MONDAY, MAY 14.2012
Herdsmen attack Oyo communities R
ESID~TS of 010 and Ogbomnsho 1oa1 goy~m' mcnl.n-M ofOyoState lwlve crkd out fur help I.!I 8orOfO herdsmen .tbldN tMir "ilIages. 1bey • bo t'JI:preYed. the f~JIr ihat thefo IU-acQ on ddfncelel fanners rNlY ~ 10 fuU..bla'Yn w..rif unchecked. Armed C<1IIII~ breeders who mi8f.1led from Uiger Rq.ublic • .nd a..d haveconl.mued tounJollh terror on filmleB TMy in IN~. dam.lged theu farm products. Mlny fMlJ'ltI"l in thl!' .tale NVe' bftn ' -idirns of 8ororo herdsmm's Ittacb due to 'anners' relSUf1Ce to • Ilow their at:ll' to eat up and de-It roy ther '.nn products.
Recmlly ... farmer nf'U
I' • vlll.g!!
in the Ill:SiWIJu Loal
h.d tus ll'fl arm chopped on by • 8o£oco Gov~t
cattle breorder
It hilppenCfI when the firmer went to hb 'Inn to hlIrvel IO~ yams. Aller the h.rvnl, he ob· ~ tNt. BOlOn) m.n w.J commg towlrds hIS farm to pu hIS attle.
NnrJlllal,. rf:liably glt.M:rM thAI rather than IprlRling to the fAnner for aome crops to feea rusCilItJ,r thr Bororo man o'd~ rum (farml"\")
10 Ie..,,!!, the I, rm for 1M atlll' 10 eat the flll'l5. .... be dull with AlIlI!ntpts by the f-arml"l" to resist the ordcf anV-ed thto 8ororo hnd$man. who dff"'I' out hi! w.ggtt
Doroj.Iy., 0)'0
SmsU1SlWlgtt". thr f;umn nllKCi his It!ft arm to prevent the allilO. The sharp !bggff almost cut off the um. The farmer'. scream attracted IIOO\e of the villiiSet'S around who alerted the local govmunent Vigilance group IMt a~ed the mlln. who wu safe! to have beoen tt.nded over to the poIn Similarly. 10 villages in the Orire I..ocal Government Are. were rrportNly attacbd by the herdsmen • The village. namely Od~II. Saba Sel«. Aba-Oba, Lasubulumi. Oka-lle. Elesun, Adeawn. Fapote, C)'lItum. Boosa. and n..o,... -Ile. Wen! invaded by the herdsmen who inmctftl bodily karm on the f.lnnl"rS and villagft'S With dm~_p0f15, such as da&St!rII. and sbcb. Among the viclll1\S was the wife of a farmer who was bealen up. whilf' over 20 villagfOn Wen! said to have sustamed 8f'nOUS mlunes, mcludmg machetf' cuts. Ninf'ty C'f'flt or the P'f(lplf' in the munal ilm .Ire p~onunantly SUbs~l~ farmers. Nftl'fIiUttfl a150 gllthered thitt tht' villilg,,", had compllllOt"d ~f'rlll tunes .Ibout contmuOWl dt'suuc:tmn of thf'ir f.rm products by thl' Bororo attle-brftden Thf' villilgers disclo~ that
I invit d the Divisional Police Officer, farmers' group, and Bororo herdsmen to me tings in order to find amicable soluti ns to the incessant crises. But all these efforts were thwarted ------------- ~ LECTURER ilt JO!!eph A.yo &balol. Univt'BIly OASU) Tkf')l -A.'lIlfji in Osun St.illf', Prof OIu Odf') mtl t\u said NII;f'n.I """y not KfUe"" food MCUnly any lime 500" b-!"C.uSt' it hlls nOI pnonl..-d ml ~reneu~p iro .ilgnculturf' 1hr prokMc r made W ilSRrllon While deliver n~ a Imurf' .1 Ihf' F~efill Colkgf' of Agriculturf' (FCA) Akurf' hUed -&trq'renrurship In agnculturr. J*l.iICt':iIIlo t'C'OnomtC tnn'l(cnnllhon in Nigf'IU-
rilthf'r thlln desist from their d~ liructtvt' acts. the herdsmen orten rrsponded With thrf'.ts 10 lives and property 1ne sillYlion got In II clifN,lI. /ICcunhng 10 them. when ~ met lind redved 10 prrvenl further dllmagf'
