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mE GUARDIAN, Wednesday, March 23, 20U


TheMetroSection I

300 benefit from free health check programme organized by Rotary Club of Lagos-Palm Grove Estate

Health succour again ... for Lagosians


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Igbinedion varsity holds inaugural lecture "ni EManagement of Igbine.1 dion University Okada will tomortow hold its fifth inaugu· ral lectore at the university main auditorium,Okada, Edo State at 1I.00a.m. The lectore entitled: ' Tbe Innuenceo(ClJemlstryon Human urI!' will be delivered by Prof. Ukwueze Albert Chukwuemeka of the Department of Chemistry, College of Natural & Applied Sciences, Igbinedion University Okada, under the chairmanship of the Vice-chancell or, Rev. Prof. Eghosa E. Osaghae. Ekwueze holds a PhD. III Organic Chemistry from the Ul1lversity of Lagos, haVIng obtained his Masters' Degree from St.lohn's University, New York. United States of America.

JK Michaels'breakfast meeting tomorrow A FIRM,JK Michaels Consult£\jng, will tomorrow hold its breakfast meeting with the theme: "Acbiel1ngoperarional

excellence chrough lean six sigma: at Plo133, Wemabod Estate, off Adeniyi lones, Ikeja, lagos from9.00a.m.-1I.00a.m. For furtherenqullies, call 08033596025.

Seminar on Rule of Law

A SEMINAR on Rule of law orby the Rule of law Committee of the Nigerian Bar Assoclanon (NRA) holds today at the Sheraton Hotel Abula at 9.00a.m. TIlere are two seSSIOns W1th rwo topics entitled the Rule of lawas an agenda fonhe sustenance of enduring democracy to be dehvered by Prof.ltse Sagay, (SAN) while Justice Amina Augie of the Court o[ Appeal Enugu Division will speak on Agenda of rule of low for Nigerian leaders. According to the Chalnnan of the Committee, Mr. Yusu[ Ali (SAN), -rhe Attorney General/Minister for Justice of the Federation, Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke (SAN) will undertake "an overview of the rule of law" in his keynote address.


Another pa tient in consultation with a doctor

One of the doctors attending 10 a patient

Those with diabetes and hypertension were referred to physicians for further consultations and investigations, while eye-patients, after registration and their various contact details obtained; were assured of being invited to benefit from the club's next eye check-up and treatment exercise By Isaac Taiwo

UCCOUR has again come to Lagosians, when on Saturday, March 12, 201l,about300 people gathered at No. 1, D'Alberto Road, ICA Centre, Pa lm Grove Estate to benefit from a Free Health CheckUp exercise organized by the Rotary Club of LagosPalm Grove Estate. The programme, which has become a popular


quarterly event attraned people with diverse a ilments, from catarrh, malaria, cought cold, fever, body pain and body weakness as wei as more serious problems, came with high expectations of getting relief from their various ai lment Some of them, who had had a fore-knowledge of the programme, began arriving as early as 7.00 a.m. hoping that their hea lth problems would be solved. They were not disappointed as some, as young as two and as old as 80 benefited from the exercise, which was supervised by medica l personnel consisting of nve doctors, four nurses and 10 vo lunteers made up of club members that advised, diagnosed a nd treated various patients, a ll free of charge. Free drugs such as painkillers, blood tonic, and cough syrups were administered to those whose problems cou ld be solved with such drugs. Besides, sm il es were a lso put on the faces of the younger chi ldren who went home with Indomie nood les, biscuits and m il k powder. Among those that turned up to benefit from the exercise, were a lso special patie nts with more se-

vere aIlments like d ,abetes, hypertension, eye problems and those with amputated hmbs_ After the Initial check-up, those with diabetes and hypertensIOn were referred to phYSIcians for further consultations and investigations, while eyepatients after registration and their various contact details obtained, were assured of being invited to benefit from the club's next eye-checkup and treatment exercise. The club also put a new lease of life in those patients with amputated li mbs as they were given artificial limbs to enable them wa lk on tlieir feet instead of continual use of crutches. The excitement of the parents of a two-year -old beneficiary of artificial limbs knew no bounds as they watcned their baby who had often spent his t ime on his back on account of not being ab le to use one of his legs, get up and wa lk freery about, thanks to the artificial limb prOVided by the club. The Preside nt of the Club, Mr. Naranbhai G. Patel assured the parents of the two-year-o ld of the club's commitment to ensure the limb was changed every year ti ll the boy attained the age of 16.

Ondo Agric Village takes off with 1,500 reSident-graduate farmers "niE Ondo State Government .1 Agric Villaj$e project has taken off, whIch IS aimed at boosring food production as well as providing emp loyment to thousands of youths of the state. Speaking during an inspection of facilities at the Caring Heart Agric Village in Ore, Odigbo local Council,on Tuesday, the state governor, Dr. _••_Olusegun Mimiko enjoined . the 1500 graduate residentfarmers, the first batch of graduate farmers that would be accommodated in the first phase of the project, to be focused and show seriousness in

the task ahead of them. The governor, who disclosed


parts of the State, emphasized that the project would serve as a model for Nigerians to accept agriculture as a profitable venture and veritable tool for reducing unemployment. He also said all necessary facilities, including accommodation had been provided for the farmers. "Everything you see here today had been pu t in place In the last three months. "I wa nt to encourage all of you young graduate farmers that

this is about you. It is about the future orlhis state. It is about a task to be chosen by a nation if it wants to get out of the poverty. Through your activitics here, I believe that Nigeria wi ll come to learn that fa rnling is a profitable venture and it is one avenue that we can explore to ensure that we defeat youth unemp loyment in Nigeria: Mimiko said. He continued: "We've made this Agriculture Vil lage comfortable for you so th~tyou can concentrate on your Job. "All the crop farmingaclivities here will be tractor -driven, your weed control wi ll be

chemica lly done, each of you wil l be empowered with facilities for crop farming, fish farming, pou ltry farming,

~~:hn~~~l~n~~n~oa;~ ~.~ line, you will be the envy of

r,~~~~~II~~fiub~ b~~d~el~~~~ than IVhal you would have earned if YOll had taken a white-collar job. "So I want to encourage you to put your heart into what you want to do here. "We are bu ilding three other villages. This is the firs~hase. The second one is goin on in Epe in Ondo East local ouncil

whi le the third one is in Auga Earlier, the Chairman of the State Wealth Creation Agency, Mr. Bisi Adegoke disclosed that 47 hectares of maize had been harvested, 80 hectares of cassava planted and ready for allocalion to participants while 15 kilometres of new internal fa rm roads had been con· structed. He added that government has constructed 300 fish ponds, planted 800,000 oil palm seedlings while 70 selfcontained housing units and poultry pens had been completed.

Church begins programme lE Chdst Hope Evangelistic Mission (Solution Centre) TI has begun its weekly Tuesday programme from 7.00a.m.loam. Meanwhile, vigil holds on Friday at lo.oop.m. and special seMee on Sundays at the church auditorium, 9,ljebutedo, Pipeline, New Oko-Oba,lagos. Host is PastorTheophilus Olu Iyanda.

Rdau prayer for Abogun 'T'HE eighth day Fidau .1 prayers for Alhaja Mujidatu Anlke Abogun, who diad recently and was buried according to Muslim rites, holds today at Baale Street, Abogun Compound,lgboefu, lekli:i, lagos. She was a community leader and devout Muslim. She is survived by many chil· dren, grand children among whom Is Chief Ariku Abogun.



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