'!HE GUARDIAN, Monda)! May28, 2012
The Environment =
UN climate
Govt: plans climate change fund, adopts integrated ecosystem approach
talks stall over rich-poor divisions Cllmale Change
At the core of the battles in Bonn were concerns by developing countries that developed countries are not living up 10 their responsibilities, especially those countries that are refusing 10 sign on to a next round of thel"llID"' Kyoto _ Prolocol. T __
Assisl,", Housinc I. EnWormenI
A NATIONAL insrrul'Jlent ror
.l'1lhe roon:Ii!\ildoo of nwny
srnams of fh1olndng~, be illuaa«l frorll tmpool of ~ . 0 liaRmenlaUon ;Ill( invisible ~~i" th~ counuy b Th~ ~~ Instrument lmownasOmUII!' ::hangl!'TtusI: Fund will fomll1"e plank of il broridc!r progr.1m ne that wUi
~mhancr Indbiwdm the SCOfll' of nlliol'lillintevmdons (of ~; I aU IcYds of ~ thfUl gh stm. ill1iances lOr- diffef!lll aaMoes tow.utls rniljpliCn and map. t'llion oI'diovlf' (Bange IrUti,).
~ InlO ~ last v.ftIt as a widming Iii ~ rich and poorcounoiemkrd undo. ing 5OIT1r' ~ made last
,.., In "'" """"""'" ""'" 10 control wbon emwioru that.sdenlists SIt",re CMrheat· ingtheplanet. As happens so oIim In ~ skJv,..n1Olllng negotiations, the. smioo In Bonn 00ggr0 dawn with dlspules OYer lechnlc'aH· des. But at the heart or the em.
lJoIkr lhr pRSI"t di5pmglion. IiJncb finm ~ ~ mml il~ meollfll roc the
tackling of m1ronmentll problems ~ m'"loJlned uncoordlJtilt~. 1~1t g to som~
func:b ilnd HnJe irrpacts on the! communities ;u d cugaed
10 dlvldro the biUnim of emissions cuts ~ ~ and deYdopI;ng ~ttons. DeYeloJ?lng ~Iions say the bxIustri;illitd work! . respoost. bit lOr most Of the emissions historially . should bear the. brunt of tht: emlssion~ cuts while deYeIopfd nadons wanl to make $lire thai f;ast-growing ecooomies such as Chlm and Indiaoon't gt1 offtoo~ There Is a tOtal5liJ~: Silid
Ma~thedl5l ~at the
~~~~~~~ In it's one-year scorecard, the Federal Ministry of Environment says Jonathan administration evotved and executed various policies to ensure environmental
o1od nBl ilnru~l'SiJry Of I'residt'nl Gooclfud EIxk IOlWlthiln. Mill~trf of Environment,
~I'l .
Ibrahim MaiLIfia s tld thon \\;thin the Great Grrrn v..a.1I pmj«t 6,720,OOO~:S 11.1W' bml
rillscd in st:YrIl O:.'$£rt:ifIcttion rrolll IInr 5Q1~ I r "da1TlilWil, Bauchl, Ilgawa, Yohe, KdJbi, KaIStN,1YJ1O, 'robI',St:*otoand Bomo Slate. Attording to her,llle miera.J GoYl'mmmt rnrough the Ministry Is aut ng a grft1l shelterbt:lt ~rel '~m Kebbi Stale in J1C to BomolntheN<xtt W!St.a5f!Jn
~~~~rsrt IT~~~~ frol rom
protection, natural resources conservation and sustainable development along JlarfOW strips, has evolmJ inro an Imegr.HnI Is Afrb's molve to combat ecosystem approach,lncludlng desertiflcation tJlroUgh an ~ actions and intff. In~t«i appnlilCh mat will Yentlonsalmecbt('()l12fViltlon mhana: food serurit)( ~ and prolKtJon of natura.l tem.goodl!andsrrvlct5v,itfllo resoums. view to achimng d~lopOn the pre5klcndal InidattYe ment. p;artlculilrly albUtfng on Afl'oresti1don progr.ut1n.~ In the dry land £!gkIn. for Economk ~ It llasthepocmN.Itostimulate Envlrom'nlmt:ll'Susta.il1olbilit}t economic ~'th til the arid aboul 2l,2ll,940 assorted trft ,lRd semJ..iloo zones of NIgrria.. seedlingsdistnburrd across the ,1I1d thuefore critiG1l 10 the mdre nildon to communities Ira.mfonnat'iOn agenda," she and Institutions, to l'Sl1IbIIsh sald. . "~I h ,woodlots, forest r~ and n le ~ w" c inld;&,. the g~ning of premises.
