Dr Lame Talabi, Chairman of Talon Group, believes agriculture holds the key to the country's sustainable development. Nigeria, he tells DANIEL ESSIET in this inter- iew, has all it takes to develop its agric potentials, if it matches words with action.
'Govt, banks • payIng lip-servic to agric' I
s the lutu~ of frro,i 8('ri~ n ;a8 ri ,ull u~ in the h.nd~ of bi businesSC',? The (uture o~ligerian agricultuft' is
In the hands af mall ana mediumKille farJOers. Tht gcod paying new fobs in the economy 11 f t bt-In& ~rtll l~ ,mall bU'IIl~ , while th., old industria 8l1mt, continue to down"-Ilt and layoff WOlken by the thou5lInds If the! (ulure 15 10 be beller than tht- ~I. It m..l51 belong 10 the small, not tIM' huge fulu~ of farming belongs to the smidl f.rm ~ 1101 10 the lar8('· Small farms CillO be fllrmed 5Ul1hunably - brnefitIng farm fllmlilu . flIT.1 ro nlmunllles, the nlltural environment. and socletv III flenenl Focuslng on 11\1 ' tale of farm actiVity slnkH I ballna! ~ ween '"CT('ASlIlg productivity Ind job crution without provokIRg mus ~_odus (If people to urbAn <llneu thit<llne III-flIUlpped 10 accommodate thnn. The gOYl!'rnment h.s to bUild the OIpl1Otles of ~ I farmers!iO ttt.t more ;om will be CHllted n tOWn! Ind v!ll'ges. Therl!' oUe now 0 Pi>0 rtunitiu In Kil!'flcl!' "nd technology. wh", lhl!'f o n how 10 m"ke b io fue Ls D'lone dficieflt. new few stocks,
=lI~~:~n~~~:~ tdoe:u;it~h:!~~:~i:::.i .and genetically modifil!'d crop' Ind ors"l'1c
C~:'=~~r:/IO:d ;~:;;:~'t::e ~~ICI!'
among convenlton• ., organic and genet!OIily mo(ilfied (GM) crop production. Agm:ulture is In open rrocess. which mean! perfect 5eKnegallon 0 the differl!'nt .gnculIur,,! . production 'rileS Is not possible in practlCl!' The biotech Industr), hQ I responsibility to be .ble 10 control whit it produces. The (On5um tn tt.v~. righll o know whal lhey' n! bUling and ~olling. and it has to sl<llrt by lIbtol ing foodJ that contam GE (genetblly I!'flRineer!d) or GM (genetia.lIy modified) prod"uctJ. lJoth o f them should go hand-In-hand lowI~dJ Ihe S<llme goal of meeting nallonal fuo;l enngy demand_ We hlYI!' <II lar,gely GE-indiHerl!'nt food market. 11us II thr case not just foc DrS,,"IC markets and GE CfOll production. bul lll!iO for commodities dlfferenlillted In other w.y... Tlw diffrrmt INlruts rely on ,trollr-giel; INt usure cov btMCe withoul inlerr~ With on.e 1nDthcr. b:~~fll!'~"lo u r .Ie _ on buil ding Ri5IDg pnces loci urnrtain suppIJes of pelroleum prodUCII. together With ~vi ron mmtal concerru ~ing foYil fud combustion h1I5 enlantt..J inte-esl in blo-bned products and fueb . 'The emerging biofuels muket aeued lignificant demand fOf Igncultural commodities, Juch as sugar. com. lIOybean. Cil5M.V'. OII!;eedS Ind pollm oil. On the whole. we can. t-ulld bior efi nl!'nes. A b iorefinl!'ry II simply a procesJing pl.nt where biomus leedJtOckJ lne converil!'<l .fld vclr~ inlo a spectrum o f valulble producll But I believe in b ioreflneries u5ing weeds and other .grio"UIIUfill residues They tho uld US!!' weeds I-"\d nOI food crop.. In
lerms: of biorefinery technology. il will become mcrellSingly essenli.IIO mlm tain the utility of o~ value products in the feeds tocks from agriculture. forestry .nd m.rln e biomlJ' In thi, w.y. in teg ra ted blOfefineries with multiple output J treams will open up many opperlunifiH for sustainable development. G roups resilt"nt lo genetic m od HIc~ lion and olhl!'r h .. llm~r'" of mode.m asricuituf1!.
