news licences of serial offenders to be revoked rrJ-IE Fcdrnl Road Safety .1 Corps .ys hencd'onh
I~nees of dllvns who violate mlfac rules and rq,uJalMKtS a lUmber of times will br ~'Iokrd, The ~ Corp Marshal, Iotr, Adeymli
OmijimJ, saki lhls on Monday in O!ogbo durin& the Stakdmlders Ta:hnical workshop on the Nigm. Rood Safety Strategy (201220 16), Acmrdin, to the Neu..'S Agenev of N"~a, Omijimi
Agbekoya worries over food scarcity Tunde Od~llI ,
rr"H E A&bekO)a Farmen'
.1 AworiItlim 1185 said the m.bility of Nigllia 10 feed her populace portends I "'~ danger to .fI.'CUrity of li\'CS in the count!) PrcsKlenl Ge: leral of the Il5liOClllIion. Chiel Aremu Okikiob, sbted thl! durina the inau&urntion of Osun Stile f!l(ccub\" of U~ lL"5OCSIbon . o n \tJnciay, in
11\'e U! mot"e wealth than petroleum without the dn"lenl mherenl m oil upKmt~M
Ileurpdthcnewe.xecuiM: of the MBOCiItion in Osun 10 brace for the challMlIC! ahead, sa}'llll -extensive £arming is lucraID'e but time demandinl-..
aid lhe commmion had
started ClpturinA all traffic offend~rs in a databank and DOIJng 1M DumblY of times such dm"e"l" violated the rules, the type of offence and the dates. -Once I t ...lne offender u arrested, fined and has paKl the stipullited fine in the blnk, the offende- is aJreacfy captured a nd will automatically br &i~ a point on thai offence. -\\o'hen it becomes clear through acrumuJalKm o£ points that such peT80n is habitual ofJ~, then hill or her drhoer',liomse l\-i11be Te\'Oked,~ Omijimi said. lie, ~, said the oom mis51OO b.r.1 ~ 10 detennine the number of
points an offender would ·XOre- be~ a poMible l'I!VOCIoon of hisfhe' driving
Omijimi added thai the rommisslOn was working toward brinPllI III dmin&
:te:hoob under the control or
!heHe """" said, "We wanl 10 be sure all elm;Df, achools roRow tbe same standard. MI'rop!r curriculum for ~oery driviDf, IChooI is to be used na tionwtdr, 50 that when you are IraiDiCd as a dri\'erin Sokoto, it wiU be llte same proc:edurc as trainina as a dri~ in Oqbo.~ In 1m wdrome remarks, the Corps Marshal, M r <>sita Olidoka. Aid Lite Ni,eria Road Safety Stralt'zy
docunler\l was being de\'tIoped to posibon the corps within the Ie:a.&ue of the countries with the 20 safest IOIKb in the worid. CMdoka saKi conscious pIann.ing and irnp~ntatioa of national f'OlI!d safety strategies were responsible for the Idtif!\-ement of countries with safest road5. The Corps Marshall, ....ho was ~ted by the Zonal comrnandet". M r Albert MClIOre. urged the 5lauho4dcrs to make their mput in to the document. About 100 JMrtk:ipanls from Kwara, EiOti and <>sun 51J11es attended the """"hop
He saKi lood ~ unly had a )lolcnt weapon IDt""8hoo II politics and Wilrfa~ . WJI"'Iina thttt Ni&eria mUd utemal a~ if it depeDded on foreign COUlitne. for food. -It _ daflscrous to depend on ~~ countries for food Nilmi! is IiabIc: to Illanipuiatit'll IIIJ It tack by wemal aqresson:, who might capilaliw on our nnporbtiofl 'J)'JIdrome to attaclt Iht ,;tlzeDfY:
NaOOt.al Aleocy and Drug
intvwfied in pushUIJ
e£oru N200bn
fujld from the Fcdcarl GoworllUnt'Ilt for pharmaocutical oompanieJ III the t'OUntry 1be measurt. the agmt:)' said, l\-'OOki tl lm Ni&eria from a country that imports drop to one th It exports qualityproductl . 1be Direct'>r-Gmenl of NAFDAC. Dr Paul Orhii, ~t(d by the&leney's [)q>I.Jty Director Rdlholl5), Mr, (Public: Abubuilr Jimt h said this lite- ~ini lln award fOl" excd~nce from the Medical lIlle'Vftltioo
Malam Idris Ciobir from
Sokolo and Ahubakar Ahmed from KWllni stales, .. kit ""The I!l55OciIlion in the 19 nor'thtm states and ~r~. the purported
He said in spite of 1M fact that the hospital wu operatln, (rom ~ temporary clinics. it had provided servlc:a to. "",t'
Slatt' Ollt'j Judge, Justta ~hindt' Kwnuyi: CommisSfont'r jor Just/« cmd Attomt'y lif'nt'.rol, Iotr EYltayo Jegede (SAN); Ondo Slole Govt'rnor, llr. OIusegun Iotlmiko; and IN)i ojAkurr Kingdom, Dba AdelHyi "'desida, 01 tht' LrlOugurotioll ojOndJJSlOle High Court, Cnmmal DlI.II51nn, OiohJto inAkure on Monday _I'hOfO : SlOlt HOUle
NPC tasks security agencies on data usage Frida} O lokor, Abl\ia
TH ENahonal Populauoo CommwiooonMonday in AbuJI SlKI there was no roll!titu~nal pnJVlSK)n compelling lIle Fede...1 Go\'emme.nt 10 make U!f':.
and llealth Wori:ers Union ilE
as "unoonstitutionaJ and iIIepl."
recorded In 2011 in Bauchl State, the Chier Medical Director, 8;mdu Spemlist Ho.pltal. Dr Zailani 151. has Aid. ~ medical director .id this in an intemew with the N~ Agency of NigeriD on Monday in
BOUT 39,000 chikll1!O A were immuoiled .nd 14.000 ddivmcs
of data &eMrated from lhe conduct of the populatIOn and housing eeosU5 to addresspoorgO\emance. l'11e NPC also challenged RCUril) ~eodea 10 use ckn~~phlC data , In fuhlODlng oot strate&teS
NAFDAC pushes for N200bn intervention fund
T for
body. A communiqIW i53ued by the chainnm al the ~nd of th~lr t'lMI'&eDCY meetin& in tc.duna on Monday.
