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FRIDA). MARCil 9, 20U


Borno home of fishing AGRICULTURE 1$ thl' mam OCcup.ttioo of Homo SUIC'_It Involve 80 per CC'fII of tht' popo l.llon l'.rmmg. fish Ing I nd I nl m,,1 h usbandry "'rr~ t thl' main .. grialflura l acll vilies In the st..,le !"he "f'y agrkultu rD pro-d uC1! or Ih t' 5 .... 1t' m dudl!: millet, sor g hum , w hea l , rill', DUlfISOl'S, d l r~ fru itJl, v~~ lablf', g um-Arab ic,. onions, e.rrou. RTou ndnuUr, berrin f'le, Tfil' s lale h .. eon!lOl id a t ed lis hold In t '-lI ~a5

· rr_lett M .n.,... , C ........ En l t!tp.I.", O""elo p",,,nl I",olld o f th e I n l unalioul 1IUIiIvl",., T .... Jll ca l " "lcullu."U ITA 'D •. Gb_,. T.nw. 1I 11.. 111; uKull .... A",I. '.nl lo liTA Oi. KI • ...c"'" e •• 1 1101 ,.. Toyi" O k«; COtl'",.nor ""rodl! fa,.",... o f 0:111 Sta ...; II TA l)IrO'Cto , -ClH'enl Dr ,.. .",,",.. S I "!'n,.; iIIn d th .. Coltlm un lutlon Offl(". I Wn l ,. C"n l •• 1 Afr lul, IITA M. Godwin


du rin , '" .. hit to t h .. lo""" n o. In A u EkitL

$40m rice farm coming, says ~ Minister

..o n'III"," n~ ' arm I/WI' ',ydl tf'ducr ImClrt~ it} I" ~r (f'1l 1 a.nJ (10 1 C'tWit~ hI' tJS4 billion (S.142 mdhronl" Ye" 1<; In be> t'\'t.lbh~~, I\grin lI u~ Mm· I.. I~ Dr Aklllwl'n I AdeslM t-'IOIKI

ltwp"'f"C'I. MQ d


,,",lure belh''''''" Dot.mln ..,n hrm .. lid. iln Cld;ahoma~j rim"m" I >n'pany rrodU<.( nce If! I elva and Itt. r-fttrral (;m l'fH~t lie Hid t h.. Federal (;('I\'t'rnmt'nl·~ ;olooucl ion l.tgC'1 15 300,nro mC'tric tlmnt"lllvC'.r l1)('IC'·s IIbo;oll It Iv no rl''' ~ In tlK' wllfl I (.• j- Nigfflll to loC' II food nrp" rhn8 na·

b ..."d In (.u t h nt', Okl.oom•. a lldopen les . 17.Cll). .tH' Il'asehold In w e"ll' rn Kt'fl)'.

" lion. \ de<;I"", saId N '8C'ri' !lU51 110(' II -food R H-!!Iuff,\ It>flt iI"1d ('_porlmlt na ti on ~ NI~enll l .. lrn- world·5 lIrJt ,·"1 ,mrorl ll'r (If ricll', al 2_3 "I II "", Ions a ) lI'.r and ('{"onump lron of 4 9 mI llion Iccord ln !lj 10 Ihll' Untted "'.aln !)rpart nM!flt of i\~ric u l t u rC' Dll'mand In Ih" "ulll r y \00 1\1 t"l' 35 m il lion t."'~ hI· 2050. Ad~lna .saId N'J(e "l Im porls 2 I m il · 1 ,~'In 10'l5 o f neC' VlI'a ri v .nd

Will produ~e C' no ugh g raI n In fou r Vt'M" 10 covt'r il" nl'flt~. WhK h wou ld a llow II to t'''port In o lh" Wesl Afri can cnun lnf"'i a nd ro mf"l'tt' With Th.ll.nd . n d Ind ... Adl"llN saId l"'M fa rm will ~Irt'kh O\l'r :lO.IXl) h«ta res 174.IJ21crl'S)m TarabiroStal1l' About qo pt'f Ct'Ht of thl' lind w llll:'C! ~!lled by conlract flltmt'n and the> rest Will be rU ll il~ II ('nrpol""lt' fa rm and Inr InulllOg purpose5. according IfJ Ih(,51"lemertl The farm will rt'qu lr t' 15.000 \Oo-orln-5 Dominion Farm" I'

