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FRIDAY, MAROI 23, 2012



Poor extension service bane of food production, says expert

ACK oIa functional otet5ion !ot'fVl~ 'VStt'1r> • stuntIng Uw


growth lilt' famung li«tor, an f'Xpt'rt hIu; Iald ~rt'aking with' Iv N,tio". Or Gr~ ,okllwl, lin • grkuliural ~­ II!!n51oo Rn'~ t'Xj'ftt. A id 5mAII flll'mt'O ",.t'R' not VitmA; the nght advtcr 10 ~u~ """e food .nd rt'.p g,..".r N-n"I I" from tht'lf haC'\'t'SL Or 'okthan, .vho i5 the J'rognmme Off ~ Reeuch lnto U.. IRlU), farm t'Xtt'l15lon and rur• •dl'isor)l Wf'\'1(t'S occupy a Ilnltt"gK pMlhon III ,cod rrod uclion cyc~ Exlt'NklnllrfYlCe.W IeXr~ d O1tJCa1 to trlrulormlng tile WminK !«tor ThP ~ton inform, org.fUM' .nd i',.,.I:teo fanners ttw meaM 10 Iocr"SJ roliClH. knowledgt' .rid Inn( Under an IdNII)'5Iem. Or }oI1than said t'Xtm-

flt"I'dsI.nd 11uI11ht' nalion flt'eded an 1eX1l!n51on Sot'I'Vu:-e policy with IflCJft!t'd ~S'I! and IKhniaoI ai-

8, DanIel e..iet. AgIle Cone.pond.Tlt §ion o'f~ link runwrs to infor· mahan about appropnatl' fUDWl! pracuct'5. what and When to plant. i:md how to u.w ~ I«hnoIo8It'S. Thlt. she N ld, is not happenmg herr SmaU·!Dle fllJ'lM!1l .~ not gcttmS such Mtvio! from I!:Ii:tm5ton IIftVice providen. w IKIdftt As thr system is not wotlung a5 expt'Ckd. extrnslon officer:s .~ no! gethng f~back from farmers 10 : : on Iopobcy ~ Dr Jokhn

"",Iy In """ ~ Dr jokdan AId ~iSIflg exiftt. 5100 and adl'l!lO'Y Sot'TVIce5 15 not about itUOCiIling mOf'l! money but n!ionning the way the ~ work

~ sb'e!IMd that ~mmt poIj. de are deigned 10 meet farmers

Don seeks measures to stop illegal fishing Ar the ROFE.~r.

of FlSht'ne .II

thl!! U!O!I Sialt' Uni l't'r'Slly

.USUl. MA,lifl.J Agenuma Ant'1t'-khai, hal. W'Mt'd g~­ Olt'f'tt to takUh'rs IU h."lIt iU~ fWIInK'" the ..tion. 1,,",tonaI Walt'rS.. Elekhar .said ll1t'f;tl rl5hlng i5 afI~ the tUm 01 ~O\ enuTlt'f'l and the P!1V.llt. 5«1Or III budd • ~ able fiodIme 5I'Ctof Ul I entwn the hveollhood c.>f flshln" :ommumties. CjpNkl ng wllh rht N.llo" Allt'lekhai sa hi !IT.-ngthemng the ClIpaoty 10 man;,~e f.mrntl would

rnhU'tlIegili hshir.; me- don SlUd II was illepl lor k_p;n \'rswb 10 fl~ In the nahcx", w)leorl Without

the .pprovllli olltw


GO\.1t'mmt'rlt. Such Id","-~ "" Wild contnlVIt'Ht' Inlt'nUh .nal .·vs and regulation.. Am>rdrng In 1111 rT <lUanal Tt'8u-

:~~'I~~r2; ~~~ti~rn~il:

wlltun tht' terrilOf' " ""Aters With-

out I.ranao (lrlly .c--naotd rtJhm~ \."~,., he qloJ ca I ranwct bUSl~

III Iht' na'lC,"' ('1_10101 walt"" lie urgt'd thf' gn' .,"ment 10 m-

suu', thai local fl!hmg comr.;anic5 don I tuffer lossn due to Illegal ti,hlng ope:rall Ons The l-tNd. ~tmenl of Fish"Til" and Zoorogy, LASU, hid tht'!"e WAS • IlC'I!Ci to empower the

Code of Conduct for Reopomible F"hftin 10 boost efforts to conlefVe and !NInag.. &h Rocks in all

carlurl' rlShBies.. HI' llilld NIAetU , ub~rlbn 10 ~Ioblll convrnlioru whIch dr.1 ",'.ttl all forms of illegal. unr .. gu lil l~ and unreported fishmR,

On Th .. '('Iellonol Europ... n

Umon 10 iI~1 fIShing. siud Without II IICft'I(.Y il~1 fl5h·

from Idl: Chid Ttd.nlul Ofllul. Chitin lu i Inlhl.lfllt. Ll milltd, Mr Ch •• llt, OcIlla; Manasinl I>irutor, 11011 r.ul Ona,ll, Okoloko and Old Fl nuda l omur, M . Ft'ml As".I', at a fotum In uIH.

