Re- Achebe's horde of attackers wh"
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Fro"! Obt"ln.kmII. OIJOJn.1564o
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Do you know why ow rounlry b suWng ~ .00 dcorpft afift 52 fN" of fl.g m~7 our knack to r~Y ttW 08-
triCh. Yow~ •• cbnchrr E"mIMlsbI~ by 1M .uthor IS .. notOriOUS cr~o in 1M ~ydw of 1M ~t·w.u Igbo chlldrm who Ivov~ been COMlanlly Mm.rKhnS ~l(pl'l\II· ~ from their Jl'l'renb 01 ~ ~UOIl ,~ lhf-Ir .any thftr own courotry.OIIO'U9129JJ Ub you r bl"OdWf' one Arthur Any.dubll in n... N.tJOn of SundIIy~. 14 fdltion. )'ou should rralize thai ~If' ol.'po5rd to ilw ronvocatkll"l of .. !OVe!?ign nat_I con ,~ .~ 1M Pf'OPk P~inl thAt Ni ur h.ppy with themS(' vn You must bot funny 10 thutk that 1M Nlgrn.n ~oy.mmr"'l will desl~n .ny policy th.1 would NYI! flllYorN Bi.itfn cJunng 1M p0grom Pleur N18~ is 1M country In historj tNt supplied ood 10 thr rrople tNt IOCJk up urns agAinst hrr In tht I»d -to!«'rde IgbO ptOpk should .t lent thank their JI.rI !.Nil P'!U Awulowo w .. not tht '-d of sttte to dO thow thinS!' you Nid he did f-bld BWnt the CIIP-City to inflid p;~df! on Nigm. so illS to Win 1M wn, they crrl.!nl), would IUlve done worle rC!OpIc! like OttikWll,. ~ and othml.Nn~ the ISbo and ~Jlfti 10 fOft:lSf\ Wtds II Itw JH'oIk 01 the ""u II IS ronvmN'n1 10 maJ.r I !Ia~ of Papil A wolowo and the Yorub.t And Of COW"Ie whrn I Yorub.t Mfmds Yorub.t. ~ • I I.riboIbst bul whrn the I~ drfmd tIw Ikbo. ~ is I MtJOnoIll5t r,.,.
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1"1tow hurlins mVKhves II Achebe Ire f't'Ople who 'pt'oIk from both 'Id" of 1M mouth bl!nll5oe of selfISh motives Whrthn VEN lhoug,h OW'Iy nghHhlnlung Nigeruru; ~ of the opinion t' government Iione. c.nnot deve lop asricul lu~. csp«:iIlly in a 1I0001e like Lagos where lhe ~Ulatlon Inpie on I d.UX bHIS. the ide.l of Agric Yes 1"rogRm1l'M' ~ GovftTlOr R.Iji F.l5hol.I it on the ng.hl tndt. Agric Yes 1'TOgr.uJUne whim me.m Ar;nculture Youth Empowerment Scheme Imti.lled by the LagOJ SI.lte GoVcmmml which hu Men in opcnbon III1C'I' 2009., 1mK'd It kftplns the youthJ busy and In.Uuna them be put 01 the Igncullural re\tll\l.lbon an the ,talc 1'& prosrAInrnr wtuch 1M sQte government CJWII~ to ~"ft'IIUllIy blr'KeIthe ):'OUtllJ in 1M stOiltc hOII!II MI br algOilged 0Vft" 300 youtfia in dlffe-enl farm ~tkmcnl5 m the sta~ AI the mommt .bout one hundred of ,uch youtru au' underxomg tr.unmg If\ d,flt'fe'll .JpKts of fOllrmlng ')'Siem Ind Rll lmllmtJ !IO tNrol In the mel Uwy Will be given 1000IlII through diff~l"fllt ~rill l ives socI~ti~ to M thrir own fN,J!t!n The tnllrung ln5tJtute localt<i iIIl Epc. a marinr and .grariOiln lown in tM SUIt! il In ideOilI pllt'C to 10000te and qUArter farmers fOI" the huge Wk... ahe.a Epe., noted fOI" its ~ ""tura! rewrves an.J contribubom 10 Ihe Konomy of the IloIle thr ough wOllter wOIIrp