T il E
FRJDI\' MARCH 16,2012
Boosting food producti on in Cross. River
Fed Govt to focus on rural development
IE F(>dt'r.1 Luvern ment b to focWo on ru· rilll develupment 10 .c lu"h~l' the AgTleuJlur",1 Trilln!iformallOn Agend. fATAl. the MU\lslry of Agn· cul!uI\' has wKi 1lw MIIlIMrys J>l'rm.lont'Ot Sec ret",.r , Dr Ezc~lel O)emuml, I.ilIld the NallOR.lI Int"lSrlott'd Pohcy on Rur.lol deI,·etopment INrPRD) would be rt'Vlewt'd 10 meet the Db-
toe.: 11\'1:'
f-11i! spo~e .lot .& wor~IIlK on the (eVlew 01 NIPRD In l.oIo.cp, Kogi Stlte He wid btoIore tI1\!country CiIfl WItne55 genumr transfor· matlon III the agncultur.1 sectOf, lt must consKier runt
rural ilrea
TlleSe ~ the undcniCOre
~':d A~~:::~P: ::::i~~~ development
()Yemoml, rf'prest.>flted by the 'b.rector of I'lannmg Mr Zacheus Alleh, SAid thl:' w<>rkshop Wti convened to enillble partICIpant:. 10 con Inbute to the ..teW policy to support ATA s realtSillllon Ill' yld the policy n"\'1("W became Imperative" followIng Ihe Input .ltd uUTasUucturat needs 01 rural dwellers. OyemonusaJd '"1heenvl$<
aged go.ls and OUlput III the ImplcinenlOi llon of the lransformatlOfl agenda annot bi> fully re .. !lud without adequall~ fural infrastructure
and vlnle nuallNilllullOns
"For decades. Nigeri.J's ru!'ill
d~elopnl4-'fll Sub-1ieclor nelSlec,~ anslIlg
hils been
from um..n-blased approacfi 10 n"'Ionill developmen t adopted o\oer the years 1ne smlllS of rurilll .rea hH been d~HdevOk.lolwaler supply and Af\llilhOn,.~
and communkarion "An HIIIlUIII.'d 85 per cent of the 6lremely poor In Nt-
the Importu)Ce of • NIPRD torevieh' in hnewllh theiSrac-uhul a r Iranlioformallon .g~nda
11M! DIIl.'clo.. of Rural Developml!nl. FMARD, Mr Daruel Daudl!. uk! the mnIlYe was 10 Impro\lt" the ruraJ-urban food M.'Cunty and general hvt'hhood of the
people The Kogi St.,e CommISsiOner 01 Agncullure and Run.) Dcvelopmelt, Mr Joseph [.aniYI, saKI the poUc)' would sUpPOrt the stille in achlevmg 115 SOlII of sup:" portm.g lilt rural Wmers and "'ttlmmg food suif~
'Use research knowledge to ensure food security' HE Feder.1 Covernmenl ~bftn urged 10 ullitse rese.Kh knowledge to boail food supplIeS ana .lognculture The Chauman 01 Talon NIgeflill umlled, ilIll agnculture ~fiml.Dr Siim Talabl millde the .ppe.lol U'I .I ~ey: not~ IIddre:oc;; a' the Belb; Uru\"t'r.oIly 01 Technology 's col~ day 't.I",bl Wid agncullur.1 r1!SNrChefS Mve made kood findings that can Iduress thiwu I4lcommeroallgncul. ture and Improve the local
milInc~es. f-Ie wid cli 11\lok" vanabllity w.threaten-
lOS agoculture producllon arM:t food §eCUr1ty reduong productWlty.and ,,'rable Land
forcropprodUCbOn. The ultImate results, he observed, arehiKhpot.t-hilIrvest k:wNes and uea th of anJmals, destruction of as"cullural mfrastructure arid)ass oil'\leh~oIlhosedepen-
dent on agnculture. 111i.! uJd poor mrr;lSlructure, especally for tnnIiponatlOn and Imgatioll. posed a slgruflCillnl challenge to agriculture. tundermr;efforts lOensUII! food r;ecunty TalabIAJd1lllprovedUlfn,structure would enhance die" c.paClly of commumtl" whoseh\-eIlhoodsdependon .Iognculture as well as 1mprove food SE"CUJ1ty With ~ed IIlleml 10 revampmg the Agncultunl !t«tor, he saad pOl~ iIInd
reseillrch should promote romrneraal villnetlHoicrops and inlensive .sriculture_ TiIIlilIbt noted that iill .ttemptli should be made 10 enhanc~ productiVity and theswvlVaJ of poor fil~rs Agncult unl productlvllY, he nOled, IS dn\lt'n by the ability of the government 10 provide neee!JIi.lory IIlputs. ..Uch as seeds, fertllbt'land pestlOdei, to tile" fannersilltafford.loble prinos. If theNhOn IS toall;;tul food secunly, T.lablSiud thr govemment must Improve till" man.lgemenl of .§nculture andlgro-industlJeS resource base. He Sl~ lhillt resl!ilIKh knowledge, cropA .nd resourCf: management .&re .In essentl.lol element of loe.1
