1\Jesday, June 7, 2011 D
:~:::: 'Tl1E United Nations .1 Eduatio nal, Scientlnc ;illnd Cultur.ll Organisation (UNESCO~lswon1ed about the non~nlistrnl.'nt of Africa's entlangem:l intangible culrurOIl herftage on Irs represenQlive list The lJNESCO's Dhu:tor and Country Rr:pmenlatl~, Dr_ loseph Ngu, Whodlsclosed this m Ahuja, said the need for Mrlcans to Initiate sldlls to effect1vely prepue Invrnlory and nommation lkmIers on Its int;lnglble herltagt" for nomination o n the Repfl5ef\t;ltive aod Urgent Safeguarding Lists o f UNESa>, appeam! a major challen~e on the continent. Accordmgto Itlm,at the International revel, Nigerla is an ardent supporter oT UNESCO's dTom: [0 sa{rs\!ard wor1d htoriuge In all Its forms, yet only three out of its vast inlanglb ll!' culrural heritage have 6ecn e nlisted sin~ It r.niOed UNESCO 20U] COfM."ntfon for thl!' Safeguarding of th e Intangib le Cultural lIeritage (ICH) In 2006_ Ngu stn5SI!'d that as a bod)t UNESOO strongly bt'lieved that intangib le cul rura l hertt!gl!' was ma.insprin~ of rulrur.!.I d Mfsity and COnsidering various ases of violm~ and communal c1ash~ on the continmt, the n!1evance of 101 lay in Its intr1nsic valud, which when s ham! among communitil!'S, I!'ncournged mU!UOII respect as wl!'l1 as sodal cohesion, intercuhural dialogue aod sustainable development He wa rned thilt un~ urgmt s teps \verc' rnken to safeguard these cult ura l I!' lemenrs, Mrican socferil!s " 'ould continue to lose thelll UflCl'n!monlously to gJoball5.1lion and urb;anisation.
Climate change may worsen food shortage in Africa, Asia, says study
read YtSterday in Ahuja by the Rfilde nt Coordinator In Nlgerio1 and the Unlttd Naoons Development l'T~ramme, i);Ioudol loure, noted dut evIdmceof profound and potmdallyinn't'fSiblcchanges to theabl~ Ity of the planet 10 sustain world progress was .ilia accumulating., lhe nnY study entltJt<I -Mapping HotspoU o f Oimate ChMlgt and r'OOd Insecurity to the Global Tropics,- was prodlK'l'd by the consuJtalM' Group on International i\gricultunl ~a rch (CGIAR) Researt:h mme on Oimate Chan3e. lure ;lOd Food Secunty ( Thfo work was Ul'Idertakm by a team of scientists ~ndlng to an urgen t need 10 focus dimate change adaputkm errorU o n people and places when! the potenti.al for harsher growing conditions posed the gravest W01S
frG'IIllaII 0II!t*a and FIDnra
ANEW study has Wclmed that '~=e~~lfn ".!7n~~
the South Asia ;lInd Imperil hundmi.s of millions of alre;ady Im"""",h'" I"Ople Also, the UnIted Noltion's SecrewyGener.a.l, Ban KI Moon, twc:qJ~ mncem OYN the slow pa~ of progress mad e Internationally o n environmentaldecllnedespltegrowlng globaIa~rentSS..
In his address at this yur's World Environmental Dily (WED) raged, -Fortsts: Na~ at Your stIvice.- orgvUsm by the Fedenl Ministry of Enviro runent, hI!' said 5eVer.il.1 changes had occurred 1O}'tars after the 1992 Rio ~nh conkY-
""" The UN sa1be whose 5p('e'I:h
mrul to food production OInd
Evidence suggests that these specific regions in the tropics may be severely affected by 2050 in tenns Gwni"" from said the reseaf(hers pfnpolnted of their crop production and livestock capacity. The ;lreas o f Inll!'llSe vulner.tbUlty by examining a v.ultty of climate window of opportunity to develop innovative solumodels and Indicators of food tions that can effectively overcome these chalproblems to create a serlcs o f detailed ma ps., One shows lenges is limited. ~ri",
A statemmt oblillned by nIl.'
