UNITAR tasks Nigeria on crisis response climate change ' J
By Tope;T. . . . .,.,.. n ESIDENT Rq)rrscntaliw: of I\.t he United Nations InstllULe for Tn.tnlng and ~arch (UNITAF.). Nigeri.l Office, Dr_ tarry Homs, hilS asked the Federal Govemmenl \0 do more towauh climate chan~ mitigation and disaster risk man.lgement in the country. StR5slng the vuln~filbllity of Nigerl.l to natural hauids, Bom~ noJrd thaI fl"Ct'nt natur.l1 disasters In the counlr)l, panlcularly Hooding, have laid bare the issue of wlnera,
bllil)' of NI$fOrla to climatic change. whICh Is InUiGlteiy
linkrd to somr of the natural dlsa.stt:n br:lng uperienced Indiffertntpamoftht:world.
Apdn from the increased necessity [0 prOlOO and prthuman life imd (onserve blodlvtrsity through S(!J'Vt'
disaster risk reduction. lhe UN agency chief pointed out lhal theinwsuneilloffunher effons ,md r!!SOurces to .lddrrss thl! issUl! wou ld help propel dl!ftlopment In the countl')!. Whiff! commending some initldtlveswgaedat.ddress-
Ing th~ imparu of climate changt' In (fie country. Soms. h~r. 5~ mal
lUtions. ~pmfse OInd tools must br: ~ (0 cope: with new challenges. il5 alUted globally; HI:' cited flooi:Ilng as one of LhrCilSeSthatdt'arlydemonstrolle the enormity of the pmblem. Attordlng to him, the nUll.. bl!rofarl!aso:~toOtJOd.
inglnthecounuylsgrowing .lnd flood monalhy risk has with deaths risen, owing to noodlng already recQf(Jed In the beglnntngof
year2011. He 11st~ some of the risks ~ors
to dlmaU!: change in
lools and dew:loping the nghl ap.lc1ty to mfel the QSks..
Ni~eriA to include growth of lie Slaled that his organlsadurs,urbanCOngesdOru.and tkm has ~n working with poor urban planning. n~ sorne of It!! pantlas In the Ing that these generate nood- arrool of CilI)acftyd~lopmem Ing and ntg<lliYdy Impact on and tOOls fordJKtI~dlsaster olrt'a.'i such as health, Infrarisk managem~t through StructuT"r.lootr.lnsport<llion, inmw,uJve dna gathering among others_ [e [ h n o ' 0 g y , To a~n futurr loss of 1Ivt'S, ' p;lnicularly the UNITAR's prnpl!rty ilnd othc- as.sI!lS to Ope.raUonal Satellite such dbamrs. Boms called ProRr.amme.(UNOSAT). for l~iI5I!d InJ1(Mti~nl!SS uNosAT Is a UN Initi.lUve In disaster risk management, launched In the ~ar 2000 which he Stated requIred the whose mission is to provide deployment of necessary the UN family and lIS me.mber-stine:s with Wlellite lma~ through the development and provision of satellite iUld GIS appllauons the unwritten law thaI seems In suppan of hUINnil>1ria.n to favour Ondo Nonh "'tier coonJlnadon, disaster Senatorial DistriCt ror the man.lge:ment and preven· coming polls ... nd also tion. and early recovery. advised p.my leaders not to Boms. ther~.rore, wged the pick any a~irant aixMo 60 feder-d, Slolle and kx:al COUll~rs or age in line with the dis to l>1k adVilnGl~ of new emergence of young and dynamic gOY'l!mors, paniw- opportunities In Innovative dlSaStl!J" ",sporne which pro!arlyin the South WesLmote effe:ctl~ dOlt;!; gathering IJjout 30 gOYmlOrship asp!Cclp;tdty. early warning and r.lnts ha~ emerged from the rilrly r!!SponK, InCfe.lsed A(JII and 7S per ct!nl of these pubJk .lwarrness, Mld access are from the nonhem senalD- 10 "-,liable Information to ria.1 dlstrici comprtslng Ihe guide polley decisions four Akoko local councils r~uirfll for addrrsslng d!including Owo.lnd Osc.. mate change impacts and other haz.ards.
