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Kwara: agro investors' next des ' ation GRJCUlTURE 1S 1h!" bigsii''' sector in .... Wllfil tilte II ac· rounbi for aboul 70 per ~I 01 tho= w-..r bee.. Thrdima.te


IScondlJCl~'e IOgro~ frui t:.

and ~etab~ such ltS nlo'mgots. plnt'>iipplts. bal\ill\ti ilnd Ioma t 1lW! pnncipAl cOlSh crqJ!I iUl!


IObacco leilVes. benlwed anJ palm produce Others Ire cashew nuts, yams. be.n!, sugar cane, c::otlor\, 0X0iI,. 001fee, loo.CCO ilnd potlm prod.... One of its map'



- From leh. 101... 0 .. 110.... 1 Iftlil;llI l" for Tropk.. 1 Aarku llll ... fflTAJ. C...... ~ B.Ited.... Ellubl>lb ,,,k .... IITA Sc:i.,nlist,. Rk Jt.o,d_ O kn::hllkw .. lI ...vatPln COlln lry M.n .., t:'.'.lIllloro.o; Mln l' I'" of A,.I.noIt ... .and 11:11 ... 1 O'.... etof ... _t.O. Akin Adfllo.o; aod IITA Sd..oti.I.Gb...wy T ........ U. beln, hom,",,,d b y the federal Govf.mmen t for develnpln, P,Q-.. tlamio A C.I!IU"a ....ri ..lin in


... prod"""" 01 <buy """'-

Nigeria may earn N50b from cashew IGERIA m.y. eAport iat 200.000 tannes of cuhew nul this )'Nr ThaCOlJlde.. muabout NSO billion, the Niltlon.lll Prestdent, Natlon.ll C»hew AIlt.UlCe 01 N,gen.ll( NCAN). lob F.llooCru. Ms,ud Tho: Industry generillH o ... er N23 billion F;asoeru I,;ud ~w nul eA' pori would IflCk.ASC' in ...01ume .nd .... Iu" ilg.lnsl lASt reM'S figures. "nhilncU'l1l the n.J1I0Il Jo :.1.I\Ii as iI le.chng e'"'porler fie WIld operatorS ;lfe wotllng 10 ensure rAW t:bhe", rr'SOUr~ comphed With Inlerf\,jluQnal hygiene' .uld loud :oafo:lY ~ta'l(b,d.lo TI) ~t II!> prtce ill the world """rket. he said the iIblJOilllOn WAS ~In"'lng 10


By Daniel &aiel

~v~ultllt~ quality of

lle ,..d Ind .... whICh p ...... vlOUSly rqrcted the n.lbon's I")I;POrts has shOwn Interest

11 ashew, iJddl!lg that VlelMrn bu)'s 90 P'" c:Yf\t of lho! eJtports. lie said lho! ord~ from Indl. would boost lhe overilll eilrnlngs hom the commodity I ~ expu.ned lhal ~ profIlilbihty of c-.shew nut d .... ~nds ' .. rgdy 00 unblemished lemeb aftL't' .Ihng. s tilling Ihilt Ihe I$radtng of casheWs 15 detemuoed bj 10lern.lltlonll quothlY sl;lndilnb Gelling quothl)' nut. he ~;lIJ. b delcnnloed b) 5OCn~ filctolS Indudlng vAriety. growing cond,llons. hus·

b..tndry, hiln-esllOK plXllCH .IIIld po5t.h,uvest fechruquet for drying ilnd s tonge III" d~oSed that hiS ilssonIlion I\.IIS emtt..rL.ed 00 educalmg (ArmefS 0 11 how to grow beller nUls thai Will felch high~t prien in Ihe rnArL.el FiI$I"nI ""d Ihe niitlOn ', QShews;lre .tdupped to india for p'ocesSIng. where they .lICe mllU·,j ..... llh th""", from other coulllnes, .tdding that by I"Aportmg rilW nub, tho.: IUIlion W.I lOSing a maJUr opportumly to itdd villue To ImprO\e on the "IWI lion, II(" '.lId the a.socu.tiCll\ IS luppotltng thO!' c..lilbhshmO!'nl of shdhng plant.. lo..eld villut" ThIS. he Wid would cn:.. teemploymmt as well I~ t"I\I\a~ tM: uhM" ••1 nport~

1~ ... 1d Nlgl.'f1,ilcouldl"ilm aboul N2(M) b.lhon ilnn"",lIy if II In ... ested heilvlly 11\ ashew pnxl uctlon. At the moment, FUl"r u

