Adesin.a harps on agric transformation N
IGERIA ha!;reiteraled 115 commitment to
Irar6formlhe agnruIlure sector to enable it to ~
infrastructure. safe-
irwl'stn.rus, redUC'IIlg official bottlenecks and motivating load and intemabOnal investoB." The nunister abo noted the
po!isibilit)' of reclaiming tM former glory of Nigeria as a net expofter of food from its
ourent """'a,.,. net Importer Re sUd there is 20-30 pe- cent return on IIlve!itmmt potential for mvetmmts In tomato, cassa~ rouon. ~, malU! and 5O)'Il beans value chain. One ollhe focu5ed on for
lion.. A former Uni ted ShIel Ambassador to Nigeria. Am-
the Minister of Agriculture: "'We are deeply Imp r~ with the caillire, knOwledge andVlSian of the MInister of AKticUltu~ of Nigma. This 15 Nigeria at its best. If Nigma
I",i".." "'" ""y. ,t will .... III agn-
rome Alnca's INdI'!l"
culture. US-Exlm ~nkVice-Presi dent. Wanda Felton. praised Adesirul for hi! -ounart IeadM
enhip· in stt"ermg a ~oIubon Of agnc as iI ~tne!6, With 5rV'I!I'ilI ieuJts. In such a 5u1 tune in olficr.. 1'his has a huge potential to transfonn Ni~·. t't'OnOIrly and di",~ ~!kt~y from oil and gas",
Vice-P resident
drJegation. which also in-
Sanusi Lamldo. Governor,
duded the g<IYt'mOI'5 of Riv-
CentralBank;EvdynOputuof Ihe Bank ollndustrie5; QUe( Execub\·eOf5cer. Union Bank. Funke Osibodu; her counterpart at the Nipn Stock Exiflange (NSE), OscarOnyena:
en. I<actura.lCWiU3"Nasarawa and Elriti stile 1hr: ~I was attended by
600 ddeptc5 from the US and Nineria. AmOng them Wln Mallam
-'or to N'tgt'ria. Robm Sandns; and OiaumlU\, Nigenan
Economic Summit Group, FoIU50 PhilliPS. who moderatl!'(! the panel di!lcussK.Jn QT Nigeria's ~ invest-
former lhuted States Amba5-
men! climate and fina ncing fl'1llmework.
chemicals and dU!ilnbuted them to !.he 25 roundls III the stilte. H e called for proper 5Cfft'ning of fumers to en-
f Delta regis ters 33,000 armers From Okun"bowl Alweri• • farmers have been registered in the Federal Govemment's Growth Enhancement Service Schemt'-
th~e FS:~~r·lri~!~~~:~~{
scheme with 10 -".C,: •• ' •."
, :•.-:-'
thil:'e~;li{ ~~;:,u~~: the Fedual