GlJARDIAN.1IIesdaJ< ""Y ~ 2012
~~~~s summit f, . . ~ NjoIw. Enutu "J1iE Nigeria Union 01 four~
J. ruIlSL$ (NUl) In tbeSoulh-
East 'Zon~ wll on Thursday, Moly 1 0111 the Gregory UnlVl'rshy Uturu. Abia SUit hold a summiton thedWlmgc:s Ix-log Qced by the m~la. Ap;ln (rom the f1~ SoumEast gtt'IMlors, Sfi'Rlary 10 theGo\~mmemorthc Feder.don. Stnltor Anylm Plus Anylm. frontline pollttcl.m, otoM.d~lSWdlu1.1w
"",ken at the natiotw.l and lUU!' Housu of Assembly ue aprcted
Tourisminvestor.; to meet nl U!gOs T EADlNG S!Bmokicrs In the lJIligman toUrism senor, including a lumrrgavtmorol CroM Rilo'lef Stair, Dr. Donald Duke. will on May II, 2012, mtc! In Lli!os, to bfilllUlocm
on the ~y lorwud for the indusay. which h.u ~n recen.. Ing Increull'lgaurntlon from the 8m'!!!1T menl In (Ktnt limts.
Holding a the malden m i·
tlon of ;!In~~IIII"ggtd. Nig~
N Tourism (n~tors· Dinnc:r. and with lh • thnnt. Tow.Jm locrusJng Tourism COP: Inlrunucwn Funding ,lind Man .. ~mrllt Opponunltits,' It is being pll(togrth~r by Es.sentW fnll'rfors MaguiM, NIS«ia's pl"~ler Inferior design majtU'ne:,In collaboTOil' {ion Wltli r .llm] Concepts. a ieltling Pan·African $tTOillegit: communlations firm speclallslng Ir Southern ilnd WcsternMriCili emerging mar·
k", 'The orgar Istu. In a Stille·
ment bv t Ie President of Pilhnl (oncept.s, Mr. Ndlana Mauhnrr., rt greued that al· though Nlgt 'ria ilttraaed the largest i~Ollent in holel In· (rilSU\Kturt on the cominem ahud or SlUth Africa and Kenya, Lut yur. the nation h~ )'let 10 tIP fully Into her huge tourism pmential The event will feilturr th~ public ~ lGuion of a book, lWlury Hot i!ls !r Horeb of West Africa, by publisher of Ess«:nthd Intrriors, llU Ogufere, wh Ie Duke will gl~ il kr ynilte add«s.s.. Other p~ntatlolU by spe.aken; of leading comp.a· nles In the Indusuywlll be led by Ndlolna Hauhew, the 1m· mediate paJt R!810~1 Dlrec· tor, ~S[ Afflu for IC Publlc"riom , London~ publishers o f New AfrfCiln, AfriCiin Business, African Banker.andt III olher publlalions dlst ritM lttd across AfrIca ;lind the Middle Eout.
Tambuwal lauds Amaechi '1'1-IE Spraker. Houseof~p .l resentatl\ es, Alhail Minu W,ulrl 'Tambuwal, has described th,. Governor of Rl\'ers St.lte. Chlbulke "maechl, as J role model fo r other public officers In the countf)'. Tambuwal ,n.lde the dKlaTOiIUon afler it project tour in Rivers St;llte .honly after.nlending Ihe hurlal of Eze c.c. Nwuche. r.llheror the fonner iA"puty Spc tker, t-Iouse of RepreSCnl;llI ' V'M", Chlbudom Nwuch~. In Port Harcourt. The Spealct-r observed that there wu hl,g e lTOilnsforffi.il· tion In th~ s :ate. "you could ~ cle.uly that the govern· meor Is at work and ~lls being done IS not only jun workbutqlkillywork. And I bdleve: thu the govemor deSCI'YeS commendation to Iustlfythe rnourcn R1versSute ~mment .5 receiving.- he
Court awards woman NIOOm as damages against Navy ., ..... I~ tht': tTOiluma she has been fac-
A FEDERAL Hi~ Coun sltl'lI:tng In ugos'has awarded NlOO million as damages against the Nigerian Navy and one of its officers, Commaodr.rc.T. OIowu for negngena, which resulted In grievous bodily harm and prrtn.1nent loss of reproduc· tiYe organs of a woman, JOY B.ill<y. Trial ludge, Justice lohn 1$000. Ina LIndmark verdict. ruled that thert w.u no amount of monrta.ry damages that could adequately compensate Mrs. Hassey for
said fiYe per cent of the judgment sum should be paid from thedateofjudgment until the amounlis u::u lJyoffsa Mrs. Busey had flied a suit against thtNlgrrian Navyand Olowu who 15 Silid to be a conmltant gyna«ologisl/surgton for negligence. The suit was filt':d on tier ~ halfby Mn. Marian )ones from the lagos bTOilnch or the Inter· national Federation of 'Nomen liI~rs (ADA). She was admitted at the Nigerian Medical Cenrrewhile
in labour. but O!owu'saUrgeci negligence was said to have resulted In the death of her babyand pmnanent damage to ner womb to the extent th.u she can no loogn bear,a child. The defendants Wt:'re sa Id to haw: refused toenter allyde-
