THE GUARDlAN, Sunda}\ March 25, 2012
Notore Introduces High Quality Urea, Establishes Seed Division Slories By F.... cwT is a ~ ~wn for fillT!'IeI'S and fanning enterprises in !.he c0untry with thl." boost bl."lng giYl'fl thl." fnpUl sid!." of the fanning rquatlon illS foremost fl."niliser manurac· ru ......r, NOto ...... Chemical Industrie; limited. openl."d a nI."W prodUCtion SU"eilllll (OJ" fl."l'tilisB productioJL Specifically. UTU, illl." found.nion Ingredl!.".nr In the crop growth I."nhancl."ml."m nutril."nts nas taken all."ap fOlWillrd by thl." Imroduction ofgranularu ......a. Gl."nl."rally, in the marker, from Samlnaka, Zaria to Pon Harcoun and Sakoto to' Umudlke, the prilled rype, which does not deliv· er at thl."optlmum I."fTeolve:nesson crops, lW been ille ordl."r of ml." day. But now, NOto ......, through cur· ting I."dge nanufacturing process. haS put OUI high qu.ality granular urea Into the market. By thi.s l)'pl" of product, farml."rs, according to ML Onallte Okaloka, Group Chief Executive Orficer, NoIOrl.", rl."W:aled that the Canner nands to upect a )0 per cent InCfl."asI." in yiad on thl."ir crops. The reason, he claims, Is that wim this kind of uru made of bigger granules. nitrogen (N2) which pl.lnts need for riiaking iu food, is rrleased much slowly over a period of time to the advantage of thl."
crop. Though i1boU113 million fannl."J'S
have: been rrached dirrctly at lhe farm gatt'S with Ihl." necessill)' input. lt ls upeal."d thaI with Its Soo,oOOml."tric tonnes Cillpacity production, more fanners would yet latch on to this yield·boosting type of input. - Of note however, Okoloko said this falls shon of the estinated potendaJ i1nnual fertiliser demand of ].5mllllon metric tonnes In thl." agriculrurr sector, for now only a mUlion metric tonn~ is consuml!dperYUL An Innovation of the company, which illiows small packs of fer· liliser (llot. 101ex) to be producl."d and dlstribulM. has now r:ncouraged mor~ farmers 10 us~ the Input; a funher advantage, accord· Ing to Okoloko would be thai more people would take on filnnIng (crop production) as 01 bus!-
While It is immln~m morr peopll." would put th!.".ir hands 10 till me soil and apply fertiliser. whilt could hillve resulted In stretching Ihe fillCiIlII~ 011 Ih~ Onne, Port Harcoun plant of lhe company Is bt!lng resolved In thl." next]O days, Okoloko says ille blendmg of N-p·K ( Nitrogl."n, Phosphorus and Potassium) up to the levl."l of 1,000 metric tonnes daUy would commenc!.". In the pl;mL Currently ure.a Is being produced at 1.500 meU1c tonnes per day to
GruwI¥ UrN Orq;tt) 1ip8Cled 10 boo,1 Q'op)'llld keep up with dwund though, h~ fonnance, the company has added disclosi:d that during the fanning Notorl." Seeds 10 supply quality off-season, between september hybrid s~ to fanners. and ~bruill)', thl."rl." has been CroupCEO,Okolokorrvealedthat 7,000 ·10,000 MT of urea expon (0 rice and maize seeds would be th~ other counlril.".S of the world t'O starting pomt and hopes (0 put mp the plant running and wareilbout 1,000 ml."tric tonnes in thr: housr trim and not overstocked. market thls )"t"ar, allhou$h 5,000 Okoloko m.alnt"ined that th~ mMc (onnes ls used nanonall)t product prices are quire comped· ThI5 ventu re, he says Is bemg live slnc~ urea gOf!S for regulatl."d done with the i1ctlvr: collaboration .se.U1ng price in the world market of the Intl."matlonal Institutl." of (fob) excluding the charges that TropiGIIAgricuhurr:{UTA),lbadan, go with frelghl, dulles and others WAJU)A and Others. depending on thl." various destinaThl." idea Is to move away from thl." tIoll$.. open polllnul."d varieties 10 hybrid Seed Division seeds to Increase production In a And In order (0 promote gr~a('r:r more predictable manner, productivity farm yield Okoloko said. through the useand_ _ ~..;. ._ _;;;~,;;,~=:_
pubbc?1Wl~ ~ 1D iInpnM:
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In a idease by tllr World Coca. Foundation, about too,ooo coca. £;ann families would be posit~ly oOInd ec0nomically aff«t~ by the plan, whIch is jointly rolll."d OUI by the World Coca. Foundillion (WCf). Ihe u.s. govemment'sf«d the Furure fnltiadve. and th~ Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH). Though co-honed by wa African Cncoa IniwtM Ghma Cocoa Board and NCO ~rtne:rs, the: bencfid.ny-l"amtiles would bt" in such COCOilprodudng countries as Cote d'ivolre, Ghana, umeroon and NlRer1a. With tnr: support of feed 1M Fwurr illrough lh~ UnlRd Agency (or States Intl.".mationa! Deve.lopml."nt (UWD). the program will train 100,000 cocoa farrnl."fS and malnain thdr business OYr.r a fi~rpe!riod. ' More Inan two million smallholder coca. farmers depend on COCOil for Iheir
