NEWS Fed Govt, NGO fight cultism By Eric Ikhlln
Police to invite governor, deputy 0 V e r prop e rty T
students 01 hiV~ In$bru.. Dam on the neeJ to avoid men'lbelWp oJ .",ul ~ The gavmtml.n' his said It would mllabmlle with II non+goyunmertai ~ (NCO), ~~ on campus lnjtiati. 'II!; (PO). 10 campaign again.>t cultism in tertiary insbtuti!lf15.
PO bas been 00 anticultism campaip15 on campusr:s U1 the: past 18
~ Idter by the Special
~Bumtu (SED) will Inv,'. ZOrnl.... S.. "
GoYenor Abdulaziz Yan and Ebor1yi Statll!' Deputy Gave"nor Dlvid Umalii Nweze on thdr .lleged mvolvement Ul two property in Ahuja. it Wll!i learnt y.,stentay_ Thepolic;esaidYari,in:a)10,
bought a house in Asokoro District, Abuja, (rom In " tJnauthorisC'd Igent"'. They .Ueged thIIt the transiilction was fraudulent The 1gent. a:dnna Kanu. i5 said to be on the run and has been decan:d wanted by the ~ice
Adviser to Pri9denl GoodIuck JONItllaTI on Ethics and VillUl S. Mrs Sarah
2(D bul has refused to vacate
hailed the ROO and its
sister ~tion.. Initiative for Education Against Cultism in NiSI ria (lCEA<N). lOr f l'I5uring
tthkal revoI.utkn among Nigerians. The letter, whdl was Signed
al Houw Ul (A) Road. Fl-lA. l.ugbe. in the Fftleral Capital Tmho~ (FC11. ,bou' tho
l-IE flC!:lice Special En-
THE Fedenl Gwemment has c:onduded will sensi.tise
Nw&e reportedly rented
met" from the same agent in
From Gb.d. Og u".. ... A. .lslBnt Edilor, Abul·
tect\'d from investigation by the immunity the Constitu--
Don conlers on them.
Su!ipecting that Ylli mi~t have bought the house With forgeddoc:umen15.60dmkwu
urged the govnnor to prodUDe the papess on the property. The governor NIS ~atIyrd'uSed 10 honour the ~ quest. though he: was said 10 M\~ pa!d the ~t N2IXl miJlion ciIsh (0( the p~. Nwez.eisdem.indmglObC' ~N12 milliooby theowncr 01 the Iv:Iu!ie I:JeItn he would vacatr the property. He isll5kins for the mDnC')' 15 the CllIIl ofnnavabng theproperty. But Elochukwu dC'5cribed the daunasspunous..bealusethe deputy govemor ilUrged-ly
bon ~ annum. ElOc:hukwu said Nweu rouId not have spC'Ilt NU oWlion 10 renovate iii property he renk!d for N4 milIiori per an-
5iImt' ~
The property was ~y
Ranu. without the'
S consenL TIle school p~ is said to have ~ !!Old the propcrty to I third O'U"",an-AJri,vyCe'lC'l1ll.l• r -p61ice
enc:ior9I'5 the mnvocation of I ~~ National Confl'f-
genuine diaIoKuC'. wtum will mvUve all ~ muId
it. de!ipille theexpinttial olhis rent in 2010. The ownercl the two propert.f, Sir Ernest ElochukwU. petitioned Ihe SED to ~ the two house. Bul Yan iilnd Nwezehave said 1hey=~~P""~_~~""=!he P""""":;;,.'::':N::.::'miI-: · ~,:""::.:"~E1:::""'=ukW=.:U::.·'.':,,::_:c::::~
investigators 1m' 10 drill Vari and Nweu. They also want 10 know whetm or not the immunity clause in the~ ~y w~~privatepenonsproperty til IIlvo1ved. A. ~ I t the SEB lOki our
_ _ A_t _terday tha,
E~~~~%~:n O~S5p:li:
(AO"), who headed the initiill invetigation team, has been redI!'pIUyed IDthe5peaalAntiR.ob6erj-Squad(SAltS). A new learn has befon ronstirutrd. The!iOl.ll'Cedidnotdaborale on the new tetm.
President on Ethics and Values being m tandem with its mandate of ethlcaI revoluti<n 11Us IS foundationa.! to the Transforma-
admirustrabon, -r11e-, ofBee hi ~ ,PCI pri,vlSlOfIilI ~bon and hereby mandate5 yuu II, carry out sensiti5ation CII\npaigns in all institutIOns n Nr~ 00 ilRti-cuI~m Ktivlties and abo recomrnend5 yow olpnisation to any indi-
We can' t afford disunity against Boko Haram, says Fed Govt From AuguaUne Ehl kloYI.
