THE NATION, 14 MAY, 2012

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HE Osun Siale government has





Memorandum of Understanding (MoUl to construct the Ayegbaju lntemationnl Market In Osogbo. Briefmg repor1ersaftenign!ng the MoU at the Gc)1:emor's Office in ~bo . the ComnuSSlOner for Regional Integration and Special Duties. Mr. &shiro Ajibola. noted' that the construction of the international market is a Public Private PilI1:nershjp Prorect which is expected 10 be completed within 24 monthS. According to Ajibola. the Ayegbaju internahonal mad:et t which IS To be 10000ted at the old Governor's O(fice. is one of !.he SI)(-poinl integral action plan of Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola's administra ti on to make lITe more me~ful for the people of state. The commissioner also noLed that the sl.nlcture of the private partnership of the state with Edward Pro~y Consult is one in which the state will pay 30 percent of the NI.3 billion while the property consultant will shoulder the rest 71)


OUTHS m Ojo Local Government ATea o( Lagos State jubilaled last week w}Jen the council chairman,. Hon Murslq Duro:aml, promised to t'nlpowtlJ" 10,000 among them. This was disd~ al the council'IIJ~1h empowermenl seminar aime at encouraging them to discover their hidden potential wnich they wilt make ~ of to (teveiop themselves and the communilt. The 5eminar entill~: Job OpporhltllttCS EnlrtprtntJIrlihip .s u.rur Opium, was chaired by the Cllalnnan,. ActJon Congress of Nigena (ACN), lagO!l SI;tle Chapter, Chid Henry A~le who ""--as represenl~ on theocxasion by theSb~'s ACN As6islitnt PubliCIty Secretary, Chief Ologunde Speaking on the background for hiS admmi!;trllllOn to ~bark on the 5eminar



~ogi M QlltenaMe AJ;ClCY (FERMA) in Ahuja.

-ne lltatemenl SIIld thallhr deputy governor

al FERMA to ,ohClI the aJtll!!lCY's support fo the repair vf federal roaa! in the ..fat ..,


~>t'dally tht" Obajana.Kabba·Egbe and ko!a.Q~Auchl tOIIds, among others.


t\woniyi dn'¥>' tlw aUentlOn allht" agency to!he)(abba Bridge. which he said on the ve-ge of roUapsr and the repalt of the road al1roment threiltrned by t"rosion. Ile, however, pral,SC(t the agency for ItII JUI idous use of fUllds


go lemn1ent of w determination aline agency to work t~wardll achieving the Tr Insform~tio Agenda of the Federal Gt: vem menl. . l-«Ofding to N.m. FERMA WI" ~ thai fOI cis m the COU{ltry an! motorab~ J.mochi diKlbud Ihal the agency' had Pfl~ 38 potholf' patchf'fS and distributed O!'I' c_teh to tlw J6 Ult:e of the f~eration for roI d main\erla:nQle lie abo di5closed thai arrangements were al In. advanced stage to repair and convert A1.l.:h,--Qkene-Loko," road to a dual carriage WI f within the ne:-'I few months.. . rn: managtng director desc::nbPd the roads F'l5ing tluoudl Xogi as "viable. critical iIUld 1m 'Druml to ffico natlan" lind gave assumnce t!vot the age1C}' ...... poiSt-'d to urgently fix all tt.. rUilWo in the country Niswa (POT£MA~) r Adebayo Oytdoklln AN),.111 • pr-esmutillil


rehance and eoq..>

• Reftlo North

1...0<.. 1


Youths advised


the 5talC' f;overnet, I for m.dutlg II gohd e~ u the chalfTOOn


against crime

TIlE National~outh Council of Nigeria (hYCN hascall Oflyouth5inthecountry Iq t!l!g.1ge in ac vjlles thlll would ~ ltf>ul'e 11.5 a prn·enllve melll~~acts