luch u p~. li d d es afld petroll!'um-bul!'d fertilill!'n, cil~ concl!'rnlabo ul the environ · menl and the hiSh cost of th l!' , Hill Ifld chemiull u,ed in modem fanning. What I, your takd G roup resislance is m ore in developiflg economie. In d eveloped counlries, suCh as C hin •• &eedl .re re"lilively cheaper for modem fuming. The environmenllli 00511 lne re.lltiY~Jy negligible viewed Igltnll the
be.nefill. Privlte-s«to r inyutmt'nt in agricultune is n ol ri, lng. What i, rupon' ible for it? In Nigeria. priYatt' K'Ctor inyestmwi it not riSing - new mlrllnlJ line rather few. Pt'Opll!' hllye b«ome more cardul with funds lind do flOI wllntlo in ves t in new businesses such I I Ig rJculture Banks Ire. uncoopt'rlllive • Conllfl"ed on
pa ll~ ) 1
'Govt, banks paying lip-service to agric' ' ConUnll!td hOJ!! p"se 31 Infrastructunll investn'\f'nts ...e esMntiallf the governmenl it 10 altUlcl pTlvate investment in agriculture to drive economic growth. For agncultural develop:men t. a by foundation of rur<1l1 rOlld.,. telecommunication., and electrification 15 ntedl'd for the private 5«Ior to build on, so it can IM'-IU the opportunit;~ o ffered by new te<:hnologles and connect 'armers with urblln and global markl!'U Thl!' put few yeu s h,nl' bl'l'n 10 uSh for thl' food i ndu.llltry. Comp .. niH iIll' 'Irugslins with hishl'.rCOt~ of fuel and othC'reommOditin that they nHd 10 mak", and tr .. n.!lporl Ih ell' product •. Do yI.lU," th is In!'nd changi ngl The trend cannot challgC' unless the cost of gC'neraling mC'rgy is draslically reduced. \Vh.I.n!' th", m.jor dl!£isioM that th", Sovl'rnm",nt flat ukl'n 10 help "gric du",lopment inili.tivnl 1M govenment'sl'ffor~ to help agricullure? We are yet 10 ~ or feel thC' C'ffect5. The siltlalion h8..!l nol improved and ,IIlU Janua ry ZOl2, II has deterioratC!d 'The government bears the gn!'lItctt respon,ibllity of emltng an C'Oabhng I!'nvironmenl. It need, to L'unlc marl!' 5lutesically ablJ ul how to encourage the agri c Retor 10 meet the NI!ion's foOd I~. We wanl 10 ~ thIS IuIp~ If ~overnm"'nt IS t o fOCUI on h igher-Im part Initia t ives.