-vif' did nol confronl thrm. but ttorI\--erged to IKIdfl!!!l thoee (Bororo hrrdsmel) ilOOulour displ8Sure 10 10 our crops. Bol 'lurpri§ingly. wh.ill wt' saw was violft'll 111.pcb on U§. Somf' of us s~hllOf'd !lenous inJunes bf'.c:lIU~ Wf' wt'rf' harmlets and It'ilSl t'.l(~ thf' al-
I! WiIS al50 glllhf'~ Ihat one of tht- hf'rd.smf'n 1o!;1 1m hft' m lInotht'f .wpllrille clash ill II VIIIlIfl. ClIII1f'd Boeero m Ihf' same counol area ~~tJ1l further ~aml thai pobc~ h.iI~ wklf'd in. whllf' MM'TlI' u-
rests h.ilVf' been made: Spcilkin~ in an ullervlf'W. Cllr~ lilkt'T Chalrmlln of the local Government. Mr Jacob Abldoy~ 8l1migboye. confi rmed the incld~.. Mr Samigboyt' slated Ihilt COl'lt't'Tted dfom 10 ~oI\if' pt'Kriul coeXl5tc"1n Mn..'f'en thf' fanl'lt"l'$ and the Bororo ClIlIf'-brHd~rs havf' fllned Itf' SilJd: -I mVIIt'd thf' DlYi!K)NI1 Poin fArmers' group. and Bororo h~rdsm!":n 10 mf'l'ling! in order 10 find itDUC.Iblt! §Oiulions to the incessant cri5t'! But all these effom ~ Ming thwarted by thtBomm alii!": ~ who remam ~Iand thrt!lltrnf'd tocontmue I~r malldous iICU of damllgf' of farm productsContinumg. Ilf" !itld ~ SitU.' lion on the ground t5 beyond the
local govf'mmenl Thf' stille government nf':f'ds to urg!":nlly Int!":rv!":nf', In order to avert loommg bloodletting in Ihf' Irf'1 Thf' ilmount of ~dafN,ged WllS W Immmsl' INiI amnot be! qUiln' brJed Wlult'thf' artTlf'r.l are angry. and liT? demanding compen5illion from !hf' ClIllle breeden or fiKf' II revolt As ~rt of meASUre to d~ ten, sion .nd m'lntaln I.ilw lind order, the council Ch.illrmiln hinted II IotlII 0160 Vigilance men Nve been f'mployed. trillned by the police. whilf' two rlltrol VllN havf' beoen purcN.5ed, to be! h.ln!d MtwHn tht~ and VIg.U~ men Mr &mig~ further diSdo5ed Ih.1 !he council WlIS working ('OTl loan pKkIIKI' to.- the fllnnen 10 m lIble them to uplift Wlr ~o-«o nomic lives
'Why Nigeria may not achieve food security' ~!!I'.!I'
N'genil tpf'nds billions of tuilra 10 Im~ food InnWllly whllt' OVt'T 24 million fumen Irf',nol engllKIng In mechamsed 'gncultun!'. he Mod
The pionf'er RKtor. Osun Stolte
of Tl'chnolo~y (oseC)· Tl'CH), F.Y-okf', !ioJ.ld II IS obviOUS Ihal Nigen. will not ICrul"Vf' food 5f'CUnly wtth the practlCf': 01 sub<ii5tb\Cf' Ignculturf' coupled with lin ul"l,:Q ntrou.ble J"OfulittOn grow!h Prof Odl'y!":ml mformrd Ihat • reunt esllm.lte pul 1M number 01 mllinouns~ . ill-fed and hungry
Nigenllns .1 over 90 million, saying W data l'l &nm rorulld!":nng thor df'Vastlihng COflSnlumce of millnutrll10fl on thl' economy .lind de-v!":q.mml of chddrm lind WOffit"fl Ht' dt'Knbed .griculture as th~ IlIrgel employer Oll.ilbour and lhe biggest contributor 10 the country's grcM domestIC product lie Hid Igricultural f'nlrepre-flt'U0&l lS imf't'Tillivl' in tnnsfonn· m~ the Nigerill f'COTIomy ilnd for NlgenllRll to -.lUlln focxf 5f'CUnty" needed for ". hNhhy Ind productIVe life" The gUt'5t IKtUT?r also rKorn' rru."nde:t lhill II "Pf'CIfic perttntagf' of incomes from od Ind gill! mu!1 be tUed to df'Velop agncultuT? by lIl1 thr ~ lien Ol govt'lTlml'nt III' eqWllly SilJd thIere should be! poIioes lhat can f'nharn public in·
vH~~ft!cu=:or~r:1e pohcy on FlIdamll .nd irriglllion
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