tnln.spCItQhOO. fiJhJng.and famunX And MI fu the I'ishermeil to coMidn il.lMqw~.and Weal fOr the trauuns of the Agnc Yel programme sluden15 Ihows how con«rted .nd committed govnnment iJ toward, iIIgricult~ re\tillultion In Ih~ slilile Th" ill JOmething to ~ commended .nd emula~ fex w Nbs the Otlunry The over .11 aim of Ihi, prOleCI. In Ihe Ihlnklng of governmenl. iJ 10 breilld .I new gener.llon of young Ind commitled fOllnn~ With unbridled entrcprencurul .billty to produce.nd be Ihcu own masters. 1'ho8e who 5p«i.aliud In poultry or nih-farmIng .IS Ihe cue milly ~, will be
'It is indeed heart wanning that the sc heme is tolaUy people-oriented. You can't empower the youths devoid of lrooer hou s ing for e ff ec t.I· ve pro u ct'IVI.ty• A S IIley se til e down with their loved ones in the . . . an d f or t h e purpose sa me vIcinity of productivily, all you get is ab undance 0 f f ood production which will inadvertently help to keep hunger at bay'
Fashola empowers young farmers By Abba. Adekoyo repo5Itlon ~Ives for the grNtf'l" challcngeli iIIh9d
C'~'rmmmt hu even mbargKl ttw Khmw 10 tnduM herbrredlf\g iIInd ... ~ctlIb'e rOllnnl~ In Iudl a w.y INiI WIth IJUd1 v..nme<I. ~ Will b\" cnougt; .mu lor the youlhs 10 "en mto. At II IS now. the 5IX ~th.s tnuning ~ hM been commended by 80m(' of the ,tudents. A c.wtaln Bukola whoR sol~ drNm Is to v~~r into 10000~e sColI~ n,h-fillrming on gradUAllon IS 10 \..I5e the !'PfJO!1umty 10 Irain more pear.. in rulu~ Duk~a., from somoJu «'r11 ..... whrn! Jhr hu · hved .11 her IIIC'. yet 5Iw _ the Ept'mvlfunmenlaPI and conduove for iIISncullUflll seltlement A couple of otMr Cfllhll$l.lStlC p;irtiapantt: .I ~ yNn ofldlcnHJ.lnd gndUAtmg without jobs ..... 0\' 0InnC'I wiIIIl to be mrr."rcncun lind bUsme58 dlrKton.. Thi5 is mor~ ~ncouraglng parllcululy illS Ihe Fuhola - ltd admlfustrabon eqUally cm~'cn g'ndl,JOllles With thcu own ~,:~ to U5m tt-n So mto mechanlSCd .gncuhu.....
In its wISdom 10 mJU", lhat Plrtica~bon is Wldeiy 5prHd MvOki of ethnicily 01' dus or sorial sblnding in tbt JOtirtf. Ihr state gOVftTlmenl \l5uolUy OII(h-erti~ th~ prosnamme In I h~ dllht:1 In OIl IKenl ,1.leme"t c reditid to H.kHm AnlolaIY~. one of th~ COUI"H offkt:r •• Ihe fint ,Iep .tle r rol filing the !\Imes • ., lKJOIIru§r an tnlcn51111! test 10 dcode IhoR who illre genuinely m~lrd In fAnning TIw!rvof~. thcI8c found worthy ~ mvllN to prTJa"f'd to thc rw-o:l "lage E.dt 4!udent then Incilatcs when hr/hrr inlnest IS mo5l
d~~~~hng lu note tNt IllS only. SOVft'1UncnI tNl., fuDy comnulled--to the -'fue 01 the J1ft'IPIoc thai on be50 louched .15 10 115 IrrmlnK youln, for th~ lulur~ ruhob hM dorw 5O.IJ1d ~ e'\'m dOIng nlOI"e to rrq>ol"' fm thr ~"&I, dlffJCUlI yean ahNet "I'f'daUy I1CIW tNtlM floods Nave ravolg~ INInv fiUml and ~ bacihtk5 KrDU 1M country F..,kolil hM iIIhuys com~ many ynn aMOild 01 hIS conlcrnponnc5 8y Ih~ lime othn- sUItes Irr shll ~ng theu Icrih.!1d bemOaning Ihctr foflune5, ugOJ Siall" II Ilre.ldy in the bowel of IbundOllnl hill rve51 in all sphrrcolof hv~lockandlood'luff. 8y diVIding lhl' gnduands lnlo diflerenl coo . ~rolliv~
