r TH ~E~N ~A ~TI ~O ~N ~AU ~D~ A~~~A~P~ruL~I~~~W~I=2________________________________________~ ~----~~~9P~--~~~- 1 7
Farmers Ins to Int"malionll IMlllut" for Tropical A~turr I..ul year. 5Clenh!lit, bAsed In Ni· gt'ria .nd Kenya, bt-gun a m.ior pU5h against raJll~lh(' wf!olrCb thai ha..,t' sp~Ad .CT()C' much of subs.huVI Amc.. OIu"ng up 10 SJ.2 billion U1 d.maSt'""1' ~ to 1M malU and rowp!'a "topS of tens of milliOlU of smAil fa~ ~ rrq«!. ClHM"dlnaled by the NiseriA'~ Inll"fn;llllONlI lMhtu~ olTropol Ag"f.ultu"" (IITA). will mlrod~ pr(Wt'n I~ for fidillng SlnSI. I'" wltchWet'd, and Al«tni Known .. y .onw 115 the ·"lo1t'1 vamr,'t"- l'o,"<".UH of its brighl purr r colour. SlngA al· txM i~1 10 Ih" ruots of plants lib malu and roW~1 and 5ucks out nutnmts. redlKlng ~ and
By o.MI EnIet, A'II,lc Co"•• pond_nl
dt'lllroymr; t'Iltif't" harvt'llts wilcllWied affr('l~ smaUhold"r
Farmft'l WhoOln'llffllf'd a»t!y heI-. bicide. fOf righlm~ tht' .,.~JlIIC
FISON holds workshop on Tilapia
'Check unhygienicl 'chicken meat SUpp Y F
001) .. r~ty ""-pf'rt,Pro( Dele II, pot-WId ... aaid thf' Nlk of UMYlIf"\lC chlcicr" mt'11 ~d Cfluw dlU~t dl~ t'.5t'~m('on8 the dl1uns .rlC~ ursed Ilh II,thonbe. to ru;r 10 lmo c l~t'. Fa u il., "ho IS of the ~ "~'" ~~ ~nd SIotthno y. ock Unl"cr~i1ty. ORun .lIt'. sal IMTe" 1M po5~il!'hIY of P 'ha.5lnS m"al of SIck a rnk'(l chtckftts wm" then I'll) 5U vl'IUan« 5y,tem H"". nl~ laryoffiCll'rs nftd 10 vdil Ic:l:. R~ 5Mp5 In Iht' mark" and I "fllify aoun::H of d If' du" 10 insuffJOmI deamn _un nnents undla d IllS 1M repon-
liblhl, of vrler"",y officrrs working in the .b.ItOUti and f.nnlolnas 10 ensure poultry f;um
ns do not I on{ ted h kftl 10 thr rUbl~~r.l'n~ I:' sal~ ~Id continue unaba ed If ttw health 01. (.om as wdl as food d~rtmmt5 IIli lM1 br~h:1 'V" 10 r rHponSI' 11" pid II is 1M ''"'J'O",ibllily of the sovt'mmmt and 115 dt'~rtm"nl, 10 chfik Ih" quallly: of "cllblH, IncludmPi mt'al, bt'fort' 1ht'J ar" supplied to markt'tI birnun consumt'U do nol know
whether they .rr pun:h.5,"& t-Jthy InNI Of infected oneI FillpOhuncbl alkod on the: &O¥PITImrnt to SIrft1Silien food rrall 5}'5lem loronlrol LIM' 5('fHd of cunlamlMlni melll products. iKkIlng ltul imrrovms food .. r~y reCAlls hu ImpliClillon' for the 'S"C Indu'lr, Ill' !ulld .Ir ... '" rff,1I1, could rl!!bulld consumer confid~
H" said chllJ.rm from dfKted farms should bir withdl'1lwn from
wlVt'll and 1M authonl1t'S Ihould
ITUIItt' II c1~r Ihal 1m" ar" ht'lI1th nsksfrom comumlng the p:roducts. f-1"".ld thet"lS tlWnetd locon· Irol food bomt' d~ 1lMOd· aled with handling or consumplion of mfmlP'd pOUltry 11181
Minister to revive lmo poultry IE MlnlSlrr 111 Agncultu~ and Rural I.'>P\ ri<lp11Wn1. Dr Abn AdeU\a. has t'XpreMd dismay .1 tht' d('u\ of Ih" Irno modftTI rou llry 5ltullt'd .t Avutu. Obowo l.oail Co~'MTl",",1 Ht' promi.5rd 10 ftl'U~ ttw fann mllrfJ'n5t' II retJ'iClt .. tt'd lit' d15dOlt'd thl\ "ht'n ht' was condlKWd through II." 20 Iqllar" kllomt't~ poultry .... 1.. 1t' Fao11ties at tM farm ha .." bt-Ml abandoned
>Intt 1995
II" observed lkal Ih" roultry fum. would bt' put "ack to wor~' .. ht' t'KrreMtd hl~ rudtnel 10 work with the gG'-ffJ'mftll of lhIr 51att' on tht' rro,ecl Ife al!tO promlwd 10 boost tht'
