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For The Record Irrigation development and practices: The good, the bad and the ugly (1) particular regIOn oC th~ yorkl It is pnctked woridWKle.. In the arid ar ~ wmhlrid rt'gions 01 wWOlId, ~ long dro Igh t ll common, crops dept:nd pr1~ on Irrlilition to rurt:ilillht! ad~tfferuof ilit long drJUghI bHwMl filinfall on lhetr IUUWth MId yitlo.ts ,Q11ed total Irrigation.. Also, In th~ humid regiOl So normal rainfalllws been obJerved nOl to SI pply throughom thr ploinling SUiOn adeqwtt: molSlUR-to Sillisfy the sotl-plaiit\\-iltenWlulIfm ntund unprlon Iw beeri used ~ sul'Jllemem t ·) t~ I'ilInfillltoild1~ ildrqUdltgrowtllllld )'1 ~k t Even In Iht: Tilln foresU of Ibt \.wld. IlilruraJ rainfaIlSOllldimesfilllsduoilf thesrmJlMperiod 01 cropdtoo.'d OpmmL ~n ayhedunngmevese:: LUIw: growth of some m : P:i (or fruJling SCilge of ochm: lbtonlyrecour~ lhertm,istosuPP]y thedeficnduuUgh un.gao In. , \gnCUIntreis~ bound_hence Il\CJlsnu'r d. fldd"lCy .t such sensJ. dYe sages.:ouki leild to · tor' (allure or drastic m:iuttlon IIl)'k'Id.nd con ;equ~nt1y fooc:Ilns«urllytha\ yearorseason. So, whether U loal or \ Ul'pkmenral, Irrigation aidsall-yearround fann1ns ,iKleqUillrgrow1h and consequmtlylmprtJYed y ekI qUiliiry and quantity.lrrlgaDOn Is i1D about Cl oJIrroJ of Wilrer forfood

Beinl tut of In inaugLKlIlleclurl serie. 7 delivered by Prot Jeremiah Oludde Ojedlran of Woke Akin-

lola Univenity ofTechnololY. Ofbomoso rIC8I'llly.

PREAMBlf TFEELgre~lJy honoured 10 be given the opponuJnlry 10 p~nl tht srventh In the series of lnaugunllecrum: of this grut UniW!nll¥ Jnaugur.1I lectures dlbtr£ssues which aR grnnane to tht ProgrHS of the society or enCOIpnlwe much of the research Ktlvlllts 0( the IeefUm". Some _lecrures addfHS the ac~ communftyon Iffiportint issues of murualconcm\whilesorntJnSmt(heprogrtSSof~­

UVilies in a discipline and d1e mmner In Which these ~ conDibuliOns 10 knowitdgeMld so. dctytn~ Tht!ymoprovidea unklue opporrunlty lOr the lecrum 10 disGrd the technical jargo~ profenion.! yngtuge and speak exGtht<lr.l..{thal is, to JUS( gy anything aboUt his disdplinr) and lellthe community whalltt: and hIS


8iId ol srudy are ilil i1bouL lllls Liner, MrVicMban-

aUex, ladtes and gentlmK'lllli what I Intend 10 do

'''''> lectw"e Ills tM tim inaugunllKture from the FaculryoC This

lssignHicmt to TIlt In Ihlft ~ 61'SI,

.00 fibrer."'_"

Engineeing'lI1dfcch=nilndln~1ufrom lh~ Or(WOl'ltnt of tunl Engineering..Secoodly. tod.1y lSl M lOU uwia; my lOth yur in thesen1a5ol ourowndurU~ty.~Ak­ in~ Uni~!y ofTedmokigy (lAlJ'I'ECH) Ogbo:


Impnon las tirm Pfil(fl, ed tor m1l1enma; It is. in LlCl,caUc!d anilgNlkl ill TIIif poss.ibIt: wlle:sl r«OJd Il bmd In Genesis t: 8 -10. "And ~hov.h God pWl~ I a garden In Eden, in lilt USL.nd there Ii!' pYUd the f1Wl He had fonned _ A rtver wt'nl 001 01 Eden to Wilter the

m05Omdthmny.ltuslstbe~mh in lhr~or IniIuguraIl«turi5olthisgRill UnIw:GlI)I bclll8 df.. livt!mt by rh~ ~nth chikl Ul iI famUyof eigh~n. The number srven (7) USUiIlIy conn()(~ complftrness or perfection. PI!~ tlwl w~ why In my se.rch ror. topic: ro.-thls i(l;lugur.ll~, lhed!!sire to wcu tIoIistIc: Iookilt i1n ~pect of mydisdplJn~ Imgatlon inAgrirulfUl1iI1 Engineering-With. vltwoi dlSCkmng tile benclitsandlimlliltions of ir-

