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Reps to curtail President's powers on revenue sharing fonnula


HE House of Repre senliltives has .initiated

Consequently, the Ilwmakers hilVt' urged the Com-

To asrerlain the posillan

mission to ildv,C1! tht' Presl· dent to table tM revenue for-

a process designed to

ensure that President Goodluck Jonathan complies with con~tilutional proviSIOIlS on rrvmue fonnula for the three tiers of governm~'

Thl" lawm.-kers noted thai cunlrllry 10 consliluhonal proVISions, the President has not been forwarding advice on the revenue formula by the Revenue Mobilization and Fl5CiIl Allocation Commission (RMFAq 10 the NC!.tional Assembly.


From Yletor Ol..,•••• gun and Dele Anoft, Abu!_

of the House. the Speaker.

mula before the National A.s-

Arrunu Tilmbuwal s~lld the IMue would bco dealt with al Ihe on-going Constitution

=5~:rU~:"tained In the

~iew'p'~ He 5a1(f the commiuer has

fOIiOWed~he ado tion of a

rKei\'ed proposal! for an amendment



RMFAC forward 11 ",VIl'Wed rt"Venue sharing formula at Itny point In time 10 the NaIional Assembly. fllther th,," thto sitting President ClS IS the current practice.

The deciSIOn of the J louse

motion 5 by Ahyu Madaki PDP, Kano) v.'hfch was unanimQU5ly adopted Madaki "olro thai section 162 (2) of the 1999 comlilulion (as amend!!d). prm·jded thai the President upon receipt of advice from RMFAC, .mould table before the Na-

honal Assembly the proposal5 for allocahon from the federation iIC'COunt. lie said, "The third ~heddle of the COnstitullon allowed for thte re~'iew of the existing revenue formula Ilnd pnndples in opel1'lhon 10 eMure conformIt>; ,;'t~~~a7~~~":~~ istlng r!!'Venue formula in wasthi!' "Allocation on Revenue Fedeflltion Ac(ount moderlltion order 2002 lIe said -We Ilre a¥.'are that thee>dsting revenue for-


mula modification order 2002 has bl!'l!'n modifil!'d twi~ without Ihe mp ..bI of the Niltional A~~moly wI! IS of greatconcem thai the RMFAC i~ yet to fulfill a con~ lituhonlll respons lbilily as stipulated oy seclion 162 (2) of the ronstitulion I must however add that 1M aim of the motton IS 10 compel thf' RMFAC to Ildvi~ the Prl.'!'identlosend thl" revenue formula to tnf' National AS5embly· Aba. the Deputy Lead ..... Leo Ogor (PDP, Ot-Ital. charged the RMFAC to

wa).;1!' up to its slatutory n" poinling 0111 that Ih(' II was perhnt"fll for the lIouse 10 bring thl' CommlsJ;lon to conform with ,Pl'('C;{'flt da\' l1'alitiec: "It 11 unfortunate lhal thl" f'OwPr; (If thl!' legi..~lature 10 appTO\'e Ihe revenue sharing formula tu,d bl!'en usurpt"d bV the Executl"e over time RMArc mu~1 wake up II> its rl"1pon.~ibili lies by rl"viewlng the for mula In a manner Ihat spon~ibilities.

;;;~I~dt~;~'~~~';:;~d ft~1' te;t of time." he '\aId

Fed Govt to sanction telcos over detailed ll."V'iew of the poor service other quahty of servia- indicator.

HE Federal Govern menl hilS issued an u1

timalum 10 telecom-

munications 5efVice provid. en 10 improve their Sf!rVices or faced sanctlOrui. Be..ides, the Nigerian Communications Comnus..ion has III!IO concluded arr.m~emeflt to check ali promollons Ihat lire aimed al increasin,; subscribers' base. The Minister of Communications Technology, M~ Omobola Johnson. sud altempts by rroviders to increao;e subscribers btl,e is reo:ponsible for the congestion m the networb Sht' sllid government is expected to c:ome up With another detailed feview of the quality of servic:e indlclltor by De«mber. stilhng thai any operator Ihat is found wantmg would be appropriiltf."ly 5IInctIOned Shl!' said, Win thl!' coming

