Saka lawai joins Ondo governorship race ORMER SpeCial AdvlXr 10 the Ondo Stale Governor on PIMUtlni and SlnItt'gy Mr. Sib LAw.J ynk'rd.Ay de('huN h ... intention to un· HII Govemor Ohl~un
i..lwil who dumprd the Labour Party (LP) 11 .. JUI yur, was Ihe Coon:hnAlur of Mlmiko', Medla.nd StrllUJlC Group when the lovernor WI' PURUI"S h~ C81H It the Elecllon Tribunal arid AppHl Court In BMIR. Addrt'aJInS his IUPpocten .1 BTO lUll in A~ure. Ihe Ilitec.pital. yw,,1 Mid public office holdt'ta .houJd conduct th~Y5 AS s.ervantl 01 the people. not thc-It lords, mMleDM~
II ill candidale I, eltcud, he Rid.he Action
will enlhrone ..
code of ethics for.n public ol!~ hoJdeB, which will boo~t the public's
From Dlmlill 0 10 A
confidl!nCe In 'O\l~rnmML uwal 'Ioia he would red ...., .. Ihe eo:.t 01 governance if deaed He uld: '"A ll our pohucal ofhcdlOldett shall be encouraged 10 ~hOllf~ In the benefia u wdlllS-ln Ihr eonJequ~nc" of public fc0llde) and programmH .::bvw.~ lmpl~IMI.
civil Ioervl« will undergo CInI' Wt' iN,1I provide policy dirK· Ilon, quail I)' I~adt'r)hip. necesury loob .nd tht' mollvAllon IhAt would enAblt' CIvil ).t:nAnb perform their dulles 10 the best or th~r AbiJllles.· On sovernm~nl revenue And t':.of,';ndllurt' Wt' wili LAwai "'Id' r~move iot'aKy from Ihl' dt' i),s lt'ms And openly dt'CrAu! m.Jor projects In ordt'f 10 delermine thel, eo)t-bftll"fit .nd Impli~lion on Iht'
J41pport~~ ~t
public Tht' A) .lld hl~ Sovernment would not con(:enlr.te powt'r 10 sole authoriUt'$, but would .hare It aero ... th~ I... vels of au thont),· He ·\Ye ,hili IdmlOlller Iht' ~lltt' as a lelm, with thl' honour of sporlsmf'n .• nd mall' our ICC'AI governml'nt councils
.ulonomolb 10 t'nSure eff«-1:;V1m"'...... Onll!tl l'lXIpowermt'nl.
ed DV~auhns
01 the Siale Oil ProdUcing Arl'h Dt'\'elopmenl Commwlon (OSOPADEq, tUCI,,1 development .nd wl'lflrl' rrog~D'une)· He urgN the ~ple 10 give him Ihen mandilil" adding thai he would d.a.apoinl them
1M ""IMI was I.ntndrd
SO\·l"rnorlhlp. Including Chid TAyo AlliiO.duu, r .. pre*,,,,"I.Uivti uf Mr Rt'Itiau Ahredolu ~SANI; Mr. Ol"rato Anbo; Al"ode:yl· A l; I n r l' h I n w.. AP." .. I... represnled br Mr, Omoll!; ChIL'I!Je&Wl by
not Cbenfr Oio; ~ r.Jft':dayo Abt':guridt;
Mr. Wilt' Ald'nlennw,,; the
tef'n w:nt;o.b", of Or. Segun Ab~"'m. A-. Aidl; ind 'ilkA !Awll's wife ,~_ Oluranti Memtieff of Ihe Nati ,nil Union or Road TrAn'£"rf \'\Iorb" (NURlW) ~ Ilk Molon;ydC! Ride. ~bon and the ~......... Fannet'l ~
«;I_ II In were _!.so AI the eve-n
Youths protest arrest over rapport with ACN
VER 1000 youths In at.-Ile:. A1:wt North I..ocal GovW\mt':fl1
rn.rt:hrd to the P.allim of dW """"01. Obo-~Cbo_ _
Frol'll 0'1'111.1 Ofo .... lIur. ..... Party(lP)thcftasrw. In .. kotter to the morwch. the ObI-lie Youth f'1Itlorm (OYB)AId ""CbHItasb1cJwn ill" ' .