C~rec:ordwasofilJliI nntAuyriilnQueen


on the economlc:,.OO environmemilllmpacrs of imgalion pracnces, _re topmost on my mu'" On one- hand, mo5l of myll':SUl'Cb worbiln in this UN mdon the ~ hiIixl, beingillOrmermidmt ofNonh<mN_ ....... ,_'''" """"'...dominates, especially during the earlY days 0{ m)' aI~ I hMi on Ih~ SpM. etpenf:nce$ 01 .some mvtronmmtallffipilCD Of ln1Ji100n. Mr. VIa<lwnc:dlor, sir, dlstlnguishC!'d COUc!ilgues, Iadi~ i1nd gmt.lemtn, pennit m~ therefore, lOilddress you on Iht lopic:-Imgadon Dew:kJpmem ilnd f'I1iIctia:s in Nigena: the Good, the 8iId.oo the Ugly"


pbintd, kwtngly, ttwt I had "added- 100 much Sokato StOlte (Now Umaru Wazlt1 Frderill PolyWilterlO my planL lalYOIl In myweer,1«I tKllnle) BirniIl-Ktbbt, titltd "Mechanlzat!on: Is It thai I IJIiI}' hiIw! ht:1d on tothe ~Id diawn that i111 good and no badr dWlmgrd Iht: wh<He essence 01 MKhilnlzed Agrlrulturt: .nd lnig~ ~If a Unit of somaliing Is~ then,mort must be benr:r."1 had IJ'VH Irrl.8ilted.. However, myear- don. Thls seeming -dfrontery" on my profession liest direct romaa with imllation was dur- may ha~ further ui~reGoff my search Inlo Ing the srudenl bldustriaJTr.Uning10 1977{18(now ;~~~Irrlgation _ 1n~t:ro:rt~t't~s~drh:sn~~: caDedSlWES)allilt nowdduna FunruaAgJ1cul~s6ck(gytGod)11 m.'lengeyou tomseyour !Utili Dl"Ydopmtm Project (fADP)whlch c~ As iI w.y of laying a foundiltkm ror th~ main hand, Ifyour~ Is in the i1ffirmatiw. Evm the 1M then KildulW StOItr (Now btuna iII1d KillSItIil thrusl ri{ this 1Kfu~ iIIld ilYOldlng .ny confuLMtes (with d~ respm)do hiI~ their uglyskle - Stares). where IWilSaposcd milOd inYOlwd in the sion, I would Uler to stan by ilrte:mptlng iI bn~r .fter.tll they ilI"t hllmill1. Wl'Yt ruby makes the dll'- construaiort oftmilU urtb dams for small scaIt c:llscunion on the concept ol~tIon, ItS scope Mena Is in bxlwing,llliItwging or P~tilll the shaduf1pum1Xd irrigation In iIIId iIl1ltlIld FwuUil .nd methods. 10 ~ this "ilugust" iludknce b~bnd uglySJdes.So Mr, Vic:e:OliInaIIor,Slr, I pOSit to Katsltlil. A major problem observrd wu the with tht: furnWriental background of thls very thill in evnythlng and ~nt, Iht:re txlSlS the Iargt: ~ through thecnl1Sll1JCted mlbW:- impornnt upea of mydlsdpline: lnigiulon df.. good. the bad and the udv ti~1. Irrig;mon ~ mtnrs, which periUpsled to the failUll! of the ve~~mt .rid pnc:tkr vdopmcnl iII1d 1"r.Ictias,-~,ls no txapdon Yanbr.l dam w"hkh was still under consuualon ].1 Orfimuon;md Scope to tlils r.lIther gener.a.l rule.. lnigillion las beengeoer.illyddined ~ I~"ap: (Ojed1r.1n, 1978~ This rulmlnilttd Imo my B.Sc:. I ~r<n., in this 1ectureDoke us on.}ow"nty project (oted!fiIJl, 1979). supervistd by Dr_GA pliCilllon Willer 10 the solf for th~ purpose 10 these lIIJH "towns" In Irrigation dt:vr:lopment ALldt.on the-lksignol.SmalIEa.nhDam", 1bt supplying th!' necessary molsrurr esse.ntUl for .nd p~ces, with mealm of maklng ~m~ work traad 1M optimum ~ge lin~ Ihroulili plal\l growth." A ~rompreht:nsIw .nd all endations that will assist us in i1ltaining the goal of iI SffiiIU rarth dam i1nd rr:cominmded the lncTu- compas.S1ng deBnlt/on by fIilnsen et.1., (1979) ls srJf.suffidtnc:y in food ;md Bbn productionsion or gravtlly IO!! dfilln in SlIlilll unh dams 10 thalt lnigadon Is tht applkation of W.lerlO lbe .ll ~ the 'roniba adilge goes; '"Tl tbl tw Jruro nlnu acc:ommIXWIt: the Inevitilble .seepage through soiltor.nynumOO-oftlit:fol~PUrposes:lb lse, 1st: buse.." TfilnsLitC!'d literally "Povmy disap- the embankmt:nL PP. thrn~islureess.entwJroc Igrowth, pun/ whm hungtr ls dimlnilr:«r, crop agatflSl S n d"uratlon The vivid improo.oemem in the !eYe1 of crop pro1HE IINnlE BB:ilNNING ducrlorl iI!OlIOO fUIllUil, the observabl~ exc:IteVIa~si[ mylirstmnsdouscooQ(twuh mt'II( of fannenmd the~ that the watef' cool the soil;md i1tmOSphen. thereby f1liIldng "irrigillion or Its i'ailu~" ~ i1t lhe ilgt: or nine, Impounded by -US" hiId tRnSlormed the tnvi- more ~lemvtronmt:flt lOr plant gtO\'Ilh. when my ~ teacher; Me. 5.O..FehIntolil (fOndly rorunml,tJuilfedm~mdthe~hiIs~ m:iuce hazard of fiost, aBed Up You),in 19&4 whllt: d!~n meilfChing i1nd teaching Irrigation II wash wdilUiesaJtstn mesall . Sclt:ncr, instJucted every pupil to proaucea well 100m tilla&" pan;and clods, w.lCnd potted planl in thcr:e~ ~ my pliuv. I must Sil)! ill this )uncru~, thiltl ilm iln ilrdenl m1ucelhe1W.ardor soli piping . which FJnli(l;lled quilt early wilred &d~ the protagoniSt of Irrtgill1on, buliln aniclt! by iI c0l- This l.atterdefinidon is, perhilps.IM rrilSOn why deildline .my COIISClIIt walering. Ht IalY ex- letgut'. Euh. f. c., In 1981 ilt me PoJyrechnic of 1rr1giuionls nof Just tht eulusn.r, prese~ of a






