TIiE GUARDIAN, Monda~ }anu.-uyJO, 2012
ilIA to backstop Nigeria's national cocoa transformation initiative .. .... ...."""'""'lfTA)
Tl'lTERNATIONIJ. Innitutt or
JTmplc::il1 AgricuItllR'(UTA) has ll/Ml!ed plans to JlIlJYlde V1Gli
SUppcJf1 (0 Nlgui.l's COC(M
tr.msl'ortmtXm eflDm. as the
counay mltwks on doubI.Jng producrkln
or the o-op in the
"'" "" """
_ _ "'" 1=,"""1..,,
to fltlptht~1n thrdeYd-
opmtm of hl8h qt.;allty
cltan pIoinnll8 mawWs using Im~btftdingl!dlniques.
In the action plan p-eented to the memben DC the Cocw ll'm$fCJllIl,ation"'lP'<i.ln [rIA[hadan, [ITA [nlends 00 deploy oidvanced mlcroprnpagalion Il!!Cbnlqucs roc rapiC and high .--do propag;uion oi 1mprtM!d
CDCDoI produclion. the gtI'IIl'I'nn'lent's elTans to 1ncnilSf' productionart'bringrnmpereil by
old and unprOOuctiW' cocoa
the Institute Is to proiua dWJ
and dLse~ OlCOo1 bftS with high yir:1d that will 1mprtM' ~ fncomt.s oC CIXJ)I
rallTloH1 MMf msu~ environ-
mmul and JOCilJ S\C.QifJ,JbUky
of ~ production sys-
"""" IrTAsakt th.tt which Is rurrt'ndy
applied in ColI! d'M tire, VJOlIkt helped Lhc CDUnIIy n rt'habL1J. liItlngltsCDCQ;lIi!nn ~makinglt lhf: workf's Wgtst produca:
.about 5
p!!I'" mil
oi :he worId's
commended IfTA lOr lIS suppon to Nigeria's
AccortJJng to him, this wUJ htlp farmm; to have access to
dlJrases.1ow ~ eduatlon.
dean plam.lng malertals... He expresXd optimism that l~ Iral and commitment shown by members of the LNm Slgn~ lies a bright future !Of the sec·
,hese elfoRS show tha.t ~ ilre laying olI found.llion for il glNt (Ul\"~ forcocw,.JIJld I ilIll
~ ~tr supplyol farm.
inpuU. among 0Ihm.. UTA vtrologisl. l.JYiI Kumar said thr oon planting matm-
,i1s lechnolOlq wuuld help Nlguid [0 rapJdIy prop;!:g<lte ImpnJYtd C~ tJa"S that could be UJCd by £armas to
rqHaa old and unproducttvot ...... !his Is an Important
cocoa uaiulormatlon
need to Increase Nigerloll's COC[).JI yil'ld, - said
The_._«> """'"
~olIm leaderof the Cocoa Value Chain Dnto)opment under the office or the Minister of I\8hculturt, hur
b" the sector, !we.Jlddrd The inslIttlle pt.uu toworltwtth !he Gxo.JI R£:sNn:h Institute 01 N~ (OUN~N.JtlonaI Cenm
Genetic Re50urcleS " 8iot«hnology:(NI£CJV.B~ and oll1ft" natlOOollI pannen. uansfeTtog the ~ ro lhem and bUilding nalionil"capacit)tIITA's strolIlrgy would also Include conserving and malolalnlng CDCO.JI dlYmil)' In thtCOUIlIl)t lram mmlben: drtvIng (hrclean plan~materIaJs tKhnology Indu~ Anna Muytwa (CRJN). Lava Kumollr
( IITA~ Mary 6Ia~ (NAC•
CONTINUED fROM PAGE 15 It~ d.u.a ~"''e sem out of the u.s. over the last few months Is indicatlna: a Il!'CtJ\I. ery in the «onomy; Michacl M~rthy, olI chief market Str.I~$1. at CMC Markm Asia Paclfk Ply In Sydney. said by telephone )'IeSterda)t -the sprNd bet'WreJl Bmu and ~ To:as has blown 001 olIgaln. Tholll suggestS the potential for some suootv dIsruption out of the Mkldir East Is In the back of traders' nund,s.us. bookings for durable goods. Of" products meant to last at least three years, advanced] per cent after rising ".3 per cem t11e prior month. lhr b\Jui:en baCk-(()back Jt.JI.ins In iirmost il ~, ba.seO on ComffifiCe Depollrtmenl report on Thursdolly In Washington. A
mediolln 1 per cent ~ase was pmlktal by 78 econo-
mists survryed bY Bkxlmberg N""Fuel consumption rose 7.5 permn tol9.2 million barrels a day In th~ week ended lanuary 20, t11e Iargen gain since ~mber 4, Energy Department saki on January
Oil has also risen this \\ftk amid co ncern Europ1!'olIn Union SilOCtJons on Iran will curb supplies.. EU foreign mlnlstm agreed on January D to ban pmol~m ImportS from tM Pnmn Gulf nation from July I to prt'S5Wl' the country OYer III nuoor pro-
Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahrllildlnejad said
his COUntry Is Willing 00 ~
talks on III nomar plans ilnd ;JCcused WHtern counU1es of dodging discussions, thi!' stat1!'-run Fars news agency reported on l1lUrsdil1 Iran has we.uenoo to dose t11i!' Strait of Honnuz in retalJa. tkm against the i!'mbargo. The waterway Is a transil route for ilbout a fifth of the v.IOrld's crude, according [0 !hi!' us. Department of Ene:f'g)t
More than 70 per cent of Investors In a qUilrterly Bloomberg Global Poll said an altack on fran's nucleilr fudllties v.IOuld creilte only il shonlenn disruption in crixI", milrkets. About a third of 1.209 global In\o'eStOlS, lr.I!kn ilnd illlillysts surveyed from January 13 to January 24 said an ilnadt coord trigger iln oU shock leading to a global rKeSSk>n.