adaptive capaCity. adding IhilIt utlbslIlg theriI wlilleltd to a more self·re.liant ilInd MI.S~lnable filfllling system. He uKl n~ tcMeranl crop vanelles hne been devel· OPe\!parbrularlybdruugtu. fbxt and ,r:est prone areas. T.lolillbi Slud fIl'W varietle§ could improve adaptation and enhance productlVlly He caned on the government to provide Ihr lever· l~for5fl'1alllarmers (0 parIlclplte In economic growth. T.lIbl .. ppea.k>d to fresh ~LIlote..mdstudentslOgo
IIllOagnaUlun! Hesatd;;tgnc prodoce hilve re.dy mar~ urglng young WlIemploycd kfJ(Iuale> 10 venture 11110 the
Firm set to boost national production of tomatoes
N indigenous agro bUSiness firm, Vegefresh Nlgena L"mlt'd, l!i partnenng with the NilIlional 1I0rtlcultul.1 Rese;;trch Inslllute(NU lORn ,.INdan 10 prodllCe lugh yll!!dlng varletlfS of toma108 10 bootl fillmlers Ill-
rome The romp_my wid It IS pmmottng new vaoelk>!i thai an booSt production rillie signifICantly, by prod ucmg enough toma to tha i can be proeeued. paCkaged and Slored for both loca l con-
:.umpllon .nd export. 1bc firm wKi It 15 10 partnerslup With NlHORT to c0nduct field tn.ls .00 seed muill phcalion of eXlSllng vanelM!S and ensure !he Inlroductlon of new ones. 1bc com.,.ny said II is determined to merease I\.lotlCln.al yaeld from 25 lonnes to 100 tOnnH per heet.,e; adding ltat this will Ill' cn!ue na tionolJ annual yield capmty by JOO per CM1 1IIIpactlng IargeJy on the eco. nomkllves 01 famers and run l communilies;;tnd il150
enha.nang the provl5lOfl of raw maleri.ls for Ihe country'. illiling lorna to pillSte Indu:. t ry li:eeenlly, Vt>gefresh alongside Its partners Introduct'd mne villfielie of high yield lomato hill'S which are currently undel'goinS field tnail in varKlU!l TOQhons across the COUntry Under the prognmme, the fi rm 'up~rts rt'SeillTch and educa.tioniIIllnslilutions fN ~ ing Availlble 10 them its facilities nalion wlde such as green houses. improved Viirieties, Irll ga tlon equip-
menlS .lond logisllcs vehicles_Through liS NatKJnillI Tomato Dtveloplllt'flt Progr.mme, Vegefresh ffiiIIJre Its farm!l U'lllauchl. &nue, Hitl. Oxun. Kano, CombeandOyoStaIe5 mcubalion cenlers 10 tnin agrlC entrepreneurs. The firm said il ha:. SIgned a Memonndum of lTndersla nding (MoU) wi th With the Fcaer.1 Un iversi ly of Ag r lc ullu re,Abeoku l A (FUNAA B) to collabo ra te and help malo.e the inslitule a knowledge hub for farm-
AGRICUlTI1R[ 15 tho: k....-....t. illS 5eCtor In rou RI\cr Stale, 11 employs about HO per Cl'tIt of the slitle',labour f~ and rontnbule!. aboul 40 per cenl 10 the CnlIoj; ~ mcsbc Product (COP). TIle" moIil IInportanl cash c~ are COCOi, colt rol· ton. bananoas, rubber, palm od and "erne Is. and peanuts. The O\iIin food crops are plant;;tln. CUW\'•• rom. mUk!t. and su~ PAlm 011 production I~ "hown SJgn5 of gro"".th. The state has modi!rT\ agricullu .... 1 estates and several smallholder fllrm$ In tile" local government .reM. CnuRhw Stale hu~t poten tLtI The climate ", IloW'S growing. wide v;;tnety of cro~ E.-port crops Ire the focUs 01 agricultural production and rHoe.arch. UvesiOCl.. Hshlng and fores try are pilllt'5 of the economy, The government waflbo to modernis.e agriculture such thai sub6Wern fanners ilfe brought within the scope of MIIOt"..1 .nd IIIlcrnal10nal mar ~ ets_ lbe ~Iate's food li«urity thrust ari! "ensuring production of adL'quat(> fOod supplit'S; maximl:'lng iot1bllity in the flow of supplies; anC! k'CUrinS iKU'SI 10 aVllllabk 5Up:: pliO!S by Iho:.e who need them. CrOU Rwcr II promo ting food secullty hy rIIlsins agricult ural productlvllr. lllere an ongoing campaign 10 Usiiot hvestock iarmel$ aU-),ea r·round on farm fl'flJ prod uction lind !ann maNlgement lQ re..tuoe ttw high In"l5lock mortality rillie. 