HID lauds Mimiko, party faithful caution ACN over Dndo guber ticket Flom MIyI BeIo, ,\kurf ~RMAN of the Tribunt' \.....t ltlesmdWJdO\vofthe !ate sage, Chid ob.a fent! Awolowo, Chief Mrs. HID Awolowo, has suted th.lt Ondo State ~mor, otUSCSlln Mimlko. won theTnbUl~ !; Newspaper 2011 Go~rnot o f the ~.lf .l.....ard because of h iS selfless and purposeful Il!.Idership compared only to · hose oCher I.1te husband. M Imlko won the' ;overnor of the year 2011 ..... 1ft! by the Tribunt'titk belli! chalted by the widow of lIS founder, alief OOOfeml A~obwo, ,n a grand event .111 the- Abuj.l Sheraton Hotels '"" .(Thursday. ll1e ~m "'0\$ graced by eml· nent Nigenans Including Senate President Ua'lid MarlC who "iso WOII an award and Governor of the C'.'ntral Bank of Nlgeri.J.l.l.mldo Sanusl According to. st IIt'menl by the Cndo ComlluS!ioner of Information. Akinmade K.1yode. Mrs. "-",·,,Iowo wid Mlmlko was so honoured because "he has d etnolutr.lt·
ed In no SINn tnU5ure that he could ~Iiate the pro~I~ and prople-oriented Ideas of her l.lle husband whose selfless contribution to the lives of the people using the instrurMnt of pubIk: office remain Imme.lSu~ ble~
MeanwhilE', .lS rlectloneerIng campaigns for the next gubem.ltorlal polls draw nearer In Ondo St.lle,a ~roup within the oppoSition, Action Congress o f Nigeria (ACN). hilS UlXed the leadership of the- party not to limit the selection orthe ACN goy-
e:morshlp andidate tO.l partlcularzone of the stall!. The a:ro_l!P' Ondo Peoplo forum (OPF). In a statement ~u~rday by iu coordinator, Or_SrR.un Ayanwale, said lin.. lting me contest 10 ~ secuon of me $tilt~ wouki rob the pany of the opportunity of .gettlng a formiwble andldate that could defeat the incumbent and delivr.r dlvld~nds of demochlcy to thr people of the SLlte. TIle group, which claimed to hil~ iI Iilrge supponer b.lst' ~ the Stilte. sprclfkally urg~ the p.1rty to jettison
Sali seeks collective assault on insecurity ~'~~~~~;f the .t1Frdm.tion ( HoSF), AlhaJI !sa SaIl, has urgftl cMlKTVilnts to join the ongoing ca.mpai3" .against the growing lnsecumy In theculllllry. Hu admonition arne amidst fresh suggestion to the FedeJ'il1 GoYf'mmem to UK Israe:lI
approach of mass education for Nigerians toch«:k the shuatlon and thl: Boko I/.Jt"iam
TIlI!5e Views ~ anvassed bv Sail dnd other spe.lkers at tf)!! weekend III (a.b.b.u, the Cross RIvn Stale Ci1pital at the IndWUiaI Tr.Uning Fund (ITF) and Galilee International
TALLYERP9 (Accountlhi;l & Inventary 5oft\Nare) WWWlflnonclllllsnlgerla.con1
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M.lnagement Institute (GIMI) two-day worlc5hop hdd dl t11~ Obudu Caule Ranch. The was workshop's theme "Strategy for national ~Iop ml!ntln ant:raof senllitychai-
Sali said gWen L1)!! state of insecurity In thecounU)t the~ was need for urgent actJon because evl:n civil Sl!TVanlS had ~ fe.lrs OYI!T the sltUoltion, which had bl!t'.n heightened by the Boko Ildr.lmatlac:ks. He SClld: "INe iI~ worried thilt the security situation III the country fs TUlly sliding
lOW-inn a precipice TIds workshop is an Indication that more ~ple a~ becoming aware of our security char· lenges and are rumg up to the occasIOn towards addressing
Permanent Secm:ary. (jff)ct! or
the He.ld of Service: of the l:ederdlion, Mr. OlilrJes Bonet. Ihe HooF urged the p.lrtlc!PilnlS to ~ more coItabor.ltM efforts .It tac.kllng the security challenges In Nlgeri;! iI$ "it is a very 5Crious matter that nreds the suppon of I!Ytt)' right thinking Nigerian." I~ lauded rTF
UK bad<s Nigeria's MOOl with NGIb FfIIII E-. Anufon, Abuja 'T1"IE United Kingdom (UK! ~ h~ supponrd the FedeJ'il Government's efTon to achieve the Millennium lkvelopment Goals (MDGs) wllh N61 billion. Thl: money would be spt:nt on the glrkhlld educ.1tion, InfTil.Structure, pI:.acl:-bulldlng, agriculture, woml:n empowerml:nI and the government's transformation agenda. VIsiting UK J>..rti.ament"ary Under SeCfelary or Statl:, 5cephen O'Brien, stilted this at the Natlon;i1 Planning Commission (NPC) office In Ahuja. lie said Ihal thl: money formed pan of the UK's uslst.lnce through the Depanmel1l for International Oevelopml:nl (DFlD), working with the NPC and the impJementlng ministries of he.llth, eduation and power.
Experts urge passage 01 Soil Science Inslitule bill From Job Abnmu, Abuja XPERTS on the platfonn of the SOU Science Society or Nigeria (SSSN) have ailed for the sPl:l!dy passage oflhe Bill for tfle establishment of Soli Science Institute: Inlo law. They made the p:lea through Ihe President of SSSN, PrOf. VICtor Chude, ,11 the :Ji;U"i yearly conft'rl:nce of the association held at the Unl~rslty of Nigeria. Nsukka. Enugu State. The bill Is before lhe National As.sembly awaiting the nod of the I~jslature. In.l Statement Issued.lt the w«kend In Abuj.l, Chude assened thaI the establishment of the Institute would ensure that soil science PI<Ktitloners In Nigert.l uphold the ethics or their profession .lnd gu.lr.lnt«: the sustain· .. bilityofhlgh quality of soil lie S.lld besides the rqul.ltlon of the practKe of tilt" 5CCtor, the: InJtilute would ildVilnc~ the course of educa· tion, science alld technology, the soil
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