Th" President of the council,Mr J"rn!sAjani, maJe tiM.' call in an inlerview ~th }qUmaJlsts In Abulll 1115t week \jIin,l said tlul ,..lth ('uure, mearungfui ti Ie d:luld be 5rent on issues that would ~g~ the mind f'OSitively VHdpedia. Ihe online dictionary, ~;crjbes leu;urt as Iree lime spent away fn m buslne:!6. ~ortc. .nd domestIC chore:5. It is al.5o th period before or after ne~ acIl"it es '!uch aseatin" sl.eeping an J learmng. '\ttttding[f0 fan!..all work and no play Qltmakea dull lie: urged g peOple to ~ out time • 4l'ld b.:en:iM: 10 msur-e: i1 to sociali5e, be ter future. • We nave Id e.te tiPlC! to have leisure, ard one or lhe aya Y-P" ClIn spend your lei .ure is find a c:ondU~v~ IItm9Spherf: to rei Ul' your tnitld and your bramJ



wrm by th e local go,,'

w l'5l-r;one.

From Ade.oll




percenl He said; "The total some for the construction of the market is NI.3 billion, the state is contributing 30 ~t. ffieilning that, Osun is expected to contribute N300 million, but havinJ proVided the land for the construction whiCh was valued for N120 million. the state will only pay a direct cash or Nl80 million,'" Ajibola said that the present occupants of the site for th e construction of the international have been advised to relocate to their parent ministries. He stressed that contrary 10 the sperulation that Osun State government is chasing out of the s tate fede~1 minIStries,

Federal Government offices affected assisted by the state government by I for them OM ),e:<lf rent al their newly site 1ne (orruruSSloner , p<lyment , made easier for would-be owners of U up shof!S as il is going to be given ' le<l.sehold. He also said thai the market. whK have modem facilities like medial, guest chalets. police post. meal an stalls among others will h<lve 896 shops, 5 12 loCk-up shop A, and l(


sh~ B

AJibola slressed Ihat. when construcllOn of the market is (omF government will do everything P!J5S ensure thai shops and other facilitu nOI be taken over by people who a genUine lrader but committed to s!.vil stalls to genuIre users of the faciliw

Council empowers 10,000 youth I


-------------Bf Ablh Adllgbulehtn

towards helping the youths to dl5COVer their talents, s.IriIlS aM area of mtt!ft!Sl; helping the rouths to know how . these talents courd be deveJoped by ww;tergomg trmmnlJ,. helping the routh to know why they have 10 U5C th~ de\.'eloped skills SllI"fully, im!spedive of their status at my ~nt til life; help~ the youth to know how and where many other skills apart

from their hliented areas could be acquir lastly 10 help thftn diM'OVer how tom. the skills acqUtred through out !herr hfe

he wid Speakmg on the topIC fYrnessmg Yow 50 That YOII un Crrlltr Wl'IIllh, thi! ~ Professional Service of PAN A University, Dr Miu 0k0I0, urged the: to durover ther talents. Sit)'lng wealth all "bout gethng money but about cr vaJues which he s;ud, would bong mo ... md.

unemployment 15 on the


In the

""'''Y "We have come 10 reali!;e thai the mte of unemployment in the country Is on the incrHse by the day and the need to proner iltllllCdiale and Woog solution should be ~ of the governmer.1 of the cb.y."


He lidded "'T(I Ihls end. as the chler KCOWltmg orfice- of this local government. equally con~med with the social men~ that is fast penetrating into the fabric of our society, I hll\"(· deemed II fit to corne up with thi5 padltge on entreprmcurstup 111111 maJOr toOl to 501\ Ing the problem'" The council CMU .said the programme is aimed al helping the youlh5 to diKO"er their t.lents and work tow~rds thlll dire(1i.", "Thi!l entire rackag~ is channelled

f armers decry high cost of farming S the fllmUl"'1I; season sets tn.lannerli plements III Makurd. and thf' surrounding j~ ·.lIl1ges h<lv, dt'cfled the hIgh cost 01 An tn,·cstigation b:r our (orre!;pondent fanning Implemerl'l1 tn the state




:.r:nemI;'u';~~::1 o!r:d~~ th~~eunc::,li


d rthnhlpofgovioma ~ood hCalt:l'a"