Senegal and IS km wide "~the GrNI GI'Ml w.dl
coIl«tedmonoousquantltks. She said thai ~ 011 Camp/lbbi
tourlsl radllt~ at Kainjf"take National Pilrk. Nt'w Bussa, ~ rehabllirillN.. Similarly. an ultra. modem Indoor sports complell al old Oyo NaOOoaI Pilrk.O)oStalewasronstructcd and equipped. These WNe inlended 10 mhana the cornlOrtorvtsltlnglDUlislsandthe in~bit'anlS of the park. On Susalnable Model VlIla2t~Iopmellt schrotne I'Or desrn.pronureas,themllU5tr'r l'unhei"dlsck:lsledlhatsix()'l(lde:1 village! were identified and
t\ltur Run~ chief
r k
....aIiI Bomo. 'II.:lbe.SokoIo"Jipwa ilOO Kebbi Stlles. Facilities proYidnI InCIudel w.:Jlrt supply and ~ which lnYoM:s the use Of gnm trdlf1Oloml and are depmclenlon rmrw.iI.bk mer·
.. Nigerian youths urge national green economy transition plan ti$tt"!i,mtiLZll1ii Rio'20 is not all about aduhs, leaders of tomorrow also have a say, according """'" ni9nS In RISkcurrlculum """"'" """'" and schoOls. I~I I p., ..", ..g_'..ln.._I~y _rocu .._~ ..o_n..,"" ..~p~u~n~"~n;g.."~n<~~'~~~~~ro~'~oc~,.~nd~~~~"~o~~ln~~:a~IM:,.:~~n:o~,~"'~~ ~~~~;............
By Tosin Fadcb AS Nlti0n5 ~lo1.Ie rot this ~ar's Unite- I Nations Confe.rence on SustalJlable Oevtlopmenl in Rio dt!'
lanrolro, Nigeian ,oou!:hs ~ urged ~IJIE' II [0 spmi
up Implemmlilt:i(tn oraG~ Economy NaliOO<!I ll'arult:loo Plan lhal WIll con'onn 10 best Inlemat10nal pr.t( lias in envj. ronmmlal hnpac audidng. lhecall CIJrllr'5 -t$ tI1C majof position or a NIg~n )OUth p under 1M Susuln
pLnfonn ,vto~~
ing est.1blishment of a SUstainable ()<>YO!lopmeOl se-t'
FundforPln,ge!'l tt>~
to have ",ccrss to finandal, technical and mal ~rtal sup' pan ~ In the.mas of menlonng. volunlttr1sm, Internship and muepreneurIiIld~nt
The pl'Oglalllm~ was organIsed by I1'l'Sh and Young Brains Ot'Ydopmfnt InltiatiYe.
to a Nigerian youth WDuP - Sustain Nigeria plalfonn, They are calling on Governments at a1llevels to implement certain sustainable measures, which will blighten their future and indeed develop the counfl)', suppaned by Federal Ministry of Environment, UnRea Nadons Information CenIl'l'S and Bank or Indusuy while the d«tslon of thto 8fO!.lp wn endorsed by Centre fOf l1$L Ccnl\lry wues(PAPPCc, WWffF.,Jtnh Hour Nigem,
-~ """'''''«
Neighborhood 1nvironment Watch, Ebon}'l Slate and Forward In Action fOf Conserv.lIlion 01 lndlgrnous Species and Lutfershlp. BoIuchiSGIIt'. The gmupaUed on goo.oernment m undertake actions 10 educate and IrMllve chlldnn and }Q\lng people on S\lStOlInable d~lopment concmu, as ~II ~ inldare the process oflnuod udn,g thto new moral Ofder based on gJobaI na.~
l"nvironrnMCil proreoion. so lhat ~ are not the only ones who survive, but the ruruJ1!
