NatUral Health How yellow com reduces blindness, child death, by researchers ~CREASING or increasing 1.Ithe function of a newly discovered gene in com may increase Vitamin A content and have significant implications for reducing childhood blindness and mortality rates, according to a Purdue University-led study. Torbert Rocheford, the Patterson Endowed Chair of Translational Genomics and professor of Agronomy at Purdue, led the study that made findings in yellow and particularly orange com, a type he said likely OIi~nated in -the Caribbean and IS' popular In some Afrtcan, Asian and South American countries as well as in northern Italy. The orange colour comes from relatively
higher levels of carotenoids, one of which is beta-carotene_ Humans convert betacarotene, which also Is abundant in carrots, into Vitamin A during digestion_ Rocheford is using Simple visual selection for darker orange colour combined with more advanced molecular natural diversity screening techni'lues to create better . lines of the orange com. "We're sort of turbocharging com with deSirable natural variation to make it darker and more nutritious," Rocheford said Between 250,000 and 500,000 children -mostly in Afrtca and Southeast Asia -go blind each year because of
Vitamin Adeficiency, according to the World Health Organisation. Half of those children will die within a year of going blind. Rocheford said that increasing beta<arotene levels in cereal grains, such as com, was an economical apPC?ach to addressing th.ese defiCIenCIes m developmg countries. He added that the gene betacarotene hydroxylase 1(crtR-BI) altered beta<arotene in corn in a way that reduced pro-Vitamin A activity. Througll a process known as hydroXylation, betacarotene is converted into other carotenoids that can cut the amount of pro-Vitamin Athat is created through digestion in hal( or eliminate it ;iltogether.
Reducing the function of the crtR-Bl gene would reduce hydroxyfation considerably. "Because of this, selecting a form of the gene that does not have much activity causes betacarotene to build up," said Rocheford, whose findings were published in the journal Nature Genetics. "We're have started to move the favourable 'weak' allele into breeding materials." Conversely, 'strong alleles" increasing crtR-Bl function boost the hydroxylation process, which creates more zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin Is a micronutrient that could protect against macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in people over 55 in
Western Industrialised nations, according to the American Macular Degeneration Foundation. Zeax.inthin makes up 75 per cent of the central macula in human eyes, according to the AMDF,and data showthatmacular pigment increases through dietaIy supplements. Rocheford saId tfuit the findings were encouraging for adilressing problems in both developed and developing nations. "It is like a designer gene. We can select one version for the U.S. population to increase zeaxanthin and a different version to increase beta-carotene for the needs of the developing world," he said.
Rocheford's research will continue to look for ways to improve the nutrienttrolile of orange corn throu simple visual selection an more advanced DNA and compound analyses. He said further that efforts would focus on other genes that also held promise to increase proVitamin Ain com. Another challenge, he admitted, would be introducing a new variety of corn to consumers, "The us. only grows yellow and white com and Africa largely grows white com," Rocheford said. "But parts of the world - some parts of Asia and South Amenca -actually prefer orange com."
nicotine cravings. Well, imagine having craving for cuny instead (wbo'd complaint). Coriander leaves bas been used as a folk medicine for the relief of anxiety and insomnia in [ranlan folk medicine_ Cumin can be really helpful in asthma, common and a booster in immune system during cold and flu season. Capsulated Cumin can be beneficial to hair and nails and if mixed with moisturised cream one can reap the benefits of a healthier skin. After listing only a fraction of the benefits for eating curry. the people that gave the word cuny sllould really give it a new identity. not as a combination of different herbs, but a combination of different medical miracles that really taste good. "The body is filled with toxins and waste from our daily meals and lifestyle. As we cany on with our daily life, these toxins and wastes accu-
mulate inside our bod)' "The problem is that, these fecal materials left in our body will in tum become a breading ground for harmful bacteria. When accumulated in our body for a long time, it may tum to deadly diseases and cancer, whlcll may in tum cost our health and life. "The foods we eat nowaday~, . ,_, are totally unhealthy because .' of all the chemicals, artificial contents inside them. For example, processed foods and fats are all contributing to our modem day unhealthy life • style," Burroughs said. Experts said that master cleanse, in essence, was a cleanse that can help man to detoxify all these harmful wastes accumulated in our body and as a result, return your health to you. And for some, master cleanse gives them a bonus of losing weight You are required to drink a lemonade mixture that will help your body to expunge the harmful toxins in your body. After your toxins are expunged, you will lose weight, keep an acne free skin, and help you to prevent illnesses. [n short, Master Cleanse is all natural solution to healthy detoxification and lose weight in just a short 10 days.
