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The Environment Nigeria joins new UN climate coalition as Sweden pledges $1.7m
New initiatives wiD reinfon:e, track existing efftx1s to reduce poI1utants, and pr0moting oppommities for greater international co-ortIinalion, as wei as, developi1g and ilnjllOYing i1ventories. "wiD also mobilise targeted support for those dewlaping countries that require resoures to dewlap their capacity and to implement actions consistent wi1h national strategies.!" support sustainable deveIoprnem miua: wannfng ~ up (0 o..s ~ Celsius by 2OSO and hJp Rep DlbaJ n:mpmtUR
iocrNSeS lXlow 2 ~ Celsius. Rmuctions of fLCPs \\IIJIUId also allow kK addrmIrur; ~ melting in lbe Arcdc In mounlilin ~ with gL;t-
Byaround20JO,l3stactioncan potmtialJy pme1t millions of pmnaru~ claw fivm for
cumplr: tnhatiltion of black ar· bonwhile~anesliJNtLd JOmiOIontmllC5d~1osses.
lhe dlmate bendlB om:! to bt I»ckrd by C\JU in other gmon-
hou5Ir: gasc:s Including COl If
tmIprnnR increa5a CMr 1M llstl:rl\UUy.m!tobeheldbdow 2degrresC
1~~llCMrmn ~fromSl£Psmil)'beau.
10 I\Oid ttve most smous I;:~ OYer the roming
Thr ~l of
naUon.tl partners was made today •• the end of 1M fim MIrtf.Rerlal MeetIng of 1M
Ci»Jidon,Mllchlwbcm~ ~ in J»",Jld
Sl;ockhoIm+-4().;i1 conr~ maridruI: bu dtoadcsaftrr the UN Coril'mncr on thr: HWTWl
Floods becoming more dangerous, more costly; says World Bank The guide proviles fuIwanHooki1g oper.rtionaI ~ on tu.v to '""""'" the risk of _ ; , . qUcldy1ral iSltA IIIioglJim enviroment Md changeable cinate." also """"" as. prinerfordecisiJn Md poicy makers. tecIricaI spociaIisIs. central, ~ aI Md local ~offi:iaIs. as ..... as concerned s1aI<etdlers;,the conmrity sector, eM socie1y, ~ orgarisa1ions. Md the IJivate sector.