.... ha t will you 'U88"'liI7 The govemmC'Olshould focus on implementing good polidH. I do they have committed personne and understanding. Thu~ is a lot of uUa on Ihe need for mott com mercia l agricultu re v",nhuts; do 10U think Ihe~ Is a dui,e by ImaH.-nle fanners to inCtUlie their capacity? Many limall~le farmen would wan t tlJ become med ium-sca le busint'55mt'n if only they have the wherewithal in term! of capi tat The factors hinderln~ thC'lf
5:i~k .., ~
a:, a:6: f~P::~I·:~
Are banlu willing 10 Irnd to the agri culture uchn? No! The banks arl!' not willing. Agricultural loans are nOI a«651&11' The seclor will improve' greatly. if farmers of aliineis got Io.ns 10 upand their farmt. The claim that a 101 of money Is me... nl for agricultu~ in banb l5 ironic, because the system i.5 not rody to he_lp farmers iICttS5 the money II 15 Imporlanl thai farmers get loans based on whal they have uland or other agricultural acIivilies Thl!' govemmr:nt should ekplore mnovative financing oplions 10 '"rporl farmftS- II wourd be' U5I!:'(u to study how other governments.lre providing acce&locap!, lal and ruk 1000n guar.nt~. The govern men I clJuld re<1lli5lically I!'mulale or supparl luch approaches Once tfle commercial
' corruPt'l'on in the pubUc service has reduced all ~ublic sector efforts. The government sholilll reduce public sector spending on re~urrent expenditure and fadlitate the avail ~ilHy of finances, seeds etc. Many falmers in Nigeria are small-scale. They need t .. ining to enable them pursue farming a~ .a business and an jncome generation activity. This can be achieved through training and facilitation on sustajnable agriculture'
bank.s IncreMe loans to the agricultural sector, industry imiae,. will 5f!'I." ImprovC'menU. The' average smaU-K.le '.rmer lacu the
~~~~I[;r 1'Th~~:~r1h ~ loan ActiVity Itymled the
5ectOf' S
dC'VC'klplllC'Ot toward" economy of scal",_ We ought 10 5f!'I." great~ polentlOlI and nigher produchon in the domestic and g loba l markets as b.1 nks inae~ ~arly loami allo::ation to the sector. Whal .lre th", most common mis!ak",s made b y comp"niel when invHting in .griculturel MistakH by comr;nitS wishing IlJ invesl in as"c ThC'y a re 100 much 111 a hurry AJric is a slow business. Not gellmg adequate capit<1ll Of COUlM, poor bU!II1e55
00 y.9U agre", thol t the gov",m menl .-houl a work in p.lrtnershlp with the privale Relor, induding forei s n investors in food produ[tionl No. pnvlll!' sector clnnot seriOU!ily work With thC' government_ However, the pnvate 5«1or holds the key tlJ ensuring a sust-ainable food .!Iupply, but only if a new viSion for agf'k"Uhure IS developed, to hamcss both the expertise of the pnvate sector and the knowledge Of local communities. Onl' of Ih", (O nCernlii of loca l farmers is tholtlol"", foreign ilgrofood com pani"" do nu l limil Iheir activilielli to Iradin~ bulutend it to molnage the I'nll re in tearall'd , " prly ch"ln". Does th ili allgur wei for the economy? The' sky is large C'Oough for every bird to fly . AO""ever, we .... Vl' not.sroen IhC' effort of the 5O-<illled multinallonal companies in agriculture. When they begin, we Will be able to IIp<<ula te but I think small farmers will benC'fil from their achons. Go\'emmen'" must appr«iall' the role of private investment in their agricultuntl devdcpment strOlteglell and work to faolillltC' such Investment. FOIrmelS in Ih", North face the ( halil'ns", of Woltu supply and demand. Supply of water for farming in the North ill still a problem. wllh HIIII" rainfall The mlJsl effective solution Is small ea rth dams IlJ trap waler III the rainy SC'ason . Some of Ihem are sited where run-off from rains can flow unobslructed 1010 them_The other IUUC' lot thai dunng below-aye.r age rOlm fal! years, run-offs Will reduc", and it may fail 10 replenish the dams sufficiC'ntll to meet
:h::'id~ol :!::I2.';KI ~::~~~
• T.I.bl
such damll. They should be 5t'fVed uSlllg an outlet pipe from the dam thiU Iransfers Ihl' waler 10 lanks and IrlJughs Then, thl")' should pr.Cllse cultivallon of droughl rHislant crops. integrating aquaculture Inlo crop farm Ing again will conserve water supply. The RIVC" Basin DevdoJ? mC'nt Authority encouragC'll belter use of water. It is the responsibili ty of the governmC'Ot to develop smemH to heJ~ rural '"rming communtties. Comg by the Fec:fera' GovemmC'Ol's plan 10 incrt'<1I!.I!: rice supply. the pr('5t'n1 irllgalion infraJlruclu re is nOl , mou~h for th~untry 10 be $l'lf~ suffiCIent in ri~ production. Im~<1ItilJn dC'velo pmenl should not De left in Iht' hands of pnvatl!' furners. parllcularly in the- North where tradillonal farmers u se shadow .!Iy,lC'm o f irrigation along rh' er COUr5C'S The dl"VllItating drough~ In rl!"Cml years .... ve had advf'r!.l!: efrecl on crops and anima l population. rt'.!ulting in revenue I~ Wholt aboul floodi ng? The' efreet of flood has particularl y bet'n very devastalmg In lhe COi!I5tal areas of lbe country. Th., has kd to JeVere erosion OIlld con!Rquent 1055 of agricultural soilll.
