Fanning can only get bett.~r Many jobs are being created through contract f rming, a concept under which some manufacturing firms engage farmers to work for them. Some farmers are enjoying the best of two worlds under the arrangement, AKlNOLA AJIBADE wriles.
r~!:~g t:';';,,~:::;tdZ~.It:~~'i1.
INolr own firms and w(Vk for W~ manufolC1unng flrnu. through whilllJ. known as contrKC 'amung ~ romp-'RlH englge fJlrmer$ to produce food MI&J cash crop$ fOl" them OVa' • penod of lilne 'The contract IS u:.ul.llf lor MIWrI!fl IWO and lh~ )'~rJ and subfect to rt'fM'wII Un<kr the drill, C'OITlp&mft I?rttYide land, liftdlangs .and louh f..'r lh.. fal'1J'leB 1lw (om~ also r-y ~ fu~ for tht'l.r I.d:Iour ThI5 d~elopmenl h.b nuntml.5ol!d ~ ru.k bel of fMmftS. lin..! ab..» guManl~ tlwtr ,00. 'The COfflpillnloa u..r .gocuJtural r.roduc~. such ItS rtliIR&0. Gl§hrw.
pane.. pp e, sorghum. lobacco, COCCWI, .mong otilrB for produchon
Th.. firms mcludl!' Bnll,h Amencan Tobacro(8An and NestleNlgt'na Pk BAThas ~uin!d ... nd fOf lot.:m producuon It ac-
qUlnod fum~ 10 DIu. l5(oy1n. Igbopye and
Adlko-Ayo If'! Ovo', w~ the hlrtne"I will grow Au~ured Tob.«o fur the com-
p.u1~ company .150 las fannlands In Zanll. 5okol0 and SIIbon Blru. where ughl Au Cur~ wlll be grown 1hose U\ tht' =:r~ nqUJl"N 10 grow DarJ.-CurN To~
Nlgen.l "- IAndJ in .tr,lItpc areb ('UlhnllQn of cocoa., among olher
prodU\.C' W,th 26 Iry,
~hng rompa.n.n In the count~ cornpam~ conduct ~xlm5lve re-
~hngs 10 know 1hW- natu~ They .Iso engilge in conlr.ct blrrning by
search on
rmplovtng lal'Tm'ft 10 grow «T1,,1n cropIllI' thtein. !iome .>1 tNo compa.rues .r~ Dbl Bu) Globill RHOurcH Hon~y Tou('h N1st'na Urnlled ... nd (>mo(..-d Nigeria unuted Manrogllll DIrector. Au1..u Farm unuled Mr AIi1..u Abogun Solid conlr." f.rmlng ha, helped aeale )OOs for fJUny ~le He Nld compam.lI Ih., rnt"ro!'J Into con~t with farmft'li l.ave Improved thell producuvilV. and abo C!'eiltll!d ,ub for many people !-It' NIIJ M..lll <d .nd UTDl,.jIJed worken: g~ ,.,t~ through • onlrao.:l (ilrmlng ~I m"m 'Annen Ihili. wef? hnhei10 Idle. h.;r,y~ be.>n employt'l:l throuKh tJus mean... f-t.! Aid mu'~ N.~ w':)U14~ employed As rompa.not~ engage In COnUiKl fuming 10 meoei Ihell prOdUCIK n nf'C'<b Hi.' Mid ~ Agnculturt IS tnt trWn su.y of tIw cuntnbullng rJ'IOi"e than 40 po:r
CftlllOlt,eGro.Oom.'St P odu."1iCDI>J II IS I" "1i1I'-" ernplt "'0 r ul lab >Yr, md boast... f I~ wld"",>1 n u1.. I y.. Ith cotIIrKt ',ummg now In pi lu' 1.I.JUloefS INti ille .001 wdl !>USlilllnt Il ",.. uld hilye fl() "'pllon ,hiln 10 key If 10 Ihe d~iI for STOWlh Whm the\ do) Ihl~ lhey would tncn_ their produ, b 11\ m"J.~ more rnDnq'. MqullC' more I In 1 ....d bJ ng mote people 11110 tiwemplotn'<'fI1 rwt I bei)C!'Ve ,;;ontl1K1 filrmlng wO\ Id en'all' 1n0~ ,ob opportul\lha foi NIg"'"- It!. 'I d1l future .. Abogun Implore.J h. g. v~mm~nt 10 5UPJ'Oft a~nculturt' t-V f,,,-,vldu,S ftmd~ 10 filT-r.-tn~ HI' s~lId ,,:TIt' .. wu"ld Improve !hell producuon .'h..1 Nr'IU glye themloionc AhogunS.'K lhi·.·aluech&mi • ContJ nu.·d on P.. S~ 38
Fanning can only get better m~1
• Conlinllt'd from p.,e J1
workers 10
thai woukt beHea~ throughron+
growing demands. Cases abound where larmers hillve employed more hand! through Ihls means
tract farming are ''flI:'m\OU5. when banks support Ihl' SI'dor. Man.gUll Dire 'tor, &st Food Farm Llmliid -ir Emmanuel
