Page 1

Adeboye urges peace. love

Three die in Benue varsity cults clash, cleric slain in Irno FRIll a.riIII~,

wbiR, ;J 200 I~I 81olop student., the untvHslt)l

~1lEf people wei ~ Idlkd;!lt

It WH pthemt tNt bd'ore: the Idlll", of the ~

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me lImur St.n~


(ISU) ~lrurdl. wtK n 'liUSp«l' ed rm.J cult group' c:Luhed. St'pIn~ ~ (sene, i\Itslem

Iwu.LI who Yo.u ,JbduCfed .bout .. Wft'k.1;O (n his ~y from ~ IOo-rrt. h.u Ix-en bll<d.

~GrurrJJ.nlu.n tltwlSUS-

peeled cuhuu on .. rt'pris.I) .bom • un. on nvadal .. howe on ~ Imp nm-t. loKo 2,

ilIUCk. ill

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onr Dr:r nas




rtVilI cult group


urlirr on thoil TUeScUy 'kJ11ed .nothrr young man .t Lozo 1 Me. of M.lkwdl. The murder or the YOUlla rniln.11 ~ ~mt. prompted " rrprisll "tuck.t the insthu· (km"s Am c.u~. wht:n .. ~I cull group kLlled tM student. N.lffillina; lhe orde.ll to 1M GUilrdwn on condllton or .nonyml~

Ion eyewltnru

come to the hOuse In lhe mklnlght.and forte<! the stu.


He Solid thi cull membrn shoe Into the Jilr ilf'tff tMy ~ CUI down the Sllidmllo ooth Vil-Im cutlul Ind ned the Kt'nr or the murder. The POll« PubUc kblkNu OIIl=jl'PRO) OS, Philip ...... ~ confirmed tht Inddent, ;lnd Silld Uwt men or the SUite I"oUa comm.nd IwI bem dmloyf!d 10 the ,uu to


~nllul'iMf AccordlllA to ~ umlly sour«

wid tM cultlsU who Idlled the srudtnt W'tn 10 ilnd h.d

And cousfn ol thf:


German Institute partners Osun on agriculture A GFJlMAN.bIJ;~ institute IVor Wm Sdtle lent tw o{f~~ to tnlo y)utru In Osun SLltt In ~K1'kultur.J.I

~~n~. on1\JCS-

thf: Director. BuINU alCornmunladons and 5u.a.tegy In the Officr of the Gowmtor. Ml '5mIlu ObnLlwon, thf: sute wu offend an oppor. tunlty to min ~ of tin youths In .agrkukulOl) sped.a.1tle such ;as .a:g11cullulOll man.gement. modern

day on thf: second day of the worIdns visit by. dele:g;;ltion led by

Ih~ ~mor


buf to thf: Gumln

JQt~ of SUony Anh.1It.

According to. st.tnna:Il by

Diocese of La gas Mainland opens Synod "l"-i E




1 ugos f-4i;lnla ,d will

today o~n It.s our-d.y Synod with a H<ly Communion StrvI C~ n th~ C.athednl of Slludt', ffffman SUM. Ebute \4··tta_ The four-cby .Inl udl Synod. which w,1I t'nd on Sunday. May n . -.111 hold In two C uhedr.l of Cit. ludt .Inc: . ' All \.Ilnu· Church. Y.b.J In. st.tement by hI" Hononry Dlocnan Pullh Relations Offia't. l.!nn lLIowu, he s.ld hlAhl~ht Il( the rvent would (nd ,d t' the pr-esen"'Unn of th' Benevolent P.rtner Aw,lId to (orm~r H~.d of [ nt~rim


nuchlne m.a.intenoltrKCS.nd ~ rninlna IOrspKlillin



Govt'rnmenl, Chid Ernest 5honek:in. the Stolte of the Church and Nation ~drns lomorrow morning by th~ Olort"su Bishop, Rl Rt'v. Adt"b.yo A!dndt'. tht' Issu.n~ of.'menl on 5.1lurd.y afternoon .nd the confer mt'nt of other .wuds on other eminent Chrlsll.ns ... ho h.\It' servt<i the OI~ cese oltnd nauon ~II They Indudt' rt'tired Supreme Coun lustlct' Adesol. .lind Chid Olusol. Doltd., former prt'sldent of the InslllUll' of DlrKlon .lind the Nlgt' rla·Amerlc. Ch.mbt'r ofCommt'Kt'


On """"..... "'...._

visited tM St.a.te Rese"rch ror A&r1cultunl Training .lind Pn(lical Dt'monstratlon Ctntn for Animal I'rq»r. don In Idm. a village In So onyAnhaho<it'rTn.l!n~

Tht tum was m:dYtd by the OirKtor 0( I~ Insulutt. Dr_ Cerd H«b:n~rg, who SJ"'" ~.and his del ...don a.. opponunUy •• rislt the various units altM Institute nnglng from. milk product. mOdem piU~ry, wild pmt' br~Jng "me~ gHtolting cows Of dlfftorrnt age ulws.nd 0t'W bom..among othrn..

Odlnoltlcachukwu lwual.a.. thf: Lltt' cJmc: who hailed hom E......... "",ro. Aboh Mb.a.lse CouncU oC lmo SUter wasabdocted .IlongAb. RoIa ;as he was renunlna from AiM. AbYSDIt'..

