.. I
lHEGlJARDl..'.N, ~ May28, 2012
The Environment UN c li mate taU(S stall over rich-poor divisions
Govt plans climate change fund, adopts
integrated ecosystem approach
I!II~ At the core of the battles in Bonn were cancems by developing count ries that devel· oped countries are not living up to their resllOnstbilities, especially those countries that ore refusing to sign on to a next round of the KjOto Protocol.
AssistanIIicJtJsq II. EtMronmenr E<itw By -""'"
A NATIONAl. Insrrumml ror
.l"1dw: coordlf'lillOOfl of rT'IiIIny mums of H","""" tho. may be ~nr.lCtul from lhr Jdob,l
pool 1O...,;iI n-.entatlon ~nd Invisible impM:U In lhl'! country ls
~ Thr ~
Instru~nl knownasOimalI!~Trust
fund WlU bm thr pLOInk 01 ~
broIIder ~ thiu Will
the scope ol rYlJOnaIlm~ lions lOr ImpiCts at ~ leYds 01
T Y'n D Nm:Jns dirniiltt Wb
Ur.tn lntD ~ ....... illS ill wi krung nfi ~ rich .and 110 Ifmuntntsl1skrd undoiI1I: ~ ~ .advMlCEs )<M1n""' _m.ade _
olIllanas lOr dtfferinl olCtivJdes low.mts mitigilltion iUld adapQUon of dirrialeC~ lni~
..... . """" "'" """". """"""
to comrol arbon
_ fund< &om "'" .....",. mml ~ munt for the lXkling of mvironrnenGiI
Ai IloJ(lIltm so often in tht siowm:Ning ~~ Iht stSSIoo In Ibm boggft! down With d5pl1le5 me- t8:hnialtDI!!S. 8u . iIIl tht hean. 01 tht cbs-
probkffis have rtmained uncoordinalled, leading 10 SOIlleti~
fundsand bur imp;acts on thr (ommunldH iIInd largeted
... MaId,.'1.5 "'" """""",,, "'"
cad Wo.s the Iargn" issut'dhow
=","':;~""...~ .nd fim anmvers.ary Ol Pmkiem GoodIuc:k Ebd~ 100illwn, MmiSte.r 0( EnVironment, Mrs. Hadlu IlnhImMail.afi.asaJdthalwfth. in theGrmI Grml waH prof«t
6,710,000 Sftdh~ raised In SItYeI\ fronl bill'! IUles of Adamaw.a., Bauchl, Jlgaw.l, Yobe, Kd>bl, Kol!ttllY,K.ano.'fc:IbI'!.Sokotoand Bomo Sbtc. Aaordmg to her, the f'«Ier.lI GoYr:mmml through thl! Minlsny Is tn.ating a ~n sheh~IL smfchlng from Ktbbi Sc.atr in the Nonhtast to BomointheNortllwtSt,olSprm of ill larger TransNrican btll SPMIm~g 1,500 kilornHm: from OJiboud to Dabr in
to dJViI tie the bUrden of trnIssiorb (Jts betw«n ~
In irs one-year scorecard, the Federal MinislTy of Environment says Jonathan administration evolved and executed various policies to ensure environmental prolection, natural resources conservatton and sustainable development Sm~1 _iIInd 15 krn wide
along narrow strips. hills
l5 Africa's rt50M to combillt d~r)Qdon through an Inttgr.ltrd atJPl'QaCh iliat wiU
~t'fJlappn»eh.lncfudlng cross-sectoRJ actions olJld int«· Yl!nrioosaiffiedilltconservalion .and protKtion or natur.1I
tvOlYtd Into an Inttgr,lred
mhancr bXf ~ «IlS)'Stem.goods and services wltJl a view to .achieving d~1opmmt, pardculMly alkvlaling po¥my in the dry Iolnd rq.ion.