Chamber tasks govt on use of savings CONTINUED fROM PAGE 15 expressed dlsilppolntment with tJle waydarn on the acrual p1!'t'rol consumption In the counuy was beirig handJed. AJayt saki there was a Il1!'ed for a cordlnated management of data In such il way that inmr· marJon emanating from goYernment agmdes and other sources would convey an Imp~lon or tr.lnsparency aodproblt)l -In ordrs" to ensure that ~ get actual data on the coosumpdon of peU1)/1!'um pr0ducts (especla.J1y PM5-petrol) In the country, govemmem should dfectlvcoly monitor consumption at t'\'eI)' petrol Sl<ItIon. This Is ~ry so as 10 be able 10 mmpare W figlim with those of od!er p emment agencies for budgetill)' purposes. ~If 1M mdiltion by the
House 01 ~rntMs Wt
NI£er1a OIrrently pays for 59 m[1llon Iltm: per d.iy for pemH
consumpdon. and the f'f'PItII estimates of 15 million litres perdayare found lObeCOmct,
it will then show that Nb!:ma has a dllfe~nce of 24 million lItR:Spcrda)tAPyl, th~forr, called for a regime of lrarupi!~nt management of the consumption. importation ilnd the rrflnlng processes tOollvoid problt!IJIS of
He dlseiosed the il.SSOcIaUon's pl.Jn to fJOilt il private S«lOr ~ncy rrlid fwx1 Speclfica.ll)t AJayt stated that the ri«d to COIll1!' 00 the aid of dist'J"tssed members and the publk ilt Lu~, e5pKia1ly duro
'0" ","om "r """"O'Y .tu-
adOn rilnglng from nood. ethnic/religious crisis and acddent:s, whkholien dmermtlts In il Situation of helple5SrJ1!'SS fnfonned the decision of NAC· OMA to!loat the fund Besides. he said unforeseen circumstances, whkh somrrimes leM! to the ~th of the
brudwinnerololl fami1}t then!-
by dislocating the financial SGlle of widow. whkh su~ quentJrmam the payment of .school fees and ~ rmt dlf:fleult equally Informal t11e decision to noat the fund.
Bill on patronage of local products underway
Toloc.Jllete,... ~ 'G*" arID lnowcudlsdl.lkn oIaMealCl27' l100Ql~mnslDJl 'ftII.....-edCDll~ b~paelll'''IJI''
Unwired '"
CONTINUED fROM PAGE 15 In the ~tioflill developl1l1!'nt sehernt'. Hi!' observed thill NANn, whkh currt:ntJr. houses thi!' fliltJollill techn (.11 committee se<ntat1at for Nlgerta's negOllallon of the Economic Pilrtne.rshlp Agr«:me.nt (EPAI' was curre ntly condud ng a detoliled listing and analysis on all tradi!' agreements elU'ered Into by Ni8erLa, including those stir! unaer consideration. as Its
contribution to Nigelia's uade polky mriew exercise. He, therdort. ch.Jrged the mlnlstryro pursue an industrlallsarlon master plan as olI recipe for CTNtlng/oIH In order to reduce the mpert· dep1!'ndent nilture of the economy, formally collaborate with NANTS 10 fadlltau! thl.' i!'naClment of a competition law In Nigeria ilnd review all wsllng trade .1grttmems dnd to sustdln such reviews periodically, establJsh olI database/antral
library in thi!' ministry ilS olI source of lAde related
(.1paclry building (or mff.
The anml datilbase, he saki, Is ('S5enlial given the highly technical and compli!'x nature of cOnfl.'mpo~ry trade and its negotiations. .Ie offered to collilborale wlt11 themlnlsuyon the productlon of a directory of Nigerian markets to sel'V'e al a marketing document fOl funhC!r In\'eSUnents In th Nigerian.