8'!nerationsilSwell "Oli1dren and Youth COf15li. ruu~ ~ 60 p« cent of the tOl:41I population of Nigerl;a ",nd incident.i11y ~t thto generation mo5I .1ffected bv cllmale chan~. Thoug" Olm;ne Ou.nge atrl!Ct:5 ~ one, ~ bear the gre;ltest brunt or its rqaUve impiKt bKause It Is in OUT 1irT1C ",nd our children's furuJ1! that the full con2qul"oces will be _r,IL n..",,,,,,,, " , , _ to -errectMly combat the threat posed by climate change aild Im~ envit'tlrtmenral SUSUlnablllty nst5 squ;&J1!1y on shoukkri or the ~gmer.l~"
They also rroommended that gove.:mmem should advana the apadtyof )'OOth organisa· dom 10 d6Ielop ~for ctilldren and youth by PIth· formal and non·fom\al edUGIlion for sustalnabillty programmes, InwJvoechlldrm, PIth groups and ~menl DlPnj.. sadon, in the ~ and Ciltpacity buildtnx ix comm .... nities that £air wlrnin the ~I ~m and support ~ pubUc - private pal1Jlel'ship on the protection of mannesandocun - lIft'. -Promol:e }IOlIth w!unleerIng for early warning and emergency ~ponse, U5e' RKe.nt fnformadon and Communk:;alions Technology in roarly warning and rol'flef' geney re5pO~ include
the of pOS«OOd.ltry l'S()t'd.Illy In Vulner.able atksofNigeria.They illso ailed upon our goyentment al.J.I11t!'Yels tOStl,P' portand inntoHryouth p,ntIC· lpation at United Nallons Conventions and other kx:aI, national ;md g.Iobal eYeI1ts for proper yourn represmtation and aposure 10 gknIl drociskmmaldng. Among other" suggestions PUll'orw.ird by theyourn \WR t~1 government take into
mary mosl
acmuntthe~of ~ry
crltial Infr.tstnJctur.a1
construction In Nigma 10 ensure mat It conforTns With best International pr.ICIices In mvironlTlmtilJ hnpiKt auditIng and il1YOtYe chiJdml and )Ollth In policy decision and Impiemenlation or any critlCll Infrastructure bKaUX' ~ arr the heirs to such f.KIllties and be encouraged to make In"",,-
~otiator Tor the -European UnlOfl. 't1le negotUdons in Bonn ~ marv: 10 build on a deal struck In Decmlber In Du.rl».n. South Mica. to ~ a fEW ~ cIim.lte pK1 by 2Ot5 that would ma1cl' both nda and niltlons rdn in emissions
otJteor fossil IUds. Sui on thenr'U-to-1ast day or twO weoeks of talks there was little sign of progms,asdilkmulr'lIelpm'a-
""""'" on """-""""
~~~~lhInis &ustration In the atrnospht:re..
groupO/" " " " ' _ The European Unkln says QUI10l and other ~Ing countries are bacbllding on mnuniunents made in Du1ban 10 bring the diScussion on eJT1is. siam cut5 from both rich dod poor nilUons Into ORr' DUm. instead or the CUfmll structul'l!. which has twO ~ negotiadon tReks. Ik\.doptng mtmUies· badced byc:limateactivisls • accuse the United StaIrs, Europun Union "'00 other _ I " " , _.0/""",, lDev.Jdrocommkrnmts madro Iii
pm<oo.o .............. ... "'pon,">lI& ... _ dJ.