He "'ment~ that his brotht'r could bt' abducted .lind killed ahrr MYen days In such manner, .lifter the tlmlly hold paid the nnJOm of out al NIOO million dem.tnded by tM abduc·

OVERNOR lblkunle Amosun of Ogun State yrSlerday uld thai no tKh· no10Klc.I breakthrough and rndwlrl.allsauon could be .achle~ without the government providing .In enabling enVironment to ensure viable ~arch and development resulu Wt':re turned Into pronuble enlerpriR's. At the commissioning of the new ICT centrt' and Incub.Jllon units .It the Ttchnol.!!8Y Incubation Crntre (TIC). Abeoku .... he uk! the centre remained • maJor instrumt'nt towardJ K"hievIRK the InduSlrlaliStl1.lon of die SUIt' and promIsed th.t lIS f.adlitles- would brt' utended to K"comma. d.te mo~ budding enlrt"preneun. Amosun wid hls ~minls­ tratlon would .uist the people working .II the cen· tre .IS well .1 other ~1RoI1I .nd medium sc.le entre· rent'un to SKUrt' loan, rom th~ B.ank of InduSlry ~t • single digit intuest




An Int.ensive, One and One-Half Day, Hands-On Workshop lagos: 20-21 June, 20121Four Potnts Sheraton) Abuja: 18-19 July. 2012 (Hotel-TBD) Wor!.d-dt.ts1Ff(S ir-Wlletors" wtth Sl.IJIPOfl"IfRS PAITH£l toftw..e loots wiG tilt. you tlwOlJlh Cf1!MinI.n IfRS f'1NtIc..t W'ItI finwt iIII Rat~ tI01H

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The government has begun the disbursement of HI billion loan to various beneficiaries in partnership with the bank as part of ks overa)( goa) of industrialisation and development nl~

He ildd~ that his .dmlnIstration had btxun the dlsbunement or fll billion loan to vulous ~Tlt'ndar­ It'S In p<lrtn~nhip with the b.Jnk .a.s JNn of lu O\TnU gOolI of Industrialisation .lind dt'W'lopment. Amosun promised to Improve the electricity supply .II tht' cenln by provldfng ont' of the 500 traruforrnen to bt' distributed .across t~ stale. Earllt'r in hls oltddrm, Ih~ Dlrt'ctor-Gt'nt'f.IJ Chid becutlve Offiett (CEO!. Natlon.ll Board for Techno ogy Incuballon \NBTl\' Prof G. L Abdullolth , sai(( the c~nlre being commissioned was a rauh of ~n­ nershlp bt't~n the fflIt'ral Gov'!:mrnent .lind <>gun State. which would go • long w.y In tnnsfonnlng thest~te_

Abdullahl. rtpresented by Dr I.lubril. nOled lh.l TKllnolosy Incubation C~nlr~ WoIS .In dfecllve pra. glOlmme channelled low~rds assiSting entrtprtneun: 10 owrcome InltLllI corutrainu of commerd.JlIz.lng rt'Starch,Jnd ~Iop­ ment (R ttl D) rtSults, InnovatlolUi and fnventioru.

EdD youth want order on sacked council chiefs obeyed

. -At.

A wax. ~fter • BmIn HlRb i'1Coun declared the Eao 51.te .lovernmenfs UJt' of allUlttr commln~ 10 run the councils unconsdl.u tiora!. the Edo Youth V"n""'" (EW) Iw " .... """,. nor ",bms Oshlomhole to reall lh~ sacked elected chlllrmm ortM councils. The group. ¥.hk:h d«ried the ~t's stlma on ,UShct' Edra Ikponmwmos ru). lIlA tNt 1M ~ oC art'tlkn committees In tht .ctmlnlstfiltlon oC counc:ib was "Iit"n 10 tht' r999 Constitution (.lI5 am~nded) did not provlik UfJed Oshlomhok to prK . lIU wtwl M pre~ bv retnml1l?& the dtcted ch.1Trmm lOoffiCt!.. M«. mrftins In Abu,..)'& tndoly. the ATOUP uld It would mobilise youths In the' to match In BmInOtyto dr.awthe publk's ~ttmtion to the appolrent refuwl the governor to ~Irut.llt' the Chalrmm. whom hi' I"t'mO'Ied £rom CIlIh bt'm the t':lpt..-.adon oC their tmuff'..



L -__


Law mfOl'ttlMnt oH1Crn to fish OUI the Itlllen of his brother and nuke tht'm 10 [xl' the musk. tit' ~ -our family poltld NSOO. 000 10 tht'm. We thoughlttwt our priII)'ft"S hitd been answered undl we goc Id~phone all from tht'm (.bductors)asklng w to rush to Opk.a.J.. w~ we SoIW his

Amosun hinges nation's growth on technology



.on.Odln.lbchukwu urKed

In. stalt'ment ~ by EYV N.ltJonal Coordln.ltor. M.ltthew ldemudiol. .mer lhe KfOUP'S monthly mm.1na: In Abu~ wttk:h was rD.I!dr naf). ,JbIe to Tbt! Gtwrdwn In I..a.Ios. tM group cwi!Md that It ~ tht'c.apol+Cltytost.Jge<ll one mi). IIon-tN.n match In Imln Oty on tht' manrr L.ast Thursday. a d.y .fttr Jusua lkpt:Jnmwen's vmtkt. the whldt wdcomed 1M ludgment, hold .!ked OshiomhoaP IOobqrthe rulif13. Y~"erday. Idt'mudlolt Solid arr"llAemmts been c0ncluded 10 Sftk for dt'"roltnct'

"'" ........_" mn

=~.:;tl:=~ adding ttwt mnnben

the group h.ld ~ to t'ftSUrt' tlwl 1M role of ww holds JW.I!)' In the sule


He twlkd 1M cowfs IudS· mmt,..rsxrdng thitr tt was ric· lory rot" the riiIe oC I.1w ~nd dt:rnocrxy And Insfs(ed thitt Oshlomook. who bfilnds an ol+d\lOQ.te of tht' rule of should obey the


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