'The state musl lJ'oCfCis farme.rs" YI('hb and tOlill l output to keep ~ ,.,Ith Inc reaSIng populdl lon. l b gO\·ernmenl ~ lha t hunger and the cycle QI pay. ell)' art' two de, e lo p menl cha ll en ~h Ihil t Ihe world l3ces tooay. To ttus md,lls a~tulal K11vllies lire focuSed no red ucin g h unger, combating l u ra l PO\ ~rty, pro mo ti ng l'ConomlC grow th and pmtecting the envlronmftll. l:ar lhe stal(> government, nisIng ilIgricultural producb\'It)" is essential 10 reduce ru· ra l po\lerty,len hance food s«u rity, and li ti muJale broad·bllHd 1!C0nomic growth. While nisU'lg agri· culturiLI productivlly acrotJIi.. ~rd 15 essentJiI for ",. duong ruBI po'·ert)' ,md ftimuTIIHng economic VOWlh, locusln~ on (ood supply iz. one 01 the ~la le government'. mf'asurcs Df comballng hu n ~e r _ The government it nurturing the coma industry to Improvt the lot of famlM and make them e ffecil lie partner:.. tn. bualdtng the stafe economy Cross RI ver Is coUabordling W i th the Export Councif' to Mldre56 aa:ess to be go marlets by local ,"u rners. 'The 5ti1te gO\oelTUJ1(-'fl1 it seeking U'lvt!Ston 10 devclop the secto r. Ma jo r Im 'e:.(· menls In Larg~SCillJe fanning a re needed To expand c0coa fa r mins. The gove rn· men t wanl U'lveston U'I food proces6ing. The produco Is la rg e ly ex porleil unproc-
e:itIot'd (. "pi~ d", benefit:. of \I;;tlu.. a ',fil5..1 An)' Ill ....esl· menl n , !.hi! sub-sector al· Ir;lCI' , Iolleer status tA.x holld.lf t.lri[( conct!SSUJI\S, linan :L.g ,md export support. CCO!oS River's export pMIUlI ~)Il zones, port, and lIcces.ilLiht}' 10 Lig~ ilInd Abu,.. 1>1'0\ kle ~ links 10 large rr Ir"ets, ruter dear1IJlCe(' dODd ... and an opporl\UlIty " . dI.-,e!op the capital Diy, (:'Iab.u. UltO. central loCatio! .. for food procl'S5Illg. To "bmuJ.te U'lvestment frI agrlcul <l~aJ actIVities, the kilIc:M.,.'X iranlwcs a~ ~ vided; , ompanla; In IIgroallied bodlrlt'Sii do r1CJI N.\·e lheil" :ilIl'lI-.1 allow.l.ce rrSlnctl.'<l II 15 SrilI"led 1lI fuL Pa)"Jlullof DUNmum Iil."( by compo...,la UM! ma.l.e.mvll or no prufits does not apply to agro-"lIkd bUSU1tSSeSAgr.,.. ... lIieJ plants and equIp-n 'nl e"tIJOY enlloilItICed c.plliIl IIUowan.::es of up to 50' per Ct!flt Pnxesstng of asr1cuhural produce IS a plOneel mduSlry, consequmtly, Ihere 15 100 pt.... cent fh~yl"'- tax-free penOO. All agllcullllral and agro-m· duslna ) machines and equirll1cnl (>nJoy one pli.!r Cl'IU l uly The }\1;riclll llllal Crl'dlt CUllr. nlee ~heme Fund (ACC";T), adminlslll"ll!d by the c..nhai BAnk 01 Nigen.a (CBN)~'UilOIntet'l up to 75
p'''" ...! ( ..... gnnkod
by CUll WrcbI hilInlS" asncuJtuul production and
1'""",1 ...
The rprerbl Drawbad. ~~rne Fund proVides
60 ".. 'l''' .....,..... of ... _
. .dbylhiwwhobo<-
row fiOil" banb under the A~. f.... cassau producIklnMdp~
Its ~'e~, l.I}'el lmol.e has ~tjlied 1115 oorrurutmi!nt 10 pn; \ ·JJlng an"e nabllng envlrondwnt -IfX': kwe>IOIS to
de>oIop,,,,,,!"_,,,,,"inleD'la...,. the +tar li t The state
tor I ':oinpe t'"III
~,mti5l\ atrus
.ndl>il[J~ ll~rom P""'" k:Isoit$. I ~ seord\i~ ftt
to partner Wl tIl lhe p-errm."t IQ ~ farJn.. m &nil ,Ishcrmcn fo r optimum pnklucUon. 11le '..ull" \untf the pn· vale st.'ctm I;.) support its ef· forts lit dlvNslfymg the econorny 10 t'tlSU.re SUSUinobIe,.-owth.