Bauchi inmlunisation
unlike ~m expi<lmtion. are natu ...1 I'ftOtU'Ct UU'll om be replmlsbed "od nut hannfuJ 10 the en\;ronm" nt. Ueexplauled th 1I £amllnl contributed p",,;itil'dy 10 btoW\'etSlIV and enrichment of the en,ironllle.'lt, ursin! the pm,.lt' nnJ public. SlCdOTll to lIl~t massh-ely in qtitulture. 0kiI00Ia said, MNigeria has the potentlais to feed lhe whole 0( Africl. We are IMMed by oabtl? but il is unfortunate tha~ ",c have not ha~ Ollr rMl!ntJals. .Wemusttal.'eapic:uhure !f':riously_ "'-"tl.lltu~ wiU
01 Ni!erla
In the 19 northern stales on Monday rejected the outcome of the March 23 elec:bons which produced new oationalle:aders or the
~tYI ~
ilE Cbalnnon of TADocialion of Local
disassociated ilselfwilh the
Briefly ALGON leadership
of Nigeria lie Aid with the IIlPlion of fund!, phanmtoeutic::al companies m the country would equip their factories to meet up "'lth World Health Organisation's ~uiremelils
Orhii ~ delight that three N~D rhamtaCllC\lllcal com(MnleS ~ about receiving WHO c:miflClhon, adding that NAFDAC's ,011.1 was to increase the Dumber of drug manufuctu~ that could mt"et the standard orWl-lo . lie saKI. !he DG knows th.lt affOtdlbk and quality drup! al'e ~Inl 10 ha\;n& qualitatn-e hn.lthcare. But fur Ni~n pbartttamJtfti rompanies 10 produce
quality drop both for local consumption and export they need fund! which they usually can't ~easily acce!JS in the blllks due 10 high interest rates. 10 that extent, the DG !wi been the c:hamiliollln, the D1O\'e for N200bn inten~nlion fund for the pharmaceutJcal industry !he mlDser of llealth Prof. Ooydndti OIl1kwu,led. I deleg.alion whim included the NAFDAC management 10 Mr, President who saw the po5llr.-e impact the int~n'etltiotl wmIki ha\~ un the countJy and he dim:ttd the Fi!!der.1 Millish) or FiRlntt and the Bank 0( Induslry 10 K!e how the inle ....'etltion fund could be reali5cd •
fur tacldiol the onlOlnl .-:urity prohle:ms in the country posed by the Boko Ilaram MeL The Dirt'Ctor-General of NPC. &Ir Janum Dora· Zubenlll, staled thill during the vis il or tM- Nlilional Security Tralnmg Seminar 10 th~ rommiaion in Abuja, l ie said, alack of specific constitution provision compelling the conduct and ueofeermasreuhuswellu dual provision empowenng 1M: commlsston and local
"Currenl !eCunty challenges IUch as militllncy In the Niger Delta, Boko Haram In peru of the North and Jo"IT. boundarydisputes, conflict betwft':n fanllers and M:nlsmen ~uire lbe need to understand our popullilio n dynamics in t~rm5 of fertility, mortality and migration. ~Our data on populatioo, education and structure or the populatm help the gO\'BDmeDI to make infonned decision in
~~~r:~I~r;::~ :~~n:=in ~~~= the c:hallen,es co nrronl.lllg thecommisrion: The NPC boss U})iamed lhal pcopl~ only r~ on the number of per3(ms m a particular area while nedecting olher essential iDfonnation pn:Mded by the (eMU! results. H~ said, -II 15 50 unfortunate that ~.... n the! ~rity agencies IlwIYs ignorc the commmtOn wtbsi te 10 get mort
MI Ul'Ke )''OU to ue your knowledge and expmenee to fashion out lltate&ies and tactics for Iac:kiing the !lKUril), challenges of Ihis country_ This will facilitate the creatio n of an enabhng eWlronmenl for in\'e5lment and good gove:rnance.11lf' leadet' of the learn made up of military, pa .... military and rd~1IDt ministrit!, WoluOkwuwolu, said the visit will e:nM nce the:irlr.now~Aelndimp~ then skilb in defence and
numbrr of peop~ l5a said, ""The hospital requ.ires more medial
:=;I"'/Ie<~;~ phannadsl5 and malrorul to bed up operatioos.~
Herbalist arreste d A SC)-)'elr-old herbalist.l"1.Felix Qsunbanwo bas be<en arrested by the Ij~ Od~ ObInta Safe and Secure Yigilante Group with two human skulk lie wu nabbed in hIS room In ltavro Ijf'bu near Ijehu Od~ fuI)O¥>ing. lipof[ <>&unbanwo tokl the NtwS AgerlC)l of Nigf!rio al the ofIke oftM \i&ilant~ group. lhat he planned to use the two slwlb for -mone)' rituab (or hi.rnsdC lie aid ~ altulb were that of a male and female ~ adding that he had been monitorinA tbep1l\'eS of the deceued since 2011 ~theywerr.buried Ogunbanwo, a rather of threoe. said he IlUCDe!lSfully du& the&l'll''''tandl!lhumed the skulb sinee he was ODe: of the &J1I\~ diu,m.: in the:
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