• Nee moves to




From Vincent Ikuomota. days. NCC would curtail or stop all promolions Ihal eithl!'r increase subscribers bllse. the subscribers minutes. or that a~ c:ausing additional congesl10n on the network "11w5t"COlld thing wei'lrl!' looking lit, is if you recall. WI!' fincilthe of'"'ltors based on their nol meeting the quality of servia- 5talm. and we did work wilh them aftl!\'" the fines. and we agreed the term upon which Ihey would upgrade Iht'1r mfrastructul't' and I'tl(.'et the new quaHty of servia- indicators. Wealsoagreed that in [)e.... cember. we would do an-

and any nl!'twork of'l!'rator tholt III found wantin~ will be appropnately sanctioned by the l!8ulalor WToday I had cau~e to brief Council on issues thai affl!'d O\-er 10000lUon Nigerians, and that III the iss~ of quality of service on our networks over an extended period of tifM Sht-listed thto paao at which operators hil\'e been inv~l­ mg in expanSion, modernisation and upgmde of thelr mfrastructure. as 5Omeoi the rt'UOns for lhe poor 5cr\'ice delivery '"The second reason 15 tke rromotiOll5 that we are ~ m~ by the operators Ihat is c:ausing Ihe degl1'ldahon of

• Th r nrwty .. t..,h·d Chainnan-rruid.. nl of UNCTAD- I'>AR. Mr lim Obn.... I,illhll and Ih .. O"Jluly Searla.,. Cen ..,at of UNCTAO. M. r .. lk" "nl5Ino", durin5 0"" of Ih .. d .. tt .... nliun~ al Ih .. Conf.. , ..o, .. h.ld in C .. n .. u, Swil",... t.nd __ .Inl ........ k

:~=t ~=~':~~~~on~=

'Using cooking gas can save N4.4tr'

back, promotions that prom~ cars, hou5e', aero planes..

BOOKS YOU MUST READI Ills inslluclive to say that a geographical entity thai does not know or understand Its own history will be In perpetual Wlldemess -Barrister Adedapo Adenlmn. author 01

SWITCII to. cooking gas. accordlTlg 10 ell ~ will redu~ the load on p(lwer lIolding Camp_any of Nigeria ( PIICN). prm'ide altemall\.1!. !IOuret' of energy and n-rluct' fil's flaring in the coun try.


o!.C:i~4 :a:;Wo~he country

THE NtGERIA: CASE FOR PEACEFUL AND FRIENDLY DISSOlllTlON (6th edilion). a book that chronicles the history at Nigeria from the era of lhe scrambie lor Africa including lhe soclo-economk: and politlcal Intrigues at present day Nigeria .

& THE FUTILITY OF TliE lAND USE DECREE 1978 (5th edition) Is an oveMew ollhe land use decree 01100 mifilary junla In 1978 As It affects altland-relaled

The Managing Director. Nigl'rian Independent Petro-leum Company (NIPCO). Mr Venkatararnan Venkatapilthy. 5ald in a SHHement that the 5WIICh will g\lilfil.ntee rasier IICCt'!S!I to IIlternative cooking gll~, creille 15~ new jam, creale 15~ new IK"Ct'55 potn~ for the purcha5ol:' of LPG. in addihon 10 JOO Dando filmg silltions. Other advl'otages metude reduction in outbreau of fire Il5 a result of unatlendl!'d kerO!W:!nl!' 5toves. reduction

From John Ollkhenua. .. .. of deaths as a ft"';ult of inhalation of roll!. ke~ and fil't'wood 5mok!", ""d rt'duc:ho" of mat!"rnal <'Ind child death.. To til(' rural d ....eller<;. the switch will creal!" jOOs and check rural - urtoan mi~r-a­ bon, of 1M rural al't'~ due 10 rrovISlon of infra~trlKtun". dl."vetopment of human carliI'I and assoclIlted ~kills set. cn'alion of sub5ldlary Industrlt'!> to wpport LPG production and dl~ tribuhon III rural areas, a~ well lUI creation of new industnpoo; 1be ~talement IIddl!'d that the President of Nigeria Uquefird Petroleum Gas A...oo;odatIOn. Auwatu lIu5ar~. ~ed that these a~ entlcal glUn! Nigf'ria c:an no longer afford to lOSE', Add·


