Participation : • Journalists. Correspond fA .W.A. RE.5.) and encompasses the key features of
that programme .
Senior Special Assistant fo the President and National Co-ordinator, NAPEP, Dr. Magnus l. Kpakol; sharing some points with the Secretary of Programme, NAPEP, Alhaji Aliyu Sidi Ndako at a two-day workshop on the Implemetation of In Care of the Peop le (COPE) and Promise Keeper Partnership (PKP) schemes in Ahuja ... recently.
Guiness backs UN's initiative to reduce road accidents By Talwo Hassan UINNESS Nigeria Pic has renewed its commitment to road safety by partnering with the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) to stem the tide of unn ecessary fataliJ:ies resulting from road accident Speci fically, the company has declared its support for the 'UN decade of Action on Road Safety' with the aim to reduce the number of fatalities caused by Road Traffic Collisions (RTC) by 50 per cent by the year 2020. The move was part of the nation's launch of the United Nations Decade of Action on road safety in Abuja, at the weekend. According the company, it has shown commitment to promoting responsible con·surTIption of alcohol in the country, as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle through its various responsible drinking initiatives. Corporate' Social Responsibility Manager at
Guinness Nigeria, Mrs. Adrianne Nwagwu said the company has continued to sensitise Nigerians on the need to abstain from excess talang of alcohol drinks, while driving on the road as it portend risk to human health. ''The company has consistently shown its strong commitment to promoting the responsible consumption of alcohol, as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle through its various Responsible Drinlang initiatives. These include asuccessful "Don't Drink and Drive" campaign, which was run in January 20U on radio and bi boards, as well as, an alcohol education platform called DRINKlQ, which the company leverages to engage various stakeholders," Nwagwu said. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimated that over13 million people were killed by Road Traffic Collisions (RTC) and 50 million injured on the world's
From Joke Akanmu, Abuja '"("tiE General Manager, 1 Golden Pasta Company, Yiannis Kacshichtis, has blamed the hike in food prices in the country, to the unprecedenteq bad weather conditions across the world. He maintained that the long spell of uncontrolled bush fires in Russsia and Australia, adding to the flooding in the United State and Canada has aided the skyrocket of the price of wheat, which subseCj uently led to the huge rise in cost of food across the globe. Katshictis, who stated this at the "2011 Customers' forum of the Golden Pasta Compa ny Ltd. and the Golden Noodles Nigeria Ltd., said that the rise in cost of wheat flour, which is their major raw material, contributed to the increase in the price of their product He noted that the price of their product was dependant ':lin: the price of wheat in the international market, hinting that the company may likely increase the price of
their product this year. Accordingto him, "towards the last quarter of the year (2010) we have struggled to contain the price hike in wheat products including wheat flour our major raw material, but we cannot continue to cushion the effect of this hike in the prices of wheat, thus as a prolonged battle we were forced to increase the prices of our products. He disclosed because of the hike in price of wheat flour and some other factors, the company was not able to meet their target as they only achieved 85 percentof its target, which is 3 per cent higher than the previous yea.r. The general manager explained that in their bid not to destabilised the market behaviour of the consumers, the prices were done in small increment, adding that the prices which could have been increased in December 2010 was not done till February 2011.
agencies. and corporate organi7.ations
The course will be of partic~lar benefit to pF.rsons who wcrk in the media and in public relations or who aspire to enter these fields. but it is also beneficial to those who merely wish to improve their writing skills. Important components of the course include learning to make adequate Lise of the web to present. one's work Clnd the improvement of productivity through greater self-management.
• Scriptwriters fin Electronic and Print med ia) - Film Makers, Producers, Editors and 5\lb-Editors - Corporn te!:'xecutive and Public rf:!falions Offi!.:!':!,.'.
who in~e "d to apply creativity in writing - Those aspiring to improve their writing competen ce Course Fee: N250,OOO per participant.
In addition to the core writing modules, participants wiJl h~ve the cham:e of specialising in one or l"hl'!
(Flexible.payment plan available) This fee cevers all course ma te ria ls, tea and lunch
three avail<lble writing streams : Duration: 20 days spread across three months
I The Creative Writing stream
2 June - 19 August, 2011
The Business and Economic Writing strea~.
I The Reporting for the Media
roads yearly. Over80 percentofthe figure occurred in developing countries, with African countries, such as Nigeria having the highest death rate. At its general meeting of Aprll 25, 2008, the UN recognised the importance of a renewed commitment to road safety to stem the tide of unnecessary fatalities resulting from RIC's.
5thool of Media .and Cdmmunlcation, P3n-Afrtcan UniverSity, 2, Ahmed;driibudo Sti~et, Victoria Island, lagos. Enqulfies imd Registration: Doris - 0805 811- 7207 and 01-896 7462, Juliet - 0806 638 5629
ister online @ www .
Study in the UK at the University of WaLes, Ne\Nport MBA (No vvork experience required) - MSc Project Management - MSc IT Management - Pre Masters + MBA (for 3rd Class Hons &
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Firm blames hike in. food
price on cit:mate Change
• Copy writers, Creative writers in advertising
University of Wales, Newport
Prifysgol Cymru, Casnewydd
Univel"sity of VVales. Newpor1. is a full
co nstituent institution o f the University of Wa le s
Glyl1 JamE!s. International Officer "\NiH be conducting interviews at the follo"\Ning venues:
Friday ;J;'7 May 2011, 'foam ~ ' 3ptn BEClnternation;al Eclvcatloo Can$.oltant-s. LagQs 11 , lkorodu Road'. MarYland., Lagds. CCiftt;acf: T!ii!l: +234 1. 4965'155 or 80552.4'11 71;1 I Email; -
~. ~ ~
admissidns@b!ii!cnigerla.coiTt « . ; . .~ _ ~ _ . . . . . . . ~ ... "' '" ,; .... ., .. ~ _ .
.. .. _," _ . . . . . . . . i; •
Wednesday 25 May 2011.
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2prtl ~ 5prTi
BCllE" La.gos
146 H"nam Abibu Ad~ter.., St'r~e.t (By S·lnari tia.tanljo). Vi<;:t:eria I,s tand j Ann!':!xe, L.AlgoS, .
I;-~~;~:~;~;~~~;~;:;.~;~~;:;:~~;.~~~~.~~:~~ .~~.:~ .~~~~.~~~.~~'- ~,~ ~. ;... -:'. ,.- -j 10SRl ~ 4pm Global 6c1ucation Counselling LTD. Lagos " 48b Siaka Tinubu stl'e.e't, Thr-u K.a.sumu EJ<.ernode. vraotoria Islan'd. Conta,ft: T~l; Oa023-6"OS3I'H'i or 08\Q615l1!3574
ThUrSday 26 May 2011.
:.." ,eceducat,ion.neJ;
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Students should bring along original copies of tran scripts and certificates for on the spot decisions.