Aregbesola, Fashola seek end to discriInination against women & <m n O lurowo bi
ArqbesolaofOsunSlate And t..lgO!! Stale GO\~ Raootumll' FaslK>la on
TItur;day called fIX an end to
discnmmahon a$!3insl lind npIoitalion of womc:n in \eadPrshIP position.~ In
the country. TIle ~'eIllOrs Sl~ at Ihe closing ceremony or th(' 12th Nalional Women Conf~~ organised hy the ComnlllleeofWh'ellofLagos Slnte Officials.. Ang~. who \Y3.S the SpeclalGoestofHonour.said
lnl'qU;llitlf"!; •
p~r~ bE'r Ctl ........r III
Fa'lholit, howe\~r, u~cd the particillants in Iile conferena' 10 start in their oml Wl'I~' to filthl ltK3inst
ofhf'l"CtII111X'ICUN'? -\.Vhy 011' 'il(li"",rm"Irn't'l:' brora\l~ of their IooILc espl'cialh' in our finanoal instllnti<lTlC I<lT Ii... ruflX"'i"
the discrimin.1tions thaI wOlTlm fME' In leaderdup re5lXlnsibilillC5 In their communilie; ~~.whofrowncd
un S(':l\lal harassment and IIh\l~ of women in work pL'lCeS, $lid sud! acts mus' not he all""~ to thm1!. I lcsaKi. "Whyforexamille ..houJd It woman be exped:cd 10 succumb 10 un ....mloo m.-tit' ':w\'aTlCe.< in onIer 10
of more
in IXIlicy knnulation and impkmentation. the comby would be better for it. I ll" said, ·Some of the SUC'C!'!'iI'i stories of man)' ImllnMnB economIeS III Ihe world today have been allnbuled 10 the rich compKmlentary and ll3rtnershil) efforts between rn('n and WOID('II • Allowing men and ...,.,men 10 conlribute 011 an ~'aI kt'eI ea.n impact families and societies in 110 :<omall measures.A~, "110 colllnl(nded thl' COWlro k:adM-.hill for organising II conf('rt'I~ th.1! enabled I'~I Aen 10 discuss national i!i'lle'i, said the theme for U.. conference- Women as ! .ead('rs~ called 011 wornen to take charge of their responsIbilities as leaders. oat only in tht' homes, bul
also at the community, local, ~n te and nationallc\. 11(' &lid, ·ScholaT"'" ill tlK' field of gemlt'{" mailers ha\~ I~
ob!;('r.'t'd thaI
of "I.L'il.linahle dt!~'cloplllelll in many h,me
Afrirnn countries cannot be dh'Orced from deep-rooted ~clld£"r
dio;criminatioo and
M( bl'IH'''1' th.1! ...."II1MI II:!\'" !;3ctifiC('t1 too mlldl III order '" ,;h~ U:Oi' a cham to mc;t, Th!' It"lIsl ....-e ~ lh!,"f11 is an ohh~t;ol1 to honour IItrir ~fi~ 11\' treating
tm1n \\illl d<'Ct'nC) •
".., II-:
'.1J1J!; Stalc .L ea..~nlel1t on Thursday said it m:Jtdd i~ tlK'
production of ftshes and other 9('3 I'ood1 ill Ihe st.l~ to 0fIf' milllOfl mctric tons. The Commissioner bA&ricuhu~ and Cooperatives, Mr.Gbolaban I.,",.lezplamed Uloll ~tly, the sea food COflSlmption need or the state Wll... 650.000 metnc:: Ions bill hOO bem producing only 12,,).000
metric tOil'>. lie MIded
thaI About 300,000 metric
ton... of
imrlOf'ro inln Ihe state. 1hr rommis.s;onl'r
ll~ rood ~nh objc!crnno; -By putunJ.; 'le:\fnod bock on thl' CUHrUll)' A~ of
&-san OIufowobi
mahmlrilion. illness And other depri\,.tion. I ll' said if women ~ 1I1kY..'f'd rf1(ft' participation
of m:uitf'tmlt for Wpoql!< mtht-r than 1'fO\1dinlt ft'lIl financi.11 solution "i1k-h thfoo.. uncmuhlf'dh' ha\~ thl' capaclty 10 prmidf"?
LASG to promote pt"oduction of sea foods
researdt by the world Bank Md m<eaied thai societlI'S with large. persistent gender inequalities paid the
pl..mned 10 mila"", IhI.> ca~' of the stale!1e3 food farTllC."l""i' through an annllaJ festl\':)1 of sea fQod 11K' gtJ\'mlme111
production 11(' o;pokc at a JII1.'$ coo.fl!ft'fl('t' on tile first. ooitw)II
L.1~ns.. Ihl" ~ml!'nl oopl'5loarhJ("\."l" tJw. wclI..oong of its citizlens anrl ~11T thai
the P'O"'in~ profilr of Lap m the mll"mlliiomi tourism map dots not dnnilllsh. TIle festi\0l1 ...,11 promotE' all about _tOOd thai is famnllll Utp ...,,It'r.! and Its brOAd u.~~ 1.lwal l'Olid the> festn-al. willch h.1I1 beC'n rt>.:ro for N~-ember 10 I'It Ihl;" F.ko Allantic Cill. Victoria Islund. ....ould ~ lI..o;M to <Wo.'elop nl"1 ....urk am<ln~ <;tlIkehoklf'l"<;,
and tlK!