"'----~ ",",' bN~~U_.
the a-~:::t..
~grou~llt'lt':d thai IOcarlht~~ __ . "~LP .. -..
mntInuOI.aart"i"M and dNnbon
iIIPd .... U\ ~ the oondtl~1 nr:lt"ase of tnem.1P!f1.
~ 11-'
~~=-,= ~ ~Ir.."~ ~= ~.;&:-": identdIed wrth b .-t niMduais haYrlhe: TherAMi the youh wm h~dprupleln"'~ n..y IIIrIted that diana to nghI In)' poIitimJ atTeItt'd fg- ~br'« With oenl town" .. bc:iIh ~ ~ h hiI1I oIlhca an-eMfd ~ theAalonc.orwe-oIJiitFY Ind.O .... rdigeiifSliYe~ _ thwar1td. as thr -QbIl. 01 t':~~Covanor
~ and.nep:t tNl Ihesr uon
iporbored by
Church holds synod HEChwd>oIM..".• Anglican COII\IJ\UNOn. . u Southwest WI1I hale! us2lJl2s,-rod ~ _t St. Paul's ........ ~ ()mu. , _ _ ,Onudl.
ItlShfirsltlmt'lheSynod will hold out5ede the dlOCt'Sln
Ifle Ini!I CJi the ugwaban d~ ,"2010. Aa:ordIr«IOUQll'Inf'nIby tht' BI~, Rev Blbltunde {)gunlwl~ the: theme 01 the:
.....,ng. -Unb' CJuu,be bma:S in)'Oll".iI drIIwn &om 4 Thebbh ',add OP ,.,.. Will be pre«ded by the Synod Lrcture, which would be delivered by the Ireuurer of the Anglican Diocae of LAgos W~t TOYln Ol 19
,t'OWO. Two othn- blahops. ~ Emmanud Adeb.rit': 1Ind Rev AlanCkkJdr.,willflft*hdumg
IheSynod ~ Holy
1lI the govemmeu- ~~ IO!J~'= voowedlVlttormbct-r*-e t'lbwe the release thoie H dl . ,..,..,.. ....... ...,. ................. 00 urns destroy community property
bOIl 5edby .. ~theU"~
'"T"'HE only lylouret of .1 ;:_11"1" lurcr ~ been dl"itroye by hoodlums In Ido Local Covernml"nt Art':l of Oyo SUle It Wti ptht'ftd !hit_bout 20 hoodrums slormrd Ihe community about :lim on 5unda.y rugnt With guns And cutiAsJel "nd dl"Stroyrd thf' community s bormoll' .nd WIIlft" tAnks liluated _t the! coun~II'1 it'Crelanll and other propr-ny
From: O..bey. Ok."o'" Ib_d.n TIlls II coming on the heels of In aUegt':d thrHt 10 thl" hfe of the counCil', Chairman. Ptofeuoc- JORph Olowolel. 100ti ly sfler Ihe on the communlly ~ on Sundly night .The ActIOn Congrnlt of Nisena (AeN) council Chairman, ProfeSlor OIowofe:la had etorllt'r rude I report '«'UJm~ I'ne Mr Ad'gun Adeslna of sponsonng prop_g"nd_ In
tbelJlrdu&puW ha 8 Lt. Adt'$U\il drnf:d7; allegluon. Ill' uked Olo\Ol.olell to prove hiS al1eSJllOn beyond reuolAhle doubt. If IW Wb surelllhiiCtit': When thareportt'f'VlSlted the - - 01 the: anodent, all the f'oe pumps of the borehole '0f't':I't' deStroyl"d &nJ the: w"ler wU. was brobn 1A10 plt':I..'e
Th~ cou.ncillOlieb were .Iso v.nd.hit'd by Ihe hotld UIllS