Kwara rice project: Spanish finn identifies five locations

"'A groups om', wI! thrIr atchn

n.. Inslsled

th.l t t~ EU Ihould add..- the iMul' of "eMit orealmg without proper certifica tes Rt,&UloitlOO5.set by ~ EU would Oflll' ~Ip 10ClI1 fIShermen but prel'."1 rl'5OUfCe5 from belllg Ol'.fIlaroel~

lit' Wild Iht' 101"" lIulhon_ ~ mamw roller 10 IJTfSI iJI~ flShCfnII!!n from ~ COWltry amf abro.d


u.'"t' poIKlIl

10 lUll rlSh

Govt spends N30b on ague seeds





1.0<1 RUf.,1 ' It'\'t'lormt'11t

Or A~In unml Ademol 11<1-' said the I ede' .I1 Govemmt'nl ·pt'nt NlO bilhon , It IIgncultur.1 ~5 to fUIlI<'r" Adt'<II" di5.I,~1 't\u ill. twod.), conl~ on 'I ~ffla non-oiJ ~IOf In Lcnd(lfl In tw preftlt.,I..-.., ''flhtled .• Ag. ncultUl'l! a mt'OUlJ • I .tndop. nil' lion." Adt'SIIVI, wi., pili I~ 5t'ftI.t <1111,000 mt'lJi(" 1001_. laId, "Onll' IIYt' ~ emt or g"rUln farmt'rI U5t" ImrrG\t'd ~I, Adt'-'mlool, who Aho ~poke on tht' Agon,""tt' ~ «II,," pU" f1( ~_"I.... d tilt' 101.' v.lue 01 lhor ~ i\ billion. addIng Ihlt It wlluld J.f 10 ~ilrlr 52."" blll.oo by 20 W J. He dncnMd N 'fOoa OIl' <In unIIIpp.d pot~·I'III.r .IIl5t1cu!tur. pOWtr houM' With t-4 million hOO· .rt'S of Anlblt' land I n:i only 40 rtr('t'nl ul1115<1110n .. iJl;triA i5 "'11 unl Img_lion fimung J"ltel Iu wllh Ihre. 01 elghl "'oI,,,r fI' .r 5,,~tt'm, m Afrl(Jl hory,d AI50. 1 membf' {f Iht' BTlII,h P.. lloImPnl M~ (to (.,.", unlh , s,aid the limt' WiJ!Ii ~pl f. r lilt' counl ....' 10 diq'r<lfl, It.< co ('n< I'" and -"OJ> I.... reha'" f' on ('III Th., Inch .. I,) '" 11 h "how~ Itwlt <1 ':"('Iunlt") '~J:f '" n " I" II' mn(>ull1lft ",'hl~ I ' tl. ( <<I,"t' Ie h ljCh




od "'t'oIlth. '~ Yltt lie e"preut'd conce rn Ih.lll Nlgeo.'" oil wt'illth h.u, ovt'r tilt' )'t'.r<I, re5ultt'({ in J.IIck of Inv"lmenl .nd t'mph.51! on other 5«lor5 of 1t5 economy. polfllcul.,ly .gncultuft' l.1!Onwurah. who15.I5Q.II ~ beT t.>f tht' All Poirly Parb.amml.'Y Group (A pre) on Nigt'ri. in lilt' t-I ouse of Common." uld Iht' group rKl!!ntly mt't wllh IJOf'nt' Invelors 10 dlscUS5 Iht' huge C.IIpkil y for dt've lopment .Ina IIlVt'SImenl In the It8riculturl seclor in Nigen.ll Afriu p.rliculolfly Nlgt'ri., hugt'ly .tlr-.ctwt' to Bntl5h Inv~­ t~ bUt the conC't'tnS being ral5Cd by mlt'f't"\tf'd In\eston I5lK1c 01 in, fr.5lrucw,.. .nd Il\5«\Inty In NI'



AI'IO, VKt' Q\a1nt'W\, 5enateSubCOlllmlUff on AgriCullUft', ~n.ll· lor 'it'fiu K..b, .wla the meclulni5t'd method of r.rming is kt'y for tilt' SKlor to becomt' IllOf't' .untCtJVt' 10 the yO\lng~ gtnenltlON "UnuJ wt' ~clop I~ rural .1"N5 by pnt\'Idmg the nece50IIry mfr., wu..tun, IItdudlfl& rimnaty. KOOd """,j,. "'.1m- anoJ ~\a.hbiI,tY ~ ttvmo.r"," t.twre ~~ no woly wt' ClUl ... t, tr.c:t 1'-' )'Ol.lOgt'l' ~lIon h.' nt1 , bll\le f<1nnmK lit' oougg"led tNl the §till,," fund EiI>~ ~lnIIled.w-.u1d bt'tllll'd for I"" dt'..'dopmenl 01 u,.. ;,gr:nJllu~ O('Cior " ht' oIdJf'd

l'u1tUlg Ol(ft lrur:m fo.u on ilinnt'f J'IoIIe muJd. hrlr !'lI.l5h ftC'U'ilroJd "'~ This ~ the §UrTVMbon rtll'n)l ~~l. ~t. FoM'r.ib(ln 0( A fnum Nutnbon

lie w..d 1 lot 1>1 food "'-hKh .111'(' thrown :twav""ould It;I\l' hem .... vt'd Iftlw:!y ""'-W m-,.I!ddlng cNl..m rnxt, ~ It~ ~ li\~.nd wUll't'fTWn in peak

ro\"II.UlOl 1I'tl1'ftd pmreriy, Adl~ 10 tum. fro1.l<n knI hriJ' IiImIJxo<I rod tnW\' taki <:mtm 01 tt __ bud• .nd e<1t nutr'itiou! ~ fOUIld lind t.Ip ~.,.... Inn throwYn!t: .w~\


lit' 5iUJ It... f""'~lIutnmtsMd quaillV wl-rn f•• d i<I frod'll,)t It« prek anoJ I'I'dUlle!" the C+u:.~tJ"'lall8'~"la&'randlrvd-

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