fence to Ihe suit despite bring aware of all the processcsftlnl In the m.Jller. In his Judgment, justice Tsoho sai : -II Is beyond drnbl thaI the unmitigated negligence and most unprofesskmai condua of Comm.lnder Olowu ha5 ruined
the pbintlffs marriagel destroyflt her fertility ano deprived her of ~ace and happmess. -In short, all attributes of womanhood In the o!.1lmiff ~ been ruined ,and her hum,aniry gener.llly, grossly di· mlnished ror life.-
Imo. Ekiti move to promotefilmindustry ~IE
fmo State govern.l ment hils unfolded plalU to build a movie vllloilge. Governor Rochas Okoracha who dlscl~ Ihis at Ihe w«kend, gid S500 million has been budgeted for the project. He spoke while conductln8some Nollywood movie artistes around OguLa Blue lake of Treasure Tn OgUt.1 Local Coundl of the state. Okoroch.l [old the artistes that the viU;IIge would be of world class. "ThIs Oguta Blue lake of Treasure has {aurum potentials. The vII· lolge wiU cost about $500 million. You will live "nd shoot your movies here when completed: he said In the SoIme vein, the Ekltl Slate government has ~ gun m~ to establish a film "lIIage al the Ikogosi W,arm Springs tourism cor· rldor In rurtlu~rance of il5 efJons 10 boost Internallygenerated revenue.. 'WIfe of the: statr governor, Errlu Sisl F,ayeml,Clsclosrd this while receiving the fepon of a cornmllt~.set up to drive the project in her cap.lclty as ttie chairperson of the Slate technlc,al can. sultatlve committee on am, culture and tounsm development. The committee Is ch.aired the Assistant DirKtor. I II uja A m Vi age. Princess Badewa Adejugbr· wllll;lIns, while the sute I Comm 15 ooer , or Arts, Cu... " Tourism,Alh,ajl A~ ture "nd odele 'inadu and OirKlor-Gener.d,Ab"ia Niltional carnival, Pro . Ojo Babre. are members. She described the project ill oil stepping'Slone 10wanisempJaymentgenera-
tion. Although EkitJ Is not an oilproducfng state, she .saId It could tap lu v.an natural endowmenl$ and beautiful scenery to gel1eTOilte Income. MI h,avese-en manybeauti(ul places in the world by Ihe gTOilce ofGot!, but I 1la\I'C nOt seen a place that Is more beaUilful dun what we have here In EkltL Since we are not a st..ue [hat ls blessed with 011. ~ an be th;llnkful to God thaI we h,ave these beauties of nature. which we can harness to geneTOilte In· cOJ11e,M she saId.
Presldenl GoodluekJON.nan (tilfl'), hllwife. Plrienu (1IeC:CInd riIhT), Malawi', Ple:sidenl. . . . . llarnll(leh) - ' other CO'IefMtenI offidU: II Ittt SI.II. House. Abula-durint TIM M:eltend. PHOTO: PHIUP OJISUA
Jonathan launches commercialised cassava bread FromMdlOruanh.AtqI
TWtESlOfNT Goodluck C'IOl1altwl1 yesterday launchedthr:conunerdallsed hlxhqu.duycas.savalx"udand other confectionanes. direct· tnx theCoordJnatlng Ministrr ofihtEconornyandMinLsterof Rnance, Dr. Ngozi OmnloIwoealolandMmlsterofNtriculture. Dr. Akl.nwumlAdesTna,lo woriIoutdtWled inantMsto mcouragtlTWSprodUCtionof cassava flour in Nigeria. PreslCkm Jonathan also ptradrd wilh Nfgm;.ns to drop their"uotIc"mignroodtastr ~favour of Nlger1an-based -...... Jonathan. whlle speaking al lhe foycr of the Prtsldent's of. flee. Prf'sldennal Villa Abujil. statetilhathehasswted-,)mIalutlon In self-n!liance: tolsk. ingNlgen.mstololnh,mdsto unloclc: the agricultural pole~ tUlorNl~lcrU5moder;lte
our exotIc ~e and eat what rod we puce.. AS a nation, we must make SOIlH' sacrifices to rr.1Ch whe~ we want to go.PrHIdentJOnathanhadonNo\'tnlhrr30,20ILfiaggedoffthe go¥eITImmt'5asRYi1transformulon agenda to rommrr·
cialiseassava breadata mtft· Ing of the FedeTOill Executive CoullCllOn December l], lOlL. Adesi.rw taSked lhe corpor.iIte bakrn tosuppon: the goo.oemtnenl'SCilSSolViltransfonnadon agmda of replacing -40 per certlolthewheatfiourcontettl In Inad with high qualtlYca~ ~ nour And under the t:iI55iIVa tnmformation programme. a toul of 2.5 million Jobs will be created In tbe next two ye.n:. The Pre5ldent commended the two leading firms In ca~ sava-brtad commerdaiisation . un: .nd Food Concrpu . for
='nt~~~r= onne.
