SUNDAY PUNCH JANUARY 2, 2011 -----------
Climate, Caneun and the carbon ~ar-;~-~;;.-~=~~~=-~ HE United Nations climate change conference in Cancun in early December was met with negativity and apathy. As I took part in the meetings, it was clear that after the failure of the Copenhagen talks late last year, there would be no agreement on reducing emissions
and tackling climate change. But there is too much at stake for us to give up and go home. It is now up to the business community to take the lead - and with a little help from government, we can succeed. I believe in this cause very strongly, and I also think that unless we start to conserve energy and develop alternative fuels, we will face a worldwide crisis caused by the problems of climate change. It wiU impact the supply of food and water, and could prompt an economic slump that has the potential to be much more painful than the current recession. So last year, I helped to launch the Carbon War Room, a business-focused, global NGO. Our goal is to encourage entrepreneurs and businesses to enter the battle against climate change: We aim to achieve it by unlocking capital to deliver scalable solutions that will make commercial sense. One sector that desperately needs disruption and change is the
Los-Abj,0715.114D.14.oo.1630.17oo.1720. 18.30 lMon·Fri6atSunl. 8.00; 12 4D; 13.10; 20.00 IFril Ab}Los,07oo.09.30.1030.111S.16.1S.191S; 19;25.19.35; IMon-FlVSatSunl; 14.55; 15.15;20.45
shipping industry, which is a huge emitter of greenhouse gases. If the global shipping fleet were a country, it would be the sixth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, after Germany. The Carbon War Room has classified the efficiencies of every type of ocean vessel and initiated a system of eco-Iabeling clean and dirty ships that we hope will transform the industry - the first step in making gigaton-scale reductions
(Fri); 19·45 (Sun); 1125. 13-35; 16:25 (Mon)
Abj-Kano: 18.40 (Mon-FnltSun
Kan. -Abj; 08 35 IMon-FriltSal Abj-SoIc 09;35 (MooI; 101O(Frl); 1120(Wrosun) Sok-Abj, 1135(MooI; 12 ooIFrl); 1320(Wrosun) Los-Owr.12:15 rrue..frVSun}; 12.40 (MorVSal)
Ow.-Los; 1425 [fu,·fiVSunl; 14 5OIMontSali
sticker for every ship will offer a simple A to G rating, similar to the
forms of sustainable energy and technology, encouraged investment, and, as people switch away from
energy ratings commonly seen on
nonrenewable sources of energy,
refrigerators, washer and dryers, and televisions. This will allow customers to pick the best ships in each fleet, and help the most progressive owners to display how efficient and cost-effective their ships are in comparison to the competition. As the companies that depend on shipping firms begin to rely on these labels, we can expect that they will make better decisions for their businesses and the environment. This should remove the barriers that prevent capital from flowing to cleaner shipping technologies. The eco-labeling, we hope, will act as a catalyst for the shipping industry to become not only sustainable, but also more profitable over time, as efficiencies come into play. It would be helpful if governments avoided taxing new
slowly started raising taxes on the old energy grid and industries that rely on it. That's all we truly need governments to do, then individual companies can do the rest, because the business community has always pushed progress forward more quickly and efficiently than governments can.
in emissions. A universal index
As the companies thc;:It depend on shipping firms begin to rely on these labels, we can expect that they will
make better decisions for their businesses and the environment. This should remove the barriers that prevent capital from flowing to cleaner shipping technologies
But entrepreneurs can't rely on governments everywhere to adopt such policies, and many are forging ahead' alone. Consider the airline industry, which currently represents 2 percent of global C02 emissions a number that is projected to grow quickly. Companies in this field are developing and trialing everything from sustainable biofuels for aviation to more efficient air-traffic control systems. At Cancun, the Carbon War Room also celebrated the first annual Gigaton Awards, recognizing companies showing leadership in emissions reduction and sustainable practices. The six winners of the prize had strong sustainability initiatives
that included comprehensive accounting of emissions. We celebrated Nike for its energy savings program, which includes its Environmental Apparel Design Tool that designers use to make real-time choices that decrease the environmental impacts of their work. In the energy category, we recognized Suzlon for its achievement in managing its emissions and reaching sustainability milestones. Other winners included Reckitt Benckiser Group, 3M, Vodafone Group and GDF Suez. It is our hope that by singling out the pioneers who have changed the way they do business, we wiU encourage other companies to act. Experts predict that the world will have to invest more than $550 billion annually to make the next generation of industry a low-carbon reality clearly, a shift that must be led by businesses and the investment community. This is not a choice between sacrifice and prosperity, or
containment and development. Business is a force for change, and these are changes where we can show the world the way.