Onlht~ lnitYdYI'! on Affcnstildon progmnmr
It twthepotenU.a.llo.sdmuwt tcOOOrnk growth in thr arid .and smihaiid zones NIgtti.a. iIInd tMdon cndGl (0 the mnsrOOT'lolrioo agtnd.a.- she
stI!dIiflJP distributed across the
.sBi Tht protea. which InlrWIy rocused on ttft p~nling
EnvironmmLlI Sustilllf'lillbilu}l. aboul 22,,222.940 assonul tret
mtm f'lill000 10 convnuniUeli
iIInd InstJtutioru. 10 establish woodklts, forest rtSeIVeS and th~ gJftnlng of pmnises.. Somt staid and
vilLlgl!S Wl!rI! klentlfled iIInd dnoelopl!d in Katslf'lill, Kino.
... - .,
India d Thert
'- ,
AmI ,
poor n.1tioos ten In muSWlD5 aused 7jdvbumingofoiland other bssil rum. But on thr
Rio de
'0 ..up implmv:n~tJoo of a Grfttl wged ••,""""""
Economy N.1tio1u1 Trarwtion
PlMI tho!t WI.tI conform w best InttmilUon.tl pracdct:s In efM. ronmentilllrn.p«t auditing. ThrcaU cornesas the major position 01 .a Nlgman youth p under The Susu.in platfOnn who aR also
. u:
WWF/Eomh Hour NlgrrU.,
mdorwd by Ce:ntrr for liSt
_~ ,""",Scu~
Fund roryoungmtrrp~
~ghborhood 'Invtronmrnt WatCh. Ebon)'l Slale ilnd Forward In ACtion for ConR'Mltion of Indigenous Sp«:IH and leadership,
to have ;tCCHS to fioomciJIl. IKhnlai and mau~r1a1 sup: pon ~ In the areas 01 memonng. YOIunteertsm, lrumuhip.and mmpmleW"-
UJ'ItieruU actions lD ulUCilt~ and i.JM:IM chikIrm ~nd ~"15 people on sumfn-
:see ng Hlitblishment of a SusQinabk ~Jopment
'"n.. d<Ydopm<nt. ............ _<><ganbed by Fresh and Young 8rains~t lnlli.uJ\'~.
mvironmenQ( procecdon. so lhat ~ art noc tht ontv 0C'Id
who survtve, bul the lururt gmer.tdons as wdl "Otildrm and '!buth conslJrute oYtt 60 PI='" ttnt 0( the tOQ~ ~Ia~on o( Nigerb
N.iltions Inforrrudon ~ms md B.lonk of Indusuy whikthr decision of the group wu
B.louchJ stiler.. The group aII<d on go.m>
~bk ~t
concerns, as well as lnId.iIt~ the process of intrOducing the ~ rnor.al order ~ on~ ~tural
~nd lncIdmQIJy ~t
gtneraUon mosc ;iffeaul by dilNte dwlge, Though OlrTliur Olangr: affects ~ one, we ~r the grtilliS. brunt 0( its ~tM ImpKI
beaust: k is in our time .md our chIldml's futu~ that the will be _ful1 ~~ iOL_ _ thehooe 10 'el'fectfvt:1y com bat me thrt~t
posed by dllN te
m.nge ..".,.... -rtSU mental "'" SUSQI~ blllty sqUMdy on shouJderi of the )'QUI¥'" gmeRtion.-
They ~Iso reromf1'\ellded that shoWd advance thecap;odty ...,....th ....n...