re!dons.aroundlheworid at risk certain -cll ma tl!' thresholds"-- such as temptnnu-es tOO bot for matzeorbe'aru ~ that ~ the next 40 yrm could dimInish food production. Anolhershows regloru that may be sensitive to s uch cli mate shirts because In gena1iJ1 thao ~ large;areas ofWul deYotta to qop Mld Uvestock proclucDOn. And fiT\.ilI~ sdmtfsr.s pro. duced maps of ~ons wltll a
01 crossing
Commmtlngon the findings. i senior scientist at till!' CGIM's
In ternational Uvestock Rr:seOirc h Institute (llRJ ) In Nairobi, Kenya.and the studts le;ad author, Polly Ericksen, said: "Whl!'n you put lh~ maps togethe r they reveal plilces around the world whei'e the arrival o f suasfuJ growing condltlons (QUid be 6pedaJry diSastrous.. TIle51!' a~ a~as highly exposed to climate shllti, wllere survl~ 1 Is strong ly Unked to the (att or rr,gional crop and livestock vlelds, and where chronic food" problems
Indin!e th a t fum ers are already st rugglIng and they l.Ick the ca~ty to ~pt to fII!W weather pilttems. lbls Is a very rroubl.lng mmblT\.iltion.· For elo1mpil!', there all! 56 m i~ lion food-msecure and cro~ dependent Pf'OPIe In parts West Afric;a, Illdu and Chin~ who live In aR';!'s whelT, by the mld-2050s, maximum dally temperatures during tM,uow. ing Sl!'ason cou ld o:ce«I ]0 degrffS Celsius (86 degrees
FBN Pic nominated for award 'ORSTB.lnko(NiF(FBN) l'Ic been nommatl!'d for lhl!' "Moon Business AwardS- In Che "uood Co~rate Go\'ftTlaocc" ~~II~~dOl~ulC'd lOr june 21,
Ac«!rdlng to the organ i5l!'rl, FBN Is nom in,ned ,lionJljide four other African companles for liS strong corporate governance credentials anti bl!'!it practice, which mrure that t~lsse.. m1e:ss business Continuity-and Slilbllf~~orrgsl all Its stakehokl-
~rel5h~~:;athe c;k~:;h respect ;and recogn ition both
loallyolnd intermrionally in the
""CNow In Its fourth year, the "Aft1c.an Business Awirds" is ;a
boy yearly event for ACOOn bus\-
Vice~11WnadI Sambo~m, President GoodIudI JonaThan (ttird ~I): Central8.lnk of ticma (CSN) Gamnor, SarIr.;I UmIdCJ SarIr.;I (tecond left): La~ Stale GoYemor, &lMtunde Aaji FWooia (!econd If,,"): 0Iaimwl of lire BoanI. SecurirIe! IUId E.u:hanr:e ~ SeNIor Ud1lllll UcIo l.IdanIa (rI&f!t): Oiretlor General, Sec;wities Ind Uchanee ~ ArumIa Oteh (1I*d leI!) nI the Imerim Presidenl 01 the ~ Stodt Udmp. MaIn BaIamI M.w Tbinc the _anllon 0150 years..wenary of 1hI1 NiCIrian Slade M_T Trmrc in ~~enby_ PHOTO: PAUl OI.DKO
World Bank tasks African nations, 'private sector on health
n esl~
a nd It Is Incrt'ulngJ), being sough t aftl!'r by Africa s h~~ad lng comp.-mit'! ~iHJ en~
Org;InlK'd by AfriCilll Busine.u magazine. ;and thl!' Common~a l th Business Council (CBC), the "NriCiln Buslnt'SS A~rru- I'W becom~;a platfDllTl to cl!'lebrate ettdll!'nce ~nd best practices In African buSine!5 olnd rECOgnises those who ~1! d riven Afrig'S rapidly mnsfonnlns ECOflQIlly:. FBN Is Nlgena's most di\1!rs!Hed full-suite finandal sl'!fVlcegroup. providing over a century of dl"pt'ndahle services to customers.. TIle bank was the first to Introducl!' Intem~t!onal monl!")' mnsfer seMces to th~ Nigerian m.uket omd recently 'NOn the "Best Ananda l Rr:pontng
Analysts' and Fund Managers' Forum. usually held In assodatkm ....1m TIIOmson Re\Jtel"5 In the United Kingdom (UK\
1\ llG ERlA ,md othercountr1es J. "fIn sub-Saharan Afi1c.J will
benefit In the ~a of health if ~mmenrs In the region
=~e~~~\be ~thhl~Ju~ , new In rernationa l FInance Corporation-Wo rld Bank report released yes terday In Washinxton IX: has found that sucll an engagemmt ;and collaboration \viU speed up the p.1~ o r meeting health gOiIJs In ihosecuunuies. "Wortd Banlc SGltl!'mt'nt said: -By leveraging the 'p!M1!r o f r.vo: referring to the public and private.sectors, hult11 StnIices an be expanded and the nnancl.-. l burden on governmentse.ucd.."