Abujl b"uSl in God. 1...1.'1 ~ mil upoo Nigerian$ 10 §land together_ We must ;ill .s&and ~ • ~'usbm!, Chnstians,"'North. emers and Sou~ "1 Will'll to IBt tlusopporturuty to remind N~ thai wearepng throUgh very dif6cul1 times. Thes'e are people among us mal _deteirniried Ioset6ackthecb:kolprogns. Such ~~ gooA to mUrder ft'lloW dtizen5 for no rea5OflWe need tostard up; ........ need to show coul1llge The war
llgams! terror IS. war by all
and bYeS. "We have made the
aU o\w ~I ~ 15 no war In Nlgena behI.'!el OmsbaM and- Mushms_ What is gomgm mourrountry IS that theN! lire few nelwor~ of profle, and Iht'Se lire people ihaIMvt!setGodasde".. They ~ people lhat nolongft wor--
And It IS not only here. We have a situatIOn In Pakistan, ~ilrre JlI.'OPko are ~ killed, md Palcistini5almo1'it 100 perceulslam.
Ul Yemm,. we hllYe/! SItuation
abon Ul -m oounInoe5. The woid Ioday 15 starding up to~ agam!lt terror "We are workmg In our vanoU$ ways: the secunty forct'5. the polia. the Anny. R~enlly. Ihere havl!' hf!en grealer levels of successes We will continue to work hard 10 deliver our COWltry At tlus moment, we ,call on all Nlgeriam to continue to P"'Y for~, topl1lly for our §eCUntyforces,lopl1llyfos-ihr gO\lt"1'lUllef1I and 10 ~y fOT ihe peoplr of Nigena. -
On the alla~k5 [n Ihe
North, the minISter noted thai the ~ would br .f· ftded in development in the long run.. . Maku said: ""The North today 15 m danaerof bemg left behInd. Kano 15 II ~ oty,and ifyoual~ Kano ~ day, you are 8ttacking every noitt' llJl'attacking the K'OI'IOmy of the ~ ci theNorthandthepeOpleofNi~ -U!i: lIS CDClpl'r31r with the lItCUOty~ These~ ~ not ~they~Jiunian
bemgs.. llw:y 1M.mons us."
::.'Ih"'::"'.;.;; ;::'=~ Jonathan demands for copies of Azazi's 'controversial' speech ~y
purpo:lSI!ollhoe.PKkslstodisroura~ ~ It /5 to ~. !iI'@d of cii!.Cn'd; it i§ IJ) ROW cmIusionammgtheC'b7.ens. It is 10 CI15I.te ~ to iNt Satan and lIS age· lis would demontllise tfio!.-! of us who
The Prdalle Aid the refu5a.I ol9OUlC' pobbci1n5 to COI\\'el('
Ilw! SNC amouot5 to JlO54u1~ the evd day. We must come together and cIiscus!i the future or Ni~ ria. Religious 1eadC'rs. politic:iam, militanbl and separatists must come ~ lind cbs(U5I5 how we Qr1. live: ~ I!i iii people," Rev. Malinde
institutions. rruJUl!tries and IIgencteli foc an) .!IUppori thai you may nquire in ca~ out thI, monnow
an(' first anniver-sacy of Presldellt Goodluck Jonathan', .wn.UStrnbon. InfonnahOn Miru ·ter I..aOOran Maku calkd for lhe rooperalion of all Nlge lam 19amst Boko Har.un_ l-Ie sUd.: . ~ me ~
ivoid another ........ thai is 1ooming. NigeNI N:s aver 260 ethnic group!! IIJld they lihould rome togrther md decide theu future and destiny"
vidual, COfpora e orgaru!Jilbon, tw ads of
"Pi i-EId at St. Andrew's Meth-
He remlIrd thai it was rate of kilImg:s and U'l9I'Cl1tlty that led 10 the civil war in !hie early 1970s. .dding that the Glused the war haVenot bI-m addr-e!Eed 40 >-B afa. Rev. Maldnde said: "lOe
tion Agenda of 1M present
~~'t thfoMinisfla-
in Onitaha. the
aridu:~ that manbess 01 dVi! N.bI.roaI AsI;embIy do not ~I the interests d ~tydNigenansbut ow po!.itJdans nom:i for 5eI1-en-
blamed the ruJl!!~!,eoples OemoaabcPartyll'1)l"lforllw! aeatimofandull5u emlhe !lett's activtbet.. hl~he said led to thr ~th of aver l,(ID
U1 aduevmg its ~ dunet in fUrtherance of the Offh of the
ri%... MoIando_ ~
Gel'\. Andt.w AuZi still t"althe FecknI ~t ~y q;ed "lgerians 10 rootlnue ~ stant together 10 light the Boito llaram insur.