:"changetothe~ ~
countries like the
u.s.. Japan,unidl and Russia_ ~
mnsistmlf¥ blocked J1!fer· mcesto the rJd5ti11lJ1egilI principlcs,whUecontfnwngm~
an that their meagt'r t!'JT1Is. CQNTINUm ON PAGE 49
mE GtIAAI?JAN, Monda)! May 28, 2012
Jigawa council launches polythene bags, water sachets buy back scheme Underthe scheme, the
council engaged the
fl'Olll JohnAkubo. Dulse
"""""",,<0""'_ 1poIythent: indl.scriminart disposal of Sllbstaras used as
services of unemployed persons and paying N500 per each bag of
paik.1g~ ~pedally wattr sachets. the Gw,uam Local ~ in pg.w. """"" liIunched an initiativto to towns ilnd IlliIJOC rnarkm of non-biodegradable sub.
refuse collected. A test
na run has began in
Gwaram. Zandam nagogo, Basirika,
TIlt new initiilti~ known as 'operation rid Gwaram of refust,' ~s provkling unem-
Fagam and Sara towns. mllion pJ.utic bags are conrumtd worldwide. They ilre ~ry durable. perslStlllg in
ployed resKienlS with means or fiVelihood In an effon to
supplement the lamldo's ~minISl~lion on environmental sanitauon and pro(<<Don policy. Coming on tht htds of ronc~ ralsftl. by tllvironmrntallsts and mkt:holden, on tht dangu inhe~m in the indiscriminate disposal of non.biodtgradablt substallCl!S all OYer the environ-
the enVIronment for up to 1000 yean befort lhqd<compo«. Under tht scheme, the coundl is paying NsOO prr each bag 01 refuSe coUected and a 1m run ius began In Gwaram and continued at Zandam nagogo, Baslrib, fagam and Sara towns. 1he IIXiII Government chair· manAlhaji Ba~ Sule KiJa,said ,\Ie will pay any body the rum of NSOO who go round the town and market 10 pick e.x:h Sil.ck of polythene,lrons and olher subStances that take ol long period lO dccompost. The new prog~m is aimed al ensuring mal proJ)-
They haW' observed Ulal boIgs used for water ;lIld fOrother purposes lJUer many streets of Nigerian ddes, b lock drainages and .....ilter Glnals Quslng watu to overflow t.M:!r bounds as weell as act as hRflllng grounds for masquitoH that GlIJSe ma~rbt fi!Yfi. TlM:y an: itIso known to disrupt genninaoon of seeds .thereby causing food insrcupoIyetflylen~ pu~
W. . SIduIf~ bIp er sanitatIOn and dean environment deYold of the sub. stances, which I.s always an ~rt: Is maintained.. ~ Kila explained that the pro. gramme is going ro be eIft'(ti~ at all majOr towns and
markets adding thai after-collecting the refust rogether rhey would be bumL Hls words: -We started at Gwaram. Zandam nagogo.. Baslrika, Fagam and Sara, it Is going to be sustained, as you
an see we iU-e in rainy suson I ff Inoiovn200casualwortmat will heJp US In removing t'U engaged by the 001 goyevery refuse that may block t-n.ment council to be cleanour drainages whkh wiU also
proeect us against fiooding..-
He dlsclost1:t Ihar me objeclive Is lO complimtnl the
----:'-----::-:----:-:-- --:-- --:--- -
UN climate talks stall over rich-poor divisions
n~tlc bap an: made rrom
poJyethylellt' ( P£~ a polymer conslsung of "long chains of the ethyltne monomer (QH4 ~ PlastIC bags are vuy popular In e\'el)'doly life but have a n~t:iVf:: Impan on the environmenL Each ~r. an mlmati!(! 500 billiOn to I
eIJeas.~ said MOOamed ~ a
tnl all OUI markC!'ts. motor pol 'ks, health institutio ns. ab. llloirs and streets.
to dimate chan.2e's dev.t$tiiung
smb'dlmmch.1ngeadviser.n Ouistian Aid. &.It Otlna hit back at dalms it was holding up global dirnalt
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