AgnC\litu~ accounts 1« .... per cenl o f gross dome!lh c r roduct, and conlribules 10 .boul n pt'f Cftl l of ilil emp lovmf' nl In N lgf' ria, Adt'sr na Siud Africa·, lop Otl rrodlla'f "f'"ld,,-wC'1I OV('fN I J Inlhon ,,""\ally 10 linport the lour boI5IC foOd ilt'm5 Of ... hN l, n..~, suga.r and fish..

"" .....

NIgf'f1a rbm to Idd 20 miIIron h lOnf"l (I f prod uc tI o n ollt'r Ihf' nt'\ t four YC'IU"5 01 ~ rnd udmg ncre. ca.'IISII\'<1. cum,aoybt'iUlS. ~ um and cotton. AdewY 5aid

'Old ractices hamper food production'


RO-I..1l ' rrO<.h.cll ..... rrKIICl!"\ .Tf' han,;>, ring Ihf' n;rrlt .. n'" 'lu".1 I.) l>focomC' • I\wod ba-\.:et .." t"r"rt h.1 ,d luhruron f k/)Cl .'·00 an In l('rn" l,"nd c. tl~ult .. n l un I'Ignculhut' j.n .... c IOla tt' I . ".IC"S. ..~,cultu-;rr1 outrul hu r'\f.'! ~r('lWI1 f 'p d lv. n·,," '" Ilh IIw abund 'n f' (If lilnd .. n.t l;rrrour I.". f'tlto li'lfIn "'5 "~~i,11 'IT "r~, mu", wlust J",>dIKb"\.1 r _ll.:e5ln num"ro;Hl5 .. a\ t 'II'm",n


I uJlt<f'vt'f)' hlllC'lfIaIYJ-'I· II I lI'dr Mt't'l tn g Iht' tn Cl"II'a~ d~nd

for agncul· 1'lral R"od".nd ~"'''Ia''' ht' ;J ft't IUU1'd 1ht-ust"1llmod· .. 'n larmlnR rrac ll.:H I·kr'C'lt' !WId ..:h.n~lfI~ rmdu.: l ln n prarl lct's would .. ull' lII("rf'ase ag rr cul lu r. 1 l'ftli.luC II \'II" bul cau~a Ig· !lift, .'1 grc>"'th In Iht' a If.unl !If ~(....d~ .1nd M'r, r'udo.-n1 h\ !be atne Ihlral ~tOl \\ Ith I hotn~ '" rrodlli IlCon I' ·ell,·". ht' •• Id I ... men


.. II ~'hW' t'florm(l\U 1"1."0-

FJ.fV'f'. a nil, J J"'lft-ss<. 1'1 Agnc:ultull f; I . ,,,",.ft". ) saI<l , ~111' ,., Ib"ll " It,.:" III ,1-. " II f,

" I.



111C:lu.linlt , .. V I "mf' nnlll\'tW Ishn

r ""t


• 'I' m ... n.a






YII"ld" through rf'JucC'd 10'l~ lu ~15 li t' Nld ,h .. n glng I.nnrntt rr,(I(Cti<", "'llh grow III~ adOr"O" 01 .gncult un" It"Chnoloft1f''' \00 111 hf' lp t hf' larm 501:'1:11.1' In Inc~aY 1t>la l uu lrut ACC(lrdtng 10 h,m, rn~ m· ..:r('"-"",,, fill" .gric-· Iltural (Om moolltt'S h.:ne la~ed la r I..... hind bolh II!conomv,wldt' rO(" U1(r~He'I .. ·ld LnCtl"a __ III pr .. ~ "', ~gr (ultHral "'rut .. ThI5. h"C'~;$\rn...J \00.:1 .. n .. 1 III thf' mlf" .... 1 (If I .. rm· ('I~ " Ih~\ ha\·, '0 malo.l' • ~t(lrr. it Ill!' :laId. n,hn.1 'n 01 (haJ1lt~ ,rr f"""lrrg rlMhl All.! nlh.·r slru ural It nd "'111 .... ult