supposed to tw~ lived be orr 2000 B.c, who ~ ~ed htr govt'mmr:m 10 dLvert th~ NUt: to lnigatelhedessenlimdso( fa fPL Onhertombwete thest: inscriptionS: -I ronsualn«l the might) Wilter to flow aa:ording 10 my ~1U and ltd Its wallr to fmilize lands that befon hiId been IYm n ilnd wlthoul inhabtwtls"(HilnsmttilL 1979~ Fukuda (l9?6)ilIso rontInr ed lhill dllf rm~ l:J¥. iluiItions which dew:1opet:. i1klo.g the NiIt:, TIgris, Euphr.ues, Indus and m Ulm ~ about 6000B.C "","fe relaltd h ' inigiltion prilCtias aroundlhesrMus.. Sinal ~urlydal1'S,irr1p­ from tit,...,.""",!"",,,,..) m~l.hod of Wild Ilooding 0 lhr 1011 ~~ 10 the morel1'lOdemorsophlstbredcmo-r - pivot i1nd Drip syslems willi thr ilinl of \l\ilXImis1ng crop produCIJon oInd opdmi!illl Willer use. Vice: Chanc~ sir, ladles ,Lnd pdtmrn. let me proceed by discussing Ih~ "Iffrml( systems of itriplion uSed In dlm1burlng Wd~ onlo tht: fidds !of crop production. Mahoih oflmgatkx!. 0earI1' the!\JC[l5Sol every JTiI;mIln projKt rtSlS IilrgdY on the ~ .r.d depmdabilllY of its


Wd[ft" sown: iII1d suppl)t Souras of ~t1on WiltJet' ilI"t wide and v.ritd; ther induOe 1m-

poumimmt ollalJ" md s.RolIJ rMrs. dlvetsions IorstOfilgt.nd :"I!Se1WiJS,~


:!VO~::~~~=!~=~ or then spreild on lhe flt:ld SUlf.;J(C$ mlllg diJJ~l lnigallon methods.. Tht methods oflrr1gilliorl asM on ,he ~ urly .sdlalleS Wl!fe mnplywXXlfl~1ed flooding of!hi sollsurfact m ensun SUPM"oll!SSl!nti.ll soil mots. ~ TbesemethoclshMtiemfunhJet'developed Wing rognJsma: oCthe lnherml disiIdvan~ of each method.nd odll'f fleYl'qxnenlS in Iech-



~ to suit dtffcriilt I

rops, topOgriIphy;mi! resources. cU:tliIIK roooilion and C05lS fall imoCJnt:ofthreenlilm GiI~ SurfiKe irrlg,ujoll Svrlnidc< oc """"'" ....._ ... types. water

"''''''''''..-!Dnp-") Surfaa Irrlgatlon.

The pl"ilCtice ofswfilce Il"f"IVtlon lsandmt and is

The practice of surface irrigation is ancient and is used on more than gOper cent of the world's use(( on more than 901 of 1M wond's irrlplC!'d area. In thlssysrt:m, warer Isdlrrctty appUat to the irrigated area. In this system, water is directly applied to the surface of the soil from conveyance surfoaa of the soil &om CDr\'."')'oIOO! ~: channt:I or pipe IoCillldilt the uppefJNdeoi the field system; channel or pipe located at the upper reaches of the field and is spread by gravity flow in- IDd Is spr&d by gI1iIvi~ now ioddmw to the »apr of the land 'fbr, surfaCt method or disaibcidental to the slope of the land. The surface method of distributing or spreading water on the uting or sprmdingw.ate'on thenlf.tIlslnlothrre soilfalls into three categories viz: Basin, Border or Furrow, depending largely on crop, soil and ~"" -SOIl "" "" ' ' ' ""-<kp<ndlng lillgelyon crop. md topogl1ilphIc I«tDrs. topographic factors. TOBECIlHlJ(

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