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NEWS NAPEP to focus o n agriculture


From Frana! Ochlgbo, Abula Pov~rly

T ...... """""""" HE Nalional

(NAPfP) "" ~ its attenbon on IIgricuhuM M a

1001 in the fight ag<unsl pov-

~ ~ ::=~- the I-kad, runlicity, Dan1..ii'i'lWk-,n KobI, Ihe Nillional Coordinator, Muktar Abubllkar Tdawa BaIew", bI tt.o age"IC)' to kxu5 lis (t)Il! mandale on cntic;t] interv('flbon a~ such as agricull~ to enable I'armeB parlidpall! III t.ran510000000Uon ~ of the Presidenl Goodrud: Jonalhan admllllStrnbon_ lie s.ud; "As a knowlro&!" dn\'1!fl agency in poverty eraC:lication.. tF.5t.- is thlo ~fur the Ministry of A&"rultw? to ftlgnge NAI'EJ' III t'll..o;unng that not ol'1ly filrmer.! parbapare, but !tOO that tNo poo:r arr enrountgcod to JOIn m the trans.formaUon tnun -rofigt.tanddeft'ilt pm"ft'ty. Ni~mU!lto;u~rM­

denl Jmathan'o; trni\Sformation agenda to ~te growth. espeaally In agriculture where ihe potenhal~ for maximum utiliSltJon 01 abundant I\ilturaJ r~urces hold. ~wily for tht! need!od ~ 1I1000<p'Sl fur

· Th~ Sprri.1 Ad"l~ On Eduullon to th~ <hun SI.I~ Go"~mor, M._ Tunll Abimbob 'Ihinl l~fl), cullinll Ih~ I.pp 10 In.Ullunole • blod, of clU!ltO"'"' don.lH by (;lob~ 10 II~b" Mu,lIm COllq~~I'~bU ~, M p.rt of accti"iIi" 10 m.", thi, ~ar'. op.dr Of>,. f"lin l ,~ by Glob~(lm. With him are H~ad (If COfJ'Ofi'lf Soc:ill R6ponslhlllly, Mrs, B.. n It. .. tri8 hll; Old Fa"y Ynu rf, ",p~ n ti"8 t h~ Awulal~ of I l~bubnd, Ot.. S.K. Ad~lona; Ii ~.d, lIus;"~... Sntul;o"" Glob_m, M r. Fotu It.d.,.lhllH .nd Alhal. . M _ iY",".... Ih . pri ncipal of the CG II ~K~'


of meeting I.Ile Millenmum o.,.velopment Goals

not lust


.. Agricull~ LS the maIll5l:ay of our people They ha"e reo 1l'IiIlr«! sub5istm1 and the CUf1811 eroronic problem has ex~ted their position.. "'1"he pom: ill"I'I01g them need a litlle push to enabl~ tht'ITI benefil from the enormous 0pportunities in the llgriculturnl lrarufonnalion agenda_ Thio; way, NAPEr, as the apo: :5jmsabon on JXM!r1y ~



Group holds fair


HE Christian 8oobeI1ea ~tJon 0( Nil?ria (C8AN) will from tomorrow hold its fNrly fairl oallonal con" .. nllon al Ih .. Shtophen:dlull Bilpllst Qurch. ~S:U~n!-ltl!<enbtled:

Ministry, SSS partner on distribution of free textbooks


n4 local governments..

Educililon Commission (UBEq, the Federal Ministry

the $S, Mr. Ekpeyong Ita, the Minister of Slate for EdUOltion. Mr. Ezenwo N~m Wib, sakllhe dirtrl m~t 01 thesecurity~al the highest level bootinc net'I5'jiIry because 01 the ilIeJt;U actions of the official! of the Slare UIUversal Basic EdllCiltion Board5 (SUBEIJ). They "'-e'e' found to ha"" allegedly dlVl"rtro the book.5 meanl for the Ies-; pnviIcfwj child"",lie nailed theS56 fOf 11lI5tJC-

a bid 10 check dl~on and fraud in the dislribu-

~~~"ed~ ofEdUClllbon~en~

inlo a working pa rtnership with the Stall! Siocurity Sr!rvice (S$) on the distnbubon of instructional materials to primary ilfld secondary schOols acrtJI!i5 the rountry_ Under the PIlrlnershtp. the vpernb~'t.'S ollhe $S in the 36 ~1I!«Jmmilfltband Abuja will partiripil!e in the distnDution 01 frft' Irxtbooks meiIJlt for IhI>



~ in NigcrStatewhcre throe SUDEB offidals are bclng pro!et:'uted for divl"rhng books meant for the state. Wik~ said the partner.;hip was aimed at .. ruunng thaI Ihor;o.- involve:( in IJying to53bo-

Iilgt' 1he~-",1Med0UI

arit ~ted toad ;,sa~ 1811 to otllI1'f polultial criminah in the textbook distribution

""~ l le.said: '"We seek your partner'!lhip 10 help the Federal


Inbulion of bocks_ We urgE' )'UU to help us d1trl. the INk-

nl\tml5 ~ummons, and in wtudt II rn,-~ thll'f'qut"'11OIl:S for the court's deterrnin.,tion

tor of Mix",.lla Afrik, Ra)-m(fl'\d lraham, has ~ Nlgm."lIl yuutl"t"i to be al the VMg?iIrd or f"'OIT'IOltng the

Vl"tbnK by the rounc:i1 NT'AN; in 1151.1it filed al the r~ I lid! Court. u.gosarthat ihe~1!iKJfl5 c:un-


lhat Al'CON. uodt'r its EstllbIJ.Shmen1 Ad, Sap A7 u.w<; of the ftod .. ratioo lOO4, lacked the pOWffS to cn!'ate offence

to dedarr that thr ArtlcIe5 27 and 137 are ultra Vires as thl-y relate to il! (NPAN's) memi:M"rs and a declanUon Ihat Article 21 is uno:unslltubonal

morn.! reditoo.., wrucr. ilre tooI."l

(NCA...C;P) arr incot"lSlStl!nl with

han thilt ~d void Ib(> pm-


'E Pnncpi!l CoorWna-

vtrtl.e(J ~orderlmessand

for n.11Knit! transfonnatkn 'It' ~1"Okf' lit Ihe launch o( Mooella Afrik al Th~ Redeemed QuisUan Church of God, (RCCG), Milk and I kn>v Chapf'1. Mende, Maryland,


~ader.; of lomorrow and lhey must !"Xlu'bl ~ ~­ slup qualitit5 th.,t ....iII fa,dhlall! ~fh and developmenL 1Ie s;Qd gnvemments -=ro!I5


""""~ He noted thai Cod t!' Ul din:need or youth.. who will surI'I..'r1dcr ttiernseh"e to I lim and help in tht campaign fur- a <are

IU1d better world lit for all to Uve In.

By Eric tkhllae

:'l~b~~:~~':f: iInd~a~~~o: ~~~~~

tl:cr:fi;:..r:: C~ ~A~:::~ ~~ne!f.~~1(!){bt:~j ~M"ttc~== ~on ~ of 1I~lI1g _ and Sales Promol1on (c) the NCASr, a dcclaralhe IR5pt'CIOf-Generai '-'" Poof

the provi~ioIl5 of Section 39 of the C(IIl5litulion guaranteemg the fmedom of rxpresion lind 10 hold opinion.. "I"'L_ aU...Mat,'- utg-~ tho ..... ~" .." .."" court 10 void the provISions in the SOli initiated by il5 ~_ i5lered trust~ ,'iiI th~ origt-


terrorism, which arr mostJy orchestrated by irrunontl and ungodly fouth...... ho woyld h.w~ sou~1 redross when aggnl"Vl"d through reaCt"ful

tribution cI

01 the dis-


and li-

brary resrou~ mateials to Ihco st.-,t!!'; fOf the next p'- to bein Novenber to en<ure that

fi: ,tt;i~=Idth:

SliS, Ekpeyong Ita. Il!'I5Urm the mini~ter Ihat the 5f'CUTIty agcrq wiU wor\c towMd5 ensuring that the boob distributed by the r'l"deral Government get 10 the t'nCI U!ler'5. I It> said the S$ woukl work wi th the r-ederal Ministry of Educatk'on to morulor thr dL'io-

offioal~ 'O her.I-~ltp

fendllnl5andthe!ragmtsfrom applying the provi~ions of Atticles Tl and tTl (a), (b) and IC)~~prn}'ed lheC(ft1r1

8 y Acleol l Og unlltde

herf' to ~ the bst

NPAN urges court to void APCON's law on oIt .. of 24 T ~:;:=r.::::;'Ni: advertisement vetting and

~a(NPAN)hasquC'l"""'" "'" prop""" 0/ ~ proo.-~ofill;twbytheAd~ vertl5ing I'r.K;hhonen Coyncil of Nigeria (APCON) r....

Youths ur~ed on nation building


VislOl'lS .. nd render them unconstitutional. ihI" plamliff 15 alo:o S('('\ II ~rpetual_l~Junchon rc-stnUomg AI'CON from Iml!. ~g or21~.nd"n,wng37~toNCA5"""r":; UI .... valid, and reuainmg the de>-





- by the polict', \Vho damwd to be actmg on tht· rompillmis by ArcON, purpc>r1l'dly acIIng 0I'l the'iiud prov~ 01 NCASf' She t>eIievI"d APCON Iackt'd the power": -to regulate the.Ilvitles of mcmb .. rs of Ih .. plilliltifr or Iheir cmploy~ who art' not rt'gI.<;tl"l'l!d memben of AJ'CON or prnc:bstng adverll5ins,_ I also believe that the pTOVl51om' of Artldl'S 21 and 137 of tNo coc\f' are inrnnSlstent with Section J9 of the 1999 Constilulion (iI~

h~ (IGP) 1$ named with AI'CON ~ defendants in IhI> sui I marked: FI IC /t/CSI al'Tl('Oded) 1067/2012Comf..... argued thai It ....a~ NPAN's General-Secretary, ComfortObt.Silidin asunnnrt- in cor\5Of'IiIlln' with the rm"'lI~ffida"'t that the suft'-;"~ ~I"" nI the CorNilut;"" o;hould In by the ~I invlia- the plaintiffs pray.. rs hfo hon and inll"l'rogiltion of the _ grnnted.

Ofeimun: Nigeria must enhance English language A8LE poet and playwright. Odi.l 0Mn1Ufl, has AAld Nib'l.'1'ia mU5t de\."eIop matunty and versatility m the U!iII!' 01 Fnghsh ~F;'l' to bnoitk grounds irI indu:5triaI growth. I Ie o;aid \JSI'!I"S of Enghsh languagr must aim l'It a ~tion thai wookl enable theri\ inierciWtgoe and slUfl bctweeo their mother



a key bctor, sdenb5ts must equally be made 10 develop a f..::ihly to tran5!at .. tt.o:scienl:cs. wlurn arr nnrded In Fng.h.'lh mlo Uer Uld~ ianguap's and Vln' vrrQ.. CtDTmily, he 5aii. efl'orn. ha,"\' ether not been made al alllf1 !hi" dlrt'dJon 01 equipping SCHn:l' IGIchers WIth enough rompeIt"nCe in EngIioIh ~ to enable them io terpret 'Ol'flC(' Ienns into thru rriothtT ~ Of iIf'f' being In.-,ppropnak'ly directOO 1he roct Silid· "1.1nfUrtun.-,lI!Iy. our UfIWI'fSlIle!. an' oot ~g In lhe dI"o.~opmml of the kind oI1angW'l~ culhut' 10 cngmdcf

From S ul almao Salawud_o. Ado-Ekltl that dl't'iU1\." De5cnDlflg cffCtl'b at ~Inllmg all3lhoo on Iht' ~ ~'l'" .... ,.,.... ,'....,... M ben. _ by " " N....... Policy on Education as iU-infOl1T'lCd, he s.mI alllangu.-,ges are .........·ant and shouJd be ieYerngro to advantage. lIt' snd -nr poSItlOl'l of tJle NatlOf1llol PDlK)' on F..ducalim, which allows fur the d,!':eopment of tnnoe rn.'1jOI' Ianguage._ wrong headed_ Every 1angua~ LS a Mtialallangtl,~ nm l"\ no rm.!IOII fOfor,egnogatmg the I.vlguagcs .,..... that WIn dIE' and 0Cher'!! thai will ~ KO'~menl support to Il~ It IS rubbSt ~E~ Omo CXluduWil rhuuled 10 transfer tJxo knowledge m EngliSh l.-'nguagI" Into the fnd~ ~ and ~ the knowledgr in the Indigenous tangu.ageo; 0adC into ~ PoIiIIC5 Wi!.'; I"mpklyed 10 fi'ustrole thIS dml,lI1- -

tributlCW'i 0( the textbooks and library re<oLlr(e matenals 10 the loCal ~~l'< thrt>ugh tt.osta .. ~tot.. ftal'lOtlidt ...... t ihI"rI"l!<a~ !lOll to <r.amn.... the distribution channel 10 llvOld a siluattoo where sabot ..u~ deny Nig.... nan duldfl.'fl ~ to the IMt-


llighlight of th~ mertmg witS the handmg oy" of the list oontaming I~ distribution mam fur the roo;t pha.o;e 01 the dJstribulKln 01 boolco; 10 the 01rector-(".eneral 01 theS$ bv lilt> Mim$l'-'1'ofStale for EdUC"3bon

Lawmakers be rate commissioner ove r exorbitant levi es From Osagll!l Otabo!', Bi"nt"


OO~lt' iaWTl\ilkt'l'< ''''''"

!erda", bcr.Jtoo !hi" C<1mm~ fOf'TI"1I""rort Vktor ~hmna, f~ coI.Jt.ct·



rmvt'd by the l;tw that IishPd the'Edo'it.-,tr Trotffic Mana~1 Agency (~lAl The leglslal(1l"!; noted that \Vhal wassbpuilltro by the law kI ~ p;nd M fillt'S by (fafr.: VJrllak'or< "''iI!' bctwtom NI.cro and N;,IXXl, wherea~ complaU1ts from lhe public showl'd thai bl'tw{'t'fl NIII,OOJ and N20.crn .... as collected b\' offlC\.ill~ of ED5iIMA as fi~ and k-vles. lhrv "f'Oke ",hm ~ bnekcl the "" thP ~ of hl5 mmNry irI

the 2IJ12bud~ Spmker-UVi Igbedinrtod thP comml!iSKlflCl'" to stop IhI> col. koction of whal he lennt:d I'Xorbtlanl fines Ilnd IeYIC'\. I ~ <aXi any incternI"rot 10 be made o;houkl ~ brought In !hi" flOtiao 01 tt.o H(lUSoe through iIn E'XeoJtlve bill The Spmkt-r !Wd a.w funher d>ar~ outsKko the ~ ft'!"'< would be mel wllh <;hff

""""'" Re"<J)('ndtnft SIOOl'f

the ('ommlS

SlId It-.> rol\ectJcTl of !hi"

fee'! and


....~ arrivro at of the mmt!'tn- 11$

bv ..." .....I"I"'! otgau.....t the ~lah:r. L, ...'

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