in f'nv ironmt'"n l;al bC'nt'lrlO! A~rd mg lo tum. change Ul rw::tKe sudt IS blllrlSlI' and I\·C'~ l ock 1f'C'd f'(f lc lenq·_ .... ht'-n ('Our it'd Wi th efforl5 by farTll('t"I In imrrovt' lI utnml and 1'("\1 man;rrgemt'1I1 WI ll hd r lH1I11 5(nl C'r05ion and nut n f'lll ro ndl Challgf"l 10 .grrcul lu ral plndurlrYII\' r ""- 110." w,1I r'\ heir 1o.t'E'p r rrcn of rrodtlc" low, ;an ~I""t hol" .... ,d Ill!' ,-.11 •..:1 "" th .. gO\l'rn· In""1 Ind !'I.kt'hola"n, 10 N('k lull·...:.IC' adoptt(." (If ft1.odf'rn "ttfl('uitural If'(h· .... 1'_ ll"",."hould tnrlucit' nl .." .. ,h 1I't'. .... Ill r.rod.I,lwn nI. "a,~'ng


nd .. lid

UNAAD hl" t cts flual farmer!" to stimulate agrir 1 I"!.h 01 nl d sa,n. He I"f loll 1M a ""I" , In highly ex T lit bf'oll. r, IlIV Ifl






m"'"l'" r''"I'Jo,t."

,, I tr I( , .. 1 'a'lnl' II ("f'1 II", ''lit ~ 1"<' ~ aUt~"~ d"!ml,,(1,1 t.;',lh VI r (hat.....I1.'f. ,'I naSirI,ko 1"1t Ib

hu~.j lnanll\~\Mt' I .... ~LI}..,' ud

,hn".\ II r'l'II-lIlu 1I<'n i. W(>I I "'~ .. r n·touild "'II: larn1(·:"·'· •• ". c11" on ~In..,11 fllrm~ .... 1. n f .. rnw l " w,1I inlt'~ral.' a· d ma ni'/l:e lOUlrW\ ra rm''',::. ..~ .. to· ms Ul~bnK


TftS ~

h\eslot.k f-I f' Hid Iht' IIv ll lullo n IS


fI' It I'~

(lrd" ~ q dllv ·,Olilll:

:Id ,


ft· .an!ll T NI"~


u. .M

. '"

II! IIJ r 101 h . dl III mkl"l.Iliun .. buut I' -..II ...). Ant!\U1t·h'<tio.IfI I. ma Io.f'h ~' hl">~HlI1! thf' bo 'it 11m·' .11d h.w 10 h,an'("01 CI~'r I'lf Ih .. "prwrriillt' nIlHJ...,·! Hoc" ~illd \ I('lds nlu~t n~ d ... ~h:lrandtJ"I;IIII"'I1d M'('unly ~ on a~­ turC' "nd Imf"O\·ed y;dds 10 II"ICI"N5e r reJds, Sa.Ld ,o













It, tmnUlto; 'It , ... onttl!'ft judd 1t.TlOt ~... thai lan I!IIP")' I \.,. l.i~, hu l 1<1 WIl' Ih... knllwk lIS', "" htlr I"'nw~ IfI(n'.l'o(' thr-i. rrofl l.bllitv <.;al"l.o said mOt~1 ht n lW~ nfi..:l !\lJlC\lUI"", know ledge tn .M"('"n'tumOO lll\estment Hv I ncn~mji\; thr r ".rllabi..hty III Iht' l"tTlIIt'B. he "iolrd thr in!.htu tJOn would empower tht>nl to beconw murt' producb'-f'_