ac:hl"e muCh F..ach group Iii gl"m NIOO milltoO 10 hrlp them~wtOll!1dprod~qull~cnoug.hforC'Ol"l5Ull1pbOn. Tha .. In IIdditwn to the housing .I«Ommod.1iOn glVf'rI 10
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' A man who run s arid looks back nev er win s a race . Tell Achebe to write about (uture bettermen t prospects (or our youths. Achebe lives in the USA today .after the supreme price p .. id by blacks for racial wars and s lavery. In every house there comes a lime to play and a time to fi g ht among brothers. Achebe is diminishing his writing areerto that o( a tribal post war documenter'
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them and rncrnbrn of then folmlhH If\ ttw f;um scttlrme-tu 10 _b~ thl!m conr:'I!fltr.llf' and be 01 mIJUJIlum lISe the vmture It iJ I~ hNrt willrmmg tNlthe.scfwnw IS 10001Iy pKII'ironenled You on't en'IJ"DWft Itw )'outhJ deovoid or pn;pcr houSIng fOl' rif«livf' prodlJl;llVll)' As thry ~w down WIth I~r lOVed _ m 1M 5AJT'Ir VICtnII)· and fex the pUrp<ll'l'e of productlvlly. all you Ke! I' .bundOllnce of food prodlJl;hon Will help to ~ hun~n iIIl Ny r'Ol" a "tate tNrol wan'" to avert h\U'lXn and food 5hOr1a~ m Ihe fulurco using wh.t Is IV.lII.bll" 10 II Ihe LagM Stolle govcommmi has Inih.ted • schemco th.1 WIll In IhIe fulu~ suide I I I pilot tdlcmc 10 tho8c who wlnl Iu ~y from II There IS no doubl wha'-"n tNt With the breocdlng of raIN which ., now a new pilot propt'Ct iIInd an Irm of Agne 'I", thr stale ., ~ 10 iM'C ~ iIIgncuhural wond~, The youths_are elICIled The people h.1l-'e" .I lot of:trOll! and rrwrzy 10 exhibit. Even..onw dl5banded ObdOil rid«! and operalon can di'-er1 and be romr~~ly occuptrd thetr ~ 10 thiJ TJwore 15 no !l;0II1J\o9Iyang the f.ld tNl the INUC 0( job~ for th~ youlns In th~ ,loIle is .boul 10 ablle Th~ 'tilll~ governnwnl IS cnOllllve In .U 5pM-es. Food~.. .I mu,1 fOf illlI. Th" is why II still becomes Imp""OIIII"'e lor ~ youlhs 10 conllllu~ 10 ~l~ th., rolr~ opf'O'"lunlly 10 b\" productively engAK~ With illl provided. the tuk In"oI"ff1 I' obviou5ly !eM 'I~ful Th" ~ lherefore limp to b\" a good. illlI·time
• Ad,."o,.. U'"tno from Somof., IAgol.
' I nil s wisdom 10 ensure Ihal participation is widel y spread devo id f Ih mel . ·1y Or CI ass or SOCia . I s I an d ·mg 0 e in Ihe SOCiety, the slale government . Ih e programme In . usua II y ad vertlse Ihe dailies. In a recent sta temen t . cre d ·lied to H a k eern A· nJo I.uye, one 0 f the cou rse officers,the first s teo afler II · h . , co ahng I e names, IS organise an inlensive I'esllo decid e those who are • I . . '" genume y ml'eres ted·111 f amlln 6
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