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lHE GUARDIAN, FrIda)< February 24, lOll


Anew pact for capital market growth CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 Tr.mspon (lAP5SE1) Corrklor, the l,.)mu Port,




the Pnskiem of the Rq>ublk:orKenya. will be loiIytng the round~lion the comlnx two v.'rCks. ~Othe:rs ,ue the Sp«i.l1 Economic lon" (SEZ). the Ken~ Pons Authority, .nd Export ProctsSlng lone Authority (EPZA) prolects, ttul will sno.k funding through the bonds, rights

issuc:s.Assct Backrd 5«uritks (ABS) .. nd oth~ Qp\~1 INf-

itt! InstnJnM!:nl1

~ be:1~ that .. well rune(Joning apltol' INrUt will

..caleR!" the d~Jopfmnt of the Keny.m authority .uK! that. robuSt harmonIse'd rquLltory.nd policy fnJ1'leWOr\ through cooper.uJon

amongst .\MERe me.mbe:rs

will attract both Is.suers and investOrs beyond our respectM gtOgDphlCtl bonkn .

Global body canvasses energy for all CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 Ii£hted the monnous ~I~ a61e l':nt'rgy po(mllals. r.mgIng from $Ot.r, gnJthnmal. h~ro. wind and modem biG-


massthalQnbeham~to un~na l access to

oKhlewo .~

~ ... a.inun If CtuncI. ChIn .....

IMIiMe of "-'-"I ~ of HIprIa (CIPM). AbIoIa ~ <-**); ~/Chlef E-m.1Hfic.,

$unlIaf~ o.n) ~ _Chlir, ~~c...tIl., iSIIpft~III~",-..,..".ton.""Wilflnc.IoIL.atM._11y

The NorwrgYn Minister of Environment ~nd Intematlorwl [)noelopment, Erik Solheim said NOIW;ly's Energy+ tnltlo1tM Intends to contribute to the Imple~

tadon of SustallWbk Energy for All Inlli.llive. To underscOle the impor. tan« of the emu.. 1ro&e rna· gy pl;lYS In sodrlY, the UN s«m.~ryGrnrnl


;lppolnt~ ~ High-ln'cl Group oT dlstinguUMd Iro)dm; from finan«, government, the pJ1. viltr S«tor ~nd dvll sockty 10 drive.Ktion tOWilnU the: complrmrmary obJKlIvt:s of rnrrgy_ ~ccrlS. rrnrw~bles and rlfidmcy which Nhlm Amln .ire membt:rs.

2012 budget proposals unwieldy,


not transparent, says group

.,u... .....dKmd,...........· rmz£NS Wrillth Madonn

lion of statutory transft'f'5 in the lOU budget prtlfJO$ills. Thr St;llutOry tr.ilns(ers under foeU5 InclUde Natklnal looklill Coundl. NilS billlOl1: National Assembly: ISO bll· lion. Nlger-Delt;l Devt:lopmelll Commission, NS4.7b; Un!vrTSilI B.ilslc Educ;ltlon; N611. 3b: ~nd Indt'ptndl!'nt NatJonal EkctCK'il1 CommtssiOli (INEe). N40 billion, tOhlIng N391.8 billion. Tht' group o~ that the S«:1\;II00 could aule fun<bmental distortions In thr system .oind lhl!'rrbv Jtopilrdltr effrctive budget fmplement<llion. The group madr this obsr:rv~tJon In .oi communlqul ls5Ued ~t thr Civil Society Summit on the lOU Ftder.1il Budget.. whkh WilS COllVt'ntd by Ct'ntn for Social Justice 1C5J1 to m1ew the lOU proposiIls with .oi view to man Inputs to .oi1\Jtn tht' proposills wfth the n~ of tilt' popul.l-

{J now Hopp{erl



lion ~nd btsl pnictkes In fis.GIll gOYem;aoce. P.oinlclpiltloll w.u dr;Jwn from non-govemmenlill ~nd faith basw orgilnls.atloos/ profusional bOdies .oina otherctvll groups. The summit ~Ivt:d 10 t'StiIbllsh the Qtizros Wealth PbtIonn dedialed 10 rnsurlog th<lt publk rt':SOUrces ~Tt' nYde to WOR;lnd be of benttit 100111. The forum polntt'd out that O"iIrufef'5.u lump rums Is IlOf. KCept.lble In ~ constitutional democracy founded on tht' rule of l.lw.oind thr SOW:Tt'1gnty of thr peopk. According to tht' communkJu~, thrrr is no i.;Iw ~utho­ mfns lumpsum stillement of ~lIoe;ltJons. -Indeed. no ;lg~ncy of SO'Wrnmrnt, un<kr ~ny guise, IS ;l!Jowm to spend publk resources In;l Wily ilnd mannt:r.oind for purposes not known to dtJzms ~ccordlng 10 St'Ctlon 411 of the Fiscal """"o,'bll'lY /d. Tht' summit theTt'fore recommended thiat the NatJoRilI Assc:mbly (NASS) shoukl dis-