exislmc:I' arid guuantee set'U-
that the NaliOnal Assembly ~ rq1liQre the Sl'JC is decdlful
and ICEACN • major
TIle deric nom:i that only
OCfire of the SpdaJ Adviser consult- rs the PCJ
mllP<'('I)Il~ ~ the
""""tv "'""""" will . . . Wltil !fit. Fedmil Govemment
for Mrs lubril by
~ of ihe N~ tional~; A I~ ~i
From Okodlil Ndldl. Onltshl HEPrelalleoltheMethodist Cbutdl 01 Nigeria, Or Sundlly 01. Makinde, has 5ilid Nigeril's
did not have hili (Elodlukwu's) consent bef[ft the renovation. An Abuj. lawyer, Mr Nnodu Okike, amder whc.: Wiltch the ~ was gicf 10 have bml fntixlulently" sold to Yin, IS 10 be questXn!d on the property. Okeke acknOwiedlied 13k· · thepropertytromthe ::'~: 2009 bUl told inv$igatan that the property was Saki m 2010. II was learnt thai the ~ uay alto invill! the pmpriC'tJ:w of Premier Academy, an Abuja-ba5ed private school. The sc:hoollll!egedly boughl
AImtkam Harrilon. exp.-essed delWlt n the activities oltht PO and ICEACN. The letter ra Is "The
Special Advl5ef to
There'll be no peace without SNC, says Makinde
RESIDENT Goodluck JOMth&n yesterday~ manded for II ropy of the s~ dtiliv~ by the N.tionll Security Ad"viser (\yoye
Azuj, aM video recordings of sam!!', III the Soul1uouTh EconomicSummiL Azul met With Vace-Prel· dmtNamadiSamboyesteniay It the f>n!sjdential VUla.Abuji. He dki not address reporten on the controvt'rsy surmundmghtsintbctmentofdVi! ruhng Peoples Democf)lilc
From Vince nt tk uomotll, Ab u,_
. PArty (PDP) In the Boko Har.un insurs.ency .tIer his meeting. with Sambo. Pn.>lildenIJon<lthln i5 111Il'ndtng the lakl!' O\ad BasIn Conun1s&on 5WTUIU1 in Chad. Though delails of their ~ were not rNde pubIic. ThrN"IIOrI!ramt that it WM not unconnected with the NSA's rontrovt'rslill st.l.... mftIl. Bul President Goodluck
Jonalhan dISagreed ....,th CeoAun. chaIIeriging him to eo;. lam whal he meant. p }on;Ithanaaid: "I r-t In the new5JMpe'5 some journalists qtI(JtiJ1JI. the Nabonal5ecurity Adviser. UnWI rt'Bd thescript myself ilnd listen 10 him _. Qnethingldoknow,hkephiioIopheri would .saY., humin beings disagree because PflJPle U5e different words 10 nlHn the same thing and use ant' word 10 D1$I1 dlfft'rerlt thIngs "'llliIt is 1he pnmary rea-
son for Thilt Is why pubhcoffkers lake us are extremely nrdul because w0Td5 .1II"e extremely rJashc. So. somrtu!'e5, you have somethIng In your mmd you want fo commum(at(' but, ~.7Iay you ~munlcatell. I. uerll~pe would; gIVe different mterpretations.. "That/5 whdV !lC!mr .huP1ilf\ bemgs who on I think lore qUlnelsolJ1 ':- Whhen th,y ht'iU some! h !ng. t ey on y undt'rstand It In one w.y
Daily Tim es: Court strikes out theft charges against Anosike brothers By BtsI Onanuga ErtUEVEI2n'II' the WiiI) of Ihe Anoaike brottm - Rdetis and Noel - as a LagO!! HIW Court yesterday struck out the c:twge 01 theft d Daily Times ~rlY p~
"F1:I.C N .... who ~ directoB of Folio Communi-
abllnS. _
on trial for a1leg-
....y_N17mllian, P"'!> erty ol DailY TtI:t'Ie!i 01 Nip Umlted.. When the tnaI CiUI'II' up )'l'S-
!erday bef~ Jus~ Ha~ Abini, tho..-.-. M<. LA. Srulusi, 01 tt.... Office of the 0\-. rector of Public Prosecution (DPP), requested for a twowed: adjoUrnmenl 10 enable his not condude its study 01 the&on the rnattl!r"
SanlBi said ~ was some WtnMbon lus team needed 10 check for It 10 pra;ewte the On MardI 'D, the """ had reqursted for a m(:W'Ith ad-pnNlOlbon
enable it study the ~ file. wh)(h had lust been ~ to the DPPby the Allomey-Gm("fili of the Federation, Mr Mohammed Adob! (SANl.
purrurtf!fli 10