Fed Govt to set up 40 new rice mills iE Federnl Government L'" woriang Ofl the estab Ilshment Of 40 new net' mill!! early by 201:l through a collaborativf' urangemenl With the O\ifll':!ll' Exim Bank. This ~ mill5 lire 10 be lorated In all the J6 slil!es of the fedcrntion In concertt'd effort and mt':Sratl!'d stratl!'gv to actuc.o-.~ ttio new ""bona] goal



P. Aded.po Adenfnln. 88, IS one of Nigeria's renowned Ie;alluminarlM. poibcal observer and soooI endc He aays the books are muslread lor eYefY N"~n.

particufarty, students of Political SCIence. HlSiory. law and lor

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The Ch.. tirman. 1Uc:e ~ SOl'S A.s5ocialion of Nigeria (RIPAN) Hon Mohommed Abub,-.kar, d~ thi5 ." a press conference on the RiaValue 01atn by ttle Rice Proce.s!IOI"!I Assodation of Nigena

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A'cwnspondMCt to'




lie !aId in Ihe pasl fOllr }'t'.'" akrte, inV'('5tment in



proc.. ~smg has excmf'd N2OOb11lion. lie ~ilid Ihf' Minister of Agriculturl" I~ workmg toward!; Implementing lin the various components of the

Fmm Franea Oehigbo. llbu\. programme all OVl'f tt .... country, whlle ~tn\'mg to t'ru'urt' \tio!1 thl!' nahon 1't'iIr" the ~­ ~ benefit!! in youth employment. farmer'", prospt'f"II)'. J'IOVf!!1y n'dllCOOn and M 00naJ food~rity through II well-cnon:hnatt!od actmn rilln In the agncuIlural trnn:sItJnr,... bon agroda. "'The Nation I~ well 011 it~ \'>'3y to ~. I\l!I lmport<'lnl mikstt'Ol' are hnng aCtur-ved and CXJUt'OI!' rotn.'Cbor15 art" tJI!'ing made in a never bl!'fore ilChil"ved ~rul t'lC3mrif' "With the cu~t hit in Ih!" ""tural dlSilSter 01 floodIng 1111 over the rounlry. the fann product IOSI 15 115 lugh as 40 r<'r cent of the aoml<'ll cropl yIeld lI.e an aS~lalion we will t<'lke ur the remaining ha,,'!!!!;1 rmmrtly III facilitate !INSOI1 fanmng I'Ctivtl_ rTUm rrehmmllry rnvC'<h-


gallon 10 thl' nood affected." that I'hout ,"",of the riet' '"1' ma~' 1\11\'1"

e-as. It lS estunatoo

befon 10<1. partirullirh' III th.. lowland. '<wamp o!Iwa." the Il1iI/Of "''Cf'' ll'll~ rna,' twale .. 'QJf'Ply shlorta~crl.ibotll l.5mllllon Ion", In tho.' hxal Ilvailabillty of 1"'lI:ld\', 11<10.<;1<11 IIlg kJ miRed no- ~ ..... fall "I abl!ut one millwn I\~ ~ 115 far a'" ttw- 11-.00,1 ' bon 1<;' ~ "hnuld mot CJl'Ille II majN food m"'~ Of food shortagP In the Ie\'t'/ N>ing 1olJ!(od 6} ""' mrrrhanl~ and '<('t"CUUtil>f"; who .1Ift' _ad vocatmg ma~~IVI!' nre 1m · port.~ \VI!' admowlrog!" lMl foods I'M)' M"e .W<ll! a >;en OU$ Now In yam and ~WI . whic:h could M\'r rrovidPd !iOIT1I' ",lief In It.- fl'OO d\ilin baslI!'l In Ihe II~ ('Of flu' gr.un. ~'et then> I" nn need fl'! f!Oloi< ~md "'f'I!" ' Ibm .. hyl'f' call for nre IIllro"'l2I11n1>. 11f'


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