Osun signs Nl.3b market pa

in Makurdl shGWe that the prices (If unplements such liS hoes, cutlasses and axe! had ~one up by more than 50 per cent, The price of a big hOC', used for vam heap!; rllld IIlcreaS\.'Ct from N800 to between NI.400and NI. 500 while a (utia"50ld.1 NI.OOO In 201 I hllJ jumpN to NI.JOO jusl all the price of a \e doubled to NSOO as IIgainst N2S0 pre'·lously A cross ~llOn of farme~ complained that the Increase WAIl slowmg down the temP'! of work on their hlrms MI Zac-kanah K.lha. a yam farmer, said that he could n(\ longfi alford the COIIt of the required number of h~ he needed due to the price hikes He, howf'vl'r, m<lintamed that he nf"tded new hOt'll lIS the old ones had worn out. MesHs Ter5t'er Grakpn alld Andrew Tivkaa, both of who are also farmers, corroborated Kilh.-,·s views and appealed 10 the blllcbmiths fabrlcalmg, the Implemf'nts 10 bnng down theIr pnC6, ,lres5tng that filrmef5 ~ed adcfitianal hoes for commenul 'armUlg --me larger the f<lrm, the more hDei a farmer need'! and for onf' to have more people 10 work on the farm. you need to have more farming 10015, ~ Tlvkaa explained When contllctl'd, min)' blacksmiths attTibuted the pri~f' Increases to the COlit of Ihe Iron used in fabricating the Implement!!

"Mr. Duro5imifldt} lind Chief Ologunde at lhf' M:minar

Group urges suport for disabled person HE privatf' seclor hll.5 ~n urged to support 1M l.oolgM Stale government in _lmpleJllentin2 U's. SDedil Peonle);; l i ..... The call was mace Dr·tne Lagos G"II SoCIety Disability Panner5tup (lCSDPP). Sreaking III a pres! briefing in !kept last .....eek,. Ihf' Executive Secretary o( the LCSDPP. Dr Adebllyo Adebukola !laId "profit making pm'atf' buslne5lle!i should suffiCIently elO:tend their corpora te social responsibilily to government's disability programmes and policies. They should al.50 imbibe disability friendly and indusive employmmt policies and work place practices for people with disabili ties. Als6 !jpcaking at the briefing. the general coordInator of the group. Mr Buth Uche Ekugum, talked about the rriVllle seclor parlnering with the mc-dia 10 advocate for disability friendly policies and create publk awareness on incIusivl! altitudes and pmcti~ m the society.Lt is also 10 support rdvbilitation. empoWC!f"lJ1Cnt and ~ integration programmes for people with disabilltiC!!l. "We ~ working with the Nigeria UJ\lOO 01 JOUfTlillists (NUJ) to encoumge a left! playing ground. what we call Ihe SOCIal model 01 dl!lllbilitf'Wherl! a disabled person would haVf' a 5Ocia ~~led ground with iIUl ;tble per5on." According 10 him , I!vf'.ry Lago!;illn is




Tontll Dlyan

potentially dlMbled. Whateover caU5ef form of inconventence at an)' pOint disability w~ lemporary or perm.a Therefore,thf' disabled wants an enal mvironmm! to live in Enacted in 2011. the law IS aimed at guarding all ~ with disabililies IIg all forms of discrimination Mr Adebayo .Iw said that implementation of the law reql partnership betwf'.t!n govemmf'nt ant pnvate .5(!Ctor Areas in which the private seclor ( invest in include: employment and eoon empowerment; access to products services, support for public inlrastruc information. conununklltion iIUld techno According to him. at the iasti.ag05 Econ Summit, Ihf' organisation suggested Investing in a 50dally inclUSive mvu-c:w bnn~ dIrecl uwestment bem>/'il!l.. II 1.5 heart warming that people dis&bilities are having access Ib' educa health, social developmf'nt and ecom empowerment in lagos State. Thi.5,..inll is boost to the investOr5 as the purcha power of Ihi!: SCS . ment of the populilti«l been enhanct'd M

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