~ 1~~~~l!ib ~a:'hr .. p,j

nlnlCll'lnowlN)l.f> wilh .. m.n Sln6r! n"'It' "'f'f1otf! "''' U1 \uiy",1 III farmlnh- hr<;"liJ hi' ur1"'''"'' Italrrrng. m.tgmu! tural rf"lk'arul lie .a id Ihls wu ld help WOflh·n l'C1f'ntl~!" In brrn~ rr•• 1i..:. I, !Ou!<l.:nnable im I'I(n't"ffil·"t, to lhe> farm 'M.'t l'lI" 5Ulh Ihal 'mill" larmt'f1l mo. ... t (.1 whum arC' WDmt'fl • Un bUild be llC't lin'" f(lf IhrrruwhH .nd thl'ir·


tf'tfl lorie5. irri8ation . n d 1.nd rl'ClamaIiOn. Tht'" sllll~ gOIlC'.mments ",·.nl 10 uw agri c to promo tf' t'm~i ownt . OO .dvancre the and econom ic weUut' 01 reidr:nls, t'"MurC' small . nd lJI('dium enlerprises (SMEs) ha\'1!: opportunity to p,rr.rhOpltC'in theaec:lor and tC'VlC'w i1.5 policies 10 IMertain rt'"slrrel .... !:! pra cl ices which may advt'r5C'1y Irrl'C1 Iht' l'COnomic Int\!resUr or {ann ·


ThC' s.ector i.5 witnessing rh e goal o f IhC' govun - t'on5Idf' rlble IUMform l· merti lit 10 fOod pro- tim Ind comttlC'.rtiil1 ortenduction to KhrC',·f' inlernal t lhon Ind il hIS 10 be rood M1ffrorncy. wtule pro- ~trenglht'ned for efrKlive vi di ng lhl' t'n lt blrns II'nVI- competillon ro nmC'nl 10 boosl C'),porl "I'M gO\oentmf!l\l 15 proVld· production. ing I wldC' ran~ of farm InEJr:pt'rts rn the industry see UI5. Includ ing fC'rlil lser" thC' n pf'Otlunilif'""; .tnd brighl Fomproved 5eC'dj. MrtllClde, rro m i.Jt' thaI Bomo 15 peslicide!! and agrl cul lutll Iwld lnK o ut fur thl' fu lurC'. lmplC'mt'flta .nd machinery A I lrons .grrcultural 5tate, Cl!:rtlln IArm serviCI!:5 are good d lma tt' a nd I 101 o f "Iflo ,ubaidi!JC'dThe fle in · land for agru:u ll ura l produ.:· cludC' Land c1..nng and traclion 10 tHd Ihe Nouht'm lor hiring .5UVICU, irriS' rf'gilln lion. f.rm credil . nt~Ion Follow ing t he Fl'de ... 1 len- ice, olnd IgricuItural lnGovcrnnK'n1 efforts 10 bQo51 ~ u ... OCC' , Fe niliM r was the thl' prod uction or maJOf ash moM rromlnenl of tht' nntrurO!. (annt!f!!; In IhC' ,btle OUS Inputs Ind Icti v llit'S (",(I n benf'llied frum 5uo ng ~uMi J I5t'd b y thC' govern ec untlm ic rerfonnan cc menl T(l lmprovC' com pC'uCon ll nued high prten in liv enteS5. till' government is crop ilnd !r\'C'5[ock marke1.5 improvrng an:e.5 to m t ,(Ife pnodklt'd. me;rrning thai Infonnlliion not only (0 . 1M rro~ rffl'_ f~'r Ihf' 'armf'rs tr.dilio n ,, 1 food crop s bUI look "tlhd In thco year ahead • abo lor otherCTOpS oondosThe 5«1or Will .$et" an 10- lriIl lmport.nce.1"hr 5t.1e is ("reltst' In ov~rllll farm In- eS l a bll !Jhln~ , IhC' C'n v ironcome 1C''''f'ls duf' 10 h ig hf'r menl for a thri ving lind compflcn for Burn5 a nd oil· pC'li live i nd igeno u s set'd.. Thl' sovl'rnme nt Ig nbusUl('H seclor trull ff'nt"fill r r"".te Investors 1\1 Ires on .