"J1i E Federill Government .l Is set (0 create ],500 jobs under 115 Agrlcult ural Trans· formation Agend .. by 20lS and Increase the numberof funaioml traCtors (rom aooUllO,OOO 10300,000 to encourageyoulh'li to engage In agriculrure ill a business. Mlnisteror Agriculture and Rural Development. Dr. AkInwuml Adesll1a, disclosed Ihis yesterday at the launch of the Youth Commercl.l Agrlcuilure Dn1!lopment ('i'tAD) ProgTOilmme at Ihe Ekltl S~te Farm Senlement In Orin Ekltl, Ido/Osl local Council Area, where he e:ll' pressed disappointment that the nation spends .bout NI.] trillion yearly on Imporutlon of foOd In the !'itce of abundant hum.n
,and material resources. "There Is no other sector that c,an create jobs faster than the agricultuTOillscctor. To unlock Ihe potential of ,agriculture to create Jobs, we must engage the energy, dynamism and entrepreneurship o( the youths. We ue no longer treating agrl· culture u . a developrnenl programme. Weare treating agriculture as a business. Our goal" to make Nigeria an agrlcuhuTOillly Industrl· alised economy; Under the Agricultural Tran5forma· tlon Agenda. our goal by lOl5 1.5 10 add an additional 20 million MToffood tOlhe domestic food supply and create 3.5 mUlion lob5 across Ihe agrlculrura I value chains: Adeslna said. He disclosed that Pr6ldent Coodluck Jonathan will
the trtais. which ha~ culn nated In the commm:i.lli51 high qUoiluy ~ad _ a Llundllng today:.Our magic I lutions (enzymes) In the hit quality Q5SiIViI nour rmp M~ come 10 us at rdatm. high frdghttng costJ.l'hey.n orcessityforsuccess becaU5l' Ihe absm« of duten In hlg
",;m 20 per cent high qUilIiq: cassava flour .OOIDkm.. Mrs-OLmiyan solicited 1Orfed. rmGamnmen(5gmlU-loal-
mppon In getting waiYm on the Impon duty for bakery equipment and enzymes prodIng lhe time enzymes an br
~d:n~~~rgra~~~ ?O~!~~I~:~ 1.~r"-:::"r"" -=,'~ff""' :"I'Olf,'r"",:","r,~:r "" m~anuractu'rd
producu. telling the woricm and managemenl ",'he displayed their TOiIn~ of c.J~ d:n~product5 5il)\wcll
The produru
clude different types of bread. Jam doughnut. ;IIWIe. dUdcen
and meat-p!e, poilin-raWng. sausagt'ancfbrd roIlcroissant and cake. All the products. which are now available at lhetrouUrts In IIcDyi ~V\ctoria tsYnd.l..Igm. ~.II pnxIuud with 20 per
Govt to create 3.500 jobs in agric sector frvm u uytn Ade)'IiIIIIi (Head. South 'Ness BIll"-. Ado DuTi)
we ha~ Incurred oilS a resull
cent cassava nOUT_ Managing DIrector of Mn:.FoIwoOLtnlyan,d.i5do5ed her compilny's effOrts.1 com· merdalislng CUSiI\'a flour fOC" theirr;tngror prodUClS,sudng that. -"fter9ltrlalundalmost lhll."C months from thrdtle 01 our Initial trial, wc _re .blf: to cr.tek the nut. And in kbruary lOtl,wrilChieYt'darustailUi*
soon -launch a mdS5!ve youth In .gribuslnC1s programmealf,across the country that will put RVeral thousands of youths Into agribusiness. This. when launched, will be the large5t such erfort In Mrrca: Adesln. bemo.tnt':d th.l over four million Nigerian gr.aduates are hems dellled pa)'ilble lobs In the country yearly wllen they could be tr.Ilned In commercial,agrl· culture and become In(!ependent rather than se,archlng for whlte<oll.r
SALES! SALES!! SALES!!! Hawes & Cur tis -rM'k.\,rjn S IIlRTS
3 FOR HI9 ,050
He said the r-ederal Govern· mt':nl will make 60,000 fer· tillsers available to Ekltl farmers and Is keen on e5tablishlng a rice mi1l In the state 10 shore up produc· lion of rice leally.
3 Fo .. NLad;" 16,500