BayeIsa CIf'P fa .....
Amosun pledges to curb rural-urban migration
~'s raliC
F,.. . . . ~ Y. . . . noUnClANS In B~yeJy rS(~[e. under the ilrgiS of
Lhe Conftnnce of Nlge:iUn Polllic.ll piinles(CNPP).}!!-:
tr.rday described
Ir.ilclfon- ilnd ·pl;lylng to
Lhe ga.llt-IV" Ihe: poor r.ltlng of the Iormer lovernar,
f"""OVERNOR Ibikunle ~n 1'10)5 rrsutrd the
TImlprr Sytva and the ongoing recovery of offim l vthldes of Immedl.ttt twist polhlal ilppoimns in the Slate: by GOwrnor ~rlilke Dickson. Th~ uked the present admlnlSlr.illfon 10 focus on fulfilling promiKd restor.illion .lind dewlopmem plan In the stille.
dt:ct:rmi";uloo of his admlnts-
U<IIuon to stem thr IIde of ruraHJrtwn mlgr.l"on through ~Slon of mfr.t$lIUCh1I'aI IMlIKIes In the rural ilrel5oC~nSQte.
Governor DicHon had
recrmly announced rrllrnlnuy Investigations RIO thr policies ilnd contrilel ilwuds by Syh,. showed iI St'ucn of wutage: of SUle funds ilnd Ihu nls .dminlslr,ulon WitS polsfll to tilking dKislons Ihill would SlrCilm·
line: sprnding ilnd
fund for ilccelrr.ilIW
opmem pliln.
The .lUraw poor s~ndlng culture iIInd debt profile has led ludus o( the Actton Congress of Nigeru (ACH) and 01 group, ~yeiSol Acllon Committee (or unlce (B....q). to nil for ndependent probe Into the fin.illnces of the st.illte overcialrru bv Dickson thilt he Inherited .In empty treHury oInd 01 huge debt profile.
Orji warns against delay in council workers' salaries rr_Gotd~~
OVERNOR Theodore Orfl \.J'h.u wuned .iIIgalnst delay In p.illyment of the monthly sararlH of local council workers In Abl,l St.1te over ute submission of Sollary vouchtrs by some counCIls. He directed th,lt henctforth, those councils th,l t submit chelr w,lge bills within the stipulated time should be pakf. The Ministry of Lonl Government ;and Chldt.illincy .... ((;airs told iOumalists tWO wetks ago thilt the ddayrd Sollary pay.ment wu due to late submission or r
billsfvouchen by the treasu~rs of I~ councils 10 Ihe auditor general for \'tiling before the funds .Ire rr:leastd. Penn,lIlent Sccrrury in 1M miniStry. Mr. <>Chi Orhu, while uplalnlng the reason for the delay In me worlttrs' FtbfU.illry 2011 Soll.illries, Solid bv Fcbru.illry 21, only nine of tfie 11 councils had submit· tt'd their vo uchers. which wert sup~ to be turned In brtwrtn 10and I~O(evcry month. lie added lhoitlht funds for tht salaria for thai monlh consequently, were nOI releued to the 11 COIIOCILs but rather paid Into the
Makinde urges focus on youth employment food security moral drndence In tht r.... Let Sot.c:H. ADIkIAI nRELATE of Methodist sociery. While wilrning that unless r Church of Nigeria, Dr. Sunday Makinde, h.u serious action is taken by enjoined government at the govt'rnmenl to quell all levels to focus on prov;o the killings and m.illiming slon of jobs and food SKU- of Innocent Nigerians, the rity. He stressed chat the destruction of property by security dullenges in the tht religiOUS runlbmentalcountry could hi trac~ to IsIS would continue, he the folilure of government ~ddrd th~t Nigeria, al Ihls to provide adequate point, nteds ardent pr.illyrni employm ent opportuni- and fasting more lholn e~r before. tiH for Its Irtming youth. The prtlue, who inslst~ In 01 keynote.illddreu at the 12th Synod of the lhal Nigeri" mWI remain an Indivisible entity, Melhodlst Church, Diocese of Abaulild, held at Ilhla declartd; ~I a ll on governments at all It'vels to circuit In Ohaukwu Local Council, the prel;'IIe engage youths In mechablamed tht untmploy- nlsra (.illrming [0 Improve menl or youlhs on low level of education, adding thai the situation has con· tribuled lugely to tht' prestnt probltms being vtpe:rienc~ In the coun·
Speaking through the Bishop of Abahllkl Dloctse, RL Rev. Godfrey Agupusl, Maklndt enjoined government at all levtls, non-governmen· tal organisations and churches In the country to InYestln medunlsed farm· Ing to prOvide food security and oIl1eviate tht excruci· ating poverty ra~glng tht dlilens. "Unemploymt'nt or youthS has contributed largely 10 Iht danger of instcurity or lives and property in Nigtri.J.. Partnu can no longtr gel dividend of their heavy investments on thtir chil· dren-, he Slalrel, tlIpr6SIng rtgrel that things have fantn ap.illrt In Nigeria, resulting in Increased
(ood SfiUrity and oIl1evlatr
the Federal poverty. Government should also tndeavo ur to reduce the COSI of governance while legiSlators s ho uld consldtr the .ppropriatent'ss of taking Sluing ililowanct.s to show their patriotic splrit-. He blamtd the Ftdeul Governmtnt for -the bloated over-hud COst of politlul office: holders", uylng the OUlr<11grouS bill could strangulate the Konomy of lIie natiOn "I( Immediate remtdloll action is not taken so that Nigeria does not become difficult to govern-.