IJewere Mid cunhilct fanmng hM created;om (01" m my. He SAla the concept is goc>d b~use it makes (armen mOff! proJuctive. He said it t()C_1t !takehQldeIS flvl' years to come u1' with the idea known ilS -contr.KI fanning." addins thai it ha5 be:n working. He said .nother COflcept known as Nucleus Esta~ lni.Jabve (NEI) has been develo~ aJ an "It~ath'e to contract alrni Ig. adding that NElhutheQpac:i ytocreatenlOJ1' joba for fanners. l;eweresakt~Aplrtfromcontract
fanning. there is the NEI tNt is ere-aling more emr.lofment OJ'p<>rtu. nhies for peop e. me tdeill 15 thai big farmers would 0lIT)' the small fanners along Th ~y wouJd assist small fanners 10 cultivate their land, providl:' them high yield ~lings to help them grow their crops.Thesmalffa"O' retul1\ will as5.ISI the bl&! er ~ in ~I farms. This has ro'SUhed in huge productlvily fIJr t urners a t bolh fnds. "'When ther~ 15 ncrease in productivlty. farm~ would acquIre more lands and employ more
up with their
This ~I has O'h~ unendin8 QiuechaUl5,and it would ronttnue to create lobs for !kill~ and un· skilled work~.He said the ~I has opmed up sevt'fill job opportunities for !WOple who have shown interest ~-jl.
Older farmers.IJewere said, ben. efit more from it. He said ageing farmU5 do not have \"I\ough GiI~ty. adding lMt the NEJ would Inneue theII productivity and earnings, He advtsed stakehold. en to leverage on any concert In· treduced in the agncultura 5eC' tor for growth, arguing that the !leCtor nem innovilltion 10 sur· vive A worker with Amao Fanns Urn. iled.Mr AdeniyiOluwaburuni,said
• M inilier of AlriCll ltare. Aki n Ad etin;o
the Idea has helped tn O'Ntlng JObs for people OIuWillbwunl said many residents of Shaki in ()yo State Nve been coopted into hrming through this
t ll e wer~
means.. He said his company has
been providing fruits for organiY-tions product' jula'. ~We have been supplying rom'
pillmes Ihat produce jUI(:e with
'Agriculture is the main stay of the economy; contributing more than 40 per cent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is the • m,3JOr emp Ioyer 0 fib a our, andb oasts 0 f th e WI'dest mark et. W'th 1 contract fa..rnting now in place, farmers that are not well sustain~ ' ' t th 1'dea f or grow th' mg wo uld h ave no op 11- on than t 0 k ey moe
mouf;h frulls that i5 why they ale In bUSiness ThIS i5 gomg 10 have multiplier effects on tneir operations. They would mcrease theIr productivIty lind furthe!' em· pl0l' more han~. The employment Cham starts from one point. lind stops at anolhler end," he said OluwabW'lml urged mulhnation· als that prod~ coagulated prod· ucts such as Miio,BOurnYlta.pow· der milk, all10rtg olheB 10 partner Wllh fanners. He said such compantes need farm produce In large quantihes. adding that engaging in contrllct fanning 15 the only viab~ ophon for them. still
~AREEF: MANAGEMENT ·1E intervle'" LS one of the mosl im· pocttnt elem '"ts 111 the job N'arch proces&. When tn employer invites you lo .. n 1n1ftV1"..... ho-/'ihe IS mdicating .. n m· teresl In bringmg I~U on bootrd. Tnie mler· View tpves bOlh 0' you the opportUntty 10 eJlchaiige enou~h nformation 10 det~ne ~ Ire a J;Otid • fit" for earn other. Thmk
