\iIrUt ilnd Training Coq>or.>Uon DISdosI"3 that NIgniiI would be Importing 18 wrgt! scale of CilSSaVii processing plilnt [0 process ilbout LJ million tonnes high qu.llity QSSiIv.1 IIour yea~ he saki the f"oundiltion wouldsuppon the~· enumn[ in disriibutlng eight h~ Introduced cassaVii
Urc'sbread component now 22 per cent cassava flour
DAN by the mlefil] C Govmunml to substiWU!
.. 0 ptr cent of wheat !lour
dtmiIJXI In the coun~ with high q""'tr """'" _Iw sWttd )1ekIing dlvldcrxh. A (oOd and confectionery com~y. urc Nigerian Pk. at thr~ilnnounadiln
per cent mluction of Dour for bread In filvour o( ca.s:sav.1 flour thus, plonet.rlnggl1\"VTlment's high quality GISSiIViI
Dour Inltla~
Group Managing Dil'"tCtDl"of company. Folusho Olilniyan ilt iI live Well Inltlad\IC (LWJ) rorum in Lagos, .11 the ~nd, said Wt the government's Initiative or ilsklng bakers to Include high qUality CiISSiIV3 nour In me production of br"t~ was (jmd~ as the gains had helped UTe lO cushion the: l~iISC In prices of sugar ilnd rna.rgatfne. Sptilkfng on t~ theme: -ltan Milnufacturing/Cost. cutting Without ltan Products; 0Iantyan said lhiI[ un:: made 22 per ant savings by mixing chcapc!". but high qu.llity CilSSiIVii flour with th~
-rht price of sugar and mar· prine IW up with the
yes it Is oJ cost saving measure, but It will help stibllisc the
""'" "" price 01"".0. o( bread0<h«wI><, would haW'
gone beyond lht reach of the
common man bt.causc of the illCJ'USt In tht price of whe;:lt Hour, ~ ani:! 1IIilJ8illint,-
Shr: addt.d tha[~ with the price upsurge of other raw malmals,thmwasstiU 15 per cent reductlon in price of
!be product Ischuptr,standud k>af goes forNloo mall, compilR with others of the
same siu, whkbgorslOCNOO md NOO. Wh.n we hive at the end of the day Is IIIOR ~Ofd.. ~ product lhiIt Is or ~ CONT1NUED ON PAGE 16
Group canvasses closure of Shell's gas flow-stations fir CllknMa. _ fallin. OlIn ."..E Envtronmenwl Rights l.Action/frIcnds of ttl! filnh Nigeria
{DAfFolN)~""'" ~nmcnl
that the
In demonst:n~ gel commillTlmt to md iPS 6.1r1ng in
"" 011 produdng ' ...... by muttinel pljtfonns thai
thc3 , mmodl'Y
that lJ high gbball)l Tht. group's d!!rT nd came amid rqJOrtlii that ~II mUl· ltd 6J. riilllJon torulC5 of car· bon dioxide Into 1M NillWiln and envirolUllCO( during
Shell estimates $6bn on associated gas gathering projects ~o!.""~~ gas operations in 20ll alone.. described th~ rq'JOn as -a rommunlty people who any gisr for" thc rnassM mvlrooAnother repon wbik gas compilation of billf.uuths" the burden or fts operations menu] rights .looses oca. IlMing has dt.dlned woildwide,NigmailCtDWltmfor80 pc!" cenl global gas Ilartng in 2011 Sht.lI, In Its susainabllll)' repeln for 20U. blillDtd the security sltuiltion In the Nigl!T 0t:I0I and LKk or govmunt.nt fundlng for lhe slOwconstruc· don o f gas gathering InfR· struCture.
But In.i stUcme:nt Issued In Lagos yes(erda~ ERA{Foflll
ilnd iI gross violation or the envirunmenlill and communlty righlS. Thegroup saki thr: company (ililea to tell the trutti In Onkr nor. to ilbsolve Itsdffrom "ability. The group's Executive Dircaor, NnlmmoBilssey; said: "'This Is not only shaJne. fuI iUld outrageous. SheU has. by Its own ;admission of inatastd In tilt Niger Ddta indicated II is ukl ng ilit
on a roIkrcoiISttr ddt, sptced with sJ~ on mammoth sums dt.PkiYtd to ~ log gas Oaring through 50gas gathering In flil..
structure.-Shell's admission tha l Its energy effick:ncy for
I:hc prod uction or 011 ;rna gas
In !.he Upstn'illTl bwincss worsened In 2011 confinru (tars thal oU compOi!lles are the major drivBs of global
:5ionft1. by lts .afvtdI!s In the
Nlgerod"t:il.ltlsdmethr:company admits tIw its own nt.gUgma Is responsible for the loss or ~ IIws and INdlhoods In the NlgerOt:lta.~ a1tlc::ised .I RCtIon or ShtJl's report., In which It claImed mo~ p-gatherinR; tllulpmcntand ITIOl'tcontroli ~re ilpplled to sites with hi2her mIs of gas assodaled wi'th oU prod uction, saying
Ihtlnoused llaR!Swasadur Indicator that the company has only been engaging In lrnagr whlttwash on gas gathering ~ When It ~ pmty Uttleonground. "We arc demandirig as a right that the p lildorms and fiow. sations Ilartng gas be scaled off i1nd .In cnvironme.nlill iludlt be OIrritd out to ascrr· tilln the. ovt:rall hazardous Im~ of 011 Industty opBadons ha~ had on tlum.ans, plants, iI1llrna..Is and the ellil1!: