THE NATION, 29 MAY, 2012

Page 1




me opposes

Cassava b read: Farmers s torm National Assembl}

planned electricity

tariff hike


From John Ol1krtenua•

HE Nigeria LabOllr CongR$S (NLq yesteJd;iy rl"'Wltec::i its OF" po5Ition to the {'Ianned inCTeMe 111 el«tnaty tilnff on

From Viet or 0 I,Iwllllegun


lind Del. Ant fI, AoulJl




Its President Abdulwahed

Omar said -thL. move to in-

crease energy luiff without


- M.,mb"n of the usochllon durinl


impmved power 5Upply isnol only uncalled fOf, bUt msensiti\'e to the p~ing plight of workeB and the people: ··It 15 amazmg that II S«tor tNil has shoWT11adc of opacity in 'p'roviding bask facilities With poor 5ftV1Ce5 could contl"mpillte increase In Its ~.

pro tul _ J'H tud",

600 ECOWAS troops deployed in Guinea-Bissau

T been

HE 6oo-5lron8 mJs· qon of the west AtricanhlocECOWASIw dt'plo~ed

in Cume.·

Bl55ilu 10 f.aIil3le the retum

0 1 cOlUtilulionl'l1 rule and IIlllmuy rdorm alter the Aoril 12 coup. ;JCCOrdmg 10 reports .\CCO rdU1g to the report. "1"he mtl;~ry per.iOf\J1C!l' and r lllict' ,-arne from Nigeriill, Bm kina Faso and Senegal In rerlil~menl of an AngolAn m lSsion dpploved In Ihe rllrtug~pea ldng counI ~ ~ than ill year ago.

The MISSANG mtSSion 01

Angola . ..150



~ coun~ had trou-

ble with the military junia, which ~ power CIting secret agrftm('Tll ~ An·

golans Mid the ~ovemmenl Under lunner pnlnl.' D11rIisle' Carlas Gome5 Juruor Under negotiated deal betweet ECOWAS and the junIa, the bloc took ovC'r the


mISSion and sut>nVlSed the one-year tnll\5ihon.. -nx- Angolan troops will robabl y 6egin to retreat rom Bissau tomorrow, (today), w the military SOUfces



The £COW AS Silld that the

UUOIlI would

tau three to

r.our days dunng which the Angolan personnel would be protectoo


Salami: Tinubu is just looking for lost :woriung ~ ~':~r~= ~~~ HE T'eopleo< Democratic Party{PDP}ha5 poor Mk1 rural poor relevance, says PDP would deer.bed the restle$c;ness In the Glmp no t be ild versely af·

of the opposition Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) O)n the remBI-alemenl of the ~ u5Pended PreiJent of the Court of Ap~al, Jilstice Ayo Silianu as ill confirmation of \'elied vested interest. "the despeflibOfl of the Action Congress of Ni~ena which ~ak«t today W1th an un.... f1echng statement from its leader, Bola AhmecfTinubu amounts to a frontal attack on both the Pn5idenl and OUf great Party and is fwther confirmation that ACN has a differ-

ent agenda in the }uctice Salami saga than its touted role as an evangehst of the rule of law " In a stiltement signed by the PDP Na· tional PubliCity secretary, Chief Olisa Metuh. the party Solid thai "for Ttnubu to describe as a coup on 1M rule of law, the engillgement of due process in the resolu· tion of Justice Salami's re·instatement, skeltnes a grllphk effigy of II hypocrite in a desperate agenda to fi.:shape facts. ..

Ex-Commonwealth SecretaryAnyaoku: focus on insecurity not 2015 Mrs Mbaamong other5..

· ConlU1ued from page 4


~ "Jigerians

N32.8b pens ion scam trial


.. hould encour~ lip! us 10 follow rule rJ law 10 gl!t to where you want 10 go. WI" wtlI folloW the ruIr ofLiw (l1 our tfllnsformation programml! And as y,,-e pn'JgmISIn anr government, the first yenr 15 men of a planning ye"r, For you to sucieed you must pIM; we have plani1ro and c.arnt'd out II nuinber of progr~ I believe Nigerians wiU agree with us that we have tne:t Adefa),e, who _~poke on behalf of the media, praised the IIdmmistrallon for expanding the ~ of de~)' Identitytng WIth

d~~ ~e rea~i!t=

of the gove:nment to the fact thai the media is II "'¥X" pillar

Omar, m;ll statement re:a1led thai ill yesr ago, thI" Nigerian Electricity ~ulatory Com· I1U.'lISic:w\ (NERO had ruled that meter mainleMl'II,Y fee WIIS il· 1eg;tI, but up ull now, we are dOubtfuI.f this hM beet full)' dfecllrd. With COflSUrnetS paid b.d: their money The ~tatemenl reads' "Tht" po5Ibon of NERC thaI the sec·

for democ:ralK development Adefave lauded the pas6iI~ 01 the FOt law by the .wrurus. tration. notmg that the law has promoted dtiuns participation in governance and &,reater than an)' other mateiial d~elopmenl He urged the go'-'emlflent to pay more IIlh!nllon to the &eeuntf. employment generation lind develOpmrnt 01 key infrastructure. piIIrticu-larly power Mr Frank Nweke jr, on


past one ~ar had Witnessed

"""""" pn~~-",­ lpatio1mlhedevelopmmtand ~~vi!'ilon of key infrastrucHe called on Nigerians to

support the lidmimstrabon's reform programme for the power sector, noti08 that it Would encourage ('!1vate in\leo;tor$ to invest" IIrid develop

.... """'.

The Interim president of Nahonai Youth Council, AJilIU Olilwllll.", decned the ~eI youth ~t and IIttribUlrd It to na60nal inse-


He noted that it lJionly in an a~~ 01 ~ that the nation can develop, Nahonal Counal of Women's Societies (News) Pmlident Mrs Nkechi Mba praised Jonathan Administration fer app:linting women as ministers of key !I.'Ctors. such lIS Petroleum, Finance and

Slid the decurnbon of the first woman _pilol combatantilJ'ld thean~1rd appomtment of the first woman Chief Justice. of N'~ after the expuation of the ttn~ of the incumbent CJN are credit 10 the admml5tratlon,

She al50 commended the National Assembly for the



ofa woman . ..

, 'ty I..-Jer in the House of tallva Are, identified the pnnlM)'

gOilI5 of any govemment 115 the 5f'01nty ana welfan! 01 the cihUnry_ HeIlCtvmt that ~I should IIvoid .!It'ledlve enforcement of laws, policisalion of ~urit}' matten.lI5wellll.!l~aM

&eetoral interesl in dealing with security issues.

fected by the IOCfeIt5e. Experience has shown thltt deregulalion has nt>Ver benel'iltro The Nigenan poor, rather the cor·


go ...emment to put on hO,ld

any fuhm' il'lCrelt!le 111 electricity liInCf until all the issues raised against S\dt move have been dealt W1th ..

34 Lagos doctors reabsorbed HIRTY four of lhe sacked 188 doctors ~ re absolved yeslerdilY by the Lillgos State govemment They were ,mong those ",-ho applied for II revtew of their cases, whose recall WilS recommended by, the Health Selva CommiSSion and ap~;;d~F!to?:"emor Daba·


A«ording to the Spec!1I1 Advlur on Mediill to the Governor, Mr Ilakeern Bello, " the door i.'!i not closed yet to any of the doctors Sll!eking the review of hIS CllSt' " Aocording 10 hun. the casesof many of the docton bll!ing considered will be decided after the Democfllcy Day holiday and -those with genuine cases will be reGllIed as appropnate_"

Leaders to Nigerians: be hopeful - Continued from pilge 4 -"Thirtem }"!ill"' of PDP lead· ership have seen us making littll" pr0gre5S. We have had years of ",' a.ste and little iouwth. 1low

He said the politics 012015 must not be used iI5 an t'lICU!lf'. to distr.Jct us from putting the feet of those In powt>! to the fire. He harped on electoral re(omu aaymg the !NEC of

lie ftunctuating between 1.200

~y =,J:f!~ tv £tom

= _.."

and 4,000 megawatts We ha\'e wilne5ed defic:ienq in leildershir' intimidation and abuse a rule of law and ~I


TmUbuSillidN\ger:ia IsWCl1h dYln~ for ancr ~rged 1111

NigenAnS not to give up on the country. "1Jemocracy remams the besl framework witlun which WI! can t't"SOIve our differences, choose our leaders and smd .some packII1g and. mm'e all. deWlop OW" country," Tmubu said.

~ gi"adually is becom-

ing the apPendage of the ruling govemmenf, PDP. -We must retum 10 the JustIce Uw.m J>aneI's n:port m Judicial reform. II's the blueprint we need," Tmubu saki. Former V"~ President Atiku Abubakar ~ the NigeriaN not to kee fallh In the curren. detnOCnltic order ilJ'Id S}"3tem 0.( &OVemml."nt, despite the

"""""'" """" ....his"""'tn· In a 5la.llelnenfby medli

office. Atiku s.aid thai It 15 natural lOr disi!PfXll"~ expectnbons 10 IeOO to despour; but urged N'~not Iog:i\~up beCause dern<lqaCy remains

the be5t form 01 p-emment. despite its IimilatiOO5 from

one ~ to anocher.

"'The tendency of leaders f~g their OiIth of ofBa! or their cov.mant with the people can lead 10 disillusionmmt. .situation whidI!!hould not M allowed to dampen populu morale abOut ~," Atiku stressed "'Nigt!f1aflS didn't come out to voflo for the $Ike oj it They voted beause of ~ belief that thedemocraticprocel5CM transform their 1i\."l'5 fur ,he better," he stated.

Atiku urged elected JeOOmi lit all ~els to welcome constructive critiOsms II!i a means ~~:g~ing thl" quality of


"''"'"'' to reviSit !hI! etectonll sy.'!item Wlth the View to tackItiI2; "8gmg. ~g that: "withoUt tough punishment, election fixers might contmue to act W1th impwlity" "'With dfedive pm!i'KUtJon 01 ~ oJfendrrs. no IT\IIttl"r then status, the country would be able 10 achieve the much·needed detl"rrence IIg<IinSt Ihi5 evil, whkh conlin-

Atilru reiterated""""""" thr c:all (01'" "" '" '""""""" eIectlnl dispult!s or petllDts to be TI"SOived befortO Ieadrr5

Are SW()fTI

mlo office, ~

out that litigations bring a lot 01 distraction fOf" Jeaden and

diversion of public funds by I:~ 10 fight their Iegiil He wRed tNEC to be pro.1C* live ratner than IIdopting II

.",.... """",on"'_ thatltsflandsAretied, ~

lyon enforcing Inlernal demOOilC)' among political

~former V~ President

5aId lhI"JusticeMuhamm.adu

Uwais rep;!rt $",ve a 101 of ~ on Il!formmg Nigeria's elll!Cloral 5ysll!m, adding, however, that political action

~~:s~ed !~I~~::tl~:II~I:d


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