NEWS Concession of controversies ~R ~ tuJ~ !O('(lIJli!', the coo
r~~~~ thonty of Nigeri.J
(F~ & -
Cowtriev Nigeria Linuled in
ollhe Murtlla Muhammed Airport Domestic Tcnrunail. popularlycoiUed MMAII wtII ronunue In ~1era1e heal because ci vbtOO inlerests. ~ aIM· ousIy Jol\U1dia.>d feature thai appeil.(b.:l U1anoriline publication receilly, wnlten by one kayode: A.dewwuru. is iI goo.:t Q!ie ' " poulI- Such p.eudo-writen; and their sponsors d~rve pity because tht.')' still live III the dart.; ages when Nigenan readers Wen! loco UsCl.'IninK, aM roukI be bowled 0\It'I" by such dleilp 0lmIlV.'J\L 1here are pertmefU questions thai such ~ wnll..'YS.'It'l.'d wanswer on the MMAlI COf1CeSSIOfl between 8i-Counroey and FAAN, Illlley. and their fellow vullUl'1'S. could be t .. len serioU5ly_ First, how many yean did the Fede&l Govenunent,. Under Duel Oweg.m ~ a~ prove for the UlIU5'iion - 12 years or
II ~ 000,000:00
Can Bi-Courtney pre;l:nl any d0cument to the,pubIlc.eiiher in the ~ at a pulXiC heuing by the NaIio1a.l ~y. substantiabng Its daun 10 36,..... 0(.....,..,.1 5emndiy, did the U\ltiaI ~I between FAAN and B,-Courtney .spedfy thai the multi-slon.')' au' f"'U1' be m.ted when> the five-star hotel IS pnsently Ioatled? And did the ~ (If
menl mention anythmK about S,Courtney ~ il1iv~ ' Iii 115 part oi the an:!5SIOO?
- CrGa .....Iion 01 (ontumers of U
durinS the A.pple Stol)' A.clinli on al
AI what poutl Wd the conference centre being constructed by BiCourtney beccme part of the COfn'So SK;Jn ilgn>emI.'I1t and With whose approYilP.1s iI JU~bfiable lor MMASchooi 10 be dispotied 01 the land. 11k.'iUl1 for ils expan!!ioo In order to please 8,Courtn"'Y1 c.n 8i-C0W1nI!)' prove 10 all NIgt-rians thai the GeneraJ Aviation TefIIlinaI (CA1) was part of the ilgl'ft'-
ainu Mubl. USGS.
Agric can fetchAfrica$20b yearly, says World Bank FRICAN rounUlE'SCaIl boost 9 their Iritde and agricultural bllrrltfS 10 "8'°11111 'rlldt III jrKJJ ~Im.!-milllCh peopl~ing~ith the roduce eamm'''' by about s/ilplo . released on the eye of an . at 0 urlI\er rna ulntion
$20 bil F;ion yeuly if Lhey tad.le problems hampo?nng mter-bcuder ....., the W.-.rld bank has sa.d ..... Tl1i:" bank said farmers have the
solution to food insecurity because ~y h.a\'e t~ Cilpacity to meet food demand. He, however, nOled that they would require pobcy frameworb and UlSIIIUUonaJ IiUpports governmenl5 10 feed millions of people on the contlnent. These oJ.re lmong" the highliJthts of the b<llnk' s new report, Arrica Can Help Feed Africa: IU-moPI"B
·· I
. ,
n can Rlo n miniS en.. summit 111 Addis Ababa, EUliopla on a,,""~.llure OImd tr.tde 6·....... According 10 the report. Africa's
farmel'S can grow enough food 10 feed thI.- conllnen! aoci avert future food criSt's if countries remove cross-border restrictions on food trade.. The bank proteCWd that African «OnOmi.es would also ~enente an extra S20 billion yudy if the leadI d' I d ~~r~:~agra- 0 ISmanl e tra e 1be report said with III many as
UI West Africa sSaheJ region,.Iead. ers should improve traae so thai
can move more ree y rom ferule afeilS to thOSt:! wht-re communilles are suffenng food short-
a~ World Bank, which expects demand for food in Africa to doubl~ by 2020 as mor~ple
~.l.a~::aW~I=~~~~}i~he !:~~~
hurdles that may hamc:;.;the abuily of '- _ __ 10 tat.. _ _ .' _ ..... 1110....., .. ~~ 0 d !~/=t:~ consumel'S In
Group seeks support for palm oil producers - French firms'position on industry faul ted HE Initiative for Public Policy An.lysis (IPPA), a publJC: policy tbink-unk. and same leadlnlr Amcan economists have lent support toprtd1.JCel$ oloilnalrn ' the Itry they described as negative cam\\:~ ~~ the productsbysome
met: TheG-r:;,,~ 10&:00 ~hilt
.Ull..... It
S ioriesby Tobli Agbool.
