THE PUNCH, 01 JUNE, 2012

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"-RlOAY, JUNE 1.2012

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Food security: Expert calls for investment in agric research

Honeywell fetes children A S pan ·Jf i 5 Corporate .l" RI SI)(Jruibility intuam'eS, IloueywdJ SuperfirM' Foo: d~ Limited has donaLoc:I food items

to pupils of ~ oJupe Cole Memorial dUJd Care & Treatment III me School, Akoka, Lagos :;tate. A statl!lIIt lli by the compnny 011 Thursday cited the hrrr 8.5 making the donal iOIl during a Children's Day party on Tuesday in LaJ~".

According to the statement, prj oducts gi..~n OUi to th(> physically challenged children included Honeywell Noodles, I loneyweU Noodles sn:lck" lloneyv.-ell Spaghetti am' Iioneywell Macaroni. The l'Ompany's Commercia) Di~or. Mr. Lame J! i)eola, was quotet.l to hs' 'e that the ronlpa lY would cooLinue t I impact positively in die li~ of Nigerians. e!' pt· on the less privileged in the society. Besides, he said it ""-auld also 101 relenl in seizing any opportunity 10 interf,lce with ils consumeI'! an,lthegeneral public. Onthechoi .:eofModupe Cole Schorol, Ite saId, -We are here to sb )W love with them by pres !llting some of OW' proou< t! to them. GenHally, ,," art' here 10 mingle with them and have fun ",Ih them 50 thai they eRn ha'le sense of belonging. -n,ese L '1e children with one form 01 defonnity or the other To us, we believe that they are part of us. J .s a mark of I~ nnd usociatioll and identifilalion with our constlml no because they also C(n~,ume our

While appreciating the gesture of Honeywell, a lrtudenl of Modupe Cole School. Miss $.1rah AfoJahi, urged olher corporate bodies and individuals to come 10 the aid of the school by supporting tbe management with both cash and kind.



lie said, ·Oo,'ernlnent to m\lest in needs agricultural research and development and also lrain and re--lrain agric facilitators to achi~ the policy of agricultural transfonnation.Agriculture is life and the engine room of national development; ItO nation can dev1:lop wit.hOllt 11,-

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Hon! AtIt"Uon!! Auello It!








the capacity building programme would trllin agriculture facilitators and stimulate their thoughts in the areas of national (ood security, value chain, agroenterprise and marketin" community-driven approach, communication skills, agric project moniloring and evaluation, among others..



increase the skills or the Ministry of Agriculture'S employees. who are the opt":rntors of government policies on agricultural tnnsrormlltion. Obaloyinbo said traming and re--training o( agriculture racilitators become essential had if gO\'emment policie!l wcre to ~ realised. He said Nigeria's vision o( becoming one of the top 20 economies in the world by 2020 could only be realised through concened efforts to achieve a change. The exper1 stated Ulat



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transformation agenda could only succeed if the government paid special attention to agriculture and rural de\-'elopmcnt programmes, Speaking at a capacity lraining programme for faolitalors of agricultural d~lopment programmes in Ahuja on Tuesday, Obaloyinbo said that the nation needed capab~ and knowledgeable emplo)'ees to O\'el'COme the current challenges in agriculture sector. to him. the training would sharpen and


A N agri"uhurnl expert, A >dul..oaniyu Obaloyinoc. h IS called on


research and developmcnt 10 ensure food security in the country, Obatoyinbo. a consultant and Chainnan, Redbricks Coo.sultants Limited, said the


Ad elan i A. lepegba


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products· Act:ording II, him, the company &\;0 actively partkipalro dl':he fonnal closing cerenlollY of fbile Gam6, hai ing abou t 5000 silldellu al the Teslim 8all>g11O Siadium. WIth the 'ital'! Governor, Mr Baballlnrle Fasholl in attendanCt' He ..... i,t -Further activities .....ele aL<;(J held OUlSJde LagO!'l tn ce:lehrate Ule Childr~n5 Day. by mingling with and appreciating' hildren and aduilli, who fomled core of


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... 7hemodi~~~ on WEDNESDAYS to end your search

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