temperatures: All
oa) the fuss appears to be
about a tiny change in temperature. In 2020 average temperatures in Australia wiD be lSC higher than in 1900. In 2070, if we do nothing about climate change, it will be only 3,SOC hotter on average, However, changing the averages also changes the extremes. There wiD be a lot more days over 35°C, This means more heat waves and fires. There wiU be mole droughts and the droughts will be more severe. Rain is likely to be more intense when it comes, so we'D also have more floods. A small change in average temperature can make a big difference to our lives. Changing oceans: We take the oceans for granted. They playa vital role in slowing climate change by absorbing heat and greenhouse gases. This is taking its toD and life in the oceans is feeling the impact. Sooner or later, all life on our planet wiD be affected. The Great Barrier Reef: A wanner •
ocean bleaches more coral every year. A more acidic ocean makes coral weaker, so it can't grow properly or sUIvive storms. Some areas are already dead and many more will foDow. Animals that rely on the reef for shelter also suffer. Increased greenhouse gases in the air will warm the oceans and make them more acidic. Corals are animals that have tiny plants living in their bodies. These plants help feed the corals, soak up their wastes and give corals their colour. High temperatures cause corals to eject the tiny plants, leaving the corals bleached white. If prolonged, the corals die. Corals make calcium carbonate skeletons. These are harder to make when the oceanis more acidic, so corals wiU grow more slowly and have weaker skeletons. By 2050, scientists predict we may lose 95 per cent of existing coral reefs as seas become too warm and acidic. Reefs will be dominated by algae. Acid oceans: As we steadily add greenhouses gases to the air, the oceans absorb them. That sounds like good news but there are side effects. One gas, carbon
dioxide, makes the ocean more acidic when it dissolves in water. This has consequences for plankton, kriU, crabs, coral and all sea creatures with extemal sheDs or skeletons. It's harder to make these structures in acidic water. They can even start to dissolve when acid levels become too high. Does it matter if sheDfish are off the menu? Many of the affected creatures are vital parts oUhe food chain. Whole ecosystems wiil suffer if this chain coDapses. The impact on all life, in the oceans and on land, wiD be profound. What do we mean by 'acidic' seawater? We measure acidity using a scale called pH: the lower the number, the more acidic the water. Seawater normally has a pH of about 8.2. However, this is decreasing and, if we continue emitting greenhouse gases at the current rate, is expected to reach 7.8 by 2045. This change may sound small but many sea creatures won't sutvive in these conditions. Changing life on earth: All life, from the smaUest bug to the largest tree, is intricately. connected. However, life also
Los-Ben: 07.45; 11,00 : 1530(Mon-FrilSaV
SunI12;30ISun.15·30ISa' ) Ben-Los; 09.15; 1230; 17.ooIMon-Fri6aVSun) 17; lsall; 14oo15unl
Dana Airlines Los-Abj, 0720.09.00. 12.15.1530. 17.10.IMon· Fri6at&m) Ab}u.s; 07.20. 09.45.1125. 144D. 18 oolMonFri)1305; 18.00 lSaVSun) Los-PH: rE:'2.7, 15:00 (Mon-FrVSav.3un) PH-u.s; 1215. 1510IMon-Fri6aVSun) Los-Kano: ()3 10 (Mon-FTlSatSun) Abu}a-Kano: lO:08(Mon-FrilSatiSun) Kano-Los: 11:25 (Mon-FrirSat&m) Kana-Ahuja; l1;25(Mon-Fri6aVSun) Lagos..Uyo: I(}35 (Mon-FriJSaf/Sun) Abuja-Uyo; 13.30IMon·Fri6aVSun) llyo-u.s, 1530 IMon-Fri6atSun)
llyo-Abuja; 12J5IMon-Fri6atSun)
IRS Airlines Los-AbJ; 945. 1L45.2A5IMon·Fri);9;30, 12.45 lSaI&Sun) Abj-Los; 11 30, IMon·Fril; 1200. 1430 lSaI&Sun) Los-Kano: 6:15{Mon·fri), 16:30{Sat&Sun) Kano-los: 07:30 (Mon·Fri); 10.30 (Sat &SunJ
Easy steps to stop carbon monoxide poisoning
depends on the climate and environment. It's a delicate balance as small changes in climate will have consequences for potentially all species, including us. Why should we care? The world's habitats and wildlife are important in their own right They also help maintain the air, water and soil, vital for a healthy planet And of course they provide us with medicines, food, natural pest controls, raw materials and pleasure. Protecting them is vital. What are the likely impacts on ecosystems and species? Global warming has set in motion a chain of effects in ecosystems around the world. Although we do not know exactly what the effeds and future trends will be, there is a mounting body of evidence that many species have already responded to changing climatic conditions.
monoxide poisoning occur every year in the whole world. However, this problem can actually be prevented. This type of gas can be generated in the dangerous levels within your home, but it surprisingly can come from the outdoor sources as well. There are some easy ways that you can do for protecting your family and yourself simply with little effort and expense. At this time, this article is going to give you several tips that will help you to stop this poisoning. So, just take a look at the tips below. Firstly, when you want to prevent indoors, you need to look for carbo.[1, ',",'monoxide detector, which is 'made to be battery operated. This detector is commonly inexpensive so that you can save your money, as well as saving your life. Secondly, you need to install the detector outside your bedroom doors and also near your basement. You should also test your detector in order to make sure that it can work well. Besides, you should ensure that you and your family know what it sound like. Since this type of gas is odorless and it can quickly disable, a working detector may become the only warning that you get. Th irdly, you need to make sure that your furnace is properly cleaned and also inspected each year. Your furnace can become the primary source of carbon monoxide.
Source: Australia Museum
Source: Art/debase
Richard Branson is the founder of the Virgin Group and companies such as Virgin AtlantiC, Virgin America, Virgin Mobile and Virgin Active. Questions from readers will be answered in future columns. Please send them to Include your name, country, e-rnail address and the name of the Web site or publication where you read the column, ©20 1 ORlchard Branson (Distributed by The New York Times Syndicate)
*********.~What are the impacts of climate change?********* <
Los-Abj' 06.50; 13 30, 16.30; 19 45 IMon-Fri6aV Sun); 12.30ISun) 16;45ISaII. Ab}Los,073O, 13.00, 19.ooiMon -Fri6aII; 1030. 1430. 19;3015un. 18·30 lSaI)