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lHE GUARDlAN,I,londay, AUgust 29,2011

Jigawa urged to focus on , agric, rural growth from John Alwtlo, Duue

"T"HE Ilgawa State govern-

1 ment has been ufged [0 dirl"<t Its cnergy towards Inlensh't' agricu]tur.!I and nlral developm E' nt as it fOlgl'S ahead In [1S erron TO empower the people e<onomiGlIly. Guest speaker al the 20th anni\~rsary ce!eL 1ration of the creation o f thE' nOlle, Prof. Muhammed Tabiu, in his prescntallon at theocca· s[on, which was held at the Manpower OE'\lt:!opment lnstitutl.', Dutse, said It was elCpedil.'nl for the ligawa government LO make agricultur.ll development and rural transformiltion the centrepiece of Its policy direction. Tablu, who acknowledged that thl.' Governor Lamldo administration has done so much In the area, however, said much more needs to be done since 90 per cent of lhe state's population Is agrarlan_ Mills when we G!.n dddress the problem of Ihe 90 per cent agrarian populatIon that we can really address the ligawa c hallenge through harnessing tfle skills the peo ple already possess", Tablu gid. He cited lhe developed economy of China, which he SOlid, hdS moved itstlf out of poverty through Intensive agrlcultuR:, forcing its rural POVf!lty growth to decline from 58 percent to eight l>er cent in a few

lion tochange the vie~ and belief of the people from seeing agriculture as a tool for putting food on the to!b[e alone 10 i! means of achievinge<onomicemanclpation by adding va lue at every stage. The guest speaker pointed out that It is im~r.ltive for the sl:dte to identify Its competltl"!! advamage so as to start planning for better production and marketing. According to Tablll, review· Ing all the poverty allevia· tlon eITorts by the various adminlstfiltions shows that what Is on ground is not up to the sCol[e thiltcan actually move the peoplE' out of povt=rty. He noted thai what has been done Is just like a pilot plan, addln& thar ior poverty to really be tackiE'd, more InvE'stmem has to be (Om· mlued for more encompassIng poverty reduclion strategies 10 be in place. Tahiu advocated for a national e<unumic empowemumt fund to be created using the annual budget as baseline. He concluded lhat the over 90 percent of the people li..... ing below Ihe poverty line will be emancipated Ir agriculture Is elevated to an ceonomic tool.


Tabiu urged the government 10 adupt the techniques and strategies used by developed countries where agrlcuh ure has made the d lfrerencl" throug h valul" c hain system, He called for a reorienta-

Yakowa moves to end water scarcity in Kaduna From Saxon" Akhane, Katluna s scardty of water [Onlin· ued to hll Kaduna metropolis and environs, Governor PaU1ck Yakowa has ordered officials of the Sl:ate water boiIrd 10 immediately R:least' W<lter 10 the affected places wlthin24 hours.. TIle plighl of resident!; of Kilduna metropolis over the acute wau~ r shortage wursened dt the weekeod asall the public water pipes In their homes dried up, forcing lhe pt'Ople to dfilw water from River Kaduna and other sources available. Yakowd, who paid an unscheduled visit to the


water boord's headquarters last Thursday In Malali, direued the agency to come up with il report on how to arrest the problem of water shortage within 24 hours.. While he was conduCted ruund the premises of the board by its Sole Administralor, Alhall Abdullahl Nuhu RamaH and Commissioner for Water Resources, Mr. Sunday Koltung, to assess the fadllties, Governor Yakowa gid the provl.~lon of potable water to all the nooks and Cfilnn[es of the stale 10 sal· vage thl" situation of water shortage was urgent. He asked officliils of thl"

agency (0 hasten the process of expanding WOller works to coV!'r the emJR: Kaduna Slim:, following the series of calls by concernN Indigenes on the SCilrcity of wilter within the metropolis.. YakoW<l illso sa[d there was need to tilke another look at the state of the power-generating sets ill the water works towards ensuring uninterrupted W<ltcr supply. Ht- ilIrected that this method be adopted not only by the Kaduna water works but also by uria, Zonkwa, Kwoi and Samanaka regional works, saying it will make tht-m effective. Accord[ng to the governor,

Kildllna metropolis needE'ti to be incorporilted fmo the new scheme to make WOller and other social amenities avail· able to the residCllf.5 and (I,1Se WOller shortage.\ier, Samail, who eXpl;tined that the poor power supply in the stilte affected the smooth pumping of wattr to con· sumers \\~thin the metropolis, however, noted that tIll" board's enginecn; wtR: al read}' working on the affected p.111S of the inStillliltton in order to restart' supply of wOlter. /15 Ihe water shortage bit harder }'~s[erday, vendul'$ wert' seen in many pam of the tOWA Glrrylng buckets dnd cans mled with water for ~ I e.

Abuja varsity gets avian influenza centre from Ulian Chukwu. Abu...

'T"HE Ftderai Governml"nt 1 has established an Avian

influenza Intensive Care Unll (treatmcnt centre) at the University of AbuJd Teaching '·Iospllal III Gwagwabda. The M[nister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchl Chukwu, at the wet"kend In Abuja also re<ewed two mobile clinic vehicles presented by liyundai, a Koredn motor company, to boost healthcaredellvery althe Nat.ional and GWilgwalada Hospitals. 111e r~splratory un II built by the Avian Influenza Control Project (Human Healrh Component) with the support of the World B."Ink is a response. Inltlalive, which the government instituted follOWing rhe occurrence of the Inrcction in Nigeria In January 2006.

ChUM said at the (ommlssloning of the centre that the complication of the Avian Influenza and other viruses, is respiratory distress. He stated: -It is, therefort', necessary to address the Issue of treatment of (h[s complication and i[ Is not Just limited to d[agnosls alone. "The essence Is to give prompt and quality care to this critical group of parll.'nts that require specialist attention. It wUl serve as a fonn ofbarrief nursing that will IImil tfilnsmisslon of the infeClion to other

pallents, hl"alth workers dnd Korean private sector in development cuopl'r.atJon. thecommunlly at large". "Korea reguds Nigeria .15 The Ambassador of Republic of Korea in Nigl"ria, one of the most Importdnt parlners in the African Park Young-Kuk, commended I-Iyundal Motors for the region [n many field s, donarlon a nd acknowledged Including tr.1de, ener!!:> ami the role o f the Korea development cooperdlion~, foundation for International Young·Kuk ~id . Deputy General Manager, Heillthcare, which he said, will ensurt' follow-up train- Hyundai Motors, Cha Dcug Ing by its of doctors Yang, gld the mobile vellfand englnet"r5 for the vehl· cle Initiative, which Is meantCorlntemal medicine cles' maimendnce. "Korea is not only eager LO aod digital x·ray for genera l donate vehicles but also 10 mobile dlnic service, Is in share Its own unique deve[· line with the orlf:! ni ~alioll's opment experience with socla [ responsibIlity to the Nigeria,That is why l;tm hap- community where it oper· py to see participation frum ates_

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