:ulIl nchan~" informatkm on prodlJct$ ami sn,.-~ a\<lilahle in the global market Ilc S\Kl ~\"'·e also want to U5e lilt fesm-nl 10 stimula!f' UI\'NtJTlf"t11 polMllial 0( lagos StAll' in ll'I.,tion to squ;Jtulturr and AI~nal r~;
the festival taggt"d, i;lgOS Sea Fond Feo>Iivlll, wilh tile theme, ·lkloslin!; the f'otmti1ls Ilk" rlSilE'1)' Industry: 10 1:Ie' I)II)!;IU\'f'I1 l111pact tJw tnlI1Ofl1\. explll'll!d ",,·tlK'mulIstrv of I..a~ Statl' in the o;hort and 1.8\\-a1 said. '1be t'e;:t:i\OJI. lonKl('Ofl and uhlmal.-!,· makl" which ~ to be held in t.Jy ';\".,11;" a.~ II ma)Of tOOrt9Tl prartnef';lup ",t1l Ullemational aUr.tCIJ:lIl :lI1d ~n.lbrm org,anisations. is ~ 10 for Iornl :mll mlPmational ,mxnnct' local Ii"" prndUd.1OIl 10001lisL~ and t'nh:mce oompetitj,."f!IleSS 11.. mmrn~ <;:lKI oflheloodmarkl1.s. lht' plan 0( till' gm""I11I1."111 -II \\;11 ~I"\'l' as catah'Sl for 10 ochw""" <Ull' million mf'lrir srnlill~ up !'elIfood prod11dion Ion (If 'lea food pmductk>ll In lap and this ~ (Inc !If mill.hl lake IIbouI thn"l'years If') KO"-~mJllenls sIr.Il~ 10 iK"hifo\"
LASTMA to discipline errant officers Simo n U tcbor AGQ.C) Slnl!' Traffic Management Authority i~ set 10 ,mni!h soml' of it:; pl'.-.onn('1 for vioiliting lhe elhics of their jobs. III a stlllf!lll('ni
on TIlIIrsdlIy by its spokesperson, Mrs.. UQIa-Ajao, tl~ a~clICY said Iht"
Manager. Broll.r.t!:
City. Pill.• Osellllegie; alld Dirrelor-the 00"5 uislt to tile gouernor In Asaba.. 011
pl.lnith... measure WltS in re'iI)oIl'ICtoOOflll'UllnL'Irrom mernbersoflhepoblic. 1\ sakl.lhedC\-doJmJent was 10 "1em the tide of misconduct, discipline and makl' all lit(' staff alive 10 Ihdrofficial responsibility.Gt-nernl Manager.
tile ItdmllllStral1\'e panel at
memhl-T"'" of <;IAff and mett'
o...hodi Itd\ised tnl!mbers of thl' commlll~ 10 handk! all lhe disciphmm' matters
001 sanctIons TIII':lIS nlTrills ..."fft.' bein~ im.~"'llrd for ~ such as rll!,hting. ftlfTllpt ~ ilkg.11 duty, detclictJon of dllh' inrringill~ 011 the riil.hts r:I othMsas IYI'II a. illJ5l!'Tlre fmm dull' "1thout l"l1'TTnis!;io{1 Ml'anwhil('. Ih(' sl"I(' gm"'f'TTIlllt'nt hil< ~lIn I~,...hip 3ud can-er C\"aIUdhon Irnmin"rorall th(' J.AS1"",IA·~anrl Kkk Agam.';t indi.<;("lpliTK' f')ffiCl3i:s
lie said tit(' gQ\-"t.'ntmt'nl would not tolCT3le any ad of indiscipline or misoondud OII)'lble Ii larnishing its in ..,~e lIt" said the g(l\-ernmenl had in~~ed much mIlne)" in thl' lrammg and "''l'lflll"t'' of the offi('ialc; and would lokrnlt' an\' mf'1Tlber of the O~ll11o;.l"on en~ginJ!; inunwholelOmc&eLs. lit' urgrd Iht' admmiSlrallYe panel 10 look inlo Ihl" various ca~ no!
indi.·.dpHne against 25
Thl" lrainin" i. 10 inslil dlo;clphlll" ;Inion" Ih(' rrnomheT"'" or <o;laff And to impnn't' i.ASTMA ....QrkillJ!;
relationship wllh memlX'rc; (I(lh(' public