dons to diYdOp ~for chlkiml "'" ,....th by ,....th· ronNl and non-bnW ulUGItion for susuin~billty prognmmrs, tn..... _,....thgroops and no~t org,lIn" saoons In the ~ and ap;Kity bwlding for commu. niliH Wt ~If within the ~l regions ~nd
support mort pub& - prtv.ue parmtt' ship on the prot:tttion of INJines and ocun -Ilft'. "Promotl! youth YOiuntttr· Ing (or 1!~r1y WMnlng ~
emergency mponu, Rl'<:ent
USI! ~nd
Convnunk:adons TedmoAogy
WMning and rt:SponsI'!,
c.m.ntlons "'" natlooaJ and gIobaJ ~ts Cor propt:r
and t'XpOSUfl! to global dec .. ~
Nigei.ln )'OUUu: have
Among otOO su~ns put Corw.ird by the )Qlth we I! WI 80V1!mml!nt IOIkl! Into .aaount theeco-&imdlintSSoi
n'f:ry aitk.al Infrasuucrural construction In NigerLI 10 msu~ tJw It mnionns With bHt inte-national ~es In environmtnL1.l Iml»Cl iIIudilIng and invoM dilldren and ,....th In poIky """"'" "'"
bnpimlt:nralion 01 anya1dca1 ~ hraUSt ~ aI~ the heirs to sud! bcWtie.s and be
bot """""
, by lOtS
rat-lD 451 day of twO wed:s of d~ was link sign 01 progrr!S, ~di&mlc inrttprar 000s 1!Int'ftlrd on wNt. ~
DIsaster IUsIc: R.tspon:sI'! rn«fla. nisms In the runiculum primary and strond.aJy schools, mosc ts()tdolIIy in wlDHabit c:Ides of Nigmi~ lhI'!y iIIlSO aUed upon our gtJYf:mtnt'ru ~1 aU ~ tosupport and il'lClNSt)OUth partielpadon at United Nalions other local.
lor To.- tM "European
~ wllk:h iIl\IoII..ti the !.1St Of grtm ~.and .aff deptndmt on rtntWable mer·
Kebbt Sa.lts. f.adUIie: lX"OVlduI Includes w.IItr7 supply iIInd
off IOOtaS}I
Barno, YobI!.Sokoto,Jlg.alYaand
~,u"s Uni[~ N.nions Conr~re.nce on SUSliiImable
Ill' F'
Sill tOcal~: s.aid
Unlan. The negodoldons In Bonn \\om mt..a!1f. to bulkI on. daI Struck in DtamflH m DurI:w ,So;.ahAfric:;a, ro crwr ill
Nigerian youths urge national green economy transition plan Rio+20 is not all about adohs, leaders of tomorrow also have a say, 3CCIlrding to a Nigeoian youth group - Sustain Nigeria platfonn. They are calling on Governments at all levels to implement certain sustainable measures, which will brighten their future and indeed develop the counlTy.
gy tht
tnthnttt.lli<d wodd - ........ bit for mD5I of tht mlissions histoti ally • should btar thr bruni iJf tM I'!tniSsions cutS ""tUIe l.a.doped nations want to mJk! SUI'f! th.at f.asl:1IJOWb1g eoonor Iie5 such illS 0Una ana
roBrctrdmcnnous~ ''''''
SheSilidthatlhrOll tourist fildJJtks .at Kalnl National Poute. New IIussl, ~ rthabllitated. SimjLul~ iIIn uhn modl!m Indoor sporU compIex;tC old 0)0 N.adoNJ P.ark;O)oSa.rt~i:onsauctM and r:quippul These M'rt inrt'fldrd to I'!f'Ih.arn thI'! ~ of WsiIin8 touri:sU and tht InhabllillnlS o( thl! ~ On ~ Modd [)nItlopmenl St:tv:mt or desenpront~tIltmlntster
Orwio )Ing
ByTosinFodUe AS nations ~ lOr this
,",,"'" pI.m<t.
"11otr' is dfslrust and thtfto IS frustRlOOIn ~~.
gjdSq nl"ab.spoIoz:sm.an group.rIJ _ _ bill
lTlt: EllI'OpI!oln Union SiIIys Chiru md ot.ber ~lopUig dR b.acksjktlng on rommt mtlllS ~ In J).iib,m [0 hnr4 thrdlsasion on emis.sim§ c Its rrom both rUI and rouna ts
poor. n Ilions into
Instuddttvcunml strua~ which lliIIS IWO p.valId ~ don a;d.t. Ot-vdoping counm.sb.dtrdby __
lht United ScalI!$, Unkm and c:M.bntndum- ""'" not",", of """" toev.ldo. -mnmiDntnts made ii1
• .am..t I! EUJOpI! 10
........ ......
_1bIlilos rot- _
m.atr d ~ to tht dI:Ydoping ~ IXlW1UiEs
Hkr Iht
ll1, i'!>11\ Cmada "'" Russio _ _"'~bIodtrd_. '"'"'tctht_~ ...... prirrl tgntn tilt bet lh.at thtir nv..vr etI\&