lied amount of tim"" vou ha ..-e 10 le;un about an emplo)·er's nl!'l!di and di.5cuM the wa)'"!l you can meet the e needs. In many cases. you will mleJvK!w at least twice before beIng hi~ for ~ pc>s.ition. Once In a brief screening mtervieH and al leasl once again in a more 5erious meetmg when you millY al5o.peak with m my of your potential c0workers The job inter>.·iev· is a striltegk conversa· tion with a purpol4! Your goal IS to show the empLovei" thill rou ha~ the ,kills. back· ground. arid ability to do the. ,ob and that you can su~luJ1y fit mlo the organisation and Its culture noe mtesview Is also your opportumly 10 gatlll!'1 infonnabon aboUt the ;00, the organi~Il'.n and furure career ~ por1unities to hgu e oul if the posiCion and work envlronmenl are light for you Most employt'fll ,10 notltin people on ment alone. Pe-sonality, confidence. enthusi;tSm, a poo;iti. e outlook. and eKCdient Inter~r50nlll anti communtuUon skills count heavily in Ii'e selection pr0cn5. After your CO\er etter and Jii;umi, the tn· lervleW 15 }'OllI' be!!1 (OPportunity to wow the employet'-f'egardPi of yOW"baCkground and expenenc. To do th15, use every po55ible strategy to dt"elpp effective interviewing skills. Ihe best .V;J' i5 to PreplI"' a selective re;ent.ttif," 01 yQ If backgroW'ld, thought. ul ilnswers 10 ~te"tia.l1l\lervlew questions, well·resel'lrched queslions about the organi!lllllOn, IIInd an effective stnltegy to markel yoUJ"Se.1f. AIs.) consider your CareeT goals and what tho!' available offers 50 ihat you an dt!<US, k'oth of the5e t<.'P1G With emplo~ Int.: n-it."V1ing is iI skill that im· proves and becon'e!I easier With practi«" Check With your 5\.-t.c.ol career Cfttler or your local Emp'oyment Scrvl~ ofrKe to 5e'e I' II offen wortc.5hop5 a >cl mdlYlduai videotaped mock mt~s kr f'"i""CIice.
Resea[ch It is to your 10 cardulJy research the job and the otgi\Jll5iltkn 1here are many
Making a success of job interview
Be positive Never 'Say anything negative aboul past experiences, employers, or courses and pro-
By Otu Oyenlllln WlI)'S todo tlus.
You CiII1 requt.'St printed mat-erials from the employer. such as itnntwl reports and JOb de!'iCTlptJO:lS- nus is an enhreIy iJppropnate request. 50 dm'l hesilB~ 10 makEIl Use }'OUI'library and Qreettmtef" re5OUl"Ct'5. Ask colIe-gue. fiiends. and faculty about the orgarns..tion. and about any personal mntacts ill the ~Iion they might have. Look at the~tsation's home page Knowmg about the • will help you prepAre a list of your qu . cations 80 that you can show. point by poult.. why you art' the. best candidate.
Practice oractice. practice Prepano ill succinct., dear AflSWer 10 each of
the questions in the II1tervlew
q~tiOl'15 5eC4
bon. Practi«" answering queslions with a friend, or in front of I mlrror Ask your fnend ~~~~e you constructive cntlosm on your s ..ung style, m..annensm.s, and poise.. As ],011 practice, avoid colloquIalisms, such liS like and "you know," Make sure you don't scripl all your Ill5weT5-you'li 50und a5 though you're reading cue cardsl It's im· portant to prepare yourself for talklllg With complete strangers
Find out the logistics of the in4 t'e rview The more you know. the ~ focused your ~ will be. Find oul when the mten-'leW IS .scheduled, what to "peel during It,. and how long you wdl b. there Also rmd. out tl you willl:lC! talking 10 Jus! one penon. or to
Be prompt and proCessional AlwaYI arrive early If you don't know where the organisation is located, call for exact dlrectlons rn advana.. Leave some ex· Ira lime (or any ITilffic. parking. or U"p~ dictable events. If you Ire runmng late, call right IlWily and let sameoN' knoW The besl time to IImve il approximately fi\'fl to 10 minutes early Give youBelf the lime to read your ri5uml one more bme, 10 catch your breath, ilnd to be ready for the interview Once you're at the offia!. treat everyone you encoW'lter with re!lpect Be plellSilnl to ev· eryone as !iOOll 115 you walk In the door.