~nks, pendm, wht'n all of them submllt~ tht'ir vouchrn alld Ih~ wrre vet.«i Not satisfied with the explanalion. Iht' governor qutried non-reltase of tht' monty to the cOtlncils that submit led their vouchtrs tlmel~ Solying "those councils thai fall~ to submit thtlr vouchen should noc punish thOst dUI did Ihein on tlmt.1 upccted tht ministry to have paid thoS«' councils th.1I submitted Ihelrvouchers so thatthosr that did not would sufftr delayed rdust of their Solluics. ~ltn the ulana of all Iht 11 coundls art delayed. the council workers would go to lown blackmailing .iIInd .iIIccusing the govern· ment of diverting funds meant for their salaries t'Ven whtn the g~rnmenl hild made-lht' funds available"
Accordmg 10 a StatelTlt'lll, Amosun. who spoke 01 1 the commissioning of Id"'l0 COlllmunity Town Hilll n 'ftow<II.SoUlh locaICounct~gld: 1115 our SU1l.ffe btbef thoH.u ~pn:Mdrthe~lnfr.t.
struclural faululH for our rul<lll a~as. we Will not only m1UCt rur.ll-urb;&n migr.lllion but also tflCOtlrage our)OUths
lOwyb.Kk IIltheVlll.illga nliS will htlp In ~'ng thr ~ 109 Canning popul.J.tiOn and consrqucnily II'!Crtase food
II is our sincere belief that as we provide the necessary infraslrucluraJ faoililies for our rural areas, we will nol only roduce rural-urban migration but a1.. encourage our youths to stay back in the villages mads hnlmlg the community with Olhd IMIU 01 the sute ~nd
rnunng oIgIlCUkurr .u the: ma1nMil)'Dfourr.conomf, Iht'~sakl
Amus un commended Ev~n,cllsl EbtI'ltZff Obt:yFablyt rvr rompirting the Be said it was thIS ~.loh5.illtion Idogo G:xnmunity"ilwn H.iIIIl th.u led 10 IU aJmlrtismltloo's lit hl)lfJIIt"llmrnt would SI.iIIIt:Widr: IkYdoptnefll l)\.an, do t\eytJdng ~bIr to pre.COYCting road rthabUiGltion . ~ u~ woi'b of the music and constmcuon olncw and tnM;StrO and other noubk durable 01li!'S, ~nOV'lIlOn of Indigel~ of the ,SUre. schoot buikhng,s and COf\SO\JC In his \wlmrnt addll5S, ObryliOn 01 I'IC'W antS. rmcwauon Fabiyi !>.iIIki he was fTIO!o'ftt by and construrtton or well the spnl 0( Cod to ~t cqul~ hulth mwa., pr0d"lt prqrct. whKh ~ )0 vision oC poub&r ~ttf and ,..n.ogo elrcttidty, ma5S1V't \nVHI' Spta\.;lng at the tvtnl, ments III agnru/ture and Tr.lnsiuoll Commlllrr opponunilits lOr pannershlp (]wlnr.a.n of~South local wtlh private firms 10 t'SGbllSh CounCil. ~ngol.lodr Kayode. .IgI'l)-.iII1l1td compan~ illI of thankrd ot:qi for the grsru~ whkh would aJso rum rural and aUedori ~ urbandnft. corporatr bodlCS, Individuals 'ntht'pur, Jdosousrd toreed and rd.gJOOS ocpnts;,lItJons,IO ugos and other pl,l,ce:s. Wt pn h..ncb Wlm the ~m warn to bnng twdc the glo.... mmt t .. rllSU~ rapid cJrwtop0U5 days: by oprning up d\t mmt ofu"ltsutl!.