prodlJCtli wortfi NlO million 10 Inte£nally Displaced ~ (lOP) In two ilxal govenu:rll5\ls in Kogi and ~Q statas,, __ , The,""",,~are Idih and IbaJl. 11 said the (Ol1ITlWUUi'!t ",'ere sdeded beca LISe tI-.,r are the moDI atfrdoj ar&I5 in J(q!;i State. "The Inlemally""""Displaced People ~ who <lire mostly .ffeeted by in these two selected local govemments Ul KOKi State and m some ints'1.I~~:UwiI~ ~ Uruli!ver p uc t e Ig t elergenl fOWder. UR buoy soap, BlueBand. RoyaI.nd Pepsotknt to ~ them to iebwld... The Marketing Director, O<llvid OIu!me, s;ud thecompany wouId;llso
£orSMEs-Dpl'DlDI"andSlNllfannels ~,, __ . __ .... ' iraeac.~,~~~_anu pas5e!5-by . r___ w mpnc:es .T~ ... .....--a~w~Ibo-Appie
in A!rlcaani:l: Asiil;and iliowm
nately, the;e Fn.'IldI euporat!.' interests~tmdennining.giicul l~;md SMEs adv.mcemenl III Africa, and hanningourerfortsto alIeviatepov-
COftilU1le!'$UlI"T.......... eca1fu~t ~mmSe:t.~tter_iH1Saii1l5 you.~~~.IOOOISt'~ _fron\wllidl~ auic.1h!n!wt!re
erty. II is our hope lhat these o:xnpaRies will reconsider their campaigns fo&wing ttus k!l.ter and the complaints br the palm 00 prodlK'ers of AlriciI.. Ayodele said. The Ietti!r reads:: "Investments in palm oil production do nOI only
lead ietler. wassigntdbyotlter. lingAfricanea:JnOmistsandindusuy ~~ as Hanae lyas from the II9SOOabon of"""5lUden1S !orF~ dom of ~ Eronomic. Socia.I and PohticaJ Society. Moroa:o; John
_,,~ .............. _
~~~.~mhowthe~ ""!..~..,;::ou""",",,,,,"
,.1.' ~ on the 5treet5 i!nd cities cI Nigeria to heal" fi..r:sthand £rom mmlbetS r:i the public ipftIk on thrir kd.
~vt' (3fJIwa! ~ palm oil;. ~anct~c:J~ laCasera ~ merroils they~ ;m. it.
=r~~i~~~= :~C;~~ men!. :-.r.~~ ... Canwrooo. stated ~~~~~~~~~~~~~01
~Our alfunbouons to thI:: affedl'd rommuniues Is to jotn other donor.; and a~encies in help.n .. to rebUild --0 l!Yeo-, said The l..wson Officer 2.. ldah lh:;;al eo..'o5l1lIlIS\I" ~Scale,. who is abo the CbauInAn. Manage-: ment Commitlee, on. Paul llkwenya. assured that ~ IJIilleOilI.s from l..fNlever would not be hoiuded as the $101)' Illl$ oilw<llYS been. but would ~ sure gets 10 the lOP, ~~g ~~ ,'.!!:.suppo~ love "' ....... m u-.: .......... make Ua:l.L, 1"eeI.cCf!I)IIedeventhoughthey;aredi$pbad. "We have 50 OWly inouenats from both federal and state ~ NonGovemll1l51l.il.l ~(NGO!i) and SCJrne.spui1!!d indIViduals have re-
"'rr_ La........ ofC;;~; th'riils70;;~ers """'loc-._
communities out olsystcrru(" pov-
fOr ~illhe pWlic. "We iiIre idso I\.~ Ihcir iay,lIty ~ to Brarid Artivatim Man- brnakq; lhebr.tnd. ~C3Ibcft. ~~ La ~ AppIe!;Qy &openen.aII!d soft drink hnnI-with Iotscl P tQI ~ Dartingion 0Ir.ezir..... "SUdtA"iFW.DIP'T~~1ind, !he aim 01 tfie ~ was 10 ~ the bBnd and its Eeming CD'IiUmI!IS
to lP ~.. he Aid.
Workers decry real sectors decline
further: In recent UOlthsand yeatS.
1liE~ I.Jrm.clTeIdiIe~
~ the WoOd Trade Organisabon
slanderous your companies and reprehensible haV('eng;agedcamina paign against sma1I ~ oil fanners in AhD. Asia and latin America.
" . .......... .. ,. / hasworkers ailed onoftheNigeria ~
UI ........
~!~ii~~i~lji~~~~~!~~ ~ " ~ ~"'~"'~"~" "~t'~drnp~
Unilever donates to flood victims UNILEVERN''&''fliIPLChasdonatcd
liv~ n>putatllln
in their
~ ~~ 10 halt Ihe dedft III In! ~ ser:tt. warn-
~!d.:;r =
-Asal.Xo.u~_rmJjgelhat ~ CinU
lis Preiid.n. 0Iac:Iee Hurw, while
~'\he 2Mb Aln.JaI JIint &iuca-
1Dl~~0;un~ deep« 10 *p upSinJq !hi! revtYai d.