livelihoods In West and
Cenual Africa. Onl." of th~ most critical issues In thl." COCOi lndusoy IS OV\"rtOming the productivity ~p betwffiI the world's supply and dI."mand,' thI." rdease silk1 WCFIAO will develop the COCOi sr:ctor in four crirlCal
alNS (0 address this Issue. by f05t~ng public-pnv~te coop~uve: investments In cocoa and agrlculrurr. improving the lJenetk quality and producuvily of th~ cocoa van. eti~s und~r cultivation, expanding Carmer ~ucatlon 0100 trainIng programs, and Improving lh~ agriculturr mpul supply chains thilll seNt" the farmen, according
The WCF African Cocoa Initiative is a partne.rshlp that leverages th~ resoun:es and l:iIlem (rom public and pri. vate secror mtmbers illS Well H keylnt~mationaJ organlza.(Ions. Public sector suppon Includes I..ISAID i1nd rM Jour national gOYt"rnm!.".nlS of Cote d'lvolrr, GhiIna, uml."roon and Nigeria. Pnvare sector funding for tills program comes from WCF member companil.".S ADM Cocoa, Barry ulJebaul, Blommer Chocolat"t" Company. urgill, Continaf BY, Ferrero. Guin.ard Chocolat~ Company, The Hershey Compiiiny. Kraft Foods. Undllr Sprungll,, Nesti...., Nobll" A.esources SA, and Olam Inrernational Ltd. International organizations Indude lhe Int~matlonaJ Institut~ of Tropical Agriculrure (IfTA). th~ Alliance of Cocoa Producing Countries (COPAL) and the IJOC. According 10 thI." release. Bill Guyton. president o r The World Cocoa Foundation
Oxfarn, VSO Celebrate Nigerian Farmers MAl..L~ Iiumen and Bloqxmeurs can have a senseof' pride in theirvoc.aoon to reed the nauon. This Is illS a resuA of till! awanis that came the wayolsixsmall-scaleliumerslnal'Kt'ntceremonyln Abula-ln 'MakIng Food M.a.rms GROW awards Ily Oxfam arnf Voluntary Services Overseas, NigeJia these women and men, a rdeasr from the orgarusauons says thI." farmers ha~ shown exemp4ry and enoq>reneurtal skills contributing 10 IOOd SKUrily Uuou"h an !.".ntRpreneurshfp approach to small scale fanning. Mr. Tunde OJ!.".I. odam's Assoc!i111." Country Director In Nigeria says "this Is a unique inl· liative from our sldr: to recognise and appreelate some of lhe women mel men who work extremely hard, under lough conditions to feed this Nalion: Be says. -we hope! lhi.s
Nlg~ria stales: \his award acknowledges the hard work of small scali." farmers. noting th~ spedalconlributionof'lt'Omenwilomaieup the greater number. Agrlcuirure Is oil key plan'- of thl." gove.mml."nt's u-ansfonnatton agt'nda. Volunfl."Ulng Is a major StRtegy of VSO's support and Inrerventlon for positive: chang~. lnternaLional volumeers and nadonaI community agncu ltuIl:" ~~lIslon volunteers arl." a liey ~urc~ in our .... fforu to secure livelihOods. This 101m rv~nt also demonstrates how ag~n .. 1es un work tog~1h • er on policy and ,wVOCitl."Y lI$ues in celebrating the achlevl.".m!.".nts of ~ig!.".rian fam'll."rs. Thlsaward cr:rrmony nurlcs the finill process of the award scheme that was launcht'd on November 2011 during th~ World Food Day Celebrations and It seeks ro recognise individ· oals, women and m:LalI Kale agro-produur awardschem~willencourag"t"i1l1oruslo$UP- groups among our pa rtner communlti~s pon small-scale farmers so that Nigeria who have demonslratO!(\ entreprl."neurioiLl becomes food secure. skills and are contributing to food security In Ms Kenna OWoh, Counny Dlrtttor VSO. Nigeria.
Foundation's Cocoa Initiative Targets 100,000 Farm Families ~~allMatr
said, Ihe wa Afrian ~ IniuatM is a solid example of governments, Industry, and de\l~lopment organizations working togetherln a colla!» ra(tvt: and responsibl~ manner to suppon COCOi fanners and llil."ir communltil."S, In rum, strengthening emlr~ regions through Improved KOnomy and food security. The greoOll$.lmpilCt will coml." tilfou8h all of us combining our strengths to do what Is ri~lt.andnecessary.·
Feed the Furu~, through I.JSAlD,Is exdra:l. to contribUl~ to th~ WCF African Coca. Initiative. This allioOlnce will h~lp .Uevtatl.". pove;ny and" filnnl."r Incom~ while Strt.ngtht'nlng governml."nt and regional fnultudons, advancing food .security throughout Wtost Africa,~ said Margaret Enis, Direaoror lh~ Office of Markeu, Partnerships and Innovation at USAID's Bureau for Food Securit}l. -rhese outcomes are oOIt thl." W!ry heart of Feed the Future, the u.s. ~mment's global h unger and food security Initiative:.-
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