:b~~t ~Ja~ I~~~~~c~f

c;ashew nul, stilhng Ihat III Ihrl"(" reA"" the llSSOCIalion woul. il\CTt!..... production 10 at oul 200,000 tonnes yeulli e Solid Improving the qualltyis iln Import.nt ." peel tlw ilMOClilhon IS focus-

~~~:\~' n'::~I~::~~I~:~~1 terMI'QlVI !.tand.1rd 'NI"t'1U'~ Ci\!ihrw nllt command~ the lu ..... rst price In the "'. rkt bo."<:dLbe of,1.i qual II)' iln I WI:! .. r" gumg 10 ~ 10 II thoIl WI: tilU our nghlful pi. ~~ht: ""'Id

Consumption of pro-vitamin A cassava ""'""'..... "..... can b oos t GDP

lE consumption of p,o-... lIi1mtn A QM;I!ViI COIJld I'\"d~ «OI\OITUC 1".loSt's 11\ Gross Domestic Product e5lnnaled .t lboul 1I..5b11hon, the o.r«tor~ enl of lhe International In"null" of Troplal Agftcullure, Dr Ntent\yil SMigmgll. hu Aid Bul more than economic AVtng,s. II will abo improve the nulnuon of women and children who ilre the most vulnerable. hit said al Ihe


f":,~ P~,!I:' Umud lL.e, Ablil Stale.. Reprt'k'flted by the COOl" dilUllOI', EnlerprlJlt

[)eveiopmo:nl Pro)C'CC, OT A, Dr Gbuscy TilrilWilli, Sanglllga commended Ihe govemmt':nl (or Ihe If:oiJd III blofOl'ufw:;allon With tl~ of ass;IV. Vill"M':tJeIi 10 f.. rmen.. lie anv",S&cd IO'nl efforts from parlrt("fS and the: pnvale 5I"dOf 10 ~u« thai Ifl(' pro-vlliUnm A- nch v.anehel get


h) ~rce-poor f.rmers "Tod.iy. we hille \'.IIOe'IJoei thilt hne bct"'-carotene thai Ciln help Ixklevltamm A deftclency Whilt " needed now 1$ to gei these v.. neues 10 filrmen with the support 01 alt slaL.l"holden.- he Aid In develop,"g counlries, vlt.amm A deficiency rt"nutln5 iI nutJOf bottleneck 10 Improved nutrlllon With ilpprOJ"mltely 500.000 m.alnQuflshed c hildren gomg bhnd each year. and hiill dy· Ing Wlttun a yeM of becom· ing bhnd The p reVAlence of OIghl blindnesl due to ViiamUl A deftclency I• .IIlso hll$h .IImong pre:gnant women In

~A~" ~......


lleillaul."ttof go'o'emmenl5 SUpporl for the dis6ernaNtion ofthto ~ II.1mUl A V.anet8. ~~Is:-':g the mdUSKll\ 01


the rdL_ .-J the P""""Wnm A CilSAY.II l'Mlf!beS,. I..Jr$ ye.v Deve,~ by ITTA '" partnefSh~""llh Ihe Nl tl on.. 1 RDob ~btJtu~

~ said. lie iIdOOd -Annually. Mgt"' N )oses OVI"f 51.5 billion U'l COP to vltamlll And nu_ral defICI<nC_ as m.ulY staple fOOlk ilfC low V\ ew;enbal AU-

-II II crua.ilI tNt Nigen;a ..... tt!er.les efforts ilnd policy ~ on ~u,& "hNIdl ilnd nutrillon of ... ulnerable grou.... """,,"y """"" ~ bntsfiJ duIdrni.- addu1g ht ....tUlg up ron! nucmnutnenl IntUVctlllONi would cost leY than 5188 million per yC' .. r, wtwi\


contributel 10 nut mor· Wity.oo cdlt"I' poorOUICOrT'leS 11\ J>re&0ilIl9' ilnd I.tdiILton,Muuster of AgrICUlture ilnd Rur.d Development Dr

The P:0WI'Nn«11111VX1lina'd


........ " " _

was funded by Harvntprus. 1be Vililirnm A OISSiIVili VMl' elles An Rilmed by the N.~ Iiollal Vane ly Releilse Co m mi ttee of "Nlgeriil .II. UMUCASS 36, UM UCASS 37, ilnd UMUCASS 38, and arererognlSt':d itS IrrA gt'llOtypes iISIMS OI / IJ68,1MS Ol/J " I2.and TMSOI/I371 NR RI Ading EJlecuhve Dm~or Dr Thonutl Ezu hke said lhey have high bell Ciuotene (pro-VI I.IImm A) il nd ue sUllab le fo, food uses,.uch 11' Slim, fufu ilnd Iligh qUilhly cassaVI flour