Curry health
potentials mal<ewaves
ular weight and polar structure, curcumin can penetrate the blood-brain bamer more easily than many other potential Alzheimer's treatments. This is important because it can deliver the anti-inflammatory benefit where Alzheimer'S disease patients need It most is in the brain. If has been very popular in [n fact, recent research shows Ithe last \0 decades. For so that turmeric helped to premany people that had used it, vent the swelling qf joints in the results have been amaz- rats that had arthritis. ing. But curcumin's anti-inflamExperts said that it was an matory benefits make it useexcellent remedy for arthritis, ,ful for all sorts of other condidiabetes, bleeding, ulcers, flu, tions as well, not just sinuses, cold feet, circulation Alzheimer's: arthritis, cancer, problems and fibromyalgla. heart disease and many other The original cayenne pepper health problems have all diet is alSo known as Stariley been linked to inflammation, Burroughs created the Master and that means curcumin Cleanse in 1941 who was an could help alleviate them. advocate for losing wey!ht One of the worlds most naturally and healthily. renowned cancer centres, MD Cuny or cuny powder Is Anderson Centre in Texas, actuallY a broad term that has thinks that cuny may help been applied to many tradi- protect us against cancer. tional spice combinations. Here, animal studies have The word "curry" can be shown that curcumin, anothtraced to the Tamil language er common ingredient in in South India. cuny, seems to turn off genes Originally, cuny was consid- that can trigger the onset and ered a miraculous way to- spread of tiieast cancer. [n a achieve eternal youth and human study, curcumin longevity. Only later was it shows some promise, in a used as a seasoning. handful of patients, In stabilCurry is also lcnown as ising pancreatic cancer_ turmenc, this is deep yellow Today, many countries spanspice. [t is thought to have ning Asia, India and Europe numerous beneficial health use various cuny combinaeffects, including protecting tions. The ingredients depend against Alzheimer's disease. on the flavour, colour and [n fact, in [ndla, where cur- healing properties the cook is cumin is used regularly, the trying to achieve. The list of rates of Alzheimer's disease spices found in cuny often are much -lower than in include: curcumin or turmer· Western countries. [t is one of ic, saffron, paprika, chill (red those ancient culinary tradi- pepper), white pepper, black tions that could rapidly pepper, ginger, garlic, musbecome cutting-edge medI- tard, cumin, coriander, cinnacine if recent studies contin- mon, nutmeg, fennel, and allue to provide the back up. spice. Apparently, curcumin conBasically curry's medical ben". talns anti-inflammatory, efits are derived from their . antioxidantandevenanti<ar- spice rich ingredients. Spicy cinogenic properties that ingredients found and their rival foods such as berries, benefits found in curf,}' spinach, garlic, and sweet include TurmeriC, curry s potatoes. According to scien- main ingredient is recogtists, because of its low molec- nised by its yellow colour.
Cuny tastes great and soothes the taste buds. Wole Oyebade writes on the amazing health benefits ofthis unique product.
Cllrry spicesmgood for controlAng number of dlseas••
Amember of the glngerfamily, turmeric has long been associated with its Iiealing properties. Used as a common antiseptic in India, turmeric Is used regularly to treat damaged skin sucll as cuts or bums. It's even being touted as a possible cure for Alzheimer's disease. Cinnamon is a natural antioxidant, which is beneficial to the beautification purposes, not to mention cinnamon oil has antimicrobial properties, which prolongs the life of the curry. Black pepper has a very long history of medical benefits, the list goes like this: Alleviates haemorrhoids, alleviates gas, helps constipation, improves digestion,lmproves appetite lost, promotes sweating, Promotes urination, antibacterial effects, natural antioxidant and everyone's favorite and helps in breaking down fat cells. Allspice is also known as Jamaican pepper, Myrtle pepper. Its beneficial attritiute
comes from folklore whereby it provides relief for digestive problems. Anise leaves in cuny are used to treat digestive problems; toothaches and the oil extract can be used to treat lice and scabies. Asafoetida - the main medical usage for Asafoetida is for the aid of digestive system, mild cases of asthma, bronchitis and is traditionalll used In the aid of children s cold. Cardamom is used traditionally in Chinese medicine to deat stomachaches, constipation, dysentery and other digestion problems. Red chili peppers are very nch in Vitamm C and proVitamin A. Additionally, peppers are a good source of most Vitamins B, especially B6. Potassium in chilI that is high magnesium and iron· would really make up for those lazy days. Clovers are reported by many people to be extremely effective in their struggle with
Apparently, curcumin contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and even anti-carcinogenic properties that rival foods such as bernes, spinach, garlic, and sweet potatoes. According to scientists, because of its low molecular weight and polar structure, curcumin can penetrate the blood-brain banier more easily than many other potential Alzheimer's treatments. This is important because it can deliver the antiinflammatory benefit where Alzheimer's disease patients need it most is in the brain