mE GUARDIAN, Tuesday. September 6, 2011
Fadama 111 disburses N250m to 537 .groups in Zamfara "T1"IE Fadama III project has .I so far disbu rsed N250 million to 5]7 Fada ma User Groups (ruGs) in Z.1mfara, TIll' Fadama Programme Coordi nator In the state. Alhajl Aliyu Altine, said this on Su nday, in Gusa u, at a twD-day, Ir.1ini ng initiative for facilitators on coope rative savings and credit scheme. He said the user gro ups were made up of TIs her-
m e n, pastoralists, Irr/gatlo n fanners, hunlers, poultry farmers, as well as vulnerable grou~s such as Widows and Ihe physically challenged _ Altlne sa id that the project was aimed at empowering the people 10 take charge aT their own development agenda through a Community Driven Development Approach . He also said that the pro-
gramme would assist in reducing poverty, generate emu10yment opportunities, boost fCKld prOdu[[ion and guariJlltee food seeurl1)'.
AllinI.' disclosed that over N6 million was saved in var-
Ious Fadama User Equity Funds, adding that this would be usecl to replace equipment as at when due. He lis ted some of the proJects exeeuted to include 10
Delta to reposition transport firms DellA State .I Government has resolved to reposition the Slaleowned transport company, Delta Une, for effl"Clive ~erv Ice delivery. Commi ~sione r for Transport, Senson Igbakpa. conveyed government's decision (0 memuers of the starr of the company during an interactive session in As.aba. on Monday He said that the meeting was meant [Q evolve a formidable alilance wi th stakeholders, as well as members of the staff, pointing out that workers' suggestions would be take n in gOod fai th as the ideas put lorward would help In ~olvlng the challenges bedevilling the company. lie however. said that any worker caught in shady bUSIness would be shown the I'r.lyout. At the meeling, some of the station ma nagers. supervisors, transport maugers alld Internal auditors hfghlighted areas where change$ weTI.' needed_ They include ~r-blooted expendltuff' prome, tndisclpllne exhibited by drivers, poor maintenance culture, inadequate spall." parts and dubious attit ude of booking clerks. Earlier, General Manager of the company, Isaiah Etiyone. 'T1·i E
said that plall.5 were underway to stock the meehanlGiI workshop of the company
with spare parts as any form or Indisclpll .. ~ wil l not ~ condoned he nceforth. he
STR£NS!CT wateTing points to reduce farmers and herdsmen cJashes a 2.6 kilometre road, so h ps and procurement of agro-processlng machines. Also speaking, the state's fo r Commissioner Agriculture, or_ M.alaml Afiyu Vandoto, said government would continue to accord agriculture top priority In order to create Jobs_ Vandoto said governme nt wou ld also s upport the Fadama 111 project to improve the living condition of the people, enhance agrlcu ltur.l l production and guarantee food serurl1)'.
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times disguised as challenges. How do you intend 10 manage this change?
Join us as we discuss
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C"OflPDl3J _ _ ...
4th· 7th October, 2011
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Venue: Holid,y Inn. Accra Airport Hotel Accra, Ghana
c-t"""''- e.IUUIOS ,.,.. pn>O.-:ti_ JOe .. ~ In "'. Bank ..... , .T. f£Uicoo.( "TO. IS~ GSM.OII GAS. G ......
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IFRS being the globai language oJ occounting coupled with !he OIInoUllcemenf oJ its adopUOIl by NASH in lfJU, there is need [01 companies 10 go;n a lhorough llllderstonding o[ the conceptI and
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princip/mmderplnninglFRSstan arm.
'liaas.o :: Ond.HRlHu......R.......,..j H5II,1IOO
App~ Prince 2/ PMlmethodology 10 mana~ing an IFRS p!ojec.t
,, 0radII1 11 (1ln.ondlll ~lIngj HSi.900
Understa~d IFRS financi.3!!talement requirements
" " " _ Aeeounllng ~ HTZ,SOO
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,"' 114 .11"i h _
-~""J .= ....... -..eerY
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With every change comes opportu~itfes which are oHen
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./I5.5OC171!17t ·"t~2INors
UodemiHld the inea~ Ilf c~anse III moving "rom )AS III IFRS and the adjtlStments you will need to make 10 transit to IfllS ApplVthe reauirements of IFRS I as it affects accounting for bUWleS\.€S Optimising Ihe eXCfpllcns and e."<I!mptiOO5 under IFRS 1 Understand IFRS psor.oonrements in ipecific subjECI aleas· PropMy, Plant and EquipfllI'nl [PPE): Componenti..tatioo f,Uide Intangible:;
Impairment revieM ~r.d 12il 'lillue accounl:ng
'Vntnneu! 'Vncnnt,!! 'Vncnne,!!! A reputable company that belongs to Food & Beverage sectors of the Economy requires the following for emp loyments.
A. STORE I(E.EPER: Syrs experience with minimum OND
(Mlnlm .... m O ..... lillcallon : eSClHNO Secof\rI CI./I$S Lower )
~, fEMAlE COMfUTER OfERATO~~ECRETARY, (M'"'n-o,,,.., o .... n" .... uo... : NCEIONO LO-"r Cr.. COII )
B. SALES MAN DRIVER: Syrs experience with ability to drive with valid driving Ucense C. ACCOUNTS OFFICER: Good experience with OND and must be computer literate D. SALES SUPERVISOR: Syrs experience with minimum of OND E. DELIVERY DRIVER: Syrs experience with valid Driver's License F. SECURln' MAN: 5yrs experience with ability to monitor the areas of operation _ Age : 35yr~ above
"\!JniJ:I""'I.'#;'r.l1j(.J~ Interested and qualified applicant should forward their applications to:
. KIr\fGSERVE DRINKS lUi) tll~lejU Slr., Mushih lagos.
:J .
kings rv . drinks@yahoo.tOhi
Joint venture and produdion sharing agreements FinalKial in5lluments and application of hedge mounting
Submlt YOtH Il3OdWrl1ten application Wllh aD)'OUr Cledeiltia!s to
Compovine Technologies Ltd. s Okeh Street, off Ogb .... nab&U Road Porthar(:ourt, Rivers State.
OR Send to On Gr beIG •• Frilla, 2Jrll Sept, 2011. S h o rtll sl .. d C .. ndld .. t .... will b .. Con l acl .. d. "'",, : PleA.... Includ .. pur PhD"" numb ...... "'nd .. m>lll .dd .... . _
'VACAne,! 'VAeAne,!! 'VAcnne,!!! 1. COMPUTER ENGINEER. a .. IMinlmum
Auditors IFRS Transition Team Members Accountants Financial Ana/ylli Crfllil/lm'fslment Anal-r-ts
All those with reporting /unctions
The t/~si will be divided Into Indullry ipetlJiiioups::; n_the lOll day 0/ the workshop _ .' .-~ 4'!r __ ~
Class \\ill be milled by el/elU with ~~Iking knuH~dge olllP.S diflerenl ind~~es
aul1C3clon _ BSCIHNO Second C lilIss Lo ..... er)
2. TRUCK DRIVER (Minimum Quallfication : SSCE/GCE )
Submit your handwritten applicallon with an your aedentials to
COlllpovine Tei:hnologies Ltd • 11 Oshltelu Street, on OUgba Street
Computer Village Ikeja-Lagos_ OR Send to On or befot. Friliay JOth, 2011. S h ortll .. ( ., d C .. ndld .. t .... will b .. ConUlCI"d .
MDt.: Pi....... i"clud.. rour Phon. n ... mbef"s and .. man add ••••.
yomi, tB4 703129 0007
+234 802 III 0334
+234802 i119Jll