lmo Oil Palm lndustry, known \oirfore as AdApalrn Ade:5ina. wltil" vlSllmg Iht' 011 polmj'i1InlltJon .t Egbnnl. SlKI M wool t'X~ tht' e5bt" with .~ plolntms, of up to 3,lXX) h«tarn: In additIOn 10 tIW ",ustlng 4,(0) h«I ar~ of fum lAnd. which h" dt'1Cnbt'd the p11.lm lrftIIlI5 'oId ' -Wr win h"lp Ih" slat" With lftM'ra ~ling, for 3.000 h«t&re." ht' Slid. I I" addt'd that M would ~ vi~ and upgnd" tht' flv" CUAVII '1ma1llQ1" p~ In the SUlIt' and a IIf8\': tcale I Li~ Qu.altty Ca5u"A Flour (HQCF) plant for tht' slale which will prCIC'IrU 72.000 mrtnc tonnes of casNva mlghl slart operahon In lhIr ne:xl 1210 18 months
Katslnll to plant 'special trees' to combat desert Food prices remain unchanged and t'ftl5ion encroac h men t dt'$rrllfK:illlon rbnhimabo";dthe8O!'ftTlmenl and a stroop; mark'" ORLD food pTlCt'1 lui had inithltt'd a "Katsina Gfft'n lni· lhIr trft5 an r$5t&nllQ drouJttu and grow rapkJly In the de5ert:'lw
stat" 11lIr QomOl
fOt' Envlron· ~~.1u.:~ linu Ibr.hlln. Ioid thl' Katll.lna that 6,(XX) MctIt" ~oul tHo r<ll"ablished In "ICh the J4 0..-.1 govt'fn~nl of "" 11111 lh" Oll1ml ,hntor •• id Ih~ pmt«! auld Implt'mt'nted In collaborlhon wIth Cle.n A,r Otg11ni IKIn. alr.~ non-gcov-
t'I1UY'It'nl orJ:Ilnistttion (NGO) on m· vironmfnl
Ibrahim ,aid tht' gov"rnm"nl would t'ngag" '\.000 P""lpl" who would plllnt and nulV the ITIre In all 1M IocaJ govt"ml1Wnt areu. lit' IiiItd thor tfft would aMlSI In ('oolr('llllng d~1 nw:roachmt'nl not only in 1M ,UlI". bul acroM 1M ~th, 11.'1 w,,11 M conlrol "l'05lon in 1M t'l!ilrTn .nd welt!m fMrt5 of the nallon T1w comftU!&tOnft' t'~rrft6t'd tht' ho('lr tNt the InilliIln'" would bt' MI~tt'd by otm sta 1ft: afft'Ck'd by
lIativt'," undt'! which a ont' IuJomt1.n whir'\'" bt'lt would bt' ft-labll5hed in NCh of the cHd R'Vm local gOYftTlmmtarns of 1M stal". H"aald 1M local~ftTI.mft\tsan o..U", DutsU\ma. FunluA, Mani, Malumfuhi. K.Jn~.. and KoIblna On SIInibll1on,. the amunwlWlft' disdORd thai N19 million would bt' used 10 nacuat" d'nihag" in all lhe J4 local go~'nnmm l area. and rombllt flood and oulb""ak 01 d15-
H" ur.sed tIw rublic not 10 dump ""fuse In dramASt' and to Alway5 elmn !.Mar "'''''Itonmt'nl
monlh f .. m,llnlP'd virtu· ally unchanjt"'ll from their February Irv~15 ••('('(.rdlng 10 the lal,,'1 Food And Ag,icultu r" qrglllli5ation( FAOl , ..oi:I J'ntt In· dri. 1M IIldt'x a"t'fagf'd _16 J'O!115 In Mardt, comJ'U"d 10 ~ 15 U1 ft'brua.ry. Among the vanpUS commodIty grour.l, onl¥ .llls prices 5hl)w~ • rl"ngth, ",h.f~'" dAiry rric,", ("II Thr FAO (t'r"011 Price Jndu av"nSrd 2~~ rOlnl5 in March, ur QnIr po"" from Fdlru· ary ~t..IZt' rrJCft f£Jo;, .. tt'rt'd MIm" gall\5, 5Upported t>\ krw tnvrnlo-
bul whc!at changird hnlt' ....uppht'S '''m1I.inird amr.1" Aftn 1o!rV' Ir'rII months of dec lM"I.pncn of 0C'e MroVtted tonvwholt In March. undnpinntod by IArgt' purchase by Quill and Nigt'ria Tht' FAD 0i1s/F.tI rna Ind"x JOlt' In March 10 US poinl5, up 6 JK'Inil or 2.5 pt'r C'e'lt Trom rebru ary... n\IIrb~ ""actIrd to the protpeet o( growins liahtn~5 in tht' 2011/12 WeAk growth In world p.lm 011 productIon And hmlllP'd glob.l !OJ oil e"port aV&llabilitlt'l combuwd WIth d«lmlng ra~ rroducnon contnbulf'd 101M n.w In ods prices