Dress for success Wear a professional busmess lui I This point cannot be emphasiud enou~ First tmpres.sktns lite extremely importanl in the Inten:iew process. Women should Ivoid weanng too much jewelry or- make up_ Men should- avoid flashy IIUlls or wearing too
~t~oc:l~~:t,II!.~~ ~ru~t ~~la~
dard interview attire in a business envlron ment. if you think it is an informal environ· ment, call be:fore and ask. Regardless, you CiII1 never be overdressed if you are WUflfIg a tailored suil. 4
Be organised Carry I portfolio notepilld or at the very lell.'llt a manila file foldet' labeled with the employff's name. Bring extra ri5um& and have the names, addresses and phone num· bers of ",ferenCt!!J, 111 case the employ~ asks Also. bnng a list of questions for lhe em· ployer YOII mlly refer to your li!it of ques· HOM to be sure you've g<'Ithen!d the infor· mati(!n you need to make II decision Do nol be preoo:upied with taking notes during the interview.
Know yourself You ",ill make the Interview pl"OOeSS easier for the employer I' you volunteer relevant mformation ilbout yourself. Thmk about how .fou want 10 present your slrengUu, e)(penences, ~ucation, work style. s~ills, and g~ls_ Be prepared to supplement all your answers with examples Ihat support Ihe Ilatements you make. It is also a Sood Idea to rl"\·jew your resum~ with a critical eye and identHy areas thai an emplo)'t't might see as Iinutations or- want further in· fonn.1ion Think about how you can answer diffICUlt q~tions k"CUrately and positively, while ket"ping each answer bnef
fes5On.. Always thmk 01 somethtng posttrve about an ex:penern and talk about that_You should be enth~a .. bc. U an' f;enuinely interested In the job, et th~ mter' vi~ know that
Show your interest One of the best WlIYS to show )'OU Ire inter· ested in a job IS to demonstrale that ~ have re5earclled the organisation prior to t~ in· terview. You can iIso show mterest by ask· ing questions about the job, the organisabOn, and Its 5efVicu and products. 1hr!)est wa)' 10 imp're5S an employe:r 15 to 8!ik queshertS that build upon your II1terview d~l(lIl. This shows you are Interested and paying dose attenbon to the mtervleWl!r It IS II goOd Idea to ~ a few qursllOn5 m acl\-ance. but an instghlfuJ comment based on your (Onvt"lSitlion com make an even 5tronger stiltement. At the end of an interview, it is approprlllte for you 10 ask when you may apt."cllo hear from the emplo~
Save djscussion of salary for later End oul as much ItS you can before the in· terview aboul the salary ll"\rels for the posi. tion you are seeking Do not bring up the issue 01 salary during the first inlftVll!'"W If Ihe interviewer asks about your salary I!')(. ped3l1ons. give only a gene",1 all5 ...·er.such as that your expecllltlOflS!ieem 10 J,. Within. or dose to their range..
After-interview noles After the interview, t"ilke time to write down Ihe names and htles (ched. spelling) of all. y!X'r inte~iewers'Jour imr.resslOflS. remammg questions. an any 111 onnallon that may mflu~ your deCISion to accept .. po5ilion with the organisation If you are tnlerviewing regularly, IhlS will hd~ you ~~=t~:~tS and circumstance c early
Be honest An interview gIves the employer I chance
10 get to know fOu. While you do w.nt to market yoursel to Ihe employer, answer each q~tJon with an honesl response
010 OyUliran " the Lead Ca ... aU .... t, likinJCo ... uJt .. Assocll te.. W.. bl;le: _ ....Job"".rchh [ 'mllt, oh, o)'enl r.. n.)'
Tet 08053843230 ISMS Onl,).