aggrtg.ille the SLltutOry transfrrs.oioo provide dt'tal& oflhe illloaHons like the budgets of otllt'r MDAs. NASS shOuld cut Its VOle by 50 pe:rc~nt;lnd th~ NJC 5hoUid ~Iso consklu cutting lIS YOU! down by not less than 10 percenL "NDOC'$ budget shoUld be scrutlnl~ viW-vis the budgetS of the 5Gltes ll'Yt bendTI from the Commission ;lnd the budget: of the MlnlsUy of thr Nigtr Delta to fish OUi dupllcatlon5 "nd w;lStr," it SI<lttd. According to lh~ communlq~. tilt' lint: Itrm rdtrm:! to ~s -¥>--elfilre piickilgrsshoukJ bt' apungtd from the budg,,The pbLfonn ~Iso decried

thr votes Cot- travel.ilnd transport for thr Ministries, Dep;inm('nlS ~nd Ag~ncles IMOAs);Ij they take up iI disproponicnate ponicn of the expenditure propouls. -t.-ianyMDAli ur dtll'l.ilnding secunty votts. ;I shuh funO which h;ls bern sewrilily ~~ uK! is stJlI very wtd~ optn to funht'r.oibwe

How to tac1de food insecurity, unemployment crises, by IITA he said.

~glng 10

ENTS in research nd dntelopment. backrd with nrctssuy polllbi 5Uppon could alleNtt' th~ uga of high food impon burden ilnd ImprtM! kJal ..gricult ur;II produnlon proAlt'. tht' Intt'm.nlonal Institute of Troplul Agriculture ( IITA~


The Dlrtctor~nem ollhc:

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Ntrr.lln)'il, malk this knoWn durlll&. .oi counesy visit of thr Governor of Ekld St.oilr, Kayodr Fayeml to IITA in lbild~n , oyo Slilt~. on

"""""""> According to Sangln8'1, LIP' ing rest:uch OUlputs from r,

lIlern~tlon.l1 ilgrlculturill rest:uch c~n~ could hrlp O;ItloO;lI ilnd 5l.ille g~r", m~nlS to tilckle the twin problems of food ins«urity .oind Ih~ risi ng W.1W' of un~m­



IYve th~ lKhnologies ,lIld knowkdge to help boose ilgriculturr aoo W'I!';lfe Tt'adt to t t - wtth JliInnrrs.

strp up oWlsWKr to farmeJ'5ln Ekltl Stolte, S.n8In~ alkd for gre.iltrr cooprnllon bt:twern IITA andthrstatr'sgovernmenL Hr polm~ out that Ekitl Stiltr rndoww with filvourablr ;lgro-«ologlcal tones, Is ~mong thr SUtes tNthaveovertheyearslxn~

filw from IITA's Intrrvt:ntions In ~;lrch ~nd c:kwlopmrnt \YOrk in coem, pm. C~SUV;I, ;lnd b.lnana ~nd plantilin.. Forln51'lIlc~,heuld f;anners in thilt 5t.ill~ r~ceiwd Improwd CUQV;I cuttings from the Institutt'. whll~ tfie clean ~ yam tKhnology Is r<ju;llIy orrl!'rlng filnnen '~of hope' _ piln. nershlp b impon.ilnt If the gOilI of reducing the number Of poor peop~ and guilfillll' tt't'lng fOod s«urilY rs 10 bt' ;lchlcftd. While urging tht' gOYr:l'Tl(W 10 up thr ;lYillbble rmpn:wed p'antJog mater1;lls ~t thr Inrututt' to maximise peld on fanners' fil!'lds, ht'

uld tl\;lt thr yellow a..sYYiI variates recrntly devr:loprd by IITA ilnd O<I[lorul p.utners could help the stiltr In Improving thr nuuiUon of ptOplr suffering from vit~ min Addkknqt According to him, othrr uru 'n whlch thr Institute could suppon fumen In Eklll St~le Include deploy mrm of Improved processlng It'Chnologies throud'! the v;llue ch~ln ilppro.1di ilnd CilpilChy building of agncul tUrill;lctors. Th~ DirKtor.cen~rill ~IJO p~nledthe-4operantc.u­

UYil bre.iid to th~ governor ilnd rrlt~r.lIed th.illlrrA h..u. number of technologies In olher crops Ih.ilt the st~te could LIP. fiI~ml commended IITA for iu rlforu ~nd expressed the Sl':II~'S willingness to collaborate with tht:~lnstitutl!. He Ihl!' stall!' would


ma:IYnludon,.iiddlnl5 thoU ~ blueprint ror tht' 5Glte s.iigrlcultuul drvelopmrnt Is In tht: pipeliM..

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