HE World Banlr: wiu sup:: orl the Asricultural \' raruformilion Asend.
(ATA) of the Federal Govemrnml with $900 million, the Minl5te!' of
A8ric:ultu~ and Run! Deyrl~ fMnt. Dr AkinW\. mJ Adesina hid Mid
The MInt5ler r~ve.led this U1 Abu). dunnS • bneftnr; on lilt! outcome of thio JUH conclUded M."'" AJ<nCUItunl Uw Uruled States Forum hdd In
He said SSOO rrullion wouJd ~ UKd for .JUiculh,;.~ wtule the remaininfl: $lOOm ~ to support the nation. IgriculluraJ irriSilllIon
Adeslnl said: • J met with IIw: .emor directors of World Bank and Counuy Dinctoc- of Ni~, thty.~ e;ctlL"\J thai Nigm." dive:n;!fyms its «c·nomy throu~ Igncull~ and tt~ ha"'e: agreed to support us U\ U~!cbOO we ... goon.. "Tht' World has u prt's~ Its wi lling""' and ~.dlness to consider rai.JU18 I f.clhly for U! thai 15 up to 900
World Bank's $900m to boost agric From otugbenga Adanlkln, Abull million doUlirs that will cover the a~ltuRl vIIlue chain we are WOC"klns on and also look at ungatton Infrastructure that will support Nigerill. 'The tram to look mfo' thd will be In the counh)' Ul two wee:ks and they will finAll5e
iNt.Adesinl who rn'a~ that the apex bAnk also showed Interest
in supporting the devt'lopmml of sblplt' crops pf'DC'P!5ln& zone in the country, added thatlurther.ttention woukJ N ~d to m . c0co. and sorghum production. He noted iNt the fedenl sovhas romp"",,! pIaN '" unport 18 nrw high quality cuNva flour pL.nts He wid I~ facility. would be able topl'\XeSt 13 million mt'tric tOn!! of casyva nour annually, SU'e5SUlg that urgill, I US com-
------------- ~:-------------
The World Bank is considering raising a facility for US that is up to $900m that will cover the agricultural value chain we are working on and also look al irrigation infrastructure thaI will s upport Nigeria ~
pany, has shown
'"5 lOme of ~ plants
'" buy-
~aking on youth unftnployment, AdeiN not~ tNt about four million unemplo~ youths '" !he country could &e mpged and br job prOvtden If agnculture 15 nploml through m«h.llru5ed fanning WhilI!' sta.bng that Ni~ fanners only Nye 20,000 (unctional tractors, he noted ~t flnnf'rs must haVf' a nUnimum of 300.000 _ t o " " " , throfamunso n«<h. To thiS end, the mintsfer diSclosed thai Nigena Is '" partnership with AGCO, the world 's largest prodUCft of tnctor. to estlbllsh two tractor usembly plants In the country. one of which would be in Croa RIver
Stllte, the other" in KadUNl
"We hone four million youths that go into the labour market every yar kKlkmg for job but we
beUe\le that our youths should not br fOb hunllng; Ihq should be job crNtors and agriculture is the !«tor !heY an work and create lobs Bul nobod y w.nls to work With hoes 011 the farm. ~ fore we have to m«ha.ni5e I.gricuJture 111 NigMII MNi~ tocby has only 2O,lXX) tracton that al'l': funcbon.Il In the country and if ~ look all act06S the COW1try. we hne \ll5t lands we nn cultlvlle with tractors But we cannot do that if the cost of tr.cton is too expensl"e for OW' fann~ .nd I( !hI." nght kmd of Lnlctors and equipment .re not avail.. ble "So we ha\le met With AGCO whkh has .greed to sd up two tnIctor URmblr pl...nts In two l0cations In NIKe"a which " ~una and Rivers ~t... b«:ause we ha~·eJovemon of thoR states With us, he added
Lawmaker's NSm scholarship for Taraba students
conhnlW from for htr ohunry
"ScholanhlpS awarded by go"f'fTlD'Iml a", ncot (orthcominK So. minI!! IS a complem~tary ellorl; "heft the ~t !!tops.. I will
Scholarships awarded by govenu;nent are not forthcoming. Sp, nVne is a complementary eUortl where the government stops, ~will continue from there
BwKlYl s~lId
Oa~ Oonga Local Government Council,. Hori YusuiBoahr and
Commissioner for Informahon, Emmanuel Bello ( harK~ Ihe bendittinK students to UM the ~ to ray khooI fft'S and buy If'lmlng matmals. MOo nol ux the ICholanlup funds 10 buy leans and or lewelrie5,-
Speak.tng to N twUl ri. ttw ben· eficlarles wid they Will rem .. ln
gntelul to Senator BwKha,. for tus ~~. through wluch they are beltenns their h\lt'S
-Ours IS lust to pray for hun (8w.cha). 0 continue With his many Rood works of devl!!loplnK Taraba -south", JOmf' of them $Il(f