-s}'l'lcm of fIounshp lay In Imporlant 10111' Its Ing . nd Innovlh vC' C'nlC'rIgrrculture and Itttn-food prI~. lor Thfo toi.ini5try 01 AItThC' l ra m t' w o ,k will b~ ricultu~ 15 hrTscting dl'vel · SU51" int'd by good iflfr.· ap mcnt 01 .,grr cultUl"C' and , true lu. t', regull t ioru I n d ~Ia ll'd Induslnl'S IK'CC5"I lo a p'propnalt' fi~ Thl!l nlf'am IncreMlng lhf' Ing. Additio n 10 .cC 6$ to co/ll pC't l h\-f'n~S 01 the HeIHo per equi p mC' nt a n d lor, m c u·.&etJ volum" or mllinlena n cr servief'5. Ihe prodU(11\>n, lind imprO\'t'd gU\"flTUlIef1 1 w,ltn!5 Igric enUlt' "IOt1a1 rhere rn rUn! ...... ff"l'P reJ'K'ur5 10 be . blt' to ast"ti, 1l1t' gO\'t'fTUJIents " -oInl SH.It m lJ"kf'1 ff'Ulbilitv ;and 10 ~ ~lln· t' g rowth in f l i St' l o vC'5I m C'nl ca pil,,1 II H·,t(Klt brl't'dlng and thC' lhl' conswft1l;blf' amounl of iivl"Ilud mduslry Tlu.t will tnuu ng is ,"volvN add f1'C5 Indude tn u t' ltS rng m ,.11 thco neid. o r farmen 10 1M p mdUr:1 ion by cons,lruC"b on r ura l . re". on IhC' nl'C'd 10 a nd ups'rading o r h Vfttock em). ract' m odern ru m inA I IllI ruoJtr y facillties_ Shane lech n o logy.'r5 ;a rt' of ~n&rC't' Ii\,e.<;tot.k tw _I n - tauR h l new te-c h no lo(t lcs cn·.....I' 1Rr:~ l' !lIalt' wld C' I nJ connected to thC' 5111('·S e fforl to Improve q ualit)' ('If a~ncultuT1.' flllnL'Iby. and rr-. c..1l1t' Ind. f"l'P11K'f' 1t'$5 pro- SC'arch ct!f1tl"t'S. du cln r brt"'e.J, w ith more The govl'tnmf'n t _bC'Iif'\ l" prod Ur hV t' b ruds Th f' h.m"'ln~ il~ .F:tl rulluTJI lo.1b 01 Ihl' st. It' ~~H will cnnlnt>ule 10 pr(l8umm f' on dC' ... elur thto nahC<nolI U\lOh"t('. menl 01 •• rir:ult urr 15 food To Ihl~ f'ml II 15 chirmr'· H'(urih. '!'u r porl of .d· orunl$ UW'Ch.uu!'t"d and c<>m. equ,rrIt"k-1.·eI oif.,rmV"'· pra!- ltW'tt:ui ."'to\.· IlnnlllR ilJl,l'upport ..1 lht'.ttra.,;.l:neThr ~[J\ ..rnnwnt h"pt'!I- I. nt'S1 vf iIIgnculture f(1r In' Dlf'J1.'\ f' thl' It\ mit MM>dafl '""tawnl. 4I1f.i Ihf' ((1l:1rle:\ 1"11 fllmC'fs lnd Incrt'l!o('"' d{,\'f'If'rml'nl ('It thl" !i{ItC./IJ rt"OdUlll\lI\ .t;;h\.~ rn run) ar~ 'rCseoqUl."f\th. 'hI' ~[J\e

nI(rot I~ ootlll1t'd 1"IrI' rn ortUes I~!udln+ dt'"V leI-"'· C\e.,,1 nf ~r,)-fuo;:.! rn.1r\.""1 nf~ trU(tur~ surport of I n ..all' fArms and Imall lI~tI­ nrlturaJ 1'"t.L'r\'II5CS,. ,upp )1"1 of l'~porls \I ~~tI(urti.t, II rtoJudl, upvadinr; ,,( tood an<i proceulng inaU$~rtes ... !"\d 1IlUIf'gic me.~urt" .imt'd .1 m lhgllhC'!"\ of w".1 th." and d lmlit'- nsk'§.. The .Iale (t1J\·ern menl ha rl.nnrd 10 in<" rt'a.w COJTIpt'titi'·~ neq "I Ihf' "gricu llural . . lo r UStn8 the ~I.If'd f ..... u li n ble le r m5 to woo fort!I~n . nd local inn!l lofll. Th ..... tnt l~ supports mlnttru du re a rvdoprnt'nl. 50-cia l d t'\f'I(lpment of rural

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