ThIs innovative repon, entitled -Healt hy partnerships: How govemmen ts can eng;lge the private sector 10 Im prove he.1lth In Africa.- relies on Indepth dat;l collection In 4S counDies o n the ArTian continent to describe the current engagement, or I.-.d: theJeOf, ~n the public and private hl!'~lth sectors. Th~ \Yorld Bank said -it Is lhe first ~ to look sysremada lly at the ~1,1t1onship between the pUblic and private healt h sectors In N"ri<;;;I providIng information aimed a t both paroeson what Im~mrots anbemadeandhow." According to the SGltement, the report also round that ' many po!ides exist on papet; but are not ImJl lementM in
tries researched have a pelky towards the private health srclOr, but o nly u are implementing them,~ th e IFC-\\t)rid Bank report dlscJosed. Similarly, whHeall the 4SCOUnnies studied =:tr1vatt facilities to be I .11 is in only r~ countries whl!'re such Inspections ;are actually being ca.riied out as requ im!. The rqxtrt quoted leading African voias and expens like Prime Mln\stl!'r !I.lila Odinga of Ktnya a nd Chief Eyiuyu Lambo, a ronn~r Nigeria n H~alth Mlnlstl!'r. to suppon its finding., For InsLlIKe,Odlngasaid:-rhe
1::~~:c~~:h':I~~:! dhllleng~
on this continent Is
by WOfking effectively with tile private sector as equal partners. towank;a common gool." In ~dldon. the Kenyan ~ miero~tha["the private sector can provide not only addltionOiI resourcts for inYeStment, but also the requim!
ery of health services and
I n;aslm ilar~in, {.;jmbo st.nro
that ·in m;any pam or rura l Africa and In uroon slums, the non-St<1te .actors olre the only providers of health cafe-It Is up to governments to engage effectlvelywjth tile pn~-afe SI'!(:. tor and provide direction to thecoll;abonltJon.~
In his own comments. jean PhllJppe Prosper, IFC Director
Fa: 44&9712;""-' HodinI!':77l6JSI CIrtubdon HotIlne: 4.Q96S6
,\II Wi i Eip;i1dc:1lCt toGuu'd.WI Newsp;1pe1)' UmItld. P.M..8. ut1,0:shDdl, l.1p.~
ror East and Southern N"rka, uid thai, ·given the lade of resources in Afria, It is oudaJ we I~ge the power of twopublic and privilte - to bring errectlve solutions 10 thl!' contrnent's enormous hulth chalImges." He added thatthe'FC and the Wurld BankGroupare rc;Idyto work with AfrIcan countries to a[;jlyzee rreah~ public private e ngagl!'ml!'nt and support requim! policy and regulatory refonru that can suh'!ta ntially Im prove ilCCt'!S to qualitl hea lth services for ;all Arncans. The concept" of healthy part· nership Is a folfO\'ocup to the 2007 IFe-World Bilnk BU5Ines.s of HI!'.alth in Nrtu rl!'port. which found lhat lhe private sector dellvcrl about h~lf o f Afric;a's heal th products and services and called ror a close p.utnerShlp br:r.~ the public and private sectOl"5, includIng im provements to regulat~ ryovmlght