Oyo bee-keepers explain high cost of honey ilE Chil"miln, 8«+ Keepers ~allon of NigeriA. Oyo StiltC' OI.Iplft, Mr Ayodeie ~L.o. hu SiIld 1niIdeq~le number 01 bee-~ 15 ~ble for the highCOA 01 hof'If,y S.r.1.r.L.o Aid 11\ Ib;ad.llll lNIl only rnil" producllon of


ncultllle uuti.Jbve wtei:by .II group o f disp laced farmers from ZiJT\balM'e ~ lI\",ited 10 I'liIrI rommeroaI famung. lhlflt.'C'n filnncn rel()Cati.'d 10 the mt .. and a re Illvn!\ t'd in

honC'y by IRenumg Ihe number of bce· L.ecpeu coukt bnng down the'ro&l of honey I~ Aid the hu~demand for hooey In I~ fil« of Irudl:!qWlte 5upt'lyled 10 lha hi in the p~ of Ihe commodllY Toboo6tthevolumeol~

ductlOn. he Mid the IlSSOdItnon I\iIId emNrbd on mem+ berWup dnve. 1be populiulon o( ilCbve ~ Nos IIII:reased from 1.600 abou l thd l1nw! ltil year 10 more thiln 2.IXl) It pl1.'$t"JlL We ilre oplunlSb( more people wfil lum 10 bee ~

1I\~>;!;d:~ ~t~.d...... cordl!d IllcreilSt' in the vo l· ume 01 pnxIUCbOIl thu; year l'Omp;uN. WIth 2011 - We ..... 11\ 1Wv~ pcnod now.IInd we hlh done the' finl hlrvcslin..s which Will rnd III Apnl, he lidded.


poultry AOd the CUtb~

tion aoo ~g of a r.vlgc

(J/ crops,

such itS cassava, soya beans, mal:.t!.' lind bo!lWOllIU, ' Despite some Initial chill· Iolb't.'S, the proltlC1 hilS become a ~ 1he-IJairn)'Nhc'lte is lin-oldy produditg III O\o\Tt M-/lnd 0 milL. lind yoghurt dnnks, A OI5IoOI ViI pn1CeSSmg oolity ~ b«n cstabillhed itnJ SlfTIe cropI ;are ~ 5U~ pli«l to shor- In.N· fica, s uch u Sh"Pnt... The ;a~otheTs

::th~~booM a~ nUII\'d le.-J'land


cit!ncy, to lift II 10

leaderMup pDliUIOO in ilgncuhuraJ prOducllvuy IJI Ine ~ub region. TIlls tib liIveI\ binh kl ihe dream k) estllblish Kwa.ra .lIS Iht! olJ>flcuhunll hub 0' WwAfric'iI. To Ihl end, Governor AbdulNiWl Ahmed hal sf'O"' L.1:!f\ 0( an amblllOuS plln to bulkt lin the iIgIlcultliTAl rev0lution in the IliIt .... To ~ du.s. lhe p~menl Ultmds 10 buikt illnowledge 1_ for innOVillll-1" 5Oef1li fiC agncultwa! rt'k'IU"Ch. develop mud+ em ~--mlft!o, foe- IgrD 'I"S5ing ;and pac.. gmg; estill!lish dcpou aM diWIb lltk".. emtrbtobnl dM'ioU~,lhtroun­ try and \\,.,1 MriCitn farm produru 101 lhe s&obal markt


Ahmed hal abo rl(~ l'undamentalllSlkulturitl de... dopmenl that Includ~ lhe tra ini ng of f.rmer .. Ind reStruduring o f crop componenl5 10 eJt"piloo production.. l ie IMmifiCd on !he importance of e\evating thr hVlI\g conditions of fitlUll!'TS in the .stOlle_ I ~ has the 5Uppc.1 of maJOr Igncultural ir6litutes lum t i />gnculcural .lind Rural M&n_gemen t TnllOll1g Ill$fttu!l.' (ARAm), NatlQnal Cet1lre for "gnculiur.Ji MedlllJu .l1on iItrid d.e NIP'" Rive- Bd5in [)e.. ... dopmenl Authority. an 1& t.llted in Uann The MIlUstry d AgnndlUW and Na tu nl RbOUrt'eS and Agrieu lturill Developm .. nt Pr~'CI (ADP) will provide



abHts. All of Ihfse w itr hclp to imp' 'O'le and htlOSt agncul+ lural prodUCtl~ and ~10"1!:5 in the ltite. 1lW! goo.·CIlln'lenI ., wo,king 10 create hWldreds 01 joI:iio over the next lew yeu with inVe5lD10U thai will come from 10000I.rId fOf'dKn inW!itOrS. To male the 5I:3~ an IIttractive IIlVest11'\0511 dosti,....bOr\. the ~ r:ncnt is oCfcnng VilIlOlIII .... triluve Ul~ ~JOI1II1U+ tIeS m ilgriculture. nw gll"ifttl-

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