'The government's efforts to help agriculture? We a.re yet to see or feel the effects. The situation has not improved and since January 2012, it has deteriorated. The government bears the greatest responsibility of creating an enabling environment. It needs to think more strategically about how to encourage the agric sector to meet the nation's food needs. We want to s ee this happen' !!'!9d;~:heen~~s 10 do more Wh y do brmers nHd micro fi nance? Microfinana is gn!'atly neflied to get agOc s.rowlllg proper-Iy and elimlnllle mlddlemanship Loan II.lIISl.lIItance 10 farmers williocreal\e their level of production Thf' 6 Isting credit facililies make seemIngly impossible demllnds. Critia of agric finanCIng sometimes argue tfiat 81ving loans to furners liVing In poverty is flsky Loaf1.lllto farmers III not more nsity than giving loans 10 politicians and political farms What is yl.l ur opinion on the agric trans formil tilJn OIsC'ndal Agric transformation OIgl!'nda musl take off before we develop an opinion . II is yel 10 aMuRlC' a posr.tlon. which Wf' can critically e>.amu-.e; it is It ill talklalk. Governrnenl has not done enough_ II is ~Id lbat the trans· formahon holds the key 10 in creasing employment and acceleruing poverty redu ction. We are yet to see it. A number of thmg.s. most Importanl of which is im!!.atlon b: 10 redU[f' rainfall depende:nCf and post.harvl!'5t Iosse. 1M olher important pro~ramme i$ creating an enabling Infrastructure for the pnv.te sector Whilt do you think w ill bt' the key driv",rs for Iht' nul Gre", n Revolulionl Alliances, fund!!'. skills, innovOllions lin!' key 10 dnvmg thC' GreC'f1 Revolution lucceslIfully: ThC' nf't'ds of f.nners must be the centre POint of tht' p~ramme_ There is an urgC'O I requirement for .!Iub-
stanllal invHtmentln bulldingca--
rt~Ck~to~J!i:"nc:~dminlr'a~I~~~ have to be slfl!'ngthened Fllrmers mwt bI!' n!'ady to worl togelh~, to add value to the future of agncullur~ Farmers need adequale finan ce. quality seedll. fingerlings and S4!t'dhngs, Improved l('ChnO!· OSY and marketmg Farmers are undercapilalised and advanced seed IKhnology and agronomic practice are nol yel well devd -
O~"t problems related 10 food
rdorml and e nviro n menial impacts hol ve you looked all What proble m. would yo u like to I" solved? Corruption In the public service has reduced all public sector dfor~ Thf' govemmt'lll should r~ dUC'l!' public seclor spmdlllg on recurrt!nt expenditure . nd f.alit.te the .vailability of fiNlOCH, ltef'd.lII elc. Many fllrmers in Nlgena are smaU-5Clle. They need training 10 enable them pursue farming .1.5 a busm,," and an Income generOllion aCllvlly. ThIS can be achieved through traIning and facllit.llon on SUlllliinabl1!' a griculture We should work on devel o pinJ <11 strong sector Ihal ill based on Imgation and rain -fed agri culture; appropriate post-harvest Infn· structure and mfonruhon systems for f.rmen and for lll<1lrkets; mechamsedenough toalllJw fum ers to ell'plore olb" opportullluH; and have s tron.s Inslltutions In cludmg farmers ~atn' H that art' Cllpilble of susliluning production and developmC'OI 01 the secto,