THE GUARDIAN, 23 June, 2011

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mE GUARDlAN, ThUrsdayJWle 23, 2011

IITA boosts agrobusiness with training programme FromFIcIrn:Ilnnnce. Abuja '"J1-IE International Institute .l or Tropica l Agriculture, lbadan has been (lesignated by the Federal {jo\'emment to host series of mining to booslagncultural produce in the country. This was disclosed by t he National Ellport Promotion Coundl (NEPC) .1t a briefing Tuesday in AbuJa afte r a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between N[I'C, the University of Abuja and Sand B Consultant limited. Speaking on the essence of the m eellng, the Director Genl'ral. NEPC, David Adulugba said it was fonnalising of an existing relationship with t he Unfversity of Abuja .1nd B&B Umlted, an Intem.1llon.11 consultant firm on capacity building for

NDE to recruit 500 trainees

personnl'J. He Solid: "This meeting Is to educate Nigerian public, particu larly IiiI.' organised private sector, t he uportmg public and public officers who an!' engaged in internationa l busrness as .1 daily schedule 10 know the knlttygriny of intemaUoNI busi·

Ihe economy.M The council disclosed tm.t a fee of NuS,OOO was cha rged per person, which wi ll cover two weeks on diffell'n t topics relating to International lrade. However, the n(').1 one comi ng at IITA by Ju ly is fOCUSing on 'Agrlc Commodity.' The former Vice Chancellor, ""'Mit Is a linle bit lricky,dlfficult Federal Un i ~rsity of and \\-1." holY(' tht n!'sponslblll- Agriculture. Minna and the ty to educate them. We are J>rindpai Consultant B.lnd B, using faculty from around Professor Mohar.lmed the globe and lIlA to learn Oanlyan declam:!. thilt the this thing. that Is why I'll.' all' organisation assists In bring· forging the relationship Ing resource persons, both M locally to !O0\01!' lhts forwa rd. loal and internallonal He add td: MKnow ledge Is expens, 10 train Nigerians on Malth. Those who are aimttl Improving the qUdlity of will haR the confidence to product from agnc produce. approach the internatIonal Already. almost 200 particiartna ....ith much ca~. The pants have been trained to br mon!' W'I.' expan:the mon!' for- awan!' of domestic and inter· eign eJlch.1nge we a((~ct In natlon.11 stolndards.

rnf E National Director-He of l Employment ( NOE) In l' lateau has commen~ the jJrocess of recruiting 500 tr.1inees under its Open tJ'x;~nt i Ceshlp Scheme

tI"alnlng. nIl.' coordinator, however, .said Ihat the directorate \V.1S h.-wing a tough time ~Iect· Ing only 500 out of the thousands of candidalu that have Indlc.1ted Intertst. MOn June l3 when we start· ed, 1.05 candidate! were reg. Istered and we still ha ~ about three dd)'$ to go," she added. She listed the criteria for the seleCtion of trainees to include age. educational quallncation, residency, trade of choice and the sen ousnts! exhibited by tht applicanL lhe fIIOE coordinator com · mended the dire([orate's collaborators ovcr the years and urged them 10 continue to suppon NOE to rid the So<lety or unemployment. MQ urtrainees' trainers have been wonderful; they are always willing to accept tralntl'S ..... ith Ihe little stipends we givt them,M she said.

On June 13 when we slarted, 1,135 candidales were regislered and we slill have aboullhree days 10 go," she added.

nle NOE Coordinator in the state, MJ"!i. Joyce "a map, told the News Agency of Nigeriil (NAN) in Jos on WedneSday that the directo rate had received approva l to rteruit 500 unemployed )Duths for the programme. Yarnap. who said that the programme would commence on July I, added that the one·week Tt'cruitment process started on Monday and would end on Friday. She urged Interested candi· dates to register at the d lrKtorate's office. Y.1rnap said thost selected would undergo a two·da y orientation programme on lunt 27 and lune 28 befort' bt:lng hand~ over to their tramers fo r the three-month

Adebola Sobanjo & Co Chartered Accountants

If=RS Adoption: Implementation Programmes Introduction CorverslOO 10 lFRS has vanous reqUiremenls alld dates for every company In Nige'la One of the cntical stages In 'he Implementation orocess by comoamcs and organiSa1l0ns IS training and skills oevelopm2nl

Adebola SobanJo

& Co.has put In place a series or IFRS Special Events whICh VillI assIst compames in N~ena

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.. Nigerian Ro.d MiI\I ~ IFRS and l5 lmpierroenla'.'\)IIS ., Nigt'rian~ Staroan.blodat!J ., Flilrnew'OfIr; lor the Prt'o;!tilhon and Presen-.aoon of FftilnColl Stalt'lllCfllS

., Fnt- Tl1'II!! Adoption 01 IFRS " FnanciaI StaIemenls: Strutkn an:! Corcc-oI II Stalement 01 FlIliInciai Posi:ion n 5talement 01 ~STYfllneome

of Oanpes in EquIIy ,. ~emenl cI C3sh Flows Stat~nt


of Aec:ounting Policies .. Flftlamen\II Sleps 10 IFRS

Of ~e

" Exettises .. CaseSIUdy


Who 10 ANend' ~1aIII' E.,IHnaIAudi'.orJ InIemIllAuc!ilDrs. F'1I'I1IlI»IAn.1'ysts ~ O"ice!s. SIDle I.ta,.,. SIln-~.NPeB Pmc..emtl"ll 0k.erI. THoece~ P.)fOI~ ~OIIi::er1, 8ant. EDnven, lWIII Supe!vIsa1:, R~cn f'l"eprll'S and usetS 01 Finantill ~ments


=N= 60,000 fP,CULTY

Ac!eboIa OIubanjo FCA. FCCA, FBR Fcn Manilglng Partner 01 Adebola Soballjo & Co and IFRSiSME ~'/elopment Speoalist i5 1 key iIlslnrclors. He is a tilleel developel on A::o:o..wlting. Flnanoal Reporting MaMgement Consultancy, Tiuallon and ~.~"~.,,!"'h·. De~eIopment. He has been lriIi"I'ng on IFRS and SME Development. He h~s faolila:ed l'Ind aoredild IFRS Se'Tltl\il1l; He" a FaaJky Me1r.ber and Rfl)fesenlative oIlASerr.1flaB in N'gerla I


R.AlIeslnil ACA, ACT!. IFRsrTa)tAd ~'sor at Adebola Saba!¥> & Co He has participated in 'IlInO\JS IFRS and S~/E Oevelop<nent . and abrood. He 'N!II CCHlfdmate LAGOS OFFICE: Shobo Hoose 3tt1 Root, 5, Simpson Street, l 2goS Island, lagos or 22A, Omorime Johnson Strl!et, off Duros/nml Enl, l ekki Phase " l elrJri, l agos Statl!. ABUJA OFFICE: 12th Floor, h tJour House, Cenlnl Business District. FCT. Abuj,. For mOflllnformation c,U the Programme Co-ordInator. Raji 08038638 133 or Conlact Persons: Sayo 01085507715 